Turkey: House raids in Izmir and Istanbul – The Red Herald

Author: T.I.
Categories: Asia, Featured
Description: Partizan reports that many people were detained in house raids in Izmir and Istanbul in the morning yesterday.
Modified Time: 2024-02-28T22:21:13+00:00
Published Time: 2024-02-28T23-30-00-00-00
Sections: Asia, Featured, Repression, Turkey, English, pll_65dfb2310e2da
Tags: Repression, Turkey
Type: article
Images: 000000.webp

Featured image: House raid. Source: Partizan

Partizan reports that many people were detained in house raids in Izmir and Istanbul in the morning yesterday, the 27 th of February. Some people are reported to have been tortured by the police while being detained.

The detained have been denied access to lawyers. “Providing finance to a terrorist organization” has been cited as the reason for the detention.

Partizan reader İbrahim Hakkı Eren was among the detained. During the raid special police officers used violence against the people in his house. Written materials such as newspapers and books were confiscated.

The house of members of the music group İsyan Ateşi (Fire of Rebellion) was also raided. The police breached the door of the house and confiscated several books.

Also the DİSK members, Tijda Kılıç, Şerife Alpözü and Mahir Kılıç, were detained.

There were also house raids against members of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) and the Federation of Socialist Assemblies (SMF). Several members of the ESP and SMF were detained.

Yeni Demokrasi reports today that the detention period of the detained in Istanbul has been extended for one more day.

Source: https://redherald.org/2024/02/28/turkey-house-raids-in-izmir-and-istanbul/