1. The struggles and unity grow
The days of the social movements last week, with 500 road cuts throughout the country were starring thousands and thousands that showed empty pots, claiming food delivery for more than 44 thousand popular dining rooms, increased social plans and social plans and Help for the start of classes. They thus put the growth of the struggles and the drama of hunger that deepens with the policy of Milei again put in the center of the political scene.
On Wednesday 21, the guild of railway machinists made a national strike in the absence of salary offer in the peers. The next day he stopped the health union, denouncing "the intransigence of business chambers."
The Youth Day of February 22 in front of the National Secretariat of Education, convened by political and social organizations such as the CCC Youth, not a kid less for drugs, strain, Mus, JCR and many many Other organizations showed a youth that is planted to demand the delivery of 500 thousand school kits to guarantee the start of classes with the slogan "The pots are empty, the backpacks too."
On Monday 26, coinciding with the beginning of classes in many provinces, the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA) ordered a national unemployment in claim of the National Joint and in protest to the elimination of the National Teaching Incentive Fund (Fonid). In many provinces there were joint mobilizations of state, health workers and teachers.
The ATE also convened a national strike for the National Public Administration on the same 26.
On Tuesday 27, a set of organizations between which is our PTP-PCR and the CCC promoted a “sovereign and oath to the flag” in Rosario, in defense of sovereignty.
For Wednesday 28, three aeronautical unions announced a national strike, given the ridiculous salary offer of Aerolineas Argentinas and Intercargo, which implies a salary loss of 70% against inflation.
The march in defense of the Banco Nación, the struggle of the oil tankers of Comodoro Rivadavia, are the reflection of the growth of the workers' struggles, peasants, women and young people, of natives, of workers of culture and science, and other popular sectors that travel the country facing the brutal adjustment, the delivery of national sovereignty and the repression of Milei and its government.
The development of multisectoral, the growth of unity and good conditions for coordination are a distinctive feature of this moment.
2. Changes in the political scenario
Milei-Villaruel's government policy that promotes the "model" of the landowner oligarchy that threw butter into the roof and handled the country into blood and fire, now launches an offensive against the provinces, reissued the confrontation between "unit and federal." The model that claims Milei It is the oligarchic regime that ruled Argentina from 1880 to 1916.
Faced with this policy, popular and multisectoral struggles are joining more sectors every day, and the fights deepen in the dominant classes block, in this Argentina fiercely played by the imperialist powers. These disputes grew with the political crisis caused by the institutional coup attempt of the Government, in Congress, demanding a “buse” that until now, the product of the popular struggle, has not been able to approve.
Gita Gopinath, number two of the IMF, came to monitor the agreement and continuity of infamous debt payments.
Now Milei seeks to take over the funds of the provinces, to continue with their delivery and adjustment policy.
They took over the funds that, by law, are distributed between the nation and the provinces. And just as they do not allocate a single weight on the purchase of food from popular dining rooms, the government "makes cash" with money for health, education, transport and public works.
The Argentine Institute of Fiscal Analysis (Iaraf) published a report detailing how the adjustment imposed by the Government in public spending is. It fell 39.4% year -on -year in January, making items for retirement and pensions and energy subsidies.
Now he also took funds by decree to the province of Buenos Aires, and reduced from 30% to 1% The popular neighborhoods.
The governor of Tierra del Fuego Gustavo Melella announced that he will paralyze oil production for 24 hours in solidarity with the governor of Chubut.
As the statement of our party says “we fight the unity so that the struggles progress, today with the aim of twist unemployment, the delivery of national sovereignty and repression to popular struggles. ”
3. Milei, servant of oligarchs and imperialists
San Martín, Belgrano, Güemes and Artigas raised funds for the war against Spain from the riches of the oligarchy that denied them, and that they sent their slaves to prevent their children from going to the liberating armies. So much so that the Salteña oligarchy ordered Güemes to kill. Milei and his heirs are servants of the heirs of that handful of landowners. While the caste of landowners, export monopolies and IMF usurers take money like never before, the working class and the people suffer as never before the crisis with the reduction of salaries, retirement, social plans, health expenses, education, education, services, transport, etc.
Each measure has a sector benefited with name and surname. They pounce with negotiated by putting everything they can, destroying the educational, health, cultural, research, defense, security, etc.
With the Chubutenses oil unions in struggle, the discount of Chubut's co -participate funds and the response of the governors of Patagonia rushed this political crisis. This was expressed in the act convened by the oil unions before the announcement of the companies that would withdraw funds from the wells of the region to allocate them to Vaca Muerta. There, the Chubutense governor Ignacio Torres, of the PRO, announced that if the National Government does not return to the province the funds they owe them, they will paralyze the export of gas and oil.
The six governors of the South Argentina supported the Chubutense decision. They signed a statement where they ratified that "no one can submit or extort them with threats to restrictions."
Faced with Milei's offensive, the solidarity of most governors advanced.
4. The popular struggle deepens the dispute above
The political crisis, deepened by the growth of popular struggles and the speed with which the provinces joined in their claim, unleashed a zafarrancho above.
Macri would have asked for two days to try a negotiation, but failed. Patricia Bullrich, who traveled to Washington, said from there: "In March or April they hang us from the Plaza de Mayo or, if we pass, Argentina will be a power." Bullrich formally remains the president of the PRO, and although she plays as part of the Milei government, she cultivated a deal with not a few governorates for the change. But now, before the position of the governors, Bullrich questioned that decision and began to gather signatures of the PRO in favor of Javier Milei and against what he called the "blackmail" of Ignacio Torres.
Given these statements of Bullrich, the PRO was even more divided, with Macri willing to take its presidency, and those who have been encouraging the possibility of an “institutional coup” with a temporary succession of the vice president, Victoria Villarruel, were reactivated.
Meanwhile, Milei, who traveled to Israel on February 6 and cried on the regrets, now after meeting with the Secretary of State of the Yankee Democratic Government, Antony Blinken, traveled to the United States and flirts with Trump, to whom He said they would meet again being the two presidents.
5. We fight for a new active national strike
The overwhelming unemployment of January 24 that covered the entire country and the great struggles of the occupied labor movement that continue to grow, put the working class in the center of the political scene.
The mobilizations against hunger this week, with the immense days of popular pots and road cuts throughout the country, united all social organizations, facing the hunger and repression policy of Milei and its minister Sandra Pettovello.
The political debate grows and is expressed in the sections of the factories, in the countryside, the neighborhoods, workplaces, study and among the different popular sectors.
The criminal policy towards retirees that puts them as a adjustment variable, since according to Milei “they are the least poor sector”, add millions of this sector to the fight that want to go to the streets to defend their rights.
This policy that destroys production adds to the struggle to large sectors of national bourgeoisie that go bankrupt with the measures of this government.
The antinational and submission measures to the governments of the United States, England and Israel fighting the patriotism of our people.
The women's movement that has been fighting is preparing to claim the International Worker Women's Day on March 8 in the streets of the whole country.
The conditions to fight a new active national unemployment that one to all these sectors grow and follow the pair path of January 24.
6. Prepare and prepare the masses
The depth of the food crisis, also the health, economic, growth of drug mafias and trafficking, the total absence of national defense is brutal.
The government, which started with a brutal devaluation in December, advances with its adjustment and delivery plan, responding to the interests of the most reactionary sectors of the ruling classes block.
A recent CAME report (Argentine Confederation of the medium -sized company) indicates that food consumption lowered by 37% and food production by 22%. The consumption of medicines fell 45%, and dropped general industrial production by 30%.
From the beginning our party and its JCR promotes the need to face this policy, working for the broadest unity of the workers and popular sectors, even with many of Milei's voters, affected by their policy.
Milei and his allies, with their policy, bet to deepen the political, economic, cultural and social division in our homeland.
We stay at the forefront of popular emergencies and against delivery and repression, and from there we work to expand unity, because giving them time is allowing Milei to advance with their measures, which will only worsen the situation of The great masses.
Day by day a situation is accelerated in which the conjunction of various factors "can generate an objective revolutionary situation," as the central committee of our PCR affirmed in early January.
They are tumultuous moments where great changes can occur, in which we work so that the multisectoral for the fight multiplies, fighting to be true coordinating centers of the working and popular struggle, and thus twist the arm to Milei's policy to advance in conquering another policy and another government, in favor of the people.
This requires advancing in the accumulation of revolutionary forces, incorporating thousands into the PCR and the JCR, offering them a struggle. It is our duty to prepare and prepare the masses so that these changes are in favor of the working class and the people and open a revolutionary path.
For this way we reinforce the diffusion of our weekly, which arrives at 2000 editions this week.
And we continue to pay tributes to our dear Otto Vargas, first general secretary of our party, five years after his death, which are a central part of reaffirming those revolutionary objectives, the same for which we founded our party 56 years ago.
Write the Life
Photo: Mobilization in Jujuy on the national day of February 23.