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New members of the UOC (MLM): A good harvest of revolutionaries | Workers Revolution

Nuevos integrantes de la UOC (mlm): una buena cosecha de revolucionarios 1

Some comrades recently were linked to the Communist Workers Union (MLM) to contribute their forces and capabilities to the construction of the working class party in Colombia from the militancy. In their entry application letters some of the reasons that motivated them, for example: Scientifically adopt to Marxism Leninismo Maoism as the guide for the action of the working class in Colombia through the Vanguardian leader party, the desire to contribute good ideas to the social group that is the working class and to be illuminated by the science of the MLM.

Comrades are part of a dozen proletarians who in recent months have requested to link the organization. Some are already sacrificing part of the free time left by the long working days or academic to bring the burial of the capitalist system.

The new militants vigorize the political capacity of the agencies, all exceeded the stage of rigorous selection of affiliates in the circles of study and revolutionary work and demonstrated the understanding of the program for the revolution in Colombia and the need for their revolutionary application. This was a joint work of organisms and is an incentive to insist on preparing and carrying out the “Jaime Rangel” organization campaign.

The process of building the party progresses, the objective and subjective conditions are generating imperceptible quantitative changes that are transformed into qualitative changes by increasing the political capacity of the organization and creating the conditions to specify the central task of the tactic together with other communist nuclei: the Congress of Restoration of the Party in Colombia as part of the new communist international, whose mission is to bring socialist consciousness to the labor movement, organize its class struggle and direct it towards its world goal and final objective: socialism and communism.

Next, we reproduce sections of some of the entrance letters that have sent us on recent premilitative days that decided to take the step and organize in the UOC (MLM). We call the best sons and daughters of the proletariat to join this propartido organization in Colombia.

Greetings, comrades:

I am a young communist and I write the following letter to request my formal income from the Communist Workers Union (MLM).

I discovered the portal during the outbreak of 2021, at that time I identified me as an anarchist, since the self -denominated organizations that I observed only generated in my contempt due to their constant call to conciliation.

Upon hearing the comrades talk about the path we had to follow the great masses that we had risen, my spirits changed. Things with the union were different, they were saying and doing, but not in an extreme leftist sense, but in a coherent and revolutionary sense: with the creation of the immediate program, the calls to the creation of a truly revolutionary communist party and with different Propaganda actions.

Regarding my expectations as a member of the Union, they are set to support and advance the construction of the revolutionary party in Colombia, a true communist party in which youth plays a decisive role, since no revolution has been made leaving youth On the side and, as Mao says, the world is mostly our.

To. D.

Best regard.

When I entered the University, I had a taste towards the Colombian guerrillas and therefore I wanted to belong to any of them. Thus, my first step was to look for a university organization and in this way I entered a cameilist organization. Of course he wanted to be a good camilista, so despite being atheist he tried to assume the theology of liberation. This organization was far from participating in a trip, which from my romanticism of that time wanted, and therefore I decided to retire to enter another camilist organization with "clandestine" work. After a while, for various reasons, this organization dissolved ...

After a while I started talking to a Maoist Leninist Marxist friend of whom I listened to logical reasoning about issues such as the State taking, that is, imposing the dictatorship of the proletariat. In this way I approached these theories ...

Today I feel committed to: constantly studying revolutionary scientific theory, the context of national and world reality; be willing to be a mass leader and give up interests of another class other than those of the proletariat.

I greatly appreciate your reception.

My social and economic origin corresponds to the working class, despite this my family had certain privileges ... however, there was a fact that marked my experience at the political level, namely, I realize in school that many of my classmates They did not have for rest, sometimes we were going to do work to the house of a partner and the living conditions were difficult, the places were dense, the atmosphere was hard, there I understood that many things did not march well in society.

Subsequently, when I entered the public university those questions continued to question me, I saw the commitment necessary ... I met a group of colleagues who belonged to the anti -imperialist brigades ... They started several controversies with the direction, because there was little space for questioning, all self -criticism It was taken in a bad way, after several discussions the contradictions were exacerbated and several militants removed us to the point that we were practically expelled. ... Personally I was always a little reluctant to the ideological line of the organization, because there was a cult of personality to Bob Avakian, to the point that only that author was read and did not allow reading historical materialism (Marx, Engels , Lenin, Gramsci, Rosa Luxembourg, Mao, etc.) but I never managed to identify that new that used in the Avakian writings, because everything he said was basically a replica and summary to what was said by the classics of Marxism, and his Once, there was a copy of copying and hitting the orientations of the United States Revolutionary Communist Party by the brigades, where the country's concrete material conditions were not evaluated, but it was a totally antidiallectic look.

After a while I was reading, doing work, speaking with colleagues and I have decided to take the step of the Communist Workers Union (MLM), because I find in the organization a serious program, an internationalist look, a communist revolutionary line.


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Copenhagen: Actions: "Out on the streets 8 March!"

We have received documentation for actions conducted on the occasion of March 8 - working women's international match day. On several walls in proletarian neighborhood in Copenhagen, slots have been painted as "out on the streets 8 March!" And "against imperialism and patriarchy!".

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KKE (M-L): On the way of the race the hope and the perspective

That murders lives and leveling rights

On the way of the race
Hope and perspective

Folk rage is inflating against anti -populist government policy. People, youth and workers see, full of indignation, their lives downgrade, their rights to shrink, their income to be cut. At the same time that a money laundering flows to imperialist funds for beastly military equipment. At the same time as the local big -bodied class, which gives all kinds of freedom to profitable at the expense of the broad popular masses and in more and more fields, such as education and care.

The indignation overflows a year after the state crime in Tempi, with 57 dead and dozens of injuries. A crime that proved the frosty indifference of this system for human life and has led to magnificent mobilizations across the country. A crime that the government and state mechanisms want to hide. A crime that will not be forgotten!

Samples of this rage are the great struggles of students and farmers. Games that have nothing to do with some "minorities" are not caprices or obsessions, as the media are presented by them. They are struggles for the right to life!

Such examples are the workers' struggles that sprout from "nowhere", breaking the apparent immobility, which many want to present as a struggle. The race of Tunisian workers in the workshop of Teleperformance is a recent example where employees are looking for their racing pace, in the same way that e-food and artists' mobilizations broke out or the magnificent long-term struggle in Malamatina.

These struggles express the moods of the great popular majority that narrows under barbaric anti -populist politics. Moods that do not fit into the various electoral plans that are re -eating shortly before the European elections. Moods that are not redeemed in the polls. Moods that need to highlight the direction of mass struggle, the front of resistance and claim, which is the only one who can shake bourgeoisie, to win, to overthrow the barbaric policy.

• These are the moods that intensify the concern of the system centers. Because they show the real situation, beyond all kinds of custom statistics. This concern of the system is also shown through the rabies with which it attacks any popular and labor reaction. Repression and persecutions are on the agenda. Against students and occupations, against farmers and blocks, against students and any suspicion of their mobilization, against teachers, against strikes, against unions. The Law of Hatzidakis, the laws on demonstrations, and the new amendment of the Criminal Code are moving in exactly that direction: terrorism and criminal extermination of those who are fighting and claiming.

So let this strike be another reason for concern for its capital and system! Let it be an opportunity to en masse labor, the resistance to anti -labor policy and the claim of work and life with rights.

Against the forces of consensus and subordination they made it to "get out of the obligation" and declare the end of the games.

Let it be a step towards the further establishment of the People's and Labor Movement, a step towards the people and workers.

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PC February 28 - The French imperialist Macron on Ukraine pushes everyone to the "total war"

On February 26, that is, a couple of days after deserting In fact, the Kiev meeting, Macron resumes the scene and throws a lot of petrol On the fire of the enlargement of the war scenario saying that it is necessary send soldiers to fight in Ukraine against Russia: “I do not exclude troops of war ”, and the French newspaper Le Monde online this morning says that "Emmanuel Macron insists on the possible sending of soldiers to Ukraine".

Macron, in the name of French imperialism, during "his" Meeting did the hard with the "Presidents, first ministers and responsible for 27 countries" with one "Slaving verbal escalation" says today's manifesto: inviting everyone first "to" get a move "to increase the handings of armaments", then a consider the sending of "earth troops", but despite having to take note that "" there is no consent "for the moment", he kept to point out that "nothing must Being excluded, everything is possible if it is useful ", because" to defeat Russia is essential"." Well backed in this by Prime Minister Attal who “has explained that "nothing cannot be excluded in a war that takes place in the heart of Europe "."

Almost all the guests have hurried to put the hands forward with a real "avalanche of appeals to prudence", in order:

"The Nato "It has no project" to send troops to the ground, This eventuality will be assessed "only when Ukraine is a member of the Born".

"The Usa : "We will not send troops to Ukraine."

The Germania : “Drastical German Chancellor Scholz:« Not There will be troops on the ground or soldiers on Ukrainian soil sent by European States or from NATO States, there is a great unanimity on the question ""

"The Great Britain A «does not provide for a great deployment scale »of troops in addition to the" small number "already on the spot to support Ukraine, particularly in the medical field

The Spain "Don't agree" to send troops, you have to "Focus on what is urgent, that is, accelerating the delivery of materials,"

Italy He reiterated that said yesterday (v. https://prottaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-27- February- in-rapartanza.html)

For the Sweden , just entered the NATO, the question «al Moment is not relevant ».

The Poland "It does not plan to send troops" and "you don't have to speculate on the future ".

“Already it Slovak Robert Fico had revealed on the eve The hypothesis of an sending of troops to the ground, to categorically oppose "

come Hungary , which does not send "neither weapons nor soldiers".

L’Austria , which is one of the few neutral states, is definitely "against" and says that we need "a perspective diplomatics ", while it is" surprising to bring out a topic that does not do consent and creates a debate we don't need "

All these who for now, therefore, at least in words, have Taken the distances, they were criticized by the Macron warflower imperialist: "Many people who today say 'never, never' were the same as two years ago They said "never tanks, never planes, never missiles long -haul" ".

But in fact no one denies weapons. Among the decisions He took on Monday: Cyber-Difesa against Russian attacks on the allies; co-production of weapons and ammunition; commitment to defend the threatened countries, such as La Moldova; ability to support Ukraine at the border with Belarusia with non -military forces; Smoking operations.

And, moreover, “a new coalition for the Delivery of medium and long range missiles (more than 70 km, such as the boots, while Germany still holds back on the Taurus), and 15 countries support the initiative Czech to recover ammunition between those who own them. " while “Parliament European yesterday approved long -term support for Ukraine. "

The immediate position was not lacking Russian imperialism: “The conflict between Russia and NATO will be "Inevitable" if the West sends troops to Ukraine ".

Macron with this dangerous Boutade Warfundia has However, put the "total war option" on the carpet!

This "discussion" on the possibility-necessity for the capitalism-imperialism of the "total war" as you know will have another moment Important to the next G7 to be held in Puglia in June.

On this we must repeat what we said in the Yesterday's counter -information: “As it was in other G7, just remember the G7 of Genoa - their base of unit to build war plans even more, i plans of the oppression of peoples, the plans for the immediation of peoples, the plans For the use of artificial intelligence for war purposes, the plans for transform all climatic, environmental events, all the crises of crisis, immigration, in a strenuous defense of a putrid and dying system e oppose it with the violence of the armies, bombs, the army of the proletarians and of the oppressed peoples that in all forms, in large and small forms, yes opposes all this.

All at the G7 in Puglia to make evident that the world is divided into two hills: the hill of imperialism, the hill of the proletarians, of the peoples and all those who do not accept the world that are there building and preparing, the horrible future, and the will to put an end to This horror.

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PC February 28 - The titles of the armaments make a bang on the stock exchange: the Leonardo jumps by 5.16%

"The acceleration of the armaments race that is looming In Europe, the German companies in the sector also pushes in the stock exchange ”such as the Rheinmetall which closes in progress of 2.33%, while Renk (+6.73%) and Hersoldt bounce (+7.67%) In addition to the French Thales who “ends the rising courses 2.58% in Paris "and the English" Bae Systems by 1.25% in London ".

For Italy: "In Piazza Affari stands Leonardo with a leap of 5.16% which brings the Tolo close to 20 euros ".

The cause of this push, according to "operating rooms" of the Stock exchange, are due to the statements of Mario Draghi, who was in charge to draw up a report on EU competitiveness (see https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-26- February-darghi-voce.html), to ECOFIN last Saturday. Among the many other things on that occasion Draghi He said "courageous actions if we want to finance costs are needed of the double transition of the defense and maintain our social models and the social cohesion ». (Il Sole 24 Ore 27/2/24)

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PC February 28 - 12 noon counter -information Rosso Operaia - Sardinia: the Government loses, the opposition wins - Imperialist governments want their troops in Ukraine

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February 24 in Palermo in procession for Palestine and against the imperialist war, greeting the great event of Milan ... in the unconditional side of women and of all the Palestinian people who resist

Hundreds yesterday afternoon, on the day of national mobilization, to the procession that from the main square of the Popular District of Guadagna unfolded in the street to the Leonardo of war and death factory, the profit factory of the murderers, with the full approval of the Meloni War -speaking and accomplice government of the genocide of the Palestinian people implemented by the Nazisionist state of Israel supported by US/NATO/Europe/Italy imperialism.

A procession that greeted the great national event of Milan and all the initiatives in progress in other cities such as Catania ..., which has clearly placed the support for the resistance of the Palestinian people and the condemnation of the genocide implemented by the Nazisionist state of Israel, who denounced the warfond and fascist act of the Meloni government, who has strongly solidified with all the students and students and demonstrators attacked by the police on the day of the general strike of February 23 in Pisa, Florence, Catania ...

During the journey several inhabitants of the neighborhood were overlooked by the balconies, speaking with people along the sidewalks in the majority emerged the no to the war and that the money must not be used to go and kill children, women, young people but must serve for work, schools , the hospitals, the services that the Meloni government is attacking but also emerged the little knowledge of the Palestine question or Leonardo at the service of the war ...

We are all Palestinians, alongside the Palestinian women

MFPR companion intervention

In front of the Leonardo, armored by police and Digos, several interventions and slogans Palestine Libera, assassins, Israel Terrorist followed one another.

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Appeal in the international actions for the release of Georges Abdallah! - New era

The editorial committee of New Epoque here shares the appeal of the unitary campaign for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah to participate in the international month of actions for the release of Georges Abdallah.

Tahya, Tahya Palestine!

Appeal in the international actions for the release of Georges Abdallah! (from March 6 to April 6, 2024)

Palestine will live! Palestine will win ! How many times have we chanted this slogan for so many years? How many times have we proclaimed it in the mass demonstrations of recent weeks and last months? There is no doubt that none could be held without being launched or taken over this historic watchword of clear and clear support for historic Palestine. Palestine will live! Palestine will win ! Against all odds !

Palestine lives, it will live and it will defeat by this national liberation struggle which it leads, not since 1948 but since the presence of the first settlers on its land in the 1880s. It lives by its tireless fight, since the first day and by all possible forms of struggle (revolts, general strikes, actions of sabotage and military, guerrilla war) against the ardent of Zionist colonialism which aims not only to occupy its land but also to hunt its people, or even exterminate. She lives and reminds us that the Palestinians are not victims but fighters engaged against oppression, engaged in the only possible path for their salvation: that of resistance, the law of their existence. She lives against and against

While relentlessly facing the imperialists in the region, whose Zionist colonialism is only the bridgehead and the organic arm for economic, geostrategic and military control of the wealth of the Arab world. She lives against and against everything despite the repeated attempts to fragment the Palestinian identity, between the Palestinians of 1948, Gaza, West Bank ... Palestine lives, despite the betrayals of the Arab reactionary states which, normalization after normalization, tried in vain By their collaboration with the Zionist enemy of legitimizing the occupier and emptying the Palestinian liberation struggle of its panarabist and internationalist dimension. Palestine lives, will live and defeat despite the plans of standardization and sharing brandished each time that the resistance intensifies, despite all the attempts to liquidate its revolution and its land in the form of so-called "peace Just and durable ", from a solution to two states or" a state of all its citizens ", plans that the Palestinian resistance has known and will always thwart.

Until the very ranks of solidarity movements in Palestine, we hear: "Palestine lives, but at what price!" This price is the one that peoples have always paid to free themselves from colonialism and oppression; It is the one that the Palestinian people have paid and still pay today to overcome in their national liberation struggle. Indescriptible sufferings and endured sacrifices, thousands of martyrs in recent months but also in all of Palestinian national history are all evidence of the criminal nature of Zionism and imperialism. Faced with this barbarism, our task is not to propagate the illusion of a way out

Negotiated -a "just and lasting peace" which would perpetuate colonial domination -it is not to appeal to the "international community" or to institutions controlled by imperialism. In Palestine, takes place not a "conflict" from which it would be possible to come out by a fantasized outcome, but a colonial war which aims to eliminate a movement of resistance. Peace can never happen between the colonizer and the colonized. Human rights speeches, calls for negotiations, collaboration, even truces are only lures if we forget that only the defeat of the Zionist project will end the oppression. Any other way-and this is perhaps the main issue-helps to legitimize, consciously or not, the criminalization of the armed resistance and those who support it, presented as entrying this pacifist path of capitulation which does not not said his name.

The future of the Palestinians does not reside in a simple defeat of the Zionist extreme right by the establishment of an "democratic Israeli and law" which would be rid of the Apartheid policy; In reality and all the history of occupied Palestine demonstrates it: whether on the left or right, no Zionist group in power has denied its colonial settlement nature, none can be qualified as fascist that the group today at the head of the entity. Zionism is not reformable and even less amendable and any solidarity naively or intentionally calling for its democratization is in reality another side used to whiten it. The release of all Palestine, from the sea to the Jordan, and the return of all refugees will go through the only possible way in an anti -colonial war: that of the armed struggle.

So, while the Palestinian National Liberation Movement has been entering a new historical stage of its struggle in recent months, we must clearly express our support: unconditional support, without detours, alongside the Resistance, all resistance and its military actions for the destruction of the Zionist entity and its colonial project, the establishment of the national liberation project throughout historical Palestine and for the defense of the right to return of all refugees. In these times of chaos and in France of fierce repression, intimidation and threats of dissolution, infiltration and deviations of all kinds, we reaffirm the conscious commitments which are ours recalled in this text and by our Palestine compass that 'is Georges Abdallah's fight.

Because if there is a historical and unwavering support for the heroic resistance and army of the Palestinian people, it is the one that fighter Georges Abdallah has always shown by his actions and expressed in his statements. This commitment-since his first actions as an activist when he opposed arms in hand to the interests of the imperialists in the Middle East and the attacks of their "operational base" that is the Zionist entity until today Hui - has never deviated, not even facked! True to the watchword of the FPLP of the 1970s "to strike the enemy wherever he is" is for armed actions accomplished in France by his organization, the Farl, that justice condemned him in 1987 to Life prison. The remarks he then made during the his lawsuit transformed into a revolutionary gallery today resonate in particular with regard notably to the genocide in Gaza and what Western imperialism -with the United States of America -is Ready to commit as crimes to maintain his hegemony in the region: so he did not come up then this "Gulf that separates your legal world from our real world (...) This peace established by your system, maintained by the annihilation of millions of men in our peripheries of the outskirts".

The 40 years of incarceration that the relentlessness of the French state imposed on Georges Abdallah could not break the unshakable resistance of this fighter who fell into the hands of the enemy: despite the barbarism of this detention, this internationalist revolutionary and The communist that he is never denied anything from his fight which is also ours-anti-imperialist, anti-colonial, anti-fascist and anti-Zionist, in support of the Palestinian Revolution, to his glorious resistance, to popular masses in struggle and for The emancipation of oppressed peoples all over the world.

Georges Abdallah is not only a resistant; It is itself a symbol of the resistance and it is well for what it represents that the French state continues to keep it in prison despite the two court decisions authorizing its release. The cause of our comrade is intrinsically linked to our support for Palestine. That no action, initiative, gathering, demonstration happens without being chanted, displayed, written our requirement and in particular through this watchword which should never be truncated from its two components: "Palestine will live! Palestine will win ! Release Georges Abdallah! " - because one has gave himself entirely to his cause and the other cannot leave this torch of his resistance to the hands of the enemy. All those, in France and elsewhere, in solidarity with Palestine, must demand at every moment and wherever we are the liberation of this fighter of the Palestinian Liberation Movement. And what better support can we bring to the Palestinian resistance except by putting pressure on our own imperialism to tear from this enemy one of its historic fighters!

Since June 8, a new phase has opened up in this long battle that its support leads to its release: while mobilization, in the field, in the diversity of its expressions, continues to increase, Georges Abdallah agreed to launch a new legal offensive by filing a tenth request for liberation-expulsion to its country Lebanon. Let us support by our actions the approach of Georges Abdallah by making it resonate everywhere throughout the time of the examination of his new request and accentuate always the pressure on the French state by our ever more increased mobilization and at all times!

It is in this sense and taking into account this new phase that we call once again to An international action month For the release of Georges Abdallah From March 6 to April 6, 2024 , - data from 14 e demonstration in front of the penitentiary center of Lannemezan . That during this time coordinated a thousand initiatives flourish everywhere in France and internationally for its release and there, even for its combat in solidarity with historic Palestine!

Georges Abdallah is in prison for the political fight that has been his, for his positions and his ideals that he never ceased to proclaim and never deny. It was for his emancipation ideas that Georges Abdallah embarked on the struggle. It is for his ideas and resistance that he is still detained today. It is for his ideas and his revolutionary fight that we support him and that we demand his release! For victory or victory!

Palestine live, live and defeat! Release Georges Abdallah!

Let's continue the fight! Let's free Georges Abdallah!

May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish for his release!

Honor to all those who fight for his release!

It is together and only together, comrades, that we will defeat!

Paris, February 27, 2024

Unit campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah

Facebook: for the release of Georges Abdallah
Instagram : cuplgia – Tweeter : CUpLGIA

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Bremen / Bremerhaven: Events and Demonstration for the International Women's Fighting Day

We have sent appointments for events and demonstrations in Bremen and Bremerhaven on the occasion of the International Women's Firking Day on March 8th that we publish here.

Lecture of the Red Women's Committee: Friday, 01.03. | 6 p.m. | Paradox | Bernhardstrasse 12 | Bremen

Demonstration on International Women's Fighting Day: Friday, 08.03. | 6 p.m. | Goethestrasse/in front of the NP supermarket | Bremerhaven

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ATHENS - Racing Movements With great mass strike of 28/2, 1 year after Crime in Tempi

Today's strike mobilization took place, with thousands of strikers, people and youth. The demonstration was attended by unions, student associations, bodies and political collectives. The body of the march with its slogans denounced the anti -populist policy of the system, the policy that has been crushing workers' rights, which is murdered, depriving youth for public and free studies for years. Indeed, solidarity with the Palestinian resistance was also expressed after a meeting with Palestinian fighters in the Propylaea.

The racing moves, with a common banner with student resistance and teacher movements, have intervened with notices, four -page and slogans, which emphasize that the "development" proposed by bourgeois democracy threatens and attacks the people and youth and express the need for the need. To unite the labor and agricultural movement with the student.

At the same time, 2 banners of the same student associations were re -observed, even in different calls, again revealing the KNE and ESAK micro -political associations, which were revealed in conventions in the past. This is the unity that the reformists sell in the student world.

The presence of the police was challenging once again, which even after the end of the march tried to dismantle and terrorize the world.

The mass and the formation of the demonstration did not allow the various "games" of some with Molotovs to be generalized, while at the same time restricting and denounced the intervention by repressive forces.

It is important to follow subsequent strikes, to support even more people, employees, students, students, ecclesiastical, allies against the system that murders and attacks. We are escalating our struggle to overthrow Pierrakakis.

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Thessaloniki Mass striking course of complaint by anti -populist policy

Great strike in Thessaloniki, with the participation of people and youth. Thousands, mostly young workers, students in mobilization, and many professors from the public sector have participated in the strike rallies. Important and dynamic is the presence of youth, which once again shows the searches and moods of race.

Along the way, the issue of Tempi dominated by several forces, which was pervasive to many people involved, but on the part of the class march and the racing moves, an attempt was made to grasp this rage with class characteristics and especially with the issue of the BSEs. and wages, which was (initially) the main issue of strike.

It becomes clear that this rage is "in the air", as there is no planning to unite and continue the races, just before strike we had the end of agricultural mobilizations, while in education there was a common planning of occupations and strikes. So today's strike also had the element of the "racing closure" with reference to the elections.

Once again, the stance of the ECTH can be described as a strike. He declared a 4 -hour work stoppage at the last minute, for the eyes of the world. However, a significant number of workers has managed to strike through its sectoral associations, despite the climate of employer terrorism that has been in the city lately, with many layoffs.

The strike rallies were essentially two. That of Kamara, where forces of the extra -parliamentary left, anarchy, and some unions/bodies, and that of PAME's associations in the statue of Venizelos, were also gathered, where some forces of the left were also involved. The two marches met in OSE, where the police began to throw chemicals on a petty occasion. It was followed by a "confrontation" of a part of the anarchy with the MATs, resulting in the hunting of the march to the Kamara area. The blocks of the class march and the racing moves moved by, ending at the EKT Square.

The class march and the racing moves participated in the gathering of Kamara with composed blocks. The forces of the class march participated in the morning in strike rallies, such as that of Teleperformance and elsewhere, and organized interventions to massive the strike.

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Forget the coup of 64 only matters to today's scammers - the new democracy

In an interview, the President of the Republic Luiz Inacio said he intends to leave “for history” the military coup of 1964 and “play the country” forward. "This is already part of history, has already caused the suffering it caused, the people have gained the right to democratize this country." The speech took place on February 27, one month from the 60th anniversary of the regime.

The country's agent also said: “What I can't do is not know how to touch the story forward, always brooding, always brooding, that is, it is a part of the history of Brazil that we still don't have all the information, because There are missing people yet, because there are people who can find out. But I, honestly, I won't be brooding over and I will try to play this country forward. ”

Some may consider it reasonable. However, it is very curious to note that, in this regard, the president seems to conflict with what Hamilton Mourão thinks, the unsuspecting general of being a Democrat by principle: "War has excesses and these things are known," said the former vice president Bolsonaro, on 03/27/2019, referring to the crimes of the military dictatorship. “The Armed Forces fought Nazifascism, fought communism and This is past e It's part of the story ”. This is the hegemonic thesis in almost all the Brazilian military highlight, and they share both Bolsonaro's far-right, and the military right (the “legalists”) with Villas-Bôas and Mourão.

But Luiz Inácio, in turn, tries to demonstrate that - although we should forget the military regime - the truth is that scammers are being punished in their government. He said: “Remember a moment that a general was called by the Federal Police to give testimony? At no time were the military punished as they are now. ” Thus, he wants to convince us that there is no impunity for the crimes of the military today. And here are a half truth: rather punished to those who have plotted an institutional break for those months of 2022. But and as for the supporters who are supporters of “using the uniforms” to do politics, using the army and the other forces Reactionary Armeds to blackmail, intimidate, press and dissuade other institutions and governments, imposing their wishes to them? These, in fact, are not pockets and did not embark on institutional rupture: but they are also guilty of intervention in national political life, which is against the law (and, in this sense, it is not very exactly to call them legalists there ). They are also scammers, but for another method. These are Bolsonaro's precursors (as well as the example) of Bolsonaro: General Villas-Bôas, Mourão, Sérgio Etchegoyen and others, who have intimidated the other institutions since 2016 and led the country to such a delicate institutional situation. Even from preventing the current president from running the elections in 2018: or fell into oblivion that tweet of Villas-Bôas, a veiled threat that made Rosa Weber change his vote and refuse the Habeas corpus ? If, in those gone, they have been unhealthy in political life because of the 2023-14 uprisings, does anyone believe that, in a more critical situation, these gentlemen opposed a military coup? There will be no punishment to them, surely. Here, too, conciliation will result in new scammers.

It is logical that treating those events such as “history”, as an irrelevant theme, is in the interest of those who have debts to get it right with the Brazilian people, on the one hand, and those who share today's same coup ideals of 1964. Luiz Inácio, Trying to appease the generals, the “nation's moderators”, raising the flag of “forgetting scars”, only gives more political margins for tomorrow's coup. In addition, he despises the struggle of family members of victims and missing politicians, who expected so much from his third government, hoping to remedy this historical debt .

Luiz Inácio is not realized that the wound is still active.

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DF: Disarmed man in a psychotic outbreak is murdered with 4 shots per PM - the new democracy

On February 20, Janderson Rocha Santos, 33, He was murdered by a military police officer (PM) during a psychotic outbreak. A video of the event shows Janderson, unarmed and trance, walking towards the policeman. Shouting and with the gun pointed at the man, the PM orders a few times that the man puts his hands to his back and then fires against the victim, who falls to the floor.

Janderson had a diagnosis of schizophrenia since 25 and lived with his family in the Sol Nascente neighborhood, outskirts of DF. The region is considered by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) as the largest slum in the country.

The PM appeared on the scene after Janderson's mother, Dilza Santos, triggered the military around 9 pm asking for help to contain her son in an outbreak. But besides not helping the family, the PMs acted with truculence from beginning to end of the approach. The shots fired by the policeman hit the man in his chest and below his waist.

Shortly after the execution, police locked Janderson's mother at home and prevented any communication with relatives and family lawyer. Even with the clearly intimidating attitude, the family will fight for justice. In an interview with the G1 press monopoly, Dilza said she will not let her son's death pass in vain. The OAB Human Rights Commission said it will analyze the case.

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DF: Ibaneis Rocha threatens to dismiss more than 5,200 bus collectors with the end of the function - the new democracy

On February 1, the reactionary governor of the Federal District (DF), Ibaneis Rocha (MDB) stated during a speech in the Tribune of the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District (CLDF) that the Department of Transportation Secretariat of Transport and Mobility (Semob) It is coordinating a project that aims to end the function of collector in the Federal District (DF) urban buses, which would result in the dismissal of more than 5,200 workers.

In addition to mass unemployment, the plan also threatens the increase in exploration on drivers, who will have to perform the double-function of drivers and collectors. In Brazil, it is common that, in these cases, drivers, despite their folded work, do not receive additional.

John Jesus, president of Sittrater-DF, also denounces that the withdrawal of collectors, as well as an attack on workers, also affects all the people. “It also implies a larger delay in boarding and landing [passengers],” he says. This was the risk of increasing accidents by dividing attention that should not exist.

Cut of funds?

The governor's justification is the old excuse of the "cut of funds." According to its data, the district government would save 20% of the approximately R $ 2 billion per year that the government pays for subsidy to public transport companies in the DF. The statement is contested by the Bus Union, which recently stated that no proof was presented to corroborate the indicated data.

In addition, while pretending to be concerned with the budget for public transportation, Ibaneis and its ruling base hide that in November last year, R $ 142.9 million were approved in supplementary credit for bus companies. The approval occurred a month before the company Viação Marechal, with one of the biggest demands of public transportation in the DF, not working days claiming “lack of resources”. The same company received, alone. R $ 267 million of transfers from the government from January to November 2023.

Viação Marechal is also known for passengers for working with old vehicles, over ten years without changing. A serious discrepancy between the millionaire incentives received and the precarious service offered. Last year, passenger Julia Albuquerque Violato died after a bus, with no force to cross the train line, was hit by the rail vehicle.

The precariousness of public transportation in the DF is so clear that even Ibaneis Rocha himself had to assume in this same speech on the 1st that transport is not well evaluated by the population. Forget to say, however, that he is one of the great culprits for this fact, with his attacks on public transportation, as the approved privatization of the Plano Piloto bus station , widely denounced by AND .

Also read: DF: Movement ‘Center for Who?’ Denounces privatization of the bus station

Trying to maneuver with the category, Ibaneis stated that collectors will have jobs maintained despite the end of the function, and that the plan will be discussed with unions. The promise was denied by workers. To Brazil, João Jesus stated that in addition to the union was not informed at any time, it would also be impossible for collectors to maintain their job. After all, “if jobs will be preserved, it is evident that the cost remains,” concludes João.

Also read: DF: activists form organization to demand the free pass and improvements in public transport conditions

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A Marxist perspective for women's liberation

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[Editorial SAP Nº10] The State and imperialism supports patriarchal violence

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Heraklion Large and massive today's strike demonstration in Heraklion

Today's strike and demonstration in Heraklion is very massive.

Although the Heraklion Labor Center did not participate and private sector workers were not able to participate, except for a few primary unions.

So despite the obstacles of the GSEE and EPI sold out, the workers with their great participation showed that the problem is not on the basis but in the leadership of the labor movement. A leadership that is opposite and against those who are supposed to represent, and that all that interests and concerns it is to brake the movement, sow frustration and reproduce the ideology of "nothing".

The participation of youth, students and students was great. Also of teachers, hospital, private employees and taxi drivers.

The class march with intervention Tuesday night at Lion Square with banners, Dundukas, calling for the people of Heraklion to participate in today's strike and rally. Along the way he participated with a massive and militant block.

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Aurora Picornell, symbol of communist mujer

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Current situation: Notes on the world crisis (7. Two years of the war of aggression of Russian imperialism to Ukraine)

The war has been found since the end of the summer of 2022 in a situation of balance, that the commentators and politicians of imperialism consider as of stagnation, predicting that neither can reach the victory in a predictable time and that both contestants accuse a situation of exhaustion or weakening, which is to be considered, because in the front military Russian imperialism is like an elephant in a swamp no You may more than moving hard and backwards, your last great victory Avdiivka on the East Front . With This fact -based verification can say that the Putin plan of a rapid war through a call for it "special operation" did not achieve the Capitulation of the Nation, on the contrary it triggered the national resistance of the nation.

The reactionary press on the latest events in the front of battle :

“Avdiivka is a city adjacent to the town of Donetsk, annexed illegally by Russia. Taking this municipality allows Invasive troops reduce the risk of receiving artillery fire in Donetsk, also winning a new bastion to avoid a possible offensive Ukraine in the future. On the Ukrainian side, the loss of Avdiivka is a step back in the protection shield of the eastern sector of the part they maintain under his control of the province of Donetsk, and more specifically, in the city of Pokrovsk. This city and Kramorsk are the main centers of the rear Ukraine in Donetsk front. Avdiivka is also important for Ukraine metallurgical industry because the largest plant in Europe is located in it of coke, fuel used in high furnaces.

The Ukrainian army will remain in the perimeter of Avdiivka, where in the last three months he has raised new lines of defending. Umerov has also stressed that the Armed Forces are working to raise better fortifications and stop enemy offensives. Russia se finds at the strongest moment since the first months of the invasion, with a clear superiority in number of troops, artillery, anti -aircraft defenses and, Above all, in the control of the air war thanks to its fleet of drones of Attack and recognition.

(…)Russia It is advancing, little by little, in the front of Donetsk and in that of Járkov. He advance of invading forces is slow but constant, because each few Hundreds of meters follow the strategy of lifting trenches to ensure their positions. The following Russian strategic objectives are the cities of Kupiansk (Járkov) and Chasiv Yar (Donetsk), two municipalities that for their Orographic conditions serve as key defense bastions. The situation in Both cities repeat the same patterns as in other cities besieged by Russia, also AVDIIVKA: Artillery and missile bombers fighters Russians are being taught with the Ukrainian defensive lines, but also with the urban Casse. Meanwhile, Moscow accumulates infantry on the flanks for a next phase of constant assaults in which, again, it does not prioritize life of their soldiers, only the goal. ”

Well that It is the situation in the east front of the War of positions and is a bit different from the other lines of the front where they have nothing more than Advances and recoil, where Russian imperialists have their "battle of the marne" They are bogged down. The situation is that Russian imperialists are the aggressors and the Ukrainian resistance is that of a nation attacked in defransa of your contry. For the former time he urges, while for the Ukrainians They have to fulfill their sacred mission without sparing effort or time. In Any case the development of the military situation there will depend a lot on the Development of the internal situation of the forces of each of the sides contenders and the development of the international situation as a whole. That is why we read a part of a report from another reactionary source:

"Cartography of the War in Ukraine: of the invasion failed to stagnation in the line of the forehead

After almost two years of war to great Scale, the front line in Ukraine no longer moves. The weakening of Western military support is forcing kyiv to a wear war, While Putin has put Russia in a war economy. How are you developing this new situation in the front? We propose a review of Main phases of war since February 2022.

AUTHOR HE Grand Continent

10 - What are the prospects for 2024?

Situation on the ground on February 14, 2024

Given the exhaustion of the forces and the need to replace the reserves of equipment and ammunition, we can expect that 2024 looks like the previous year in many aspects. Both Ukraine and Russia seem determined to continue the war of wear in which they have been immersed for several months, hoping to limit their losses while gaining time to ensure support in the rear and develop their war industry. "

The collusion and imperialist struggle for Ukraine (the booty in the imperialist dispute)

We have written in another post about colusion and Imperialist struggle, which also serves to understand the dishes and last statements of the German Chancellor Scholz and the French president Macron. Our post says:

About Ukraine, we reiterate, that in its status as an oppressed country it is currency in the collusion and struggle of the two imperialist powers previously appointed. That, His future as a nation only depends on the struggle of the proletariat and the nation Ukrainian with the support of the proletariat and peoples of the world, to take to The end the national resistance and with a communist party directing this fight release the country and develop the revolution with popular war, to counteract and be socialism again in that country.

So much Yankee imperialism, the fat dog, such as Russian imperialism, with greater Reason, because it is the skinny dog, they are interested in a "stability agreement strategic ”. Either with Biden or Trump your biggest collusion for greater struggle, Because the struggle is absolute and the relative collusion, they require an arrangement of between them on the "Ukrainian issue." Of course, as can be seen from the Interview, La Manito who intends to give Putin in the North American elections to Trump, he shows his preference because the general agent between the two countries is With a neva administration of Yankee imperialism, which would not give it concessions in general but in details; In addition, it would allow him to save his face as ” Great rule and political and military strategist ”to Pin. A few months ago It is commented that Ukraine will not be able to recover 20% of its territory that is occupied by Russia, that this would demand an endless war, that none of The two can win. Various comments and rumors in this regard seem Strengthen the exit of a "peaceful" arrangement of war, which in any case It would be an American-Russian agreement.

That, Yankees and Russian imperialists, in struggle and collusion, cook an agreement under of the table against third parties; that is, against other imperialist countries and, Priuncipically, against the peoples of the world.

That, For unique imperialist hegemonic power, the US, at this time, Arrangement with Russia is especially to isolate China social -imperialist, to apply its policy to contain China in the Pacific South, and in the Middle East expanded isolate Iran of Russia and "normalize" the Israel's Zionist State Relations with its Arab neighbors, imposing its "two states" solution to the Palestinian people, this at least the dream of "Pax American" for the region. But that will only demand more wars and more resistance of the peoples of the region.

A review of events: development of the contradiction Imperialism-oppressed in Ukraine:

In war in Ukraine two contradictions are expressed: the development of the contradiction main between the oppressed Ukrainian nation and Russian imperialism oppressive; and, As a shelter, development in the middle of collsion and struggle of contradiction inter-imperialist (third contradiction); mainly, between the unique hegemonic imperialist superpower, the US and "allies", and the Atomic superpower, Russia; And, this development, the development of the Second proletariat contradiction- bourgeoisie in The imperialist countries.

Ukraine belonged to the Tsarist Empire before the October 1917 revolution, with the triumph of the proletarian revolution in 1919 in Ukraine, it joined the Soviet Union. Passing has, as such, a state of dictatorship of proletariat and developing the socialist revolution.

With the blow Court capitalism and dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, with which the former Soviet Union socialist became again in a immense "prison of peoples" and the feeling of being citizens Soviet was replaced by the nationalist antiproletary feeling dominant of "great Russian", imposed by revisionism as part of His bourgeois ideology, unleashing national hatred.

With the imperialist chauvinism of "Great Russian" and the national oppression of the former Soviet republics, unleashed the desire to National Liberation of Peoples that made it up to which, the Soviet revisionists, dug their own grave; being these clashes bloody inside the revisionist state, remember the massacres Nationals of "Gorbi", one of the causes with the defeat in Afghanistan, the that accelerated the decomposition and definitive bankruptcy of revisionism Soviet -with its passage on the path of fascist regime restoration CERTADO IN THE INVESTMENT AND STATE COMPANY TO DEMO-BURGUES REGIME WITH DISSOLUTION of "socialist" forms to private property and investment ( "Oligarchs", which came from the state structures themselves and party revisionist)-, its definitive sinking and its disarticulation.

Imperialist social superpower, the former Revisionist Soviet Union, was reduced to the imperialist Russia and lost colonies and semi -colonies, the size of its economy and population therefore reduced. Militarily the Warsaw Treaty and the economically the Comecon loses its economic monopoly in the countries that formed it. And its scientific and technical paintings mass emigrated to imperialist countries Western Slope drop process that was arrested around 2000.

Russia remained turned into the "skinny dog" and continued as superpower Atomic Imperialist, with an economic weight such as imperialist power of Italy and based mainly on the export of gas, oil and others raw materials and weapons.

Ukraine signed In 1993 the Treaty of the Independent States Community, with which They recognized their status of state belonging to the spherical of influence of Russia and its military subjection to it.

Russia, from The 90s, intended a colonial domination in Ukraine; loses land and Ukraine goes to a semicolonial situation, within which, between comings and goings, Follow until today.

In the situation Already semi -colonial of Ukraine, Russia was displaced from the condition of main imperialism that dominates that semicolonia, a condition assumed by the Yankee imperialism, in collusion and struggle with other imperialist powers such as Germany, France, etc.

Historically, the axis on which the old Tsarist State was established, of which it is The current imperialist Russia was the one that goes from kyiv to Moscow and that Then it extended to Petrograd.

The Historical history previously indicated, of the situation of oppression Nacional de Russia on Ukraine, makes its territory, not only the peninsula of Crimea and the so -called "popular republics of Donetz", is considered by Russian imperialism as its strategic zone, as its own territory, without whose control and domain, the existence of the same Russian State as an entity independent and above all as an atomic superpower is definitively in question.

Thus, the "Ukraine issue" is for Russian imperialism of strategic importance vital and for the Putin regime of utmost importance for its permanence. Regime that exercises a brutal oppression against the proletariat and the people of Russia.

The imperialist claims of oppression Russian national on Ukraine, its imperialist strategic interests and its current military doctrine, as continuation of that of Tsarism and Soviet socialimperialism, they are contrary and irreconcilable ocon the right to the national self -determination of Ukraine, it is understood, its right to form An independent national state.

The Nation-imperialism contradiction is precisely the one that was developed more throughout the last decade of the last century and continued sharpening in the present century, by reaffirming Ukraine its formal independence, with the Displacement of Russian imperialism with the events of Maidam.

The calls Maidam events that were expression of the mass movement against the national oppression by Russian imperialism and, that being headed by servants of the other imperialists, for their orientation, gave way to a "Pro western" regime, with Zelensky Lacayo mainly of imperialism Yankee and opposite to the interests of imperialist Russia, despite all this, to The Ukrainian nation was at stake was national independence. Such a situation must seem strange, if the story is taken into account, of a Situation in the present century, of which Lenin refers, that "the Alogenos" oppressed in Russia or in its borders, by the Austro-Juaro Empire, to the Like Ukrainians, Poles or Unique prefer this oppression where They have some more rights than the despotic oppression of the Tsarist Russia.

It corresponds to us Apply to the situation Conreta of the development of the Nation contradiction Russian Ukrainian-Imperialism in the terms exposed above, which today is Develop by war media, Lenin's teaching, which:

"Throughout bourgeois nationalism of an oppressed nation there is a general democratic content Against oppression, and we give unconditional support to this content, rigorously by the tendency to national exclusivism, fighting against The trend of the Polish bourgeois (in this case Ukrainian, our note) to oppress the Jew (in this case the Russian-Ukrainian), etc., etc. ”(the right of Nations to self -determination)

The essence of The war for Russia is imperialist, appropriating Ukraine, changing its status To colony. The essence of war for Ukraine is really war national; It is a war of an oppressed nation against a foreign oppressor. Defend your right to self -determination, your national liberation. It is war of national resistance.

Lenin for him concrete case would repeat us, which:

" At the time of imperialism are not only probable, but inevitable, wars Nationals of the colonies and semi -colonies. In colonies and semi -colonies (China, Turkey and Persia) live about 1,000 million souls, that is, more of half of the population of the earth! In those countries, the movements of National Liberation or are already very strong, or grow and mature. All war It is the continuation of politics with other media. The national wars of The colonies against imperialism will be inevitally a continuation of the national liberation policy. Those wars can drive to an imperialist war of the "great" imperialist powers current, but they can also not lead to it: that will depend on many circumstances".

And, more precise In the case, which:

"Us We find a national liberation war, in which rivalry Imperialist is an accessory element, lacking importance, that is, the opposite of what we see in the war of 1914-1916 (in the Austro-Servia War, the national element is not important, compared to rivalry Imperialist, which is decisive). This shows us how absurd the concept of imperialism in accordance with a fixed pattern, deducting from it the "Impossibility" of national wars. The Liberation War National, for example, of an alliance of Persia, India and China against some U Other imperialist powers is very possible and probable, as it derives from National Liberation Movement of those countries. And the transformation of Such a war in imperialist war between the current imperialist powers It would depend on many concrete circumstances, whose advent would be ridiculous guarantee ”(on the Junios brochure).

" At the time of imperialism are not only probable, but inevitable, wars Nationals of the colonies and semi -colonies. In colonies and semi -colonies (China, Turkey and Persia) live about 1,000 million souls, that is, more half of the population of the earth. In those countries, the movements of National Liberation or are already very strong, or grow and mature. All War is the continuation of politics with other media. The wars nationals of colonies against imperialism will be inevitously a continuation of their national liberation policy. Those wars They can lead to an imperialist war from the "great" powers current imperialists, but they may also not lead to it: that will depend of many circumstances.

The current situation In Ukraine and the Development of the imperialist plans again.

In turn, Previously exposed is the key to see the strategic situation of the imperialists Russians and Yankees imperialists and other imperialists, that is, to weigh who has won positions and who has lost positions in that country strategic, taken as loot in the imperialist dispute.

In others words, to establish whether the war of aggression of Russian imperialism against The oppressed nation Ukraine means that Russia has recovered becoming Again a superpower, which in union with social -imperialist China can go to play world hegemony to Yankee imperialism or yes, his war of Aggression against Ukraine, it is an aggression within a situation of loss of a "territory" considered strategic and, therefore, of desperate response to the siege of Yankee and NATO imperialism, that is, a situation of strategic defensive in the development of inter-imperialist contradiction, seeking to recover positions for future decades seek to recover to advance to superpower. To think that with the entry of Sweden to NATO Close the siege on that flank against Russia.

Since 1990 to date, with respect to Ukraine, all that Russian imperialism did was for keep it within its sphere of influence and maintain it, according to its Imperialist Chovinist Doctrine of "Great Russian" inherited from the Tsaries, such as part of the strategic defense of its own territory.

Everything that Since 1990, the unique hegemonic imperialist superpower, the Yankee imperialism, and the other imperialist powers such as Germany, France, England, etc. It was for supplying that international order of the Soviet ex-union and advance politically, economically and militarily throughout the area of influence, from that date of imperialist Russia, in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

A CONSTATMENT: No It has ended, as They show the facts with stubbornness, the period of fighting the two superpowers, being Yankee imperialism the main enemy of the peoples of the world in their condition of being the imperialist superpower unique hegemonic (the fat dog) and Russian imperialism, in its condition of Atomic superpower (the skinny dog), but which, as such in its cares of stay and recover, keep causing gandes evils and misfortunes to the peoples of the world.

It is important Keep in mind the historical development and the current situation in Ukraine so that fall into the position of the LOD reviewist and capitulationist rats, which They raise Russian imperialism and Chinese socialimperialism and talk about a "Multipolar world." That way they try to watch over the acute contradictions of imperialism, for which, they present to the Yankees imperialists, as if I would have already lost or would be quickly to lose their status as unique hegemonic imperialist superpower and, therefore, the main enemy of the peoples of the world.

In this period what has been giving more accentuated from the beginning is understood of the present century the decade and that first, first, in the Russian invasion of Crimes and the border region of Donetz and, then, for two years in the current war of aggression against Ukraine.

The contest inter-imperialists, is already Not only is it given by the intermediate countries that separate them, but it has been taken to the "own strategic territory" of atomic superpower Russian The current war of aggression of Russian imperialism against the nation Ukrainian, called by Putin as "special operation", is a slut desperate of the Russian imperialists who under their direction, wielding the Old Chovinist Doctrine of "Great Russian" to overwhelm the nation Ukraine, seeking to suppress it as an independent state, denying its right to Utodetermination and their own existence.

The Ukrainian nation persists in resistance

The invader was not received with flowers but with lead

Death to the invader

The nation Ukrainian has resisted from the beginning. The Ukrainian nation, the masses of that country, demarcating with lackeys from other imperialists such as Zalensky, etc., are persisting in the National Resistance War. The fight will be long and only fighting with independence, ausostenance and self -decision, trusting only in his own forces and in the international solidarity of the proletariat and the peoples of the world; carrying the National Resistance War such as War prolonged; fighting independence without undergoing superpower or power any imperialist; practicing that man and not weapons are decisive and that we must prevent the bear from between the main door and, to the same Time, conjure that the wolf between the back door; persisting in the need to unite all the forces subjectable to be united by resistance national, isolated to the puncture of traitors and vespatria proimperialists of any side, the Ukrainian nation will reach the final victory over the invader and any other that threatens its independence and integrity.

It corresponds to proletariat and masses of Ukraine reject and crush the danger of capitulation by a handful of traitors to the country, rejecting with all force the compraint imperialist that is in silence but underway, that in collusion and struggle, in the middle of the dispute between them by the botin, which is Ukraine as oppressed nation, they want to make agreements between them using Ukraine as a piece or currency.

To face all the dangers that are loom over the National Resistance War, the whole nation must be willing to all sacrifices to face all The turns of the international situation must develop the war of RSISTENCE AS STRATEGIC GUARDS WAR.

What is needed? That the most advanced Elements of the proletariat Bregen for directing the national resistance, fighting next to the masses reconstitute their communist party, to under their direction, transform the current National Reistence War In Popular War of National Resistance.

All evils endlessly that the proletariat suffers and the people in that country have an origin, A cause, in capitalist restoration. Therefore, in that historical process of Restoration-Contrastation, which is being lived there as a war of national resistance, which corresponds to the communists, in this country Also, it is to reconstitute its party, as a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party militarized, which transforms such resistance into popular war not only for release the invader country but to counteract, that is, to culminate This chapter of the democratic revolution and develop the revolution proletarian and restore the dictatorship of the proletariat. This has to be done Amid the fight against foreign intervention, the country's division in spheres of influence of superpowers and imperialist powers, against The country's cast and annexations.

We are interested in seeing the development of objective situation worldwide, focusing on the biggest maturation of the conditions for the revolution. That is, the greatest development of Revolutionary situation, in unequal development in the world, which manifests itself in the development of the new great wave of the world proletarian revolution and, Therefore, as Maoism is going to direct it, the only guarantee of its victorious development; And he is doing it, incarnating in the villages of the world, generating new type communist parties, Marxist-Leninista-Maoístas militarized, to start and develop new popular wars, underway The World Popular War to bury imperialism and reaction World, inseparable from the irreconcilable struggle against revisionism.

It is necessary to crush All those positions that try to deny existence and exacerbation of the three fundamental contradictions at international level and, mainly, the main contradiction, that is, the existing one between imperialist countries and oppressed countries as expressed again in the current wars of Ukrainian aggression, war and genocide against Palestine, etc.

What I know It is intended to deny The greatest maturation of objective conditions in these countries; which are the basis of the revolution World and the spot of the new cast, in the midst of collusion and imperialist struggle; and therefore the character of imperialist war of prey of all armed aggressions against oppressed countries, which carries out Imperialism, mainly Yankee, alone or in alliance with other countries Imperialists

Imperialist aggression, war Imperialist, the immense genocide and imperialist prey against the peoples of oppressed nations, as we are seeing in Palestine, Ukraine, etc., unleashes the anger of the peoples that rise in powerful armed struggle and cause the political, moral and therefore military failure and quagmire Imperialists In this way, the new great wave of the World revolution in its current strategic offensive stage y BARDING OF IMPERIALISM. That is why we say, the reaction threatens the revolution. Therefore, the class of all -release wars of all the armed struggles of the peoples, whoever, the force that Transitarily they head them.

In this situation, for the revolutionaries, it is main to develop the popular war to show the way and serve develop the communist movement in those countries where it is very weak, To leave this situation and can fight for directing those struggles armed with liberation, which already exist, and transform them into popular war, only guarantee of bringing the democratic revolution to the end; condition for which, they need to become a communist party and there lies one of the important tasks of the International Communist League, which has a development successful since its foundation in December 2022 ..

Oppressed countries are the basis of World proletarian revolution; Because there is the immense mass of the population of the earth and the poorest, deep and deep. Who lives in conditions, not They agree with the degree of civilization currently achieved; what is victim of the most gigantic butchers for the wars of prey Imperialist and its native lackeys.

The World Crisis of Imperialism aggravates the fight between them for oppressed countries and areas of influence ; that, therefore, the plans that apply Through the ruling classes linked to their interests, what it does is aggravate the critical economic situation in these countries, at whose root it is, its condition of semi -feudal and semicolonial or colonial countries, where develops bureaucratic capitalism , base that generates modalities corresponding policies and ideological. The global crisis will continue downloading to our societies while maintaining that condition and We will continue to be the loot of each new cast.

Imperialism is not one, as I teach us Lenin: there are on the one hand a handful of imperialist countries, whether these are superpowers or powers, in general, oppressive countries; And, on the other, the oppressed countries, which are colonial or semicolonial countries. These last economically submitted to imperialism, but who have sovereignty or Formal independence.


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INDIA: Boycott the sham elections to Parliament and Assemblies! CPI (MAOIST)

Circular: 1/2024 (up to the people)

Boycott the sham elections to Parliament and Assemblies!

Save the country and the people from the danger of Brahmanic Hindutva Fascist BJP!

Establish, protect and strengthen the Revolutionary Political Power of the People!

Advance New Democratic Revolution in India!

Central Committee Communist Party of India (Maoist)

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PC February 28-the political result of the elections in Sardinia from the point of view of proletarians and the masses and opposition to this government

by contrainformation Ross Operaia of 28/02

The first pages of the great print today are all concentrated on the outcome of the elections in Sardinia.

We don't think that the elections are currently the tool to change things, just as we don't think that the elections in our country are really democratic, but they are, instead, as Marx says, to choose between candidates who they have to do the interests of the dominant class and this applies to the center -right candidates as well as for center candidates left.

This is it also became clear to the consistent masses of the population, dei proletarians, of the poor masses of our country, so much so that the natural response to this situation - or the non -response - was the massive abstentionism. This massive abstentionism is check now in all elections, to a greater or lesser extent a depending on the type of elections.

Even the elections In Sardinia they have seen a slight growth of abstentionism compared to the previous regional ones. These are quite things clear.

The system politician of the parties in Italy and the governments that are born they are all governments at the service of the owners and the dominant class and in General what they say in the elections is not realized. All What they promise to proletarians and masses is not realized. Everything they promise to the masters and the dominant class It is realized. Not only that, but also what they do not promise, that not they say in the elections, once they are in power they do it without no scruple and boast all this as if they were “promises electoral "," it is a vote that sent us to power, it is the vote that It allows us to do, in the end, everything we want ”.

Now the elections In Sardinia they are not different from the elections of all kinds of type that we have had in recent years, nor will they be different from future elections.

We are for a new really democratic state in which proletarian workers, the popular masses can freely elect their representatives in a picture in which, however - it is clear - that the interests of the proletarians e of the masses must prevail over the interests of the masters and the exploiters, parasites. This possibility is not in the present electoral system and therefore this is not what we can today speak.

However the electoral result in Sardinia is a political result from carefully evaluate in the context of the current political situation. In this sense it is also a positive result for us. Positive from point of view of proletarians and masses, from the point of view of the social and political opposition to this government.

Two factors there they seem important: the government parties, through a clash between gangs between them, gave birth to a candidate who is in substance is been defeated. The center -right candidate was defeated Because imposed by Meloni. So it is also a personal defeat of the Meloni and the party that represents it. It is also a defeat of the coalition because the party that wanted to express the candidate, renewing the mandate, the League, made fire and flames before the elections for the candidate Solinas to remain the candidate-president, then Meloni set himself with the support of Forza Italia and the candidate Solinas of the League has been set aside.

As a result concrete, an evident part of the League electorate voted the Lists but did not vote for the candidate of Fratelli d'Italia.

It's not that we We think the League candidate was better, Solinas is a criminal, is a candidate also investigated by the judiciary for the way in which he managed the Region, for the link with illegal affairs. But this contradiction in the row of the dominant coalition is was a weak ring of the center -right parties and of these rings there are several in all elections and in management also daily of this government.

Everything that feeds the division in the government, in the dominant class, is Objectively positive. On the other hand, the vote in Sardinia expresses, In the band of those who voted, a clear no to the government and a clear yes Also to the figure of the center -left candidate.

The candidate, a difference of other candidates of the center -left, at least in the electoral phase, is characterized by a more radical position of social opposition and politics at the local level, in Sardinia, and nationally against The Meloni government. Rightly this candidate spoke of Fascists to the government and rightly appealed to anti -fascism Against this government, coming out of Mrs. Meloni, irrelevant that he has disturbed a significant part of the electorate it saw This mixture of presumption and arrogance and has had greater reasons To convince himself that he is a fascist and that he had not been voted.

The other question is that the candidate does not It was part of the extablish of the Democratic Party and this is also a value added, because the establishment of the Democratic Party, in most of the cases, certainly does not represent an alternative to the government of center -right. So it was not part of this establishment, it was more linked to the 5 Star Movement and to Conte, he used well This "third" figure of his to conduct an election campaign more radical and clearer. As we have appreciated that one of his first statements was full denunciation and solidarity with students attacked in Pisa and logic of public order management as a police state, modern Fascism, by Salvini who puts his face and Meloni who is the great direction or the contact person of all this dirt of which we have already talked about yesterday's counter -information.

So this vote weakens the government, for now, and strengthens social opposition and politics at least within the framework of the institutions and the electorate.

For us The social and political opposition is the one that moves outside the Parliament, is the one expressed for example from the 100,000 they have manifested and striked on the occasion of last week, the 23/24, around the nodal question of Palestine, who then It means the complaint of the complicity of the government in the massacre genocida that is taking place in Palestine and the complaint of a government that, in addition to being an accomplice of Israel, marches towards the war.

The opposition social and political is the one that moves in the jobs, in territories, to claim salary, rights, the defense of health of safety in the workplace in front of the gigantic chain of dead, is the one that rekindles the outbreaks of rebellion in the schools in solidarity with Palestine - which is the reason for latest detective positions - but in general to question the model of school that wants us to impose the fascists in the government and theirs Minister Valditara. And at the same time the movement of women who With great events - and new important ones are announced Initiatives for March 8 - He is putting the general force on the field of women against the policies of this government, within a criticism that certainly goes beyond this government, it concerns "the first" of this government and will also concern "the after ”of this government.

This is the true social and political opposition. This social and political opposition It should be built and organized in political forms: the party of proletariat of the oppressed, the united front of all those who they fight this government, the state of capital the construction of a force of the masses capable of not allowing the violence of Was the face of the master.

All this is helped by contradictions within the bourgeoisie, to the parties of the Parliament and is helped by what happens also in the elections.

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MFPR companions of Milan and Palermo - from the electronic assembly of February 15th

"... This fascist government has a clear ideological/political project and one of the centers of the attack are women"

Regarding the Nudm National Assembly towards the strike of 8 March


I agree on an analysis that we have done just like MFPR, that is, that this Meloni government has a clear project that carries on and that sees women as one of the centers of the ideological/political attack, women as has already said the companion in introducing this meeting must be for this government even more at the service of capital and are called to have children for capitalist production and war. Clearly in this context we continue to lose ground and continue to lose rights and moreover there is the ideological action in the first place of the government in schools that with Minister Valditara even appeals to the students, therefore in young women, to participate in states General on the birth rate, to marry this campaign at the service of the anti -aborticist associations proved ... the fascism that is in the government is a clear project.

I share what we have written in this day by talking about a society that produces a modern, more social, more terrible, more institutional and more violent patriarchy and connecting to those that in general are the contents that emerged from the Nudm assembly in Bologna, where in delegation Have we participated, with what should this modern patriarchism fight, through education, through culture or within reforms? It is not the ground that allows us to really change the situation. Certainly there are positive aspects that we cannot absolutely ignore, at the Nudm National Assembly there was a questioning about the role of the family, the patriarchical, the control of immigration, highlighting how this is included in government policy, with The dramatic consequences on our lives, on our working conditions, on the productive and reproductive world, because one must not forget, it was said, that there is also all the consequence of welfare erosion.

So one of the issues that has placed within the assembly is to start from the need to understand all this general context to try to understand how to combine a specific struggle with the strike and how to put together the results obtained on November 25 with Strike of March March, because it was said it is absolutely not a natural outlet.

Having said that, it must be said, however, that the various interventions that have succeeded, in my opinion, were interventions that have been based on individual realities and sometimes even too individualistic and for which they have not possibly given a wide breath, Certainly some intervention has placed a more shareable language and analysis by identifying the responsibilities at an institutional level ... For example, there was the intervention of the companions of Lucha y Siesta who told of the struggle put in the field, which we also followed e that we supported as MFPR, and who managed to obtain not to pay a strong fine and were acquitted of the accusation of employment of the property for profit purposes, however, however, the question of the Lazio Region remains on their head, Which instead wants to somehow clear them and try to remove the building.

But several other interventions have been based a lot on the question of the genre ... for example on the reform of family law and which are rewriting it or on the 164 and the importance of the evolution of this law ... there was the interesting intervention of the node Of the Marche regarding the attack on the right of abortion with the proposal of a national event, the increasingly large space denunciation that the pro -life groups are taking again that are again re -examining on the scene with the obscene and unnecessary propaganda they do.
There were also interventions that were also reported in the work table, on the 2024 bonus that is recognized only to mothers with two children and however with an indeterminate contract, therefore simply smoke in the eyes, together with all the other situations and government decisions against the living condition of women and how to go back ...

Most of the themes, however, which were treated within the assembly were also crossed by the theme of racism in all its forms and by the ability that emerged with the letter that was there on November 25 by Of a partner with handicap, who made a complaint about it ... At the meeting, it was said that the strike is a challenge and a necessary path against violence, against the violence of this government and it is necessary to think about the measures to be taken, the government that It places motherhood as the only dimension of the female.
These are issues on which we certainly agree, but in general the interventions is as if they had not had a clear and strong thickness in identifying the responsibilities, in fact, of this fascist government that, as mentioned before, the project there It is clear, while even if within an assembly so important for the number of women and realities that participated, there are no clear indications, it is normal that then you cannot get to those sectors, women, Social to which you want to contact ... For example in the work table where the MFPR partner of Palermo intervened highlighting what are the essentiality and importance of the strike of women as a phase struggle weapon and in perspective compared to the social system To be questioned at 360 degrees and that the strike is not simply any union practice, within this table there has been a lot of debate and the question of the letter or letter is truly repetitive, not as regards the letter regarding the Appeal to the unions and in particular to the CGIL, focus mainly on this type of topics clearly remove strength and weakening what must instead be the strength of March March, which has been tried to underline but has remained as an open field ...

On the question of Palestine we expressed ourselves with the intervention of one of our partner clearly and precisely of what we think and what it means to be next to the Palestinian women, the resistance of the Palestinian people. What emerged from the various interventions was however a position that is not always clear and with some oppositions ...
Antonella mi

... the ideological conception of Nudm's background is that of a small bourgeois feminism, we have analyzed it, we have never taken on sectarian attitudes or liquidationists tout court towards a movement that manages to mobilize thousands of women in the square and that to his own Interior is composed of several "souls", but we have always expressed with revolutionary sincerity the criticisms of the positions that in fact for example result in reformism ...
At the work table we brought our position, even union, on the strike clarifying again that the intent of the strike by the Slai Cobas for the SC, a trade union organization where some of our companions are also delegated, is not at all considered a merely bureaucratic fact or Technical but also the union organization is put at the service of the women's strike, actively working to make the workers protagonists in the strike, which are organized directly in the struggles or that can be reached in the jobs in different forms, a strike that starts from the places of work with all the requests that emerge from the condition that is experienced in them of exploitation, oppression, denial of basic rights, discrimination, repression but by placing the need to expand the view to what is the wider attack and in every area that The majority of the workers, of women suffers as a government, masters, in this social system ... the experiences of struggle of some sectors of workers, workers, precarious that fight or towards which we have made investigation, which in recent years are also have been active in the strike of women, who have striked on a wide platform, from jobs to violence,/feminicides, to the attack of the right of abortion, to war, to internationalist solidarity with oppressed women in the world ... yes it is The importance of the strike of women not as a repetitive or expiration fact but as a renewed weapon of the phase and in perspective in the same to a struggle that must question this capitalist social system to be fought at 360 degrees ...
... on the CGIL question it is true that several interventions have focused on this but it seemed that an attitude of criticism and challenge in particular towards the CGIL/Landini that plays on the strike in Iceland has emerged more and then does not indicate the strike for the March 8 ... In general, not to go to the CGIL national meeting, but to support the delegates who want to indirect in the workplace or participate in the strike ...
Also at this table the need to reason on the result achieved on November 25 and on how to capitalize it to put it to the service of March, in this sense, in this sense, such as connecting to workers in a more concrete way "with a more understandable language ... The workers must be heard in question ... "has been said in an intervention, a concrete proposal that was made is that of a national electronic meeting aimed at the social workers sector, social coops, there were some testimonies in the table of workers on strike these days ...
Donatella pa

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PC February 28-The petrol on Macron's fire feeds the world fire (from counter-information Rossoopeia of 28/02)

We want to consider what is happening on front of the war.

The premier French, Macron, said he is ready to do more and send direct troops and pushes the allies born/he uses to send their troops directly to Ukraine to fight the Russians if Ukraine loses in the clash with Russia - as in fact is happening - because the disaster represented by the Zelensky regime is also reflected in what It is the war conducted by Ukraine, with generals changed like Capricci, with masses, especially young people and people tired of the war and tired of Zelensky's politics that wants weapons, weapons, weapons, as if the contrast between the popular and proletarian masses of Ukraine and Russia had its key in arms and not being Instead the armament that comes from western countries, from states United and from NATO countries. And this is one of the elements that show that this war is not the war of the proletarians and the Ukrainian masses, but it is the War by interposed person of the imperialist powers: Russia which has invaded and, even more, the United States, NATO, countries Europeans who are already participating in this war in all ways. And this, far from being a peace factor has become one unstoppable march towards a general conflict.

This declaration of Macron as well as revealing that this war - the imperialists - want it even more than Ukrainians, is one heavy fuse in the picture of the food of this war that actually it can become officially what it is already in a hidden form, with everything that is connected to the war with it carrying out it as a great carnage of peoples, soldiers, of all the businesses engaged, but also a great factor of profits For the true masters of governments which are the great multinationals, The war industry.

As soon as Macron has Having said that, NATO, Germany and even the United States have Immediately said that no, we don't foresee this. But is not so. Their words are hypocritical. These steps are not made by announcing them on newspapers, evidently.

NATO, American imperialism, the various European governments, are not ready To take these direct participation steps with soldiers on the territory of Ukraine. Also because they don't have consent internal on this, both that of the polls that tells us how the most of the "public opinions" within these countries, although certainly not agreeing on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, they are certainly not for the war, I'm not for the amazing increase in military expenditure that are overthrown on popular masses.

Macron did not have say this because all the countries are still ready to do it and neither They are united in the real interests to defend in order to do it. However, this highlights what they really want to do.

Macron also said it as part of trying to resume consent in the country and characterize as the only possible government that allows you to realize the imperialist interests of France inside e Outside against the threat represented - threatens in order to Say - from the advance of Le Pen. Therefore to maintain power, for arise as the main servant of the interests of imperialism, Macron does not hesitate to want to drag France into war and to make clear what other countries are already doing, see Italy closely aligned on Ukraine and who intends to do much more on Ukraine also in the context of the current figure of the government Italian and Meloni as president on duty of the G7 to be held In Italy in mid -June.

All of these they want war, all of these want to bring the war. All of these want to transform their countries into countries militarized and war economy and all these do it for the profits and for the interests of the masters. And all this do it in All chessers in the world, from Ukraine to Palestine, to the Middle East, in Asia, where world fires are about to burst even larger dimensions than those already in progress.

This leads us to enhance the importance of manifesting against war and against governments. Solidarity with the Palestinian people, stop the genocide, The ceased the fire must be combined with the relaunch in each country of the struggle against the imperialist war, against the participation of their own governments and their soldiers to wars, against the amazing increase of the war economy and against the internal effects of all this What are more dictatorship, more repression, less democracy.

The workers, the workers, the oppressed, must clear that there is a link between their material condition and what that It happens in the world: what the world prepare for the proletarians, for the popular masses, for the their children, etc.?

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Around 8 March ... Women's strike/platform

We inform that the Slai Cobas for the class union has already formally called the strike of women of March 8, open to all workers and workers, this call unions covers all the workers, also registered with other unions or not registered.

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PATRA | Flooded roads with protesters and slogans

In the most massive way, the thousands of workers, people and youth in Patras were demonstrated. Today's gathering is recorded as one of the most massives in recent years. A year after the crime in Tempi, the people of the city went down the streets, denouncing those who sacrificed the 57 -passengers of the Hellenic Train on the altar of profit.

Student associations, unions and workers' unions began from the branch area to unite with the rest of the protesters in Olga Square, which were early full. The tractors that had entered the head of the demonstration reminded more of the swan song of the area's rural struggle than its escalation, now that the moods of workers and students are showing a racing direction.

The following course passed in front of the OSE station where he met strong police forces in front of the building. The protocol for the demonstrators was the attempt to terrorize the police that surrounded the "tail" of the demonstration for much of its journey.

The class march and the racing moves down two distinct blocks that began with the branch with slogans of complaining of criminal policy imposed on the detriment of the people and the youth.

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Brazil: the people blocks the BR-101 highway after the murder of a peasant – The Red Herald

Featured image: Deyvison Batista da Silva, peasant murdered by the Military Police in Escada, Pernambuco. Source: A Nova Democracia.

The Brazilian newspaper A Nova Democracia has recently reported on the murder of a peasant, Deyvison Batista da Silva, by the Military Police (MP) in Escada, Pernambuco, on Wednesday 21 st of February. After this, the inhabitants of the area have been blocking for days the national highway BR-101, which is crossing the whole East coast of Brazil.

The MP murdered the peasant when he was speaking with two friends. Three MP’s went off their motorbikes, including a police thug, known as “Pitbull”, and shot Deyvison in his face. As is usual, the Brazilian repressive forces claimed that Deyvison was armed during the incident, but the people does not believe such tricks, and its shaken by what happened.

Here the consequences of the blockade can be seen:

Here we share videos of the protests occurred during the 22 nd :

Here you can see videos of the protests done during the 23 rd :

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Supposedly former RAF member arrested

In Berlin, Daniela Klette, who was sought as a member of the Red Army Group arrested . Daniela Klette supposedly belongs to the so -called third generation of the RAF and is said to have been on the run since its dissolution in 1998 with two other RAF.

The public prosecutor announced yesterday that the arrested were Daniela Klette. The 65-year-old has been fleeing since she went underground in the early 1990s. Yesterday she was in an apartment in Berlin Kreuzberg, where she was named, among other things, lived. The said apartment in Kreuzberg is said to have been rented through a third person. In the apartment, the police allegedly found a foreign pass and ammunition, but without the associated weapon. Daniela's neighbors describe them as friendly and tell the journalists of the bourgeois press that they regularly gave mathematics tutoring to children from the neighborhood.

The German judiciary throws Daniela attempted murder and various tried and completed serious robberies. However, it is all about your activities after the RAF dissolved. Together with the other two subordinated alleged RAF fighters Ernst -Volker Staub and Burkhard Garweg, she is said to have financed her life underground with robberies. Even if the RAF has now dissolved, there is still the possibility that Daniela will also be convicted in addition to the robberies, but also according to paragraph 129 a, “membership in a terrorist association”. Membership in the RAF is actually time -barred, but the upcoming question is whether the judiciary defines or not the attacks committed as activities of the RAF.

The state has been looking for higher intensity against the three RAF fighters since the beginning of February. Recently there was an episode in the so -called “RAF Trio” in the so -called “RAF Trio” and was appealed to the German subject and the sparkling with a public search for the German Subject. Apparently with an excessive success, because according to the editors of the show, 250 information from spectators received them. A short time afterwards, a major operation by the police in Wuppertal was also triggered, with an uninvolved old man, threatening and arrested by the special units of the police with assault rifles. Previously, the police had a call from someone who thought, in which older passers -by recognized one of the RAF fighters they were looking for. Ultimately, the crucial indication for Daniela's arrest was supposedly also given by a denuncant. However, some time before the program in November 2023. The police did not reveal more information about the given note or the denunciations.

There are currently numerous attacks through the class justice in the FRG. There are regular demonstration bans and attacks on protests while increasingly larger population groups are demonized and their bourgeois democratic rights are denied. At the same time, there are increased repression against left -wing structures. House searches take place regularly and the rotten German state is increasingly trying to put anti -fascists into jail. In the middle of this situation, the reaction is also increasingly looking for those people who fought the state with the weapon in their hands and have not been found by it since then.

Now after yesterday's arrest, the German repression authorities are enjoying their success, in the hope of showing strength and intimidating resistance. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced in a message from the Ministry of the Interior: "Nobody should feel safe underground." Of course, this does not apply to the round 600 sought by arrest warrant Fascists who are submerged.

Even though Daniela has now been arrested, she managed to avoid the persecution of the repression authorities for over thirty years with her fighting companions.

Source for the picture: Express.de

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Ethiopia: more clashes and a new massacre in Amhara – The Red Herald

Featured image: map with Bahir Dar, Amhara’s regional capital. Source: Researchgate

Recently multiple armed clashes have been reported between militiamen and troops of the Ethiopian Old State in many locations of Amhara, despite that the Ethiopian government informs that the situation is calmed or in “relative peace”. In recent weeks there have been clashes in Gojjam West and North, North Shewa, North Wollo, and in these places the roads have been blocked. Additionally intense battles have been reported in Gondar, Merawi, Dega Damot, Shewa Robit, Antsokiyana Gemza and Lalibela. Also during the last weekend and the first days of this week there have been new and intense clashes. Movement has also been forbidden in some areas of Amhara.

The Ethiopian State has been trying to solve its problems with the Amharic resistance with intense repression, including the establishment of States of Emergency and carrying out numerous massacres against the people. Local academics and sources have warned that all of these measures have not been effective to calm the resistance in Amhara, but strengthen it. Also these ones have even questioned the legality of the Ethiopian State’s measures, such as declaring the States of Emergency or other measures carried out to try to dismantle the Fano militias and the political opposition in general.

From the beginning of the year several massacres have been known in the Amhara region, perpetrated by the old State. The last one, on which we reported , recently happened in North Shewa. Recently, human rights organizations have denounced a new massacre , which happened shortly after the beginning of the conflict between the Fano militias and the Ethiopian State. This massacre was committed in the capital of Amhara, Bahir Dar, specifically in the neighborhoods of Abune Hara, Lideta and Saba Tamit, and at least 17 civilians is reported to have been murdered.

The different associations and journalists who denounce the crimes of the Ethiopian State in Amhara and in other areas of the State, also denounce severe difficulties to report about these events, since the Ethiopian authorities have made numerous prohibitions and limitations of access to communications, especially the access to Internet. These difficulties include numerous detentions and other ways of harassment and repression against them. Regarding this, the media of the imperialist countries have shown their hypocrisy during the last days, when they cried against the arrest of the French journalist Antoine Galindo , journalist of the news website Africa Intelligence, based in Paris. But also they have not been denouncing the numerous arrests of local activists and journalists, who have been especially persecuted and repressed in Amhara.

Local sources have denounced numerous arrests of journalists who have reported about the uprising in Amhara and these local sources demand the release of the imprisoned ones. Some of these journalists have been imprisoned since April 2023 for having reported about the struggle in Amhara and for having denounced the abuses committed by the bureaucratic-big landlord government led by Abiy Ahmed. Additionally these journalists report having suffered other forms of attacks against them such as assaults on their informative headquarters, robberies of their work materials, etc. This not only happening with journalists linked to Amhara, but also to journalists from other regions such as from the Somali region , have made a formal appeal for the immediate release of Mohudin Mohamed, who was arrested on 13 th of February of 2024. This young journalist has been very active on internet reporting on the recent uprisings that occurred in the regional capital, Jijiga, before an official visit done by Abiy Ahmed. It has been revealed that Mohudin Mohamed has been arrested for seven days without formal accusation and he has been isolated at jail. It also has been reported that a year ago another partner of his media was already arrested after the State’s decision to forbid numerous regional media.

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INDIA: CASR condemns the conviction of CPIML-Liberation leader Manoj Manzil and 22 others – The Red Herald

Hereby we publish and statement we have received.

On 13th February, 2024, a Special MP/MLA court convicted Liberation leader Manoj Manzil and 22 others in a nine year old murder case of one Jay Prakash Singh and sentenced them to life imprisonment. The state has alleged that Jay Prakash’s killing was in retaliation to the murder of Satish Kumar, a leader of CPIML-Liberation. Satish Kumar was killed on 25th August, 2015, by feudal forces of Badgaon panchayat of Bhojpur for struggling to get the crops of landless and poor peasants purchased by government authorities. This led to him becoming the target of a local feudal element, Rinku Singh, who was also the President of Badgaon Panchayat Primary Agricultural Credit Society (PACS). Four persons, including Rinku Singh and Awdhesh Sah, named in the murder of Satish Kumar were acquitted in 2019, interestingly around the same time when a local court took cognizance of charges against Manoj Manzil and others in Jay Prakash’s killing. The special court while awarding the sentence, stated that the prosecution has not provided “peculiar” evidence to categorize the case as “rarest of rare” and therefore, cannot grant death sentence. But what is more important to understand is that not only the state didn’t provide “peculiar” evidence but they did not provide any material evidence at all and the court relied merely on the 9 witness testimonies, including those of Jay Prakash Singh’s son, investigating officer, medical examiner and few others. The very reason that the judicial system let the killers of Satish Kumar roam free and convicted the leaders of Liberation without ample evidence beyond ‘reasonable doubt’; reeks of conspiracy to suppress democratic dissent of people and all those who stand with them.

It is important to point out that state has alleged that Jay Prakash was assaulted by Manoj Manzil and others when he was passing by a protest against killing of Satish Kumar. According to this version, the son of Jay Prakash who is also a witness in the case, fled the scene and Jay Prakash went missing, only to be found dead 2 days later, on 27th August 2015. However, there are no sufficient further arguments or material evidence to justify that Manoj Manzil and others were involved in the killing. Furthermore, the role of police and judicial system, in imparting justice in cases of struggle between landless/poor peasantry and feudal forces like Ranveer Sena or Karni Sena (to which killers of Satish Kumar belong to) cannot be ignored. This particular case cannot be evaluated in isolation from the history of massacres like Bathani Tola or Laxmanpur Bathe, carried out by Ranveer Sena that is rising its heads again in the form of Karni and many other private militia of landlords. Whether be it case of murder of Satish Kumar, massacre of 21 landless dalit peasants in Bathani Tola of Bhojpur or massacre of 67 Dalit landless peasants in Laxmanpur Bathe of Jehanabad; the courts from lower to the upper rung have betrayed the oppressed and exploited people by overturning the convictions or delaying justice, ultimately letting the feudal militia roam scot free. However, this very state has been eager to incriminate the leaders and activists working among the oppressed and exploited sections.

On March 2, 2023, Gaya Sessions Court awarded life sentence to Ram Chandra Yadav, who has already spent 17 years under-trial, for alleged involvement in Killing of 37 Bhumihars (a feudal class- upper caste) by Maoists in February 1992 in retaliation to massacres done by Ranveer Sena. In this case also, a person, who already spent 17 years In jail, was sentenced to life in TADA case, whereas in massacres by Ranveer Sena, let alone TADA, not even normal penalty under relevant sections of IPC has been awarded. We see the conviction of Manoj Manzil and 22 others in this similar pattern and believe that the protector of Ranveer Sena, Nitish Kumar along with Brahmanical Hindutva Fascist BJP-RSS is unleashing this onslaught on leaders of Liberation to suppress any voice of democratic dissent against rising feudal, casteist and communal violence in the country. This attack should not be seen as an isolated one, but a well coordinated attack on the very idea of struggle against oppression. Therefore, all the forces that strive to struggle for a democratic society, free from exploitation and oppression, must perceive this attack as one on their own and fight it back unitedly.

Campaign Against State Repression strongly condemns the frivolous framing and conviction of Comrade Manoj Manzil and 22 others in Badgaon murder conspiracy case and demands their immediate unconditional release. We also call upon all democratic, progressive and justice-loving people to unite and fight back such offensive against the Democratic forces.


Constituents: AIRSO, AISA, AISF, APCR, BASF, BSM, BHIM Army, BSCEM, CEM, CRPP, CTF, DISSC, DSU, DTF, Forum Against Reportionation Telangana, FRATERNITY, Iapl, InnOCENCE NETWORKA, KARNATAKA JANASHAKA JANASHAKA Resident Lawyers Association, Mazdoor Adhikar Sangathan, Mazdoor Patrika, NAPM, Nishant Natya Manch, Nowruz, NTUI, People's Watch, Rihai Manch, Samajwadi Janparishad, Smajwadi Lok Manch, Bahujan Samjavadi Manch, Sfi, Sfi, Sfi, Sfi, Sfi, Sfi, Sfi Peace Alliance, WSS, Y4S

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Volos Strike 28 February, thousands on the streets!

With the massive presence of youth, students, students, young workers and farmers as well as workers from local authorities, teachers and others by Private and Public Sector The Strike rally in Volos. The gathering took place at Liberty Square where they called the Labor Center and the Prefectural Department of ADEDY, PAME Associations, Students Associations, Labor Forces, including the class course and others local agents.

THE Separate concentration held by the anarchy area and the club Employees and youth was necessarily led to the central course.

The Slogans of the course mainly focused on the crime in Tempi and less in the necessary labor -populist claims. A special feature is perseverance of some forces (SEK - ARAS) to focus on their pace Only in Mitsotakis and the ND government leaving the rest of us Representatives of the bourgeois political system (SYRIZA - PASOK et al.)

THE Class course in common block and banners with racing moves participated in gathering and course with slogans and massive sharing of the notice .

THE Massive participation of workers and youth in the strike rally reveals that the rift between the people and the system grows and the Student and farmers' struggles, despite the obstacles and 'triceps', have It contributes significantly to it. Is an important legacy for the working -labor Forces who want on the road, in workplaces, in schools and schools to organize their resistance and claims.

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Ecuador: NO TO THE REFERENDUM! – The Red Herald

We publish this unofficial translation of a statement of the Front of Defense of the Struggles of the People – Ecuador.

The government is preparing to hold a referendum that, if approved, will definitely submerge the masses, the workers from the countryside and from the city in a condition of labor exploitation more wretched than the existing one.

Noboa invented an internal war to justify handing over the country to Yankee imperialism. In order to be able to specify it, in addition to the ” internal conflict” he had to declare a state of emergency that has been prolonged by 30 more days; In this way, together with the Armed Forces, they have created an environment of unrestricted “necessity” for the intervention of the state repressive apparatus with the purpose of maintaining “order and peace.” What has he achieved with this? Capture of nearly 10,000 citizens, some linked to criminal gangs, the majority, residents of poor neighborhoods, (false positives), intimidating the leaders of the people’s organizations; limit the acts from the Assembly and from certain elements of opposition to the regime from the bureaucratic scene, and delivering, on a silver platter, the structure and planning of everything concerning the Armed Forces, police and external/internal security of the country, to imperialism.

But it’s all a hoax. There is no work, there are no resources to pay wages, there is poor health care; not because of crime, corruption. Military and police are involved with the gangs; there is an increase in VAT, and, definitely, a speculative cascade is coming to us exposed in the dramatic increase in the cost of the basic food basket.

Thousands of Ecuadorians “escape” from the economic crisis to other countries, no longer is it a simple emigration, it is an exodus that determines: live, or die, since many compatriots have fallen prey to crime on the way to the USA. Incredibly, like the banking crisis at the end of the century In the past, income from remittances has become one of the three main “contributions” that feed the country’s GDP.

What does the referendum point to? Mainly, to strengthen the repressive, punitive and tendency to imprison response from the government. Give more power than it already has to the Armed Forces. To intend to legalize capital from drug trafficking and organized crime. But, actually the three billion dollars that enter to the financial circulation of the country as a result of drug trafficking, above all, the banks, are not already regularized?

The consultation promotes openness to foreign investment, but is not subject of national laws, but of “international arbitration” in case of controversies. The ultimate conditions of the so-called “foreign investment” are delivered to international legislation that responds to the interests of the large monopolies, financial centers and imperialist property.

Insisting on extradition. They have created a “false environment” in this regard. One more hoax, a criminal, to be extradited, must have committed a crime that directly affects another country. It is obvious that the direction there is basically political. They vaccinate imperialism in the country against potential reactions against its armed presence in national territory. They are also going for tougher penalties. Another stupidity, a criminal, including “white collar” ones, never commits a crime thinking about losing, about not being successful, then the penalties don’t matter.

Finally, reform the labor code. They want to favor businessmen and employers. Stupid. To hell with the labor conquests that have been wrested from the ruling classes and the old State through struggle; many of them, through the death, mutilation, imprisonment, torture of hundreds of workers who generously gave their lives to materialize those achievements and defend their rights.

In short? An unnecessary, punitive, imprisoning, capitulationist referendum, which does not subscribe to anything related to issues of a social nature such as: education, health, social security, etc.

And in the middle of this, Noboa states; “Possibly, I will run for re-election.” But he is not alone, in the queue, the last electoralist is followed by Granja, Rabascal, Gonzales and, without surprising us at all, Leónidas Iza.

The referendum is coming. DO NOT VOTE, DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN IT. It is not enough to say, “all NO in the referendum” as revisionism has begun to point out, which are the same people who say “52% of the electoral population is to blame for what we experienced, because they voted for Noboa.” No, they are still tied to the elections, they continue to think that this is the way to solve the problems of the masses, of the poor peasants.

We must unmask opportunism, revisionism, the ones towards elections, those who insist and persist on the bureaucratic path. We must fight them at all possible levels. DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE REFERENDUM, BOYCOTT IT IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. THAT IS THE SLOGAN OF THE PEOPLE.



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ATHENS Strike demonstration, 28/2 - Massive expression of racing moods and the anger

Strike Demonstration, 28/2, in Athens:

Massive expression of militant moods and the wrath of the people and youth, despite the will of the trade union leaders and the forces of subordination

Athens was flooded. Thousands of strikers and young people took to the streets demonstrating their anger against the barbaric, murderous, anti -populist and anti -labor policy. And this, despite the absence of a strike from the GSEE workers (who continue the subversive for their labor movement), but also against the forces of consensus and submission to "get out of the obligation" and preach and preach it. the end of the matches.

It was clear that the rage over the daily and escalating anti-labor and anti-populist attack is overflowing: the demolition of rights, the unprecedented precision, the attack on the future of the youth itself, in the crusader measures for farmers.

Especially when he coincided with the one-year completion of the massive state-of-state murder in Tempi, and the obvious operation of the concealment of the responsibilities of this rotten system and its managers. It was clear from the previous days that this would give even greater boost to the struggles expressed on the streets for weeks by students and farmers, and despite the rush of farmers to close (just a day earlier!) The agricultural mobilizations. And it was also clear that this mass "meeting" of these moods on the street did not fit into the character of the memorial that the forces of submission wanted to mobilize. Nor should it be disoriented behind the alleged "clarification" operation of the causes and those responsible through examinations and other state committees and bodies. Because the people are well aware that the key responsible for this crime is the bourgeois state itself and the policy of its governments. Policy that exploits, oppresses and murders!

Very massively, with the pulse of the classrooms and racing movements, the racing movements of teachers and the student resistance, promoting slogans of claiming labor rights, defending strikes and class union, defense of your youth struggles, but also solidarity with the fighting Palestinian people. There were a few times that these two composed blocks were applauded from the surrounding world.

The presence of the repressive forces, especially around the blocks that gathered in Havtia is very intense. Indeed, shortly before the end of the demonstration, they were attacking the concentrated and casting chemicals, which they did a little earlier without achieving the dissolution of the demonstration.

Today's strike rally can and should be boosted to the further establishment of the popular and labor movement, to continue the struggles of people and youth. The fact that government provocation continues with the submission of the bill on private universities shows that there is no room for repetition.

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More US military bases in Norway – The Red Herald

Featured image: The Norwegian Minister of Defense and the US Ambassador to Norway signed the SDCA agreement on the 2 nd of February, 2024. Source: Asgeir Spange Brekke, Norwegian Ministry of Defence

Earn the Folk Media reports that US and Norwegian imperialism have made an agreement allowing several new US military bases in Norway.

The Supplementary Defense Cooperation Agreement (SDCA) was signed on the 2 nd of February by the Norwegian Minister of Defense, Bjørn Arild Gram, and the US Ambassador to Norway, Marc Nathanson. The agreement will have to be approved by the parliament before it can take into effect, and might require a three fourth majority to be passed. This majority has already been achieved as the parties representing the large majority of the parliament have voiced their support for the agreement.

While the Norwegian Governments have had a line against military bases of other countries in Norway since 1949, several so called “united areas” have been created in the last years. These areas are mainly used by the US, which can build out its military infrastructure there, but other NATO members can also use it for military purposes.

The SDCA agreement is an extension of a defense agreement between the US and Norway, that was approved by the Norwegian parliament in June of 2022. As part of the agreement the US currently has four unified areas in military bases in Norway. The new agreement proposes the creation of eight new areas. The majority of the existing and proposed unified areas are in military airports.

Similar agreements have also been made between the other Nordic imperialists counties and US imperialism. Sweden, Denmark and Finland signed bilateral Defense Cooperation Agreements (DCAs) with the US in December of 2023. The agreements, which have not yet taken into effect, proposes the creation of 17 unified areas in Sweden, 15 in Finland and 3 in Denmark.

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Turkey: House raids in Izmir and Istanbul – The Red Herald

Featured image: House raid. Source: Partizan

Guerrilla reports that many people were detained in house raids in Izmir and Istanbul in the morning yesterday, the 27 th of February. Some people are reported to have been tortured by the police while being detained.

The detained have been denied access to lawyers. “Providing finance to a terrorist organization” has been cited as the reason for the detention.

Partizan reader İbrahim Hakkı Eren was among the detained. During the raid special police officers used violence against the people in his house. Written materials such as newspapers and books were confiscated.

The house of members of the music group İsyan Ateşi (Fire of Rebellion) was also raided. The police breached the door of the house and confiscated several books.

Also The Disk Members, Tijda Kılıç, Şerife Alpözü and Mahir Kılıç, Were Detained.

There were also house raids against members of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) and the Federation of Socialist Assemblies (SMF). Several members of the ESP and SMF were detained.

New democracy reports today that the detention period of the detained in Istanbul has been extended for one more day.

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From the electronic meeting of February 15 - Central in this March 8/Women's strike two themes/reality: workers, workers/proletarian and support for women/Palestinian people - a strong solidarity to Ilaria Salis

From the intervention of the mfpr of Taranto

Meanwhile, we want to send a strong, solidarity to Ilenia Salis Which is in prison for a very right protest, a demonstration that was there last year against a truly illegal Nazi gathering, framing, shameful. This gathering has also been repeated this year, even if in a less striking form, and this is to be attributed only and only a greater mobilization of the anti -fascists, both from other and Hungarian countries, benefits, women ... we are fully with Ilaria Salis when he says I am innocent, but for us the problem is that it is very right to attack, protest, fight against these neonazians who are truly a black wave, a cancer, which in Hungary have the maximum accessibility, the maximum support from the government, but unfortunately, As we are seeing, it also happens here by us, see the demonstration of more than 200 fascists who have been in the academy in which nothing was really done against if not some denunciations to individuals when many were instead, therefore maximum support At the battle that Ilaria Salis is doing, who is doing her father, we continue to talk about it, we continue to report them, we continue to bring it to our initiatives because together with Ilaria we have to win on this, because it is a victory not only against the Orban government, but A victory also against the best friend of the Orban government against Meloni.

Another solidarity greeting, we send him to his companions, solidarity, anti -fascist companions who have shown for Palestine and who have been loaded in Naples in particular, but also in Turin, It happened on the same day. We have reached the point, as companions of Naples, of the Si Cobas, who is the police headquarters that says what you can write in the signs and what you cannot write, what you can say with the slogans and what you cannot say, in short If this is not a dictatorship, if it is not modern fascism what is it? And there have been companions like Mimì of Naples that we know very well of the Si Cobas who have had a split head, we have already sent solidarity but it is good that from this meeting you send a collective solidarity because we will continue more and more to manifest to the side of the Palestinian people and Palestinian women. And there are deadlines already in next week. In this sense, we remind you that at national level, and also internationally, two days have been called alongside the Palestinian people against the genocidal state of Israel, against the massacrer Netanyahu, for 23 and 24, the 23 most aimed at workers, at factories, at the jobs, on the 24th there is a national demonstration in which it would be useful not only to participate, but also make visible in the complaint of the massacres, the killings of the women who are taking place in Palestine, there are already almost 30,000 massacres of which Most are women, children, the resistance, the strength of women who, as we have said, transform their tears, their immense pain into force, fight ... we would like to launch an appeal because on 24 there is the national demonstration a Milan, because Milan as the Palestinians themselves say is Palestinian, from 7 October in Milan all the Saturdays have been the events and it is a continuous beacon, on that continues to shine just to keep high support for the resistance of the Palestinian people, solidarity And the complaint and fight against our government. Here too Meloni was one of the first ones who went after October 7 to tighten the sausage of Netanyahu. In Milan beautiful events in which women, the Palestinian girls, are the soul, they are the heart, they are the most combative. I participated in one of these manifestations and really fills your heart. So also in L'Aquila, today a partner from L'Aquila is connected, where there have been various events for Palestine.

A national event in defense of the right of abortion was said to the Nudm assembly, s Econdo we are very right and more appropriate, in the face of the things that have already been said, which have been reported. And it would be the case here, this could be our proposal, that this event coincided with the day or the days when the general states will be made on the birth rate. Or three or two years ago there were general states in Verona and there was a great manifestation of women on that occasion, here. If we unite, as it would be right, not only the event that claims your hands from the right to death, but also that fights. Those who today, government, various ministers, all the scum, want to attack this right of abortion, to the question of the general states on the birth rate would be good ... but we think of the whole issue of conscientious objection that unfortunately is also in the existing law .

On March 8 it is clear that in our opinion the two themes but also the two realities that must be central in March 8, are first of all the workers, the workers that, as has been said, in an indomitable way, with all the attacks, the suffering, the threats, the blackmail of being first fired, of no longer having more work, with the contracts that are changed, made ultra precarious, not to speak Discrimination, up to sexual harassment, attitudes from the garments ... but they fight, they certainly do not stop with 1000 difficulties, fear but continue to fight. Clearly March 8 is not a strike, as a trade union, trade union strikes are almost every day, from the South to the North, in every workplace, from the factories, which are now the great factories, the target of the attack in place of work and salary and women no longer do it and in many jobs, also services, cooperatives, etc. Here, these struggles are necessarily made and do not wait for the dates but March 8 is something more for the same workers, for the same workers who take in their hands the fact that all life must change ... it is not that The workers think of daily working, wage, working conditions, how to say, the bourgeois feminists think about sexual violence, the problem of the right to abortion ... because these things, sexual violence for example touches more and more often Proletarian women, women who, as Antonietta said before, don't even have the possibility sometimes to be economically independent and therefore must undergo and be offended when they say enough, when they break the ties, then it becomes almost natural, it is becoming something in which the The only comparison could be with the killings that take place in the United States, one goes to a school and shoots and kills, so it seems that it is normal that as soon as the man is frustrated, his companion, the ex -boyfriend, feels abandoned, frustrated In his man prosopope he kills the woman who abandoned him…. The fact of Latina is emblematic, those who shot was a marshal of the Guardia di Finanza, but in 2014 there were other killings in this country, a country with less than 40,000 people, made by a carabiniere and a prison police officer. That is, it means that there is a logic, there is a humus, a climate that pushes, which shows as natural that to a certain if you leave me, if you want to make choices that are independent of me, male, me or I kill you, I can kill you.
In this sense, the problem is that now you have to be more precise. It is fascism that is causing a modern patriarchism, that is, it is no longer the old patriarchism which at most was consumed only in the four walls of houses where women were submissive. Now there is a fascism, a modern paternalism that reacts in the face of the fact that women want to be able to make choices, they don't want to be subordinated, they want to break the ties, and therefore there is this reaction. A modern patriarchism, as a writer said, is a modern, non -medieval man, the one who kills today. This places the fact that women want to break relationships, women want to have the opportunity to decide their lives and. This is an important element to unleash the struggle of women.
On 8 March the workers who struggle continuously, the workers who are now brutally sent home or their existence are worsened on the jobs, the women of the poorest neighborhoods, who if not them have to take a struggle that clearly has At the base the material conditions, the economic conditions, the conditions, but which must invest the whole condition of women ... For example also on abortion, if it is removed, as it has been in the past, some go abroad to abort but who can go? Many women, workers, precarious, unemployed, migrants, young people cannot pay the doctor's conscientious doctor in hospitals but a golden spoon in the private study. . So here we make a specific appeal to workers to workers, to proletarian women to be more daring, more proud, more determined on everything, to bring the determination you have at work, on the struggles in every area because this life, all life must change. I am reading a book called Vincenzina, now he knows it talks about a worker of the Etalsider of Bagnoli, when he speaks of the wage differences he says about 20% less than the salary than the men "retain our dignity in the paycheck" in the paycheck " That is, it is not just a problem of money, it is a problem that towards women retain our dignity. It is normal that there are salary differences, it is normal for women to have the worst contracts, it is normal that therefore there is an extra load by the owners, by the government, etc.? Well, we must put this extra load against the government too, the owners ... on the question of the government is true has a precise plan, what he wanted to do with decree, but a moment we have seen that he is also fragile, It was enough on the great November 25, that there was the attack on the door of Provity, that there were signs, support slogans to Palestinian women, it was enough that there were slogans, signs such as those brought by us against us against the Meloni government, we were a small group, shouted to terrorist feminism, a partner was also attacked only because he brought the Palestinian flag. This government is strong but it is also fragile for internal issues, one disagrees with the other, Meloni disagrees with Salvini, they make the shoes each, there is no real opposition ... but if we us Women do this opposition then we see that a sign on Palestine is enough to cause screams and criminalization ...

On March 8th we would like to take a sort of march to the factories between the workers, in the realities of workers in struggle, but the other important and central question today is Palestine, bring with a contingent on March 8 to the Palestine question, in the possible event, the message of the revolutionary struggle of the necessary women ... this is our flag, the contribution we want to give ... the need must emerge strong in this March 8 To say dangerous then perhaps all this strength by the government, of the state can be inclined, clearly to overturn it it takes something more.

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Act in memory of Natalia López

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More than 50 organizations formed the organizing commission of the act that, since January, worked hard to leave successfully and massively. In the midst of new femicides, such as those of Camila in Florencio Varela and María Luisa in Berazategui. Meetings and awareness activities were held during these months.

On Monday 19, cutting H. Yrigoyen Avenue in front of the Quilmes station, thousands of women participated in the event "For Natalia and for all" under the slogan "Boards in the streets facing the adjustment and delivery policy of Milei. To defend our conquests and fight for what we lack. ”

Numerous leaders of political, union and social spaces of the region participated in the act, such as Liliana Méndez, a member of the Central Committee of the PCR and secretary of the Quilmes, Berazategui and F. Varela area; Cristina Cabib, president of the Tribute Commission to the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo de Quilmes; Patricia Paredes, of the South Women's Space; Councilors of Union for the homeland of Quilmes headed by the president of the block, Eva Mieri; Bárbara Cocimano, Secretary of Women, Diversities and Human Rights of Quilmes; among other.

Hundreds of accessions from all over the country reached the event, highlighting the greeting of Mayra Mayra Mendoza, who affirmed "we have to remember it in the midst of a political and socio -economic context that we would never have wanted, with the most reactionary right conducting the destiny of the country" And he highlighted “we have started the way to comply with the emergency in violence against women and diversities, declared in Quilmes in 2018 and extended twice, product of you, companions. Of our struggle ”. And he closed his greeting pointing out “This fight does not end, and as every year, he finds us more together than ever. By Natalia, for his family, for all. ”

At the beginning of the act of Lidia Braceras, historical leader of Suteba Quilmes and the Blue and White Teaching Group, together with Fabiana Pérez Valdez (current secretary of Suteba Quilmes) and Debora Procaccini (General Secretary General Previously), made a semblance of Natalia. He highlighted his role as a delegate of his school, EP 87 of La Matera, his companionship and his warmth.

Then, the Organizing Commission of the Act took the stage and, in its name, Yanel Mogaburo -Dirigent of the Women's Commission of Quilmes, Berazategui, Varela- read the consensual document. There, the history of women's and diversities movement of the region is traveled, which conquered the emergency in violence against women in 2018.

The document also denounces the current situation: “Today more than ever we reaffirm the path of unity and struggle to face those who intend to snatch the rights. On December 10, the government of Milei-Villarruel assumed, and it was undoubted violently. With Milei, the representatives of reactionary and fascist sectors who publicly claim the Videla dictatorship, renie from Malvinas, and reject the rights conquered by this people, arrived. Sentepatria sectors that deliver our wealth, our resources and our sovereignty for crumbs. Milei is no novelty, it is not the new. Milei, Villarruel, Macri, Bullrich, Caputo and Company, are the worst of our past, are the ones that project a country for a few, hungry and repression for the majority, a government to the extent of the International Monetary Fund, the same as the same as In the Macri government, billions of dollars escaped and borrowed for 100 years. ”

The document also denounces the growth of violence against women, referring to the recent cases of femicide that shocked the area, two young women of F. Varela and Berazategui, Camila and María Luisa. For them, we demand justice.

After the demands that the women's movement maintains, the document concludes “by Natalia and for all, let's build the roads that allow us to transform anger and pain in struggle, in defense of what we have and for everything we lack. We are convinced that fascists, anti rights and vendatria will be defeated with the unity of the people. ”

After the event, a large march was held that toured the streets of the center of Quilmes, towards San Martín Square. With songs, banners and the sympathy of the neighbors, once again, the emergency in violence that advances in eradicating the violence that women and diversities suffer daily was required. Between applause, hugs and cries of emotion, the march concluded in the amphitheater of the Plaza San Martín and the call for a great day on March 8 for International Working Women's Day.


Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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Jorge Risi: A revolutionary communist

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At 89, our beloved partner Jorge Risi died. Roque, as we all knew him, joined our party since its foundation, having been in the FJC with which he broke along with thousands of young people.

He played in different organization tasks, in the dictatorship he did it as responsible for the press task, and in recent years as responsible for the National Sports Commission.

Roque was a true communist who fought his whole life to realize the historical objective of the working class, society without exploiters or exploited.

We say goodbye on Wednesday, February 21, at the Chacarita cemetery. With the presence of his son Andrés, family, friends and comrades we give him a fair and deserved tribute.

Comrade Sebastián Ramírez, friend of Roque, recalled some passages of his life and militant work. "Bonaerense de Pehuajó proud, he met an old field doctor, Dr. Rocha, and was a friend of his son Jorge", who was secretary of organization of our party.

Ramírez remembered his passion for sport, both in basketball and in football, as well as some of his tasks: “He generated countless friends, despite a turbulent, devilish character. The man was difficult. Friend of Otto Vargas, friend of the Clan Stivel. Things that perhaps at the time we would not have told, so many years spent that we can bleach some of their relationships and some of his tasks such as the link with personalities such as Federico Luppi, Carlos Carella, Marilina Ross. Their poachers in the middle of lead in the cars in motion while exchanging their "figurines" and arguing politics being that they were their friends. Friend of David Viñas ”.

Ariel Oliveri remembered, son of Nestor, the remembered "Chinese Doctor", on his Facebook page: "Roque militated his whole life and never had a handle. He never had a car. He died in a two -room department that he rented by two mangoes with his retirement. It was one of those guys who do not get into politics to save themselves. He fought all his life to leave a more fair world ...

“He was one of the creators and ideologues of Buenos Aires youth tournaments. He told me the whole process and worked with him for many years. He gave me a huge hand. The discussion he put was how many games the kid or the neighborhood piba played that did not come to go around. If there were less than four, it was not a social sport. Always thinking about the massive. ”

And Ramírez culminated, in the tribute: “Roque lived with absolute fidelity to his ideas, leaves a million friends and a toothbrush. A frugal, austere man.

“Dear companion Jorge Risi, dear Roque until victory always! Overcome".

Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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2000 editions of today

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On February 23, 1983, the first issue of our newspaper took to the street hoy , under the Maoist motto of serving the people. We continued the task carried out by New hour From the foundation of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Argentina, in January 1968, as a dissemination body of the central committee of the party.

New hour It came out regularly for 15 years very difficult, most of them under two military dictatorships, in which it had to be printed and distributed in hiding. In the times when he murdered and tortured dozens of companions per day, New hour He arrived biweekly to all corners of the country. This was possible because of the effort of hundreds of comrades throughout the country, which contributed in this way to the struggles of the people against the dictatorship and to keep alive the flame of revolutionary communism in our country. Three hundred ninety -three editions of New hour They are testimony of it.

After the Malvinas War, in 1982 the workers and popular struggles were deepened, which put the military dictatorship in check, already with Bignone as president. The dictatorship was able to negotiate its withdrawal with the directions of the main political parties, and thus we reached a conditioned "democratic openness", in which the disqualifications and political proscriptions were maintained to the left and popular organizations such as our PCR.

In this framework of limited legality conquered by the popular struggle, with our still proscript party and our beloved first secretary, Otto Vargas, prosecuted, even in the early days of the Alfonsinist government, the central committee decided to adopt the new name of hoy For the newspaper, which would be legally edited, reaffirming our revolutionary ideals and objectives.

Our newspaper, which first appeared biweekly and as of 1985 as a weekly, had as director since its inception Eugenio Gastiazoro, who died on November 27, 2022. Eugenio, a member of the central committee of our party, had previously directed New hour Since 1974.

With this edition, we fulfilled 2000 fighting to keep us faithful to our motto, and putting our pages at the service of the struggles of the exploited and oppressed masses against the oligarchs and the imperialists and the policies at their service, always with the aim of moving towards the National and Social Liberation Revolution.

In these 2000 editions, with the guide of the central committee of our party we have crossed very diverse situations in national and international politics, and we believe we have contributed in part to the development of the workers and popular struggles, holding the flags of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism .

More than 40 years of our first issue, and crossing the second decade of the 21st century, with all the changes in communication that have been developed, particularly with the development of the Internet and social networks, we reaffirm that the newspaper, the main one PCR organization and propaganda political instrument, remains key in the political unification of the party, an “organizer” instrument - as Lenin said - in its construction and that of the revolutionary class and communist current, in addition to a thermometer of our relationship With the masses.

We understand our newspaper as an integral part of the revolutionary communication of our party, together with the website, its social networks, the theoretical magazine Politics and theory , Magazine Spark of the JCR, as well as the videos, books and brochures edited centrally by our central committee.

We arrive at these 2000 Editions of the Weekly hoy Strengthened in our task, at a time when our PCR and its JCR, as well as the movements in which we work, we have grown and extend nationally.

We enthusiastically assume the challenges ahead, so that our newspaper improves week by week, and its pages reflect the immense workers' struggles, peasants, women, young people and all popular sectors, to defeat politics Hunger, reactionary and delivery of the Milei government, and advance in the conquest of another policy and another government.

We fight week by week to advance in being a useful instrument in the way to strengthen and root our beloved PCR between the masses, and thus advance on the path of the National and Social Liberation Revolution, as part of the struggles of the proletariat and the peoples oppressed from all countries of the world.

We are committed to sustaining the legacy of our beloved Otto Vargas, first general secretary of our party, who said on the 40th anniversary of our party: “We are sure that our struggle will succeed. We believe in what Mao said: the logic of the oppressed is to fight, fail, to fight again, fail again, and so on to succeed. And we, with the same conviction with which we found the Revolutionary Communist Party ... we say that there will be new triumphant revolutions, that imperialism will be defeated, and that ultimately communism will triumph worldwide. ”

A deserved recognition

Go with this edition the recognition of all and all comrades, colleagues and friends who have made possible the edition, dissemination and collection of our newspaper throughout these 2000 editions.

In particular, we want to remember those and those comrades who were part of our writing and have already died, and in the beloved Eugenio Gastiazoro we appoint all the journalists, designers and correctors who made possible the regular appearance of the hoy every Wednesday.

And a special recognition of all and all comrades, colleagues and friends who have enabled, nationally and in every corner of the country, with a methodical and often anonymous work, that our newspaper reaches the hands of all and all those who fight all the days in every corner of the homeland.


Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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Tribute act to Otto Vargas

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On 21/2, in Monte Chingolo, we tribute Otto Vargas, first general secretary of the PCR, five years after his death. He welcomed us the president of the club that lent the facilities and began singing the national anthem. Comrades and friends: unemployed, retired, teachers, workers and young people we listen carefully to the speakers.

Companion Pablo, from the JCR, said: “Today in the JCR we have several challenges, one is to transform that young vote that voted punishing the situation that lives and voted to Milei, transforming it by rebellion so that this youth is organized and taken in its Hands fight for your needs. As with those who study, who cut the budget in education, or those who work twelve hours for a miserable salary and we do not know if they will renew the contract. ”

Juana, a member of the Zonal Committee and Central Committee of the party, said: “Jacinto Roldán, current general secretary, said that this party maintains the same objectives since its foundation, fighting because the working class and the people take in their hands the fight for The revolution of the set to guarantee ceiling, work, health and education for all.

“That Milei won the ballot was a hard blow to the entire popular, national and democratic movement, and it was also strong for the game, because we are part of that movement ... sectors had been dragging anger and anger with Alberto Fernandez, Cristina Kirchner, with Massa ... Alberto Fernandez's policy did not solve popular emergencies, paid the external debt and aggravated the situation of millions, that discussion was taken advantage of by the reactionary right and presented Milei as who was going to produce the change.

“The line of the party was fair to lead the struggles for the needs and campaign for union for the country, fighting the unity of the front and playing with everything with our ten measures.

“They came to change the paradigm of Argentina, what we are: democratic, health defenders, public education, destroy regional economies, culture, rights conquered by women, are working for an Argentina for 20 million ... But they face a town that is not meek, a town that has a struggle.

"The town on the streets set aside the protocol ... it will be decisive that we continue to fight on the street ... we have to correct to live up to the times, we have to move forward, discuss and ask ourselves questions and correct our practice, here in The southern zone, what do we direct? Where do we have groups? Do we work in the concentration centers seriously or do we occasionally? Do they direct cells or people? Are the reports discussed by all comrades? ... How many of us are, how many newspapers we place, and how many we pay? ... the broadest unit is necessary with all sectors and the growth and strengthening of our party is also crucial. ”

At the close of the act, Mariano Sanchez, secretary of the Zonal Committee and a member of the Central Committee made a tour from the beginning of the PCR to the present and on the role of Otto Vargas in the construction of the party, pointing to the need to prepare for the times that come. To close the act we sing The international .


Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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What is understood by unit in the party?

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What is understood by unit in the party?

“By unity it is understood that you must join with those who have divergences with you, that they despise and treat you without consideration, that they have taken badly with you, that they have fought or made you suffer. With those whose opinions are identical to yours, as are already united with you, the unit does not present itself as a problem. It is presented as such in the case of those who are not yet united with you. With this I mean those whose opinions are divergent from yours or who suffer from serious defects. ” Mao Tsetung , Today's notebooks N° 171

Discipline rules

The second of the three cardinal discipline rules approved by the Popular Liberation Army of China established: "Do not take the masses or a single needle or a single thread strand." This rule is valid for any communist (Maoist) militant of any party that is considered as such and is worth both for the party leader and for any militant is a union, neighborhood, student activist, etc. Although it is a matter of justifying that "needle" taken to the people for a need of the party, the union, the student center that is directed, or whatever you want.

The importance of our hoy

We must continue fighting for an organization formed around a newspaper for the entire country. Only in this way will it have the ability to adapt immediately to the most varied and quickly changing struggle conditions. The revolution itself should not be imagined as a unique act. We must develop our activity in any situation, a work of unified political agitation throughout the country that helps spread our proposals, to fight in the three planes- economic, political and ideological- and that is directed to the great masses. And that work is inconceivable without a newspaper like ours.

Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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Freedom to Öcalan

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For millions of Kurds and Kurdish, Abdullah Öcalan is considered its political leader, even though it has been in a Turkish jail. As Nelson Mandela, he is considered key to a fair future for his people. His ideas promote radical democracy, women's rights and multiethnic coexistence, and are the inspiration of the democratic autonomous administration of the North and East of Syria (AADNES).

At present, there is an international campaign for its freedom, but the report summarized below is simply focused on its detention conditions. Against national and international legislation, it is in almost total isolation. The contact with his family and his lawyers has always been restricted, and for almost three years, in a regime of absolute lack of communication, without any contact with the outside world.

In Report 2023, the law firm and lawyers defending the Kurdish leader and other prisoners İmralı, denounced that Öcalan has been held in a lonely cell in the island's prison since February 15, 1999. During the first ten years He was the only prisoner there. Six other prisoners were transferred in 2009, but he continued in insulation regime 23 hours a day during the week and 24 hours on weekends. At present, there are three other prisoners on the island, in addition to Öcalan. These three men have been there since 2015 and are equally isolated.

During the first twelve years, the right of Öcalan to see a lawyer was limited -ilegally- in one hour a week, but the authorities prevented him from exercising even this limited right, claiming problems with the weather or the state of the ship that communicates the island. Since July 2011, he has only been able to meet with his lawyers five times, all between May and August 2019, after a mass hunger strike demanding his release. Since 2014, only five family visits have been allowed. The last face to face was with his brother, in March 2020. In almost 15 years he has only allowed two telephone calls; The last one, in March 2021, was interrupted shortly after starting. Nothing is known about Öcalan since that day.

The UN Human Rights Committee asked Turkey in September 2022 to allow prisoners without restrictions on a lawyer of their election, but this has not had an effect, despite the renewal of this petition in January 2023 .

There have been numerous requests before the Turkish Constitutional Court in relation to these illegal conditions, and the lawyers have also filed complaints before the Union of Bar Associations of Turkey and the Superior Council of Judges and Prosecutors, all of them without result.

The European Committee for Torture Prevention (CPT) has constantly criticized prison conditions, but without result. Recognizing that the CPT cannot issue the report on your September 2022, without the consent of Turkey, lawyers have asked them to invoke article 10/2 and make a statement regarding the conditions in İMrald.

In 2014, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that the life imprisonment without probation of Mr. Öcalan was torture by denying the right to hope. The Committee of Ministers did not give course to this judgment until 2021. The committee commissioned Turkey to guarantee the existence of a mechanism for reviewing convictions and that he informed him of the number of other prisoners convicted of non -revisable life imprisonment. Turkey has not acted in both cases, and the Committee has ignored the requests of what follow -up.

The denial of legally guaranteed rights in İMralı has been parallel to the refusal to act in the question of the rights of the Kurds within Turkey, where the dialogue has been rejected in favor of invulnerability.

Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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Solidarity with our partner Cecilia Panzetta

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We appreciate the broad solidarity received for the partner from unions, organizations and personalities committed to the human rights of Córdoba.

On 19/2 in hours at noon, the teacher of the blue and white and councilor of Agua de Oro, Cecilia Panzetta, was violently threatened in the collective when he was heading to Río Ceballos.

As a teacher, he has headed the implementation of the ESI, and on previous occasions he has been defamed by the networks and personally attacked. As a councilor, he has been part of those who headed the rejection of the Bus Law and the DNU.

While the reactionary sectors and the president himself believe they are enabled to intimidate and threaten, characters like this man embargo. In a cowardly act he said: "I know where you live," "I'm going to burn you," "I know that you are a teacher in the village and have problems for indoctrinator," "I am liberal libertarian to the core and even death." Everything that happened is included in the judicial complaint based immediately.

Made the complaint, the UEPC teaching guild and other Ctera base guilds, Teaching Groups of Córdoba, the United Agua de Oro Front, the national deputy Gabriela Estévez, Hilda Bustos Secretary of the CGT, the provincial legislators Federico Alessandri and Luciana Presas and companions of the PSOL, Popular Unit and other UXP parties, members of local governments of the Chicas Sierras Corridor, collective of local women and other allies and sectors have sent their solidarity, expressing repudiation to antidemocratic actions.

Enough of harassment, persecution and intimidation to those who face Milei's anti -democratic adjustment and policy.


Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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National Teaching Unemployment

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There were acts and marches in several provinces, coinciding with the beginning of the classes, in which ATE workers converged, also in the day of struggle, and the historical CONADU (university teachers), which also called unemployment.


In CABA, the teachers of that district and Greater Buenos Aires, under a persistent rain, concentrated in front of the Pizzurno Palace, headquarters of the current Ministry of Education.

An act was held in which education and state workers spoke, where the head of CTERA raised the call to a national educational march.

There we talked to the companion Myriam Marinozzi, general secretary of Suteba Berazategui: “We are mobilized because since its assumption, this government has done nothing but destroy everything that depends on the State, with hate, viciousness and great cynicism and mainly everything that It has to do with health and education. On that path, paranate and disregard education by stating that ‘schools are from the provinces’. This is at least to deny our National Constitution, which in its articles 14 and 14 bis speak of the indeligible responsibility of the national State, regarding the right to education. They have definanced part of our salary, such as the plus that give us connectivity, cutting the Fonid, teaching incentive and what is even more serious, the money of the dining rooms, of connecting equality, of the improvement plan, corresponding to the technical schools and infrastructure".

And Marinozzi added: “Given the severity of the situation, companions and colleagues, we have summoned ourselves from much of the schools, of all the branches, regardless of the groups, because this has to find us together, and especially very close with community. We have come dozens of partners by train, in subway and walking, very happy to meet in unity to face this hunger and delivery policy. ”

In La Pampa

In Neuquén

Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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Round of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo de Quilmes

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The companions of the PCR and their JCR were part of this day; Companions of the CCC, headed by Matías Esteche, coordinator of the Regional CCC; of standing neighborhoods, of the Independent Movement of Retirees and Pensioners -Mijp-CCC-, of the Quilmes Women's Commission-Berazategui-Varela, of the CEPA of the UNQ, ATE Quilmes-Sec. Gral. Attached Alejandro Quiñonez, Ricky Zúñiga (Father Joaquín Zúñiga), Blue and White Group in Suteb Popular

After the round that surrounded the Plaza San Martín, the traditional closing act was held on the side of the monument that pays tribute to the mothers, they continue to march. The act began reading the greeting of comrade Liliana Méndez, member of the central committee of our party and secretary of the Zonal Quilmes - Berazategui - Varela. Then a tribute was made to Flora, who helped the construction of the mothers of Plaza de Mayo de Quilmes at the time of the dictatorship and recently died. With the presence of his daughter Paula and his grandson, the words written by his son were read, who tells his story as an immigrant woman and a strong fighter for human rights, having accompanied families to look for their sons and daughters stopped disappeared by the dictatorship of 1976. Its story is in the book Looks , by Ana Flores, who was also honored in the spot, when a new anniversary of his death was fulfilled.

Then the companion Emilia took the floor for the CCC, after the extraordinary national day of struggle. He raised the food emergency claim, under the slogan "our empty pots." And the issue of school kit, since "like pots, backpacks are also empty." Then, Patricia Iribarne gave a greeting from the Organization May 25. Then, a document prepared by the “Multisectoral of Quilmes for the work, production and national sovereignty” was read, in repudiation of the visit of the Foreign Minister of Great Britain, David Cameron, to our Falkland Islands.

Milagros, companion of the CCC, took the floor to count on the act carried out on Monday 19/2 to 12 years of the femicide of Natalia López.

The actra Cristina Cabib, mother of Plaza de Mayo de Quilmes and president of the Commission closed the act, who raised the situation two months after Milei's government, with the brutal adjustment. "They claim the dictatorship of Videla, they renate Malvinas, reject the workers and popular conquests, the rights of women and are against all the rights conquered by the people." Cristina developed the "Reguero de Luchas crosses Argentina", and repudiated the criminalization of the protest.

Then he said “today we remember that on February 14, 2019, Otto Vargas left us, our first general secretary from the foundation of the PCR in 1968. As Jacinto Roldán, current general secretary of the PCR, said:“ The story of Otto Vargas has not ended to write Because a communist, a revolutionary, does not judge him only for what he has done throughout his militant life, but for what he leaves ”and Otto Vargas leaves a PCR that has just turned 56 years at the service of the fight Revolutionary, with its JCR deployed throughout the country ”we say we are the party of Otto Vargas: we fight for the revolution.

“This February we said goodbye to Blanca de Freitas, mother of Plaza de May from Plaza de Mayo de Quilmes. To all of them, we tell you present! Now and always!

A few days after a new anniversary of the genocid coup d'etat of 1976. We call so that on March 24 there is only one march, a single stage and a single act.

After his words, the Argentine national anthem was sung and once again, in a closed shout, we affirm "30 thousand missing detainees, present!"


Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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Repudiable campaign to demonize organizations

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On Tuesday, February 20 at the House of Memory, the CCC -Corriente Classista Combativ Report a brutal attack, stigmatization and persecution by the National and Provincial Government, from the press conference headed by Patricia Bullrich in which Governor Leandro Zdero participated. ”

It is a right to replica after the complaint to Jorge Bregui, original Qom, a member of the CCC of the Leonesa, of course sexual abuse.

“On a complaint to a delegate of our organization that we learn from the media, the first measure we take is to separate it to investigate, but the yellow press encompasses the entire CCC, which is a national organization, because they come not only because of social and union organizations but by the Argentine people. That is the plan of President Milei and Minister Bullrich, when in reality what the government should resolve is the hunger of the people, the adjustment and inflation and the repression that they want to carry out and that we will not allow our rights to be overwhelmed And we are not going to take a step back. " Gladis Favretto, leader of the CCC said.

José Niz, general secretary of UPCP expressed his support; “The CCC is an organization that has achieved many claims for its members and the families of each of them, I admire their ability to organize ... and they also had to endure different types of situations that are not pleasant at all, many of us live together as together as Sister Union and Organization, which has to do with repressions over time but nevertheless never claudicated in what is its general objective and that has to do with what we propose as a union that if there are social organizations, it has to see because there is no state policy generated by genuine jobs and that this gives the dignity and equal opportunities to each and every one of the Chaqueños. ”

Mónica Figueroa, Reina Gómez and Simón Álvarez of the CCC of Castelli, Las Palmas and the Leonese respectively were expressed, adding that “we are not what they say, in any way, we do not accompany rapists, abusers or stalkers, never, but The truth was a situation of intimidation to the entire community, but we are not afraid ”, referring to the 7 raids made week ago.

Jorge Gómez and Ramona Pinay, members of the CCC and also vowels of the IDach for the Wichí and Qom ethnicity, denounced the discriminatory treatment in the raid operations, in the legal procedures and in the media: “Never the mainly national means, They dedicated so much time to issues that involve native peoples, when we are killed, missing, abused and discriminated against in the Chaco, as now when they are accused, ”they said.

Rodolfo Schwartz, provincial deputy said: “A message for the governor of the Chaco, we have a national government that has a program that goes more thoroughly than that of the most bloody dictatorship we had, more thoroughly than the delivery we had of our heritage , in trampling the rights of the working people and of the people in general, it has no background and intends to be an emperor ... he believes that he can do what he wants, all the governors are traitors, all the deputies are traitors, all the mayors are traitors, At least they discipline ... This governor has two paths, or hugs Milei and Bullrich repressing the people and then they will face us, or put on the side of the people at least, supporting the struggle that we are going to carry out.

They accompanied and expressed their support to the Organization General Secretaries of the UPCP, CTA of the Workers, ATE. Representatives of Utre Ctera, neighborhoods, south free, Evita Movement, we are neighborhoods, June 2, FOB, MTD, UTEP, Peronist Women, MTD Darío Santillán, May 25, CEPA, MOEL, FNC, UMEL , PTP and PCR, and provincial legislators Analía Flores, Gladis González and Rodolfo Schwartz.


Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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The pots are empty, the backpacks too

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In front of the Ministry of Education of the Nation in CABA on 22/2, young people from popular organizations, secondary and university students, claiming an interview with officials from the Ministry of Education. Juliana Lualdi, coordinator of the movement or a kid less for the drug, told us that the central objective was to claim "in unity with a large number of organizations 500 thousand school kits, divided into initial, primary and secondary, including overalls and useful."

The day was held in other cities and provinces, and in many places it was unified with the route cuts of popular organizations against hunger.

On an open radio in front of the Secretariat, the young people of the organizations present denounced the dramatic situation of hunger that grows in the popular neighborhoods, and gave concrete data of the price increases of the school basket, denounced that transport increases They make it impossible for many to reach schools and schools, and how, in addition, the government does not send food to school canteens and reduces the educational budget.

There were among others the movement or a kid less for the drug, the strain, the Mus, the JCR, the youth of the CCC, young people standing, Evita students, youth mp dignity, union of secondary students, Peronist youth, movement arises National, we are neighborhoods, boom, Frente Patria Grande. A Capital ATE delegation headed by its Secretary General Catalan was approaching.

Juliana told us that the day arose "from the tour of the assemblies in the neighborhoods. To the concern of hunger the beginning of the classes was added, when the school basket increased by 450%. To this we must add that transport and clothing prices make many go to school. We do this day in unity because we find many organizations with the same concern and wanting to go out to fight to be more urgent needs. ”

On the other hand, Valentina Foppiani, coordinator of the Secondary Unit Movement (MUS), added that “a few days after the beginning of classes we find colleagues who will not start due to the price increase that hits the pockets of our old people. The minimum students have a monthly budget of 100 thousand pesos, and if we go to a technique it is 178 thousand. If we are a family with two or three brothers, it becomes impossible for everyone to go. And this in the midst that everything increases, except the salary of our parents.

“The Government says that there is no money, when in reality there is money, and it is taken by those who take it in shovel and continue to enrich themselves, the great landowners and monopolies. The government chooses to adjust and adjust to the people. ”

Valentina added that “the conditions in which we are going to find schools is terrible. We have no dining rooms or food, and not to mention the inputs for laboratories or cabinets. The government keeps the budget for last year frozen, when everything is 270% more expensive. We go to a critical, desperate situation and before that we understand the need to assemble and organize the bodies of delegates in each of the schools. Unite student centers to defend our education and be able to advance more budget for the number of problems we have at this time. ”

Nehuén Corbeletto, coordinator of the CEPA (popular anti -imperialist student current), affirmed “it seems very important to accompany the claim of social organizations and secondary students, and we add ourselves with our own claims. This government froze the university budget, and through the DNU 70, with the repeal of the rental law, it has made many thousands cannot renew the rent. If we add the terrible price increases, and remove it from transportation subsidy with the increase in the ticket, thousands of university students will not be able to continue their studies. This budget shrink is already doing, in some universities, that they cut the possibility of scoring subjects, or that begin to collect a “solidarity bonus”, as in Chivilcoy and Tucumán, to be able to study.

That is why we are here and we will boost the unity to fight at the university that the government sends the budget items because the university's functioning is at risk. And to fight for all the claims of the students: scholarships, student ticket, dining rooms, and to turn the DNU that affects us centrally with the repeal of the rental law ”.

On the closing of the day, Juliana told us that a delegation was received by officials, who were given a petition by pointing out the claims of school kits, and those who denounced the real situation of thousands and thousands of kids and kids who, As the companion told, “they told us that they ate a plate of food and that they divided half for noon and half for the night. That is why we make it clear that we will follow the fight in unity to get our claims. ”

Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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Tribute to René Salamanca

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Before the offensive wave against freedoms, human rights and denial to the genocide of the coup d'etat of 1976, we summon ourselves, as every year, to remind our class and revolutionary leader, a member of the Political Commission of the Central Committee of the PCR , René Salamanca.

We do it at a time when those who raise this repressive climate do so to stop people's struggles against national adjustment and delivery. When the destinies of the country are put into play, figures such as René gain more validity.

On a new anniversary of the Automotive Mechanic Day, we invite you to participate in the act that will discover the new commemorative plaque of its validity, in the square that bears his name.

Wednesday, February 28, 18.30 Hs. Plaza René Salamanca, Santa Isabel neighborhood.

Invites and organizes: Permanent Tribute Commission to René Salamanca.


Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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Enough adjustment on workers

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The day unified all the popular movements of our country, for the first time in a long time. From the class and combative current, one of the firm promoters of this broad unit against the policy of hunger, delivery and repression of Milei, raised in their call: “The terrible devaluation, the tariffs in essential services such as light, gas, gas, And public transport, plus year -on -year inflation that already exceeds 230% have liquefied the salary of workers. This critical situation has generated that almost 60% the poor in our country.

"Social inequality grows with the measures promoted by the government of Javier Milei that had said that the cost was going to pay 'La Casta', however, the large companies, landowners and those that permanently negotiate with the heritage of our country, They are the most benefited. ”

Between 22 and 23, hundreds of marches, route cuts and acts throughout the country were made, showing the growing anger in the unemployed and precarious workers sectors, which support more than 40 thousand popular dining rooms, to which this government to them It denies all kinds of food assistance. Our PCR and the JCR actively worked throughout the country to specify this wide unit and advance in the fight to open the hand to the Milei government.

The organizations of the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP), the CCC, the Piquetera Unit (UP), the Piquetero Fight Front, the Front of Organizations in Lucha (Fol), the block, the block, the block National Piquetero and the Block of Organizations in struggle. They also mobilized, among others, Free from the South, the Territorial National Front (Fenat CTA-A), the coordinator for social change, the CTA-T neighborhood front, the Socialist Workers Movement (MST), the Milagro Sala Front, The Tupac Amaru neighborhood organization and the Federation of Social Economy Workers.

The conference had a wide solidarity of guilds from the three union centrals, organizations such as the National Peasant Federation, youth such as the movement or a kid less for the drug, political parties, the movement of originating in struggle, student organizations such as strain and strain and strain and The mus, religious, of small and medium entrepreneurs and merchants, and of human rights.

Other central claims were the urgent increase in the amount charged by the beneficiaries of the plan to enhance work, frozen by the Government at $ 78 thousand since December last year and disengaged from the minimum, vital and mobile salary, and school kits against the beginning of the classes throughout the country.


In the city of Buenos Aires, thousands of colleagues mobilized the Ministry of Human Capital, to claim Minister Pettovello to deliver food assistance to the dining rooms and picnings, and make it directly responsible, as part of this government, the growth of the growth of the growth of the growth of the hunger in Argentina.

Police tried to apply the illegal "antipiquete protocol", with blows and pepper gas on the protesters, but failed before the massiveness and decision of the organizations, which made it back and cut the entire road of Carlos Pellegrini street in front of the Ministry.

They remained for several hours, unified with the slogan "The food emergency can not expect enough adjustment!"

Buenos Aires

In the Buenos Aires Conurbano, in the Zona on , different activities were carried out with cuts, assemblies and events within the framework of the National Day in Lomas de Zamora, Almirante Brown, Ezeiza and President Perón. Participated in unity; CCC, Evita Movement, Standing neighborhoods, UTEP and Our America.

In The slaughter The day was made on 22, convened by the multisectoral against the DNU and the Bus Law. They marched on Route 3 from Pte. Perón to the border with the City of Buenos Aires in General Paz, where they performed an act claiming that the adjustment does not continue to pay the town.

The CCC, the PTP-PCR participated among others. The movement or a kid for the FTV drug, thousands, piquetera organizations. They came to carry their industrial and merchants solidarity in the area.

Juan Carlos Alderete, National Coordinator of Del Movement of unemployed and precarious of the CCC and member of the Central Committee of the PCR, said that “this government began its economic adjustment for the poorest and against the thousands of popular dining rooms throughout the country. That is why we will continue with the fight against DNU and that Bus Law that mortgage the future of Argentines ”.

In Quilmes-Berazategui-Varala , there was a cut at the Varela cross, where the social movements and other organizations of F. Varela and Berazategui converged. The CCC participated, Suteba Berazategui, the Berazategui peasant union in a wide unit with other movements (Evita Movement, August 22, Aníbal Verón Movement, we are neighborhoods, FNC, MTD, Fol, Pole Obrero, CTEP, SUTEBA, Autonomous cta, MTO, Recicoop, Current Unido Pueblo, OLP, MTR, THE RESISTANCE, MTE, Free of the South, ATE, May 25, Varela Women's Commission, Neighborhood Front).

A cut was also made in the Bernal triangle (its two accesses). The CCC participated, the Evita Movement, Polo Obrero, MTE, we are neighborhoods, May 25, Free from the South, MST, Social and Productive Pole "Pedro Coria", the group arises, Ate Quilmes and the Autonomous CTA of Quilmes. Also, companions of the Avellaneda district were added.

In the North Zone of Greater Buenos Aires A cut was made on Route 197 and the Collector of the Pan American, in Tigre. The CCC, the PTP-PCR, the UTEP, FENAT (CTA A), South Free, Pole Obrero, La Poderosa, Mar, FP Darío Santillán, coordinator for social change, org. Tupac Amaru.

It was a regional meeting point of different districts. The Internal Commission of Mondelez Pacheco, Suteba Tigre, Ate Tigre, Rioplatense refrigerator, among others, took their solidarity.

In At payment The organizations concentrated on the drop of the Buenos Aires - La Plata highway, and cut it entirely. Social organizations, neighborhood, multisectoral assemblies, teachers and students participated, including the CCC, the UTEP, the Piquetero block. Asoma-FNC was also present, and the workers of the Celeste-CCC group of the Santiago River shipyard.

In White Bay Evita, UTEP and CCC colleagues we made our fighting day at the National Route Crossing No. 3 and Engineer Luiggi.

In Mar del Plata A march was made from Plaza España (La Costa and Av Libertad) to the Unzue (CDR) space with cutting in the North Access (Route 11). Unit of all movements: UTEP, Free, PO, MST and other popular organizations.

In Chivilcoy We made a popular and flying pot with the CCC, Popular Front, Darío Santillán and Free from the South.

In St nicolas, Together with the organizations that integrate the UTEP, Free of the South, Pole Obrero and the multisectoral San Nicolás we manifest ourselves in front of the municipality making a cut and concentration on Route 21.

In Tandil We made an empty pots and by school kits to the municipality. We participate the CCC-PCR-MOV. Avoid. Are.


In a rainy morning, a copious downpour in the capital did not prevent a great mobilization in unity of companions willing to fight for dignity, hunger, emptying in the dining rooms, the food emergency and the homeland. Utep, CCC and Multisectorial Catamarca participated.


In the province, we march in unity the popular movements in resistance, and perform acts in different locations in the province.


In unity we perform acts, marches and pots in Villa Libertador. San Vicente. San Roque. Angelelli. Argüello Lourdes. Alberdi. Villa Urquiza. Marqués de Supermonte. North Zone. Malvinas Argentinas.

Participated: CCC. Avoid. Our America. Octubres. Mte. Múgica 25 of May. BDP Dignity, workers united by Earth.


In the capital, companions of different organizations, the Ministry of Education mobilized from Plaza Vera. They participated: UTEP-CCC-Barrios de Pie-Campesina Union of Corrientes-JCC-JCR-MUS-NI a kid less for the drug-PCR-PTP.

Between rivers

In Entre Ríos the day was held in different locations: Paraná, Concordia, Gualeguaychú, La Paz and Santa Elena. In Paraná, despite the fact that climatic conditions prevented mobilization, a popular pot in the Volcadero CAAC was sustained, thanks to the CCC and the movement or a kid less for the drug.

The table against hunger was formed: CCC-UTEP-M. Avoid- we are


In the capital, the CCC, organizations of the UTEP and Free of the South in the area of the Cruz del Norte, were mobilized in the South Access, and in front of the Juan Pablo II Training Center, on National Route 11, in the North Access .


We made cuts with a half roadway in La Quiaca, Abra Pampa, Humahuaca, Tilcara, Capital, Palpalá, Perico, Aguas Calientes, San Pedro, Fraile, Libertador, Yuto, Calilegua, Cruce de San Antonio, Talar, Monterrico.

In San Salvador we made a concentration and mobilization. CTA, UTEP, CCC, Piquetero Lucha Front, Coordinator of Popular Organizations of Jujuy and the Multisectoral of Jujuy participated.

The Pampa

The day of struggle participated: UTEP LA PAMPA, FTV MILES, CCC, MP Dignity, Evita Movement, Movement of Villages and Original Nations in Struggle, Neither a Pibe nor Piba Less for the drug LP, Cta A, Cta T, Mesa Intersindical of state guilds, ATE, National current of state “René Salamanca”, PTP-PCR and JCR.

Walter Brandimarte, leader of the CCC, said: “We are against the criminal measures carried by the fascist government of Milei, where colleagues have to choose between feeding their children or sending them to school. You have to know that the anger is very large, people are losing their fear and we will not resign neither the street, nor the route, nor the square to be able to twist these fascists arm, ”he said.

The Rioja

In the provincial capital, the CCC, Mov. Evita, we are standing neighborhoods, free of the south and other organizations adding to the national claim for food delivery for dining rooms.


On the 23rd we concentrate on the side of the route in different parts of the province: Capital, San Martín, Maipú, San Rafael, Malargüe. This action was carried out next to UTEP, CTA, and the FTE. Piquetero


In the province we converge organizations of the UTEP, the CCC, Martín Fierro, free of the south, the fol, the labor pole and all the organizations of the piquetera unit.

An act was held in Posadas, and activities with the UTEP and the CCC in: San José, Puerto Esperanza, Governor Roca, Garden América, Andresito, Montecarlo, Leandro N Alem, Puerto Iguazú, Concepción de la Sierra, El Dorado, Apostles, Oberá, San Pedro, San Antonio, Pozo Azul, San Vicente and Bernardo de Irigoyen.


The day was carried out with a concentration in vital hypermarket and former national route 22. In the municipality of Centenario there was walking and flying through central streets until reaching the provincial route 7. In San Patricio del Chañar Volanteada on Provincial Route 7.

UTEP, CTEP, CCC, Evita, MTE, FNC and others participated. They were accompanying us companions of the Norpatagonia Cultural Front.

Black river

In general, Roca marched from the monument to the apple with a press conference and marched massively to National Route 22 and Roca Avenue, where a one -hour transit cut was made.

In Bariloche we move massively health, state, occupied and unemployed workers and put the focus on wages and the crisis that the public hospitals of Río Negro are going through.

The day was also held in Cipolletti, and the multisectoral, CCC participated. PCR-PTP. Avoid. Are. ATE. CTA-A, etc.


In the province, Acampes, Route Cortes and Popular Oclas were held in the departments of San Martín, Salvador Mazza, Yacuy, Tartagal, Mosconi, Ballivian.

They participated: CCC, PTP, PCR, JCR, JCCC, MOV Original in fighting, Mov nor a kid less for drugs, mov or one less, strain, mtl cc, mp Our America, mov. Avoid, MP Dignity, Octubres, Polo Worker, CTA - A.

San Juan

A successful mobilization day was carried out in the province, congregating more than 10,000 unemployed workers from the main fronts of organizations such as: the UTEP, the two CTA and the piquetera unit,

A huge column of the CCC and youth had a great prominence in a hot day in which with great combativeness we held a cut in Libertador and Las Heras street.

Solidarity was present even with a group of relatives of the San Juan Police who continue to claim for their salary.

The Organizations Coordinator was received by officials from the Ministry of Family and Human Development who promised to work on solving the specific problems of each organization.

The day had an impact on Jáchal, Calingasta and Fertile Valley where petitions were presented in the municipalities.

saint Louis

On February 23 we focused on the door of the Ministry of Human Development (former Colonia Hogar) to request an interview with the Provincial Minister in which to raise the pressing situation that is lived in the most humble neighborhoods, the urgent need for food assistance for food for food for The dining rooms and snacks, ask to deliver school kits to those who cannot buy the minimum tools now that classes begin.

A delegation was received by officials, and we agreed an audience with the minister. We propose the specific claim of the lack of food in the province, which, in the case of the CCC of San Luis, we deliver more than 9,400 monthly portions.

Santa Fe

In the Great Rosario and surroundings several cuts were made with empty pots to claim and make visible the situation in the neighborhoods of which more than 20 organizations that converged in unity participated in the serious economic, social and food situation.

We participate: UTEP, piquetera unit, org. SOC. DE ROSARIO, CCC, MOV. Avoid, we are, MTE, original peoples in struggle, Octubres, Our America, Dignity, Fob, Fol, Descamisados, Aru, Lio, Fenat (CTA-A), United Pueblo, María Eva, neighborhoods originating from Rosario, your movement, your movement, Pole Obrero, Cuba-Mtr. We were more than 20 organizations.

Land of Fire

In Rio Grande, adding to the great day of national struggle throughout the country, the CCC, next to the UTEP, we are standing neighborhoods, Evita Movement and different organizations we come together in the fight by cutting the main avenue of Belgrano and San Martín to tell him "Enough adjustment to workers" to the government of Javier Milei.


In the capital we concentrated the 22 in Puente Lucas Córdoba- CCC. PTP-PCR. MOV. Avoid. Are. FTV

There were concentrations in the south of the province, with the participation of the Municipal Union of Aguilar, and in Villa Belgrano, La Greenada, La Cocha, Graneros and León Rouges.

Great oil mobilization in Chubut

On the 23rd, on Comodoro Rivadavia, from the UTEP, CCC, FNC, PTP-PCR., And other organizations we converge on the great oil mobilization against the adjustment and delivery of Milei. For the defense of work, for energy sovereignty. So that YPF does not leave Comodoro.

On the day of our beloved Comodoro, which gave so much to the Argentine nation, with YPF. Now Milei and his partners want to destroy it, we will not leave it!

This great mobilization was convened by the Chubut oil union, which decreed 12 -hour unemployment. Truckers, UOCRA, CGT Regional Saul Ubaldini, among others, were mobilized.

We propose the fight for a 100 % state YPF, controlled by the workers, technicians, professionals, the provinces and the nation.

We continue to fight for food for dining rooms and school supplies for everyone. Enough to hunger and delivery of Milei, at the service of foreign monopolies, great landowners and the IMF. Earth, roof, work and national sovereignty.


Cover photo: CABA in front of the Ministry of Human Capital

Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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Alberto Benegas Lynch (H)

<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>

He was born on July 1, 1940. He comes from a family with a long conservative and liberal tradition. Benegas Lynch (father) was one of the promoters of the arrival of these ideals to the country.

He is a liberal economist from the Austrian school, an academic associated with the United States Catón Institute, one of the most important liberal ideas laboratories in the world.

He is a descendant of the military José Tiburcio Benegas and the former governor of the province of Mendoza Tiburcio Benegas Ortiz. He is a second cousin of the revolutionary Ernesto Guevara. His son, Bertie Benegas Lynch is a deputy of the Nation for Freedom advances.

Milei considers Benegas Lynch as a "hero of liberalism" and maintains a close relationship. Benegas Lynch (h) defines liberalism as the "unrestricted respect of the neighbor's project, based on the principle of non -aggression and in defense of the right to life, freedom and property."

He is a defender of the dollarization of the economy and is in favor of the elimination of the Central Bank. Also of the elimination of the International Monetary Fund, since it gives "support to corrupt and broken governments." He mentioned that there were two miracles in Argentina, that they were Juan Bautista Alberdi and Javier Milei.

Defines as a "nonsense" the existence of Ministries of Culture and Education, since "education is a process of test and error open to provisional corroborations" and "imposing curricular structures from the vertex of power, read from the boots, is Something infamous for education. ”

He is critical of Pope Francis, and suggested to break diplomatic relations with the Vatican. It has been declared in favor of the sale of organs and against the sale of humans and abortion.

During the 2019 presidential elections, despite having supported José Luis Espert, he finally suggested that he resigned from his candidacy in support of Mauricio Macri. Subsequently it would be the intellectual link between Milei and Mauricio Macri, which culminated in the support of the latter and Patricia Bullrich to Milei's candidacy.

Today N ° 2000 02/28/2024

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The struggles against adjustment grow

<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>

1. The struggles and unity grow

The days of the social movements last week, with 500 road cuts throughout the country were starring thousands and thousands that showed empty pots, claiming food delivery for more than 44 thousand popular dining rooms, increased social plans and social plans and Help for the start of classes. They thus put the growth of the struggles and the drama of hunger that deepens with the policy of Milei again put in the center of the political scene.

On Wednesday 21, the guild of railway machinists made a national strike in the absence of salary offer in the peers. The next day he stopped the health union, denouncing "the intransigence of business chambers."

The Youth Day of February 22 in front of the National Secretariat of Education, convened by political and social organizations such as the CCC Youth, not a kid less for drugs, strain, Mus, JCR and many many Other organizations showed a youth that is planted to demand the delivery of 500 thousand school kits to guarantee the start of classes with the slogan "The pots are empty, the backpacks too."

On Monday 26, coinciding with the beginning of classes in many provinces, the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA) ordered a national strike in claim of the National Joint and in protest to the elimination of the National Teaching Incentive Fund (Fonid). In many provinces there were joint mobilizations of state, health workers and teachers.

The ATE also convened a national strike for the National Public Administration on the same 26.

On Tuesday 27, a set of organizations between which is our PTP-PCR and the CCC promoted a “sovereign and oath to the flag” in Rosario, in defense of sovereignty.

For Wednesday 28, three aeronautical unions announced a national strike, given the ridiculous salary offer of Aerolineas Argentinas and Intercargo, which implies a salary loss of 70% against inflation.

The march in defense of the Banco Nación, the struggle of the oil tankers of Comodoro Rivadavia, are the reflection of the growth of the workers' struggles, peasants, women and young people, of natives, of workers of culture and science, and other popular sectors that travel the country facing the brutal adjustment, the delivery of national sovereignty and the repression of Milei and its government.

The development of multisectoral, the growth of unity and good conditions for coordination are a distinctive feature of this moment.

2. Changes in the political scenario

Milei-Villaruel's government policy that promotes the "model" of the landowner oligarchy that threw butter into the roof and handled the country into blood and fire, now launches an offensive against the provinces, reissued the confrontation between "unit and federal." The model that claims Milei It is the oligarchic regime that ruled Argentina from 1880 to 1916.

Faced with this policy, popular and multisectoral struggles are joining more sectors every day, and the fights deepen in the dominant classes block, in this Argentina fiercely played by the imperialist powers. These disputes grew with the political crisis caused by the institutional coup attempt of the Government, in Congress, demanding a “buse” that until now, the product of the popular struggle, has not been able to approve.

Gita Gopinath, number two of the IMF, came to monitor the agreement and continuity of infamous debt payments.

Now Milei seeks to take over the funds of the provinces, to continue with their delivery and adjustment policy.

They took over the funds that, by law, are distributed between the nation and the provinces. And just as they do not allocate a single weight on the purchase of food from popular dining rooms, the government "makes cash" with money for health, education, transport and public works.

The Argentine Institute of Fiscal Analysis (Iaraf) published a report detailing how the adjustment imposed by the Government in public spending is. It fell 39.4% year -on -year in January, making items for retirement and pensions and energy subsidies.

Now he also took funds by decree to the province of Buenos Aires, and reduced from 30% to 1% The popular neighborhoods.

The governor of Tierra del Fuego Gustavo Melella announced that he will paralyze oil production for 24 hours in solidarity with the governor of Chubut.

As the statement of our party says “we fight the unity so that the struggles progress, today with the aim of twist unemployment, the delivery of national sovereignty and repression to popular struggles. ”

3. Milei, servant of oligarchs and imperialists

San Martín, Belgrano, Güemes and Artigas raised funds for the war against Spain from the riches of the oligarchy that denied them, and that they sent their slaves to prevent their children from going to the liberating armies. So much so that the Salteña oligarchy ordered Güemes to kill. Milei and his heirs are servants of the heirs of that handful of landowners. While the caste of landowners, export monopolies and IMF usurers take money like never before, the working class and the people suffer as never before the crisis with the reduction of salaries, retirement, social plans, health expenses, education, education, services, transport, etc.

Each measure has a sector benefited with name and surname. They pounce with negotiated by putting everything they can, destroying the educational, health, cultural, research, defense, security, etc.

With the Chubutenses oil unions in struggle, the discount of Chubut's co -participate funds and the response of the governors of Patagonia rushed this political crisis. This was expressed in the act convened by the oil unions before the announcement of the companies that would withdraw funds from the wells of the region to allocate them to Vaca Muerta. There, the Chubutense governor Ignacio Torres, of the PRO, announced that if the National Government does not return to the province the funds they owe them, they will paralyze the export of gas and oil.

The six governors of the South Argentina supported the Chubutense decision. They signed a statement where they ratified that "no one can submit or extort them with threats to restrictions."

Faced with Milei's offensive, the solidarity of most governors advanced.

4. The popular struggle deepens the dispute above

The political crisis, deepened by the growth of popular struggles and the speed with which the provinces joined in their claim, unleashed a zafarrancho above.

Macri would have asked for two days to try a negotiation, but failed. Patricia Bullrich, who traveled to Washington, said from there: "In March or April they hang us from the Plaza de Mayo or, if we pass, Argentina will be a power." Bullrich formally remains the president of the PRO, and although she plays as part of the Milei government, she cultivated a deal with not a few governorates for the change. But now, before the position of the governors, Bullrich questioned that decision and began to gather signatures of the PRO in favor of Javier Milei and against what he called the "blackmail" of Ignacio Torres.

Given these statements of Bullrich, the PRO was even more divided, with Macri willing to take its presidency, and those who have been encouraging the possibility of an “institutional coup” with a temporary succession of the vice president, Victoria Villarruel, were reactivated.

Meanwhile, Milei, who traveled to Israel on February 6 and cried on the regrets, now after meeting with the Secretary of State of the Yankee Democratic Government, Antony Blinken, traveled to the United States and flirts with Trump, to whom He said they would meet again being the two presidents.

5. We fight for a new active national strike

The overwhelming unemployment of January 24 that covered the entire country and the great struggles of the occupied labor movement that continue to grow, put the working class in the center of the political scene.

The mobilizations against hunger this week, with the immense days of popular pots and road cuts throughout the country, united all social organizations, facing the hunger and repression policy of Milei and its minister Sandra Pettovello.

The political debate grows and is expressed in the sections of the factories, in the countryside, the neighborhoods, workplaces, study and among the different popular sectors.

The criminal policy towards retirees that puts them as a adjustment variable, since according to Milei “they are the least poor sector”, add millions of this sector to the fight that want to go to the streets to defend their rights.

This policy that destroys production adds to the struggle to large sectors of national bourgeoisie that go bankrupt with the measures of this government.

The antinational and submission measures to the governments of the United States, England and Israel fighting the patriotism of our people.

The women's movement that has been fighting is preparing to claim the International Worker Women's Day on March 8 in the streets of the whole country.

The conditions to fight a new active national unemployment that one to all these sectors grow and follow the pair path of January 24.

6. Prepare and prepare the masses

The depth of the food crisis, also the health, economic, growth of drug mafias and trafficking, the total absence of national defense is brutal.

The government, which started with a brutal devaluation in December, advances with its adjustment and delivery plan, responding to the interests of the most reactionary sectors of the ruling classes block.

A recent CAME report (Argentine Confederation of the medium -sized company) indicates that food consumption lowered by 37% and food production by 22%. The consumption of medicines fell 45%, and dropped general industrial production by 30%.

From the beginning our party and its JCR promotes the need to face this policy, working for the broadest unity of the workers and popular sectors, even with many of Milei's voters, affected by their policy.

Milei and his allies, with their policy, bet to deepen the political, economic, cultural and social division in our homeland.

We stay at the forefront of popular emergencies and against delivery and repression, and from there we work to expand unity, because giving them time is allowing Milei to advance with their measures, which will only worsen the situation of The great masses.

Day by day a situation is accelerated in which the conjunction of various factors "can generate an objective revolutionary situation," as the central committee of our PCR affirmed in early January.

They are tumultuous moments where great changes can be produced, in which we work so that the multisectoral for the fight multiplies, fighting to be true coordinating centers of the labor and popular struggle, and thus twist the arm to Milei's policy to advance in conquering another policy and another government, in favor of the people.

This requires advancing in the accumulation of revolutionary forces, incorporating thousands into the PCR and the JCR, offering them a struggle. It is our duty to prepare and prepare the masses so that these changes are in favor of the working class and the people and open a revolutionary path.

For this way we reinforce the diffusion of our weekly, which arrives at 2000 editions this week.

And we continue to pay tributes to our dear Otto Vargas, first general secretary of our party, five years after his death, which are a central part of reaffirming those revolutionary objectives, the same for which we founded our party 56 years ago.

Write the Life

Photo: In Jujuy during one of the 500 route cuts of the days of social movements on February 23.

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PC February 29 - The repression from the Meloni government police state does not stop the right rebellion of the students - in Milan occupied 5 high schools

Milan, schools occupied by students

After yesterday's occupation of Liceo Manzoni today was the turn of the scientific buttons.
It is the fifth school occupied in Milan in recent weeks after Severi-Correnti, Virgilio and Beccaria.

By the press release of the occupying assembly of the Manzoni classical high school
Today (yesterday), February 27, 2024, the students and students of the Manzoni classical high school have occupied their school.
Faced with the current situation we found ourselves forced and forced to make this decision; that is, to occupy as it is the only response that can be given to the threats of Valditara, to the increasingly repressive measures of the Italian government,
to the repugnant accomplice silence and to the support of the western bloc to the massacre of the Palestinian people.
Students and students are presented with the intellectual obligation to express themselves and not to remain deaf in the face of the cry of denunciation of an injustice declined in too many aspects of our lives.
As regards the feelings of support to the Palestinian people who have prompted us to act in this way the spontaneous reflection is about the superficial and "part" way of the Italian media narration. These, that is, the main media, which are deeply corrupted by the same political power,
In fact, they make themselves thus proudly spokesperson for the rights in command with the agreed objective of creating the foundations of a system of silent consents around the capitalist and belligerent policies of the West. We believe that they deliberately omit and neglect important details of the current geopolitical crisis and the related participations of the co -responsible states, such as ours
which operates in all respects in defense of Israel: our decision not to speak with daily*was born from this observation.
In particular, ours is an appeal, is a call to the hearts and minds of anyone who believes that the events that are marking the territory and the Palestinian people are not acceptable; of anyone who thinks that the silence of the western world, in particular of the Italian state, in front of the genocide of a people is even more unacceptable; of anyone who believes that repression has solidarity to an oppressed people is unbearable, first of all when this repression reaches students and students through "educational" feed.
The Italian government, in fact, for two years now, in the name of the bitter criminal populism, used as a tool for political consensus and social discrimination, is implementing an increasingly repressive narrowness towards dissent:
It is a political line aimed at strengthening the authority of a governing class, culturally enslaved to the Euro-Atlantist powers, which implements policies, as internal as external, evidently contrary to the interests of the nation and young people, in the complete silence and accomplice of the so-called " opposition". Ours is no longer a democracy but a political system in which forces of
The different extraction follows the same policies, assisted by a regime printing that tries in any means of orienting or distracting general opinion, in order to make the unconscious citizens of the street on which heterodirect policy has dangerously placed the same nation. occupant assembly that has decided to present this political action as an alternative to curricular teaching has as its objective:
- Roofing every forming element of the school transversely;
- show yourself solidarity in the fight against the Palestinian people and all the oppressed in struggle, ..

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News from the armed fight in Ireland

This is an unofficial translation of the War News Section from the newspaper An Phoblacht Abú, which can be found at Red Herald :

»Ireland unfree shall never be at peace«

-P.H. Pearse

Since the beginning of 2024, armed actions have taken place against the British occupation and the division of Ireland. Armed actions have taken place in all 6 British-occupied counties since the beginning of January and show that the struggle for freedom lives in the best of the best, despite the media censorship.

Monday d. January 1 - It is clear from Raporte that a bomb was placed in Drumgullion Avenue in Newry. The occupation of our country was made clear on the first day of the year when this incident put the British military in the trouble of the streets of occupied Ireland. RUC stated that the bomb was removed and taken away for further examination.

Saturday d. January 6 - Republican Youth in Derry City confronted and threw fireworks against RUC officers in support of 3 pro-Palestinian activists who climbed up a crane and hung up a Palestine flag. 3 Pro-Palestine activists were arrested and charged with RUC as a result of the action.

Monday d. January 8 - It is clear from Derry Media Ports that a bomb was found by the British military in the Baltyme Agry Area area of the city. The bomb was removed and taken away for examination.

Tuesday d. January 9 - Kevin Conway, a drug pusher, was shot and killed in the west Belfast. The media has rapped that the action was carried out by Republicans, but again group still taken responsibility for the killing.

Friday d. January 19 - It is clear from raports that groups of armed men who told them came from the Republican movement went from tavern to tavern in the down in the South Derry and read a statement, directed at the drug dealers in the area, who warned against continuing to sell Drugs in Derry. A number of the people who participated in the action were later arrested and charged. Since then, several of similar actions have taken place at Belfast taverns.

Friday d. January 19 - The same day a bomb was found in Coalisland County Tyrone by the British military

Friday d. 26. January A bomb was found by the British military in Newtownbutler County Fermanagh.

Tuesday, January 30 - British military moved out to a review in Derry. Recordings show armed British torror organizations, with RUC Police Corts, which makes a parade of the 54th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

Wednesday d. 31 January - A bomb exploded in Armagh, resulting in a British military operation in the area. RUC stated that they believe that this bombing and the bomb found on January 26 is connected.

Wednesday 7 February - The media shared footage of a Republican military group which gave a rifle salute to Republican ex-prisoner Sean McKinley from the Divis area of Belfast. According to the media, 2 of the Repubicans keep the 3D printed rafters at each side of a photo of Sean McKinley, and a 3rd Republican is emerging and firing the rifle salute. According to the media, it is the group Oglaigh Na H-aireann who was in charge of the event, despite the group declaring a ceasefire.

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