Copenhagen: Actions: "Out on the streets 8 March!"

Author: socialistiskrevolution
Categories: Uncategorized
Description: We have received documentation for actions conducted on the occasion of March 8 - working women's international match day. On several walls in proletarian neighborhood in Copenhagen, it has been painted…
Modified Time: 2024-02-27T15:45:52+00:00
Published Time: 2024-02-28T04-00-00-00-00
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg?w=1024 000001.jpg?w=1024

We have received documentation for actions conducted on the occasion of March 8 - working women's international match day. On several walls in proletarian neighborhood in Copenhagen, slots have been painted as "out on the streets 8 March!" And "against imperialism and patriarchy!".
