PC February 27-Pisa: No, I was not "state of law" the Meloni government manganelli, but I was a police, modern fascism (from counter-information rossusia of 27/02)

Author: prolcomra
Description: demonstration in Pisa against Police violence is among the political themes one that has affected everyone in the last few days, always at ...
Published Time: 2024-02-27T22-09-00-01-00
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demonstration in Pisa against police violence

There is one of the political themes one that has affected everyone in the latter days, always within this battle for Palestine: they are the ignoble detective offices, the bloody faces of girls, women, beaten with police manganelli under the Rai headquarters in Turin as in Vicenza, in Naples and above all in Pisa. A procession of the students has been made a sign of a repression that Someone compared to that of the G8 of Genoa: beaten boys from cowardly as the police are knowing when they come built to do these things.

Of course, beyond of individual responsibilities - which are not few, because the cops are fascists, they are worms, they are beasts and show what they are made of when they do The bridle allies - those policemen who have beaten are cowardly beasts who have fierce on disarmed young people but certainly not unwary and not Certainly disarmed with a will of position.

They made it dirty, the videos showed him without a shadow of doubt and in the newspapers We have to read blocked ambulances, laugh during the barrels, ostentation of violence, arrogance.

Guys treated as criminals. From who? By the state criminals represented by That charge stopped immediately by the protective cord. This time The press could not help but fill the pages of complaints, of photos. Some did very well to represent actually the treatment reserved for beaten students. AND Such an evident and scandalous thing that President Mattarella, "Lady Pope" of this country, could not fail to stigmatize, pronouncing words that evidently played to criticize the police behavior, to the behavior of the Minister of Interiors, to the government and advised the government not to pursue this road because it could serve not so much to stop Manifestations of young people but, in fact, the classic fire…. and who He has a certain age he knows well how the situation ends.

But also Mattarella was picked up in the face, in batons of words, first of all represented by that raced dog called Salvini who was able to declare without any modesty that those who criticize The police are a criminal and therefore, in fact, he gave the criminal Also to Mattarella himself.

But apart from some hesitation of the first day after these offices, the Government yesterday claimed everything. Meloni: “The manganelli? Not We apologize, this was by law ”.

No, this is police state, this is modern fascism, this is attack on elementary principles of freedom, manifestation, thought and action.

The prosecutors They say: "Who gave the order?"

But who had given The order in Turin? Who had given order to Naples?

Of course, if the You can not do manifestations or you should do them a thousand miles away where there are the symbols of these events, if it transforms each manifestation in a kind of fence-lesson, it is clear that when We want to free ourselves of these absurd prohibitions and affirm one True and legitimate protest loads you with blows and then of complaints.

In Pisa he is I went badly because Pisa took the field the next day to defend His boys, our boys.

And even i unions, which are usually embarrassing for their silence, not they were not able to say "enough with the manganelli" and that the minister you have to resign. But the request for resignation of the minister He showed the nature of this government.

These ministers they do not resign, Dalmastro did not resign, he did not resign the Santanchè, that kind of caricature of minister does not resign Which is lollobrigida, all these dirty people do not resign, filthy, fascists inside and above all rich and corrupt they do part of the system of the rich and corrupt in this country, of parasites and therefore do not resign because they know that that system are linked to that system With an umbilical cord, they are the sognale mice returned to power that they keep their hand and will not go in front of anything and perhaps They can't go with their feet.

Here, Pisa shows that state violence - the police state - is one of the forms of the modern fascism of this government and that for this You have to fight it.

Fight it, fight it, fight it.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-27-febbraio-pisa-no-non-sono-stato.html