Milan, schools occupied by students
After yesterday's occupation of Liceo Manzoni today was the turn of the scientific buttons.
It is the fifth school occupied in Milan in recent weeks after Severi-Correnti, Virgilio and Beccaria.

By the press release of the occupying assembly of the Manzoni classical high school
Today (yesterday), February 27, 2024, the students and students of the Manzoni classical high school have occupied their school.
Faced with the current situation we found ourselves forced and forced to make this decision; that is, to occupy as it is the only response that can be given to the threats of Valditara, to the increasingly repressive measures of the Italian government,
to the repugnant accomplice silence and to the support of the western bloc to the massacre of the Palestinian people.
Students and students are presented with the intellectual obligation to express themselves and not to remain deaf in the face of the cry of denunciation of an injustice declined in too many aspects of our lives.
As regards the feelings of support to the Palestinian people who have prompted us to act in this way the spontaneous reflection is about the superficial and "part" way of the Italian media narration. These, that is, the main media, which are deeply corrupted by the same political power,
In fact, they make themselves thus proudly spokesperson for the rights in command with the agreed objective of creating the foundations of a system of silent consents around the capitalist and belligerent policies of the West. We believe that they deliberately omit and neglect important details of the current geopolitical crisis and the related participations of the co -responsible states, such as ours
which operates in all respects in defense of Israel: our decision not to speak with daily*was born from this observation.
In particular, ours is an appeal, is a call to the hearts and minds of anyone who believes that the events that are marking the territory and the Palestinian people are not acceptable; of anyone who thinks that the silence of the western world, in particular of the Italian state, in front of the genocide of a people is even more unacceptable; of anyone who believes that repression has solidarity to an oppressed people is unbearable, first of all when this repression reaches students and students through "educational" feed.
The Italian government, in fact, for two years now, in the name of the bitter criminal populism, used as a tool for political consensus and social discrimination, is implementing an increasingly repressive narrowness towards dissent:
It is a political line aimed at strengthening the authority of a governing class, culturally enslaved to the Euro-Atlantist powers, which implements policies, as internal as external, evidently contrary to the interests of the nation and young people, in the complete silence and accomplice of the so-called " opposition". Ours is no longer a democracy but a political system in which forces of
The different extraction follows the same policies, assisted by a regime printing that tries in any means of orienting or distracting general opinion, in order to make the unconscious citizens of the street on which heterodirect policy has dangerously placed the same nation. occupant assembly that has decided to present this political action as an alternative to curricular teaching has as its objective:
- Roofing every forming element of the school transversely;
- show yourself solidarity in the fight against the Palestinian people and all the oppressed in struggle, ..