February 24 in Palermo in procession for Palestine and against the imperialist war, greeting the great event of Milan ... in the unconditional side of women and of all the Palestinian people who resist

Description: Hundreds yesterday afternoon, on the day of national mobilization, to the procession that from the main square of the popular neighborhood of ...
Published Time: 2024-02-28T12-01-00-01-00
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Hundreds yesterday afternoon, on the day of national mobilization, to the procession that from the main square of the Popular District of Guadagna unfolded in the street to the Leonardo of war and death factory, the profit factory of the murderers, with the full approval of the Meloni War -speaking and accomplice government of the genocide of the Palestinian people implemented by the Nazisionist state of Israel supported by US/NATO/Europe/Italy imperialism.

A procession that greeted the great national event of Milan and all the initiatives in progress in other cities such as Catania ..., which has clearly placed the support for the resistance of the Palestinian people and the condemnation of the genocide implemented by the Nazisionist state of Israel, who denounced the warfond and fascist act of the Meloni government, who has strongly solidified with all the students and students and demonstrators attacked by the police on the day of the general strike of February 23 in Pisa, Florence, Catania ...

During the journey several inhabitants of the neighborhood were overlooked by the balconies, speaking with people along the sidewalks in the majority emerged the no to the war and that the money must not be used to go and kill children, women, young people but must serve for work, schools , the hospitals, the services that the Meloni government is attacking but also emerged the little knowledge of the Palestine question or Leonardo at the service of the war ...

We are all Palestinians, alongside the Palestinian women

MFPR companion intervention

In front of the Leonardo, armored by police and Digos, several interventions and slogans Palestine Libera, assassins, Israel Terrorist followed one another.

Source: https://femminismorivoluzionario.blogspot.com/2024/02/24-febbraio-palermo-in-corteo-per-la.html