"The acceleration of the armaments race that is looming
In Europe, the German companies in the sector also pushes in the stock exchange ”such as the Rheinmetall
which closes in progress of 2.33%, while Renk (+6.73%) and Hersoldt bounce
(+7.67%) In addition to the French Thales who “ends the rising courses
2.58% in Paris "and the English" Bae Systems by 1.25% in London ".
For Italy: "In Piazza Affari stands Leonardo with a leap
of 5.16% which brings the Tolo close to 20 euros ".
The cause of this push, according to "operating rooms" of the
Stock exchange, are due to the statements of Mario Draghi, who was in charge
to draw up a report on EU competitiveness (see https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-26- February-darghi-voce.html),
to ECOFIN last Saturday. Among the many other things on that occasion Draghi
He said "courageous actions if we want to finance costs are needed
of the double transition of the defense and maintain our social models and the
social cohesion ».
(Il Sole 24 Ore 27/2/24)