PC February 29 - The "patriotic" propaganda on the BTP value airs on Telemeloni

Author: prolcompal
Description: In one of the episodes of Telemeloni aired yesterday at Tg2 and passed by interview, the fascist Meloni after just what ...
Published Time: 2024-02-29T18-59-00-01-00
Images: 000000.png

In one of the episodes of Telemeloni aired yesterday at Tg2 and pass by interview, the fascist Meloni after having for just a few second I play the clothes of the contortion that must "think" on the defeat electoral in Sardinia, passed immediately afterwards to boast of the good result of the government government btp value.

But what is it actually? The government, to collect money with so -called small savers, has decided to issue a title of Was called BTP value, which can be purchased for a minimum cut of 1000 euro, and which gives the right to an interest (miserable in reality).

Until now the government has collected just over 16 billions ... on which he will have to pay the interest that will be added to those Approximately 100 billion of interests per year for public debt .

We do not enter into the merits for now who is this “small savers ", who are the" families "to whom Meloni turns ... Let's say that Also in this case Meloni takes advantage of it to make nationalist propaganda.

And in fact, looking at the room, he signed towards the "saver" Speaking of "trust" (given the outcome of the elections in Sardinia!): "The I interpret as a sign of trust by citizens and savers ", The Prime Minister commented (according to https://it.investing.com)- who appreciated the "response to a strategy with which we want report the Italian public debt as much as possible in the hands of Italians ".

How much is the Italian public debt? About 3 Thousand billion ! How much did Meloni collected with this operation? 16 Billion .

This is the substance of the current problem. "It's possible report the Italian public debt in the hands of the Italians "? Meloni if You care about logic! “This, he concluded,“ allows us from a part of giving to citizens a tool to secure savings and on the other of be more masters of our destiny because when your public debt is In your hands you are less subjected to external pressures ".

First: as the statistics on current accounts and i deposits still in banks the problem is not at all “to secure i You save ”lending them to the state, it has nothing to do with it! The request for remove from the drawer of the small savers their money and enter them in Italian production system is above all of the Italian masters who repeat it many times especially from the columns of the Sole 24 Ore!

Second: the public debt that Meloni calls “That”, For captivate the sympathies of the small saver and the "families", who yes finds in the hands of the masters and high foreign finance is around the 800 billion! Other than 16 billion!

And finally, in the capitalist-imperialist system it is normal that a part of the public debt of each country both in the hands of investors of other countries, foreigners, and in this sense everyone makes "external pressure" each On the other, therefore, all this remains a story to tell to those who fall in the deception of the fascist memory and all "patriotic" of the Meloni.

While on the shoulders of the proletariat and popular masses, As we said, the weight of the public debt that increases certainly falls everyday more!

Also for this reason, get rid of Meloni and his Modern fascist propaganda is an urgent need!

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-29-febbraio-su-telemeloni-va-in-onda.html