The mass demonstration in Alexandroupolis was completed with a massive of about 250 people, while the Student Associations of Pedagogy and Kindergarten, the Alex/Polis Music School, ELME, NT. of ADEDY, Labor Associations, Colleges and Mass Bodies, the Convention on Old Cemetery, etc.
The racing moves have formed their own blocs, in which they tried through their slogans to highlight that the policy of the murdered system, which abolishes rights and conquests, which poor and sows war and poverty, can only be answered through one audience. Front of youth fight with workers, farmers, teachers, the people in total.
It was a special time when farmers arrived at the rally, who greeted the strike. This union of pieces of the people affected by the policies of the system was moving and showed the dynamics it hides within it. It turns out that we need other such strikes and demonstrations, because in the end the only way out for the people is that of the struggle.
We continue by inviting the General Assembly of the Medical Students' Association on Thursday 29/2 at 14:00 at Amph. Dragana!