In words, Fiom says well but then in the facts we witness every day to connivance to keep the scientific system of exploitation of the masters that generates massacres at work and that a prolonged war with a struggle on all fronts places of work and territory but Even those of the courts where you can oppose the sentences that legitimize this situation.
Like the example of the lamina that in 2019 negotiated despite the fact that there were no lack of safety systems, as if it were enough to monetize by advising that the massacres are a collateral damage to be taken into account. Increase an atmosphere in which the masters feel unpunished and free to kill also thanks to the fascist government that focuses on the company, the defense of the national interest or the profits: blood worker wealth of the owners.
Fiom Cgil Milan: laminated accident, steel roll of two tons on the foot of a worker
The union: he was rushed to the Niguarda and subjected to a long intervention. In 2018, four workers died in an accident (Arrigo and Giancarlo Barbieri, Giuseppe Setzu and Marco Santamaria). The Fiom Cgil in Milan denounces it. On February 26 - according to the union reports - a steel roll of over two tons of weight invested a worker who was handing him down. The worker, who is a Fiom delegate ...
. .. once again, we would like to underline how the 'security issue' cannot be sacrificed on the altar of exasperated profit and productivity ". The union made it known to ensure the worker and the family “all the necessary assistance
The workers who died at the lamina, owner, negotiate a 22 -month penalty
by Redazione Milano Online 2019
Has bargain 1 year and 10 months, with suspended sentence, After compensating the families of the victims and INAIL for a total of about 4.5 million euros, Roberto Sanmarchi, the owner of the Lamina, the Milanese metallurgical company where four workers died on 16 January 2018 due to an escape Argon gas in the tank of an oven. This was decided by the Milan Gup Manuela Scudieri, accepting the request of the prosecutor and lawyers Roberto Nicolosi Petringa and Elena Benedetti. The accusation was manslaughter.
The investigation, coordinated by the additional Sicilian Tiziana and the prosecutors Gaetano Ruta and Letizia Mocciaro, had highlighted a series of flaws in the factory safety systems, highlighted by a complex technical advice. It had been ascertained that in the factory, in fact, there were no "safety procedures on the use of the alarm control unit of the oxygen level" And "on the management of the silent function" of the alarm itself that played in the morning and was probably deactivated by one of the four workers, who then went into the oven tank and died one after the other.
Fiom Milano: “We await the final outcome of the trial, but let's say as of now that a possible plea bargain is not acceptable because it would affirm the principle according to which in the face of the death of workers, compensation is sufficient to reduce the responsibilities of those who have determined so dramatic consequences ".