We strongly denounced it on November 25th,
But it is a question that still has to be and again in the strike of women on March 8:
of the workers, made of exploitation and oppression of doubles, also made of master violence and death for profit,
which continues to speak little
, with the press/mass media in the majority enslaved to a government fully at the service of the owners who must not disturb themselves, as the fascist Meloni says, while hungry for profit exploit workers and workers until they kill them, the massacre of Florence at the Esselunga is yet another massacre at work,
n Government
which makes the decrees on contracts, which allow the masters to reduce safety to zero and therefore more and more workers, factory workers, construction sites, workers in the jobs can increasingly die, a government with novice ministers which allows you to say that you are against the introduction of the crime of murder at work.
We support the right struggle that is also carrying out the mother of Luana D'Orazio "
dead because an warp of which had been intentionally removed a protection ....
" ,
The specific and immediate battles against the masters, this government, for health and safety at work, not to die of work and for work, for the even more specific aspects that concern the working condition of working women, also emerged in inquiries that we have done over the years between the workers and workers, they must be done and we must claim them, bring them to the women's strike of women/workers but it is necessary to integrate them even in a wider perspective that must put the fight against the capitalist social system As a whole, a social system that is the true cause of the killings of workers and workers for the profit of the masters and which must be swept away.

Nordio against the introduction of the crime of murder at work. The mother of Luana D'Orazio writes
Mr. Minister of Justice Nordio we want to meet her
We worked for months to write the bill for the introduction of the crime of murder at work and serious and very serious injuries and to collect, with the decisive contribution of the USB, tens of thousands of signatures in the squares, factories, in construction sites , among ordinary people.
We found the support of trade union, political, intellectuals and people of entertainment and art, we made this proposal the only proposal in the field to try to stop the exploitation of workers, the precariousness, the system of contracts that are at the basis of daily slaughter in the workplace.
We also inspired each other precisely the introduction of the road and nautical murder. It seemed to us that there could be no valid reason, in the face of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of mutilated and disabled every year on the workplace to adopt the same determination also towards the murders in the workplace. A strong deterrence, preparing a certainty of the penalty and an adequate penalty, if an adequate penalty can exist for those who kill in the name of profit; Opening to new and more incisive powers for workers' representatives for safety, providing for an urgent procedure in the discussion of trade union complaints on the failure to comply with the rules on safeguarding health and safety. Obliging companies to prepare the mandatory risk assessment documents so that they were no longer just a piece of paper to be shown to inspectors regardless of their content.
His laconic and lapidary response to all this is hasty and inadmissible for us. What would have happened to the workers of the Esselunga construction site if one day they had suddenly decided to stop and go out on the road by stopping the circulation to denounce the serious shortcomings in compliance with the protection of health on their workplace and perhaps also the black work and the absurdity of the Contract system? They would have risked very high penis, up to six years of imprisonment, thanks to the reintroduction of the road block crime. A reintroduction aimed at making you desist from making road blocks or occupations of companies who had in mind to protest for working conditions, against layoffs, in favor of the environment ...
Luana D'Orazio died because an warpiece to which she had intentionally removed a protection. The ongoing trial is outlining the classic conclusion, negligible condemnation thanks to the plea bargain, no effectiveness of the sentence.
Like Luana many and many others do not see in justice the determination to act to repress behaviors dictated by the thirst for earnings and by the contempt for the health and life of workers. Does the owner of that factory, the company that managed the Florence site, would have operated in the same way in the face of the prediction of penis adequate to the severity of the facts?
Mr. Minister we ask you to meet, even just to tell you that we do not intend to get back and that we will continue our battle in the name of Luana and all the thousands of workers and workers murdered in the workplace and which we ask at least that justice listens to.
Cinzia della Porta President Network Isis
Emma Marrazzo Mother of Luana D'Orazio