On 21/2, in Monte Chingolo, we tribute Otto Vargas, first general secretary of the PCR, five years after his death. He welcomed us the president of the club that lent the facilities and began singing the national anthem. Comrades and friends: unemployed, retired, teachers, workers and young people we listen carefully to the speakers.
Companion Pablo, from the JCR, said: “Today in the JCR we have several challenges, one is to transform that young vote that voted punishing the situation that lives and voted to Milei, transforming it by rebellion so that this youth is organized and taken in its Hands fight for your needs. As with those who study, who cut the budget in education, or those who work twelve hours for a miserable salary and we do not know if they will renew the contract. ”
Juana, a member of the Zonal Committee and Central Committee of the party, said: “Jacinto Roldán, current general secretary, said that this party maintains the same objectives since its foundation, fighting because the working class and the people take in their hands the fight for The revolution of the set to guarantee ceiling, work, health and education for all.
“That Milei won the ballot was a hard blow to the entire popular, national and democratic movement, and it was also strong for the game, because we are part of that movement ... sectors had been dragging anger and anger with Alberto Fernandez, Cristina Kirchner, with Massa ... Alberto Fernandez's policy did not solve popular emergencies, paid the external debt and aggravated the situation of millions, that discussion was taken advantage of by the reactionary right and presented Milei as who was going to produce the change.
“The line of the party was fair to lead the struggles for the needs and campaign for union for the country, fighting the unity of the front and playing with everything with our ten measures.
“They came to change the paradigm of Argentina, what we are: democratic, health defenders, public education, destroy regional economies, culture, rights conquered by women, are working for an Argentina for 20 million ... But they face a town that is not meek, a town that has a struggle.
"The town on the streets set aside the protocol ... it will be decisive that we continue to fight on the street ... we have to correct to live up to the times, we have to move forward, discuss and ask ourselves questions and correct our practice, here in The southern zone, what do we direct? Where do we have groups? Do we work in the concentration centers seriously or do we occasionally? Do they direct cells or people? Are the reports discussed by all comrades? ... How many of us are, how many newspapers we place, and how many we pay? ... the broadest unit is necessary with all sectors and the growth and strengthening of our party is also crucial. ”
At the close of the act, Mariano Sanchez, secretary of the Zonal Committee and a member of the Central Committee made a tour from the beginning of the PCR to the present and on the role of Otto Vargas in the construction of the party, pointing to the need to prepare for the times that come. To close the act we sing The international .
Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024