Massive Defendant Movement
They are not going to leave anything upright! The attack on the rights and conquests of the people is proceeding on increasingly barbaric terms everyday! In this context, basic rights are disputed! Every day dozens of people lose their homes for a few thousand euros. Decades have been annihilating in a few moments with prosecutors and police applying the checks of funds and banks. Diabs that have come with the Memorandum commitments that are intended to hit even the right to popular home!
The blow to the right to popular home is part of a more comprehensive attack on our rights:
- Every day we see our salaries ending in the middle of the month, having to choose whether to pay our rent or bills, chase their "offers" to find out which super market will rich the most!
- At the same time, the children of the people are flying out of education, putting triple (!) Panhellenic in every year of the Lyceum and set up private universities to put a tombstone in public and free education!
- They have regularly made the Middle Ages, establishing 10 hours, elastic work, short conventions and employer arbitrariness.
- They hit our right to trade unionism by trying to get unlawful unions and strikes!
- They are crushed by crumbs while they have lost their lives!
- They cement and drown every corner of green in our neighborhoods to build concrete murmurs
This situation must be overturned! Not with "tricks" and easy "solutions". The movements and initiatives made to block the auctions when done are in the right direction! They show that no matter how much they try, the people do not indifferent when they see their neighbor flying on the road! This is also revealed by the rage of the government that drowns in chemicals and woods by those who choose to lift their heads and defend the popular home! However, it is a fact that hundreds of first home auctions are held daily (50,000 are expected in 2024!) Where the movement cannot respond only by mobilizations on the day of exits. It is noteworthy that houses that are made of evictions have already come into the hands of the banks/funds for months. The only way to give a substantial answer is to set up a movement, beyond the blockages of outsourcing, it will fight to overthrow all the mnemonic laws that have released the auctions!
We have to take the situation in our hands! We need to become our neighborhoods of struggles and resistance! Let's say no to the black life they are preparing! Let us not accept that we will work until the final fall for a dry -scale that is not enough to meet our basic needs. That we will be struggling when the electricity bills will come and think about whether we will light up or put a "double sweaters" as they are provocatively we are told. That we will accept that the houses of the people will grab the crows of the funds and the banks seeing the hardships of a life disappear in one day. Only on the way of the movement can we find our right! Collectively and organized because we can only live with struggles!