Some comrades recently were linked to the Communist Workers Union (MLM) to contribute their forces and capabilities to the construction of the working class party in Colombia from the militancy. In their entry application letters some of the reasons that motivated them, for example: Scientifically adopt to Marxism Leninismo Maoism as the guide for the action of the working class in Colombia through the Vanguardian leader party, the desire to contribute good ideas to the social group that is the working class and to be illuminated by the science of the MLM.
Comrades are part of a dozen proletarians who in recent months have requested to link the organization. Some are already sacrificing part of the free time left by the long working days or academic to bring the burial of the capitalist system.
The new militants vigorize the political capacity of the agencies, all exceeded the stage of rigorous selection of affiliates in the circles of study and revolutionary work and demonstrated the understanding of the program for the revolution in Colombia and the need for their revolutionary application. This was a joint work of organisms and is an incentive to insist on preparing and carrying out the “Jaime Rangel” organization campaign.
The process of building the party progresses, the objective and subjective conditions are generating imperceptible quantitative changes that are transformed into qualitative changes by increasing the political capacity of the organization and creating the conditions to specify the central task of the tactic together with other communist nuclei: the Congress of Restoration of the Party in Colombia as part of the new communist international, whose mission is to bring socialist consciousness to the labor movement, organize its class struggle and direct it towards its world goal and final objective: socialism and communism.
Next, we reproduce sections of some of the entrance letters that have sent us on recent premilitative days that decided to take the step and organize in the UOC (MLM). We call the best sons and daughters of the proletariat to join this propartido organization in Colombia.
Greetings, comrades:
I am a young communist and I write the following letter to request my formal income from the Communist Workers Union (MLM).
I discovered the portal during the outbreak of 2021, at that time I identified me as an anarchist, since the self -denominated organizations that I observed only generated in my contempt due to their constant call to conciliation.
Upon hearing the comrades talk about the path we had to follow the great masses that we had risen, my spirits changed. Things with the union were different, they were saying and doing, but not in an extreme leftist sense, but in a coherent and revolutionary sense: with the creation of the immediate program, the calls to the creation of a truly revolutionary communist party and with different Propaganda actions.
Regarding my expectations as a member of the Union, they are set to support and advance the construction of the revolutionary party in Colombia, a true communist party in which youth plays a decisive role, since no revolution has been made leaving youth On the side and, as Mao says, the world is mostly our.
To. D.
Best regard.
When I entered the University, I had a taste towards the Colombian guerrillas and therefore I wanted to belong to any of them. Thus, my first step was to look for a university organization and in this way I entered a cameilist organization. Of course he wanted to be a good camilista, so despite being atheist he tried to assume the theology of liberation. This organization was far from participating in a trip, which from my romanticism of that time wanted, and therefore I decided to retire to enter another camilist organization with "clandestine" work. After a while, for various reasons, this organization dissolved ...
After a while I started talking to a Maoist Leninist Marxist friend of whom I listened to logical reasoning about issues such as the State taking, that is, imposing the dictatorship of the proletariat. In this way I approached these theories ...
Today I feel committed to: constantly studying revolutionary scientific theory, the context of national and world reality; be willing to be a mass leader and give up interests of another class other than those of the proletariat.
I greatly appreciate your reception.
My social and economic origin corresponds to the working class, despite this my family had certain privileges ... however, there was a fact that marked my experience at the political level, namely, I realize in school that many of my classmates They did not have for rest, sometimes we were going to do work to the house of a partner and the living conditions were difficult, the places were dense, the atmosphere was hard, there I understood that many things did not march well in society.
Subsequently, when I entered the public university those questions continued to question me, I saw the commitment necessary ... I met a group of colleagues who belonged to the anti -imperialist brigades ... They started several controversies with the direction, because there was little space for questioning, all self -criticism It was taken in a bad way, after several discussions the contradictions were exacerbated and several militants removed us to the point that we were practically expelled. ... Personally I was always a little reluctant to the ideological line of the organization, because there was a cult of personality to Bob Avakian, to the point that only that author was read and did not allow reading historical materialism (Marx, Engels , Lenin, Gramsci, Rosa Luxembourg, Mao, etc.) but I never managed to identify that new that used in the Avakian writings, because everything he said was basically a replica and summary to what was said by the classics of Marxism, and his Once, there was a copy of copying and hitting the orientations of the United States Revolutionary Communist Party by the brigades, where the country's concrete material conditions were not evaluated, but it was a totally antidiallectic look.
After a while I was reading, doing work, speaking with colleagues and I have decided to take the step of the Communist Workers Union (MLM), because I find in the organization a serious program, an internationalist look, a communist revolutionary line.