"... This fascist government has a clear ideological/political project and one of the centers of the attack are women"
Regarding the Nudm National Assembly towards the strike of 8 March
I agree on an analysis that we have done just like MFPR, that is, that this Meloni government has a clear project that carries on and that sees women as one of the centers of the ideological/political attack, women as has already said the companion in introducing this meeting must be for this government even more at the service of capital and are called to have children for capitalist production and war. Clearly in this context we continue to lose ground and continue to lose rights and moreover there is the ideological action in the first place of the government in schools that with Minister Valditara even appeals to the students, therefore in young women, to participate in states General on the birth rate, to marry this campaign at the service of the anti -aborticist associations proved ... the fascism that is in the government is a clear project.
I share what we have written in this day by talking about a society that produces a modern, more social, more terrible, more institutional and more violent patriarchy and connecting to those that in general are the contents that emerged from the Nudm assembly in Bologna, where in delegation Have we participated, with what should this modern patriarchism fight, through education, through culture or within reforms? It is not the ground that allows us to really change the situation. Certainly there are positive aspects that we cannot absolutely ignore, at the Nudm National Assembly there was a questioning about the role of the family, the patriarchical, the control of immigration, highlighting how this is included in government policy, with The dramatic consequences on our lives, on our working conditions, on the productive and reproductive world, because one must not forget, it was said, that there is also all the consequence of welfare erosion.
So one of the issues that has placed within the assembly is to start from the need to understand all this general context to try to understand how to combine a specific struggle with the strike and how to put together the results obtained on November 25 with Strike of March March, because it was said it is absolutely not a natural outlet.
Having said that, it must be said, however, that the various interventions that have succeeded, in my opinion, were interventions that have been based on individual realities and sometimes even too individualistic and for which they have not possibly given a wide breath, Certainly some intervention has placed a more shareable language and analysis by identifying the responsibilities at an institutional level ... For example, there was the intervention of the companions of Lucha y Siesta who told of the struggle put in the field, which we also followed e that we supported as MFPR, and who managed to obtain not to pay a strong fine and were acquitted of the accusation of employment of the property for profit purposes, however, however, the question of the Lazio Region remains on their head, Which instead wants to somehow clear them and try to remove the building.
But several other interventions have been based a lot on the question of the genre ... for example on the reform of family law and which are rewriting it or on the 164 and the importance of the evolution of this law ... there was the interesting intervention of the node Of the Marche regarding the attack on the right of abortion with the proposal of a national event, the increasingly large space denunciation that the pro -life groups are taking again that are again re -examining on the scene with the obscene and unnecessary propaganda they do.
There were also interventions that were also reported in the work table, on the 2024 bonus that is recognized only to mothers with two children and however with an indeterminate contract, therefore simply smoke in the eyes, together with all the other situations and government decisions against the living condition of women and how to go back ...
Most of the themes, however, which were treated within the assembly were also crossed by the theme of racism in all its forms and by the ability that emerged with the letter that was there on November 25 by Of a partner with handicap, who made a complaint about it ... At the meeting, it was said that the strike is a challenge and a necessary path against violence, against the violence of this government and it is necessary to think about the measures to be taken, the government that It places motherhood as the only dimension of the female.
These are issues on which we certainly agree, but in general the interventions is as if they had not had a clear and strong thickness in identifying the responsibilities, in fact, of this fascist government that, as mentioned before, the project there It is clear, while even if within an assembly so important for the number of women and realities that participated, there are no clear indications, it is normal that then you cannot get to those sectors, women, Social to which you want to contact ... For example in the work table where the MFPR partner of Palermo intervened highlighting what are the essentiality and importance of the strike of women as a phase struggle weapon and in perspective compared to the social system To be questioned at 360 degrees and that the strike is not simply any union practice, within this table there has been a lot of debate and the question of the letter or letter is truly repetitive, not as regards the letter regarding the Appeal to the unions and in particular to the CGIL, focus mainly on this type of topics clearly remove strength and weakening what must instead be the strength of March March, which has been tried to underline but has remained as an open field ...
On the question of Palestine we expressed ourselves with the intervention of one of our partner clearly and precisely of what we think and what it means to be next to the Palestinian women, the resistance of the Palestinian people. What emerged from the various interventions was however a position that is not always clear and with some oppositions ...
Antonella mi
... the ideological conception of Nudm's background is that of a small bourgeois feminism, we have analyzed it, we have never taken on sectarian attitudes or liquidationists tout court towards a movement that manages to mobilize thousands of women in the square and that to his own Interior is composed of several "souls", but we have always expressed with revolutionary sincerity the criticisms of the positions that in fact for example result in reformism ...
At the work table we brought our position, even union, on the strike clarifying again that the intent of the strike by the Slai Cobas for the SC, a trade union organization where some of our companions are also delegated, is not at all considered a merely bureaucratic fact or Technical but also the union organization is put at the service of the women's strike, actively working to make the workers protagonists in the strike, which are organized directly in the struggles or that can be reached in the jobs in different forms, a strike that starts from the places of work with all the requests that emerge from the condition that is experienced in them of exploitation, oppression, denial of basic rights, discrimination, repression but by placing the need to expand the view to what is the wider attack and in every area that The majority of the workers, of women suffers as a government, masters, in this social system ... the experiences of struggle of some sectors of workers, workers, precarious that fight or towards which we have made investigation, which in recent years are also have been active in the strike of women, who have striked on a wide platform, from jobs to violence,/feminicides, to the attack of the right of abortion, to war, to internationalist solidarity with oppressed women in the world ... yes it is The importance of the strike of women not as a repetitive or expiration fact but as a renewed weapon of the phase and in perspective in the same to a struggle that must question this capitalist social system to be fought at 360 degrees ...
... on the CGIL question it is true that several interventions have focused on this but it seemed that an attitude of criticism and challenge in particular towards the CGIL/Landini that plays on the strike in Iceland has emerged more and then does not indicate the strike for the March 8 ... In general, not to go to the CGIL national meeting, but to support the delegates who want to indirect in the workplace or participate in the strike ...
Also at this table the need to reason on the result achieved on November 25 and on how to capitalize it to put it to the service of March, in this sense, in this sense, such as connecting to workers in a more concrete way "with a more understandable language ... The workers must be heard in question ... "has been said in an intervention, a concrete proposal that was made is that of a national electronic meeting aimed at the social workers sector, social coops, there were some testimonies in the table of workers on strike these days ...
Donatella pa