Under the motto "Defending democracy - against right -wing extremism and racism", a rally and sea of lights with around 4,000 participants were also organized in Linz. The organizers often did not approach democratically. Many of those present rightly wondered whether an election advertising for SPÖ and the Greens was not organized here.
The rally in Linz was organized by YES WE CARE-LINZ, Grandmas against right, Ar-Mut, Black Voices, Migrare and Fridays for Future (FFF). The red flag was also on site and spoke to numerous participants.
The organizers primarily focus on the meetings unveiled by the "Correctiv" research platform in Potsdam, where, among other things, Identity Director Martin Sellner was present. This unveiling triggered a wave of protests in Germany. There were now numerous demonstrations "against right" in Austria.
Hidden election advertising?
We asked some participants about their impressions from the rally in Linz. The statements essentially reflected one thing: there was a lot of “blah” without content. "Like a sermon without amen" , said one of the respondents. Another said: “Green and red, betting here for blue! It is more of a "hidden" election campaign that is organized here, an election advertising without logos. " The organizers “banned” party logos and state flags. Nevertheless, the nearby relationship with various parties cannot be denied. This rally, organized by Beverly Allen-Stingeder (SPÖ women's chairman for the Urfahr-Umgeben district), was planned for February 9 on its private initiative "Red Glasses". However, this had to be postponed against right -wing extremism due to a nationwide campaign day. Fridays for Future can certainly be seen as a "green-close", especially since Lena Schilling from FFF for the Greens is the top candidate in the EU election. In addition, many party -related organizations promoted this rally.
Prohibition of state flags
How much the organizers the "Democracy defend" showed to be carried out in the ban on state flags. For this reason, a participant had made up the colors of the Palestinafe on the eyelids because she found out about the ban before the event and still wanted to set an example. One participant in the rally had passed the state flag of Palestine. He was immediately asked to remove the flag by several folders, because the organizers would like it. Even after some discussion that the flag of Palestine in particular, a prime example of how strongly in Austria the democratic rights with feet are triggered and that this rally was not about defending democratic rights, freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom of demonstration Only in nothing, the folders even called the police to force the participant to remove the flag of Palestina. When the rally ended, the participant stood back with the flag and immediately came a folder and asked him to remove the flag. When it was pointed out that the event was already over and that the "ban" no longer applies, she said succinctly: "So you don't win any voices" .

In summary, it must be said that the democratic rights can certainly not be defended by further bans. The organizers are also directed against those who really want to take to defend democratic rights and against fascation on the streets and try to force them into the narrow corset of pseudo-liberal bourgeois parties. The course of democracy and social mining is far from being found in one party. Therefore, the anti -fascist struggle, the struggle for democratic and social rights, cannot be degraded to the campaign helper by red and green, but must be directed against the rulers.