DF: Disarmed man in a psychotic outbreak is murdered with 4 shots per PM - the new democracy

Author: Comitê de Apoio – Brasília (DF)
Categories: Nacional
Description: After a psychotic outbreak, a man was cowardly murdered by the PM with four shots on the outskirts of the Federal District.
Link-Section: nacional
Modified Time: 2024-02-28T16:54:14-03:00
Published Time: 2024-02-28T16-54-11-03-00
Sections: Nacional
Tags: violência policial
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-02-28T16:54:14-03:00
Images: 000000.png

On February 20, Janderson Rocha Santos, 33, He was murdered by a military police officer (PM) during a psychotic outbreak. A video of the event shows Janderson, unarmed and trance, walking towards the policeman. Shouting and with the gun pointed at the man, the PM orders a few times that the man puts his hands to his back and then fires against the victim, who falls to the floor.

Janderson had a diagnosis of schizophrenia since 25 and lived with his family in the Sol Nascente neighborhood, outskirts of DF. The region is considered by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) as the largest slum in the country.

The PM appeared on the scene after Janderson's mother, Dilza Santos, triggered the military around 9 pm asking for help to contain her son in an outbreak. But besides not helping the family, the PMs acted with truculence from beginning to end of the approach. The shots fired by the policeman hit the man in his chest and below his waist.

Shortly after the execution, police locked Janderson's mother at home and prevented any communication with relatives and family lawyer. Even with the clearly intimidating attitude, the family will fight for justice. In an interview with the G1 press monopoly, Dilza said she will not let her son's death pass in vain. The OAB Human Rights Commission said it will analyze the case.

Source: https://anovademocracia.com.br/df-homem-desarmado-em-surto-psicotico-e-assassinado-com-4-tiros-por-pm/