NRW: Mobilization on March 8, 2024

Author: nero
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-02-29T16-03-24-00-00
Tags: Proletarischer Feminismus, 8. März, Köln, Essen, NRW, Internationaler Frauenkampftag
Images: 000000.JPG 000001.JPG 000002.JPG 000003.JPG 000004.JPG

We were sent pictures of posters from the Workers' City parts Kalk and Mülheim in Cologne and Altendorf in Essen, which we publish here.

The following events are promoted on over glue:

Cologne: On Sunday, March 3rd. at 5 p.m., lecture in the old fire station in the club room at Melchiorstraße 3.

Bochum: On Tuesday, 05.03. at 6:30 p.m., lecture at Langendreer station in room 6 at Wallbaumweg 108.

For the 8th of March Let's call for this on the International Women's Fighting Day Demonstration 5 p.m. at Friedensplatz in Essen or to 6 p.m. on Roncalliplatz in Cologne to participate.


Köln22 Köln3 Köln1


Altendorf11 Altendorf12 Altendorf13
