Volos Strike 28 February, thousands on the streets!

Author: AntistasiMagnesia
Labels: ανταποκριση, βολος
Published Time: 2024-02-28T23-16-00-02-00
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With the massive presence of youth, students, students, young workers and farmers as well as workers from local authorities, teachers and others by Private and Public Sector The Strike rally in Volos. The gathering took place at Liberty Square where they called the Labor Center and the Prefectural Department of ADEDY, PAME Associations, Students Associations, Labor Forces, including the class course and others local agents.

THE Separate concentration held by the anarchy area and the club Employees and youth was necessarily led to the central course.

The Slogans of the course mainly focused on the crime in Tempi and less in the necessary labor -populist claims. A special feature is perseverance of some forces (SEK - ARAS) to focus on their pace Only in Mitsotakis and the ND government leaving the rest of us Representatives of the bourgeois political system (SYRIZA - PASOK et al.)

THE Class course in common block and banners with racing moves participated in gathering and course with slogans and massive sharing of the notice .

THE Massive participation of workers and youth in the strike rally reveals that the rift between the people and the system grows and the Student and farmers' struggles, despite the obstacles and 'triceps', have It contributes significantly to it. Is an important legacy for the working -labor Forces who want on the road, in workplaces, in schools and schools to organize their resistance and claims.

Source: https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/02/28_28.html