NRW: Care in the crisis

Author: laji
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-02-29T19-58-11-00-00
Tags: Pflegekräfte, NRW

Yesterday the first Ruhr area conference of care took place in Gelsenkirchen under the slogan "nursing triage summit". The conference was organized by public sponsors such as the AWO, Diakonie, various foundations and private companies such as "Humanitas" from Essen as well as the advocacy representation of caring relatives in North Rhine -Westphalia. Neither part of the host organizers nor in the supporting program of the conference were represented by the nursing chamber of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia as the professional representative of all nurses nor the Verdi union, which the nursing workers represent in their industrial struggles.

The linchpin of the conference and the supporting program was with the slogan around the nursing triage, the risk that patients in the future will be increasingly neglected or completely dismissed. But the term triage has a different meaning in care than the definition that we got to know in the Corona years. Nursing triage means that the easier case is rather accepted with the argument that more people are cared for correctly and cases with higher levels of care that are more common to involve specialists due to economic savings and labor shortages. Under this over topic, various lectures, including quarters in outpatient care, restriction and lack of special care, were held by the managing directors of various companies. In addition, there was also a round of talks in which the spokesman for the SPD health policy also took part in NRW.

The result of the conference: By 2030, around 130,000 nurses are missing nationwide, which means that 1.1 million people will not get a place of care that they need.

However, the question of nursing triage and labor shortage for development into a decent health system is justified, this entrepreneurial conference will not solve none of the problems.

For example, because companies in care for the most part are responsible for this that the workers run away from them or do not even want to start with them. A high degree of overtime, too few staff and too much burden and partly ridiculous wages compared to work performance are only a few of the reasons, which is why fewer and fewer people go into care. And the nursing companies carry this only normal capitalist, profit -oriented companies are a large part in addition to that of the crisis policy of the bourgeois state. Added to this is the decoration of nursing workers if they have justified the strike against these conditions as shown in recent years. Then the work buyers often emphasize that care would not be a profession, but a "calling" and that every seriously managed struggle for political and economic improvements would harm patient care. This stitch is also known from many other professions in the health and social sector. This is the question of the daily claims of the nursing workers and these can only be fought if the nurses meet together on a proletarian class basis in the health sector and decide for their demands and rights.

Another problem that should be remembered just before the International Women's Fighting Day on March 8th Is that the absolute majority of all nursing workers women at 82 percent. As in so many health and social sectors, the proportion of reproduction work paid is disproportionately high there. Only for comparison, in the total population women make up 46 percent of employees subject to social security contributions. Therefore, even in nursing, the need for a class -conscious women's movement shows which for their own interests fight against the special patriarchal exploitation in nursing and is committed to health care in the sense of the working class and the people.

However, the basic problem is that care, like any other social area, works according to the principles of capitalist profit logic. This means that the care of older relatives, people with disabilities and sick people is not the purpose of care in imperialism, but to make as much money as possible. However, since the majority of society consists of the working class and the people and always has financial means in order to afford an appropriate, expensive care, care is dependent on government aids. However, like so much in the health and social sector, these state aids are being deleted massively. For the federal budget in 2024, the federal grant was completely deleted for long -term care insurance, which means a subsidiary of 1 billion euros. A health system that really focuses on our needs is not to be made in imperialism because the system designed to make money out of our medical hardship and to ensure that it is increasingly to ensure adequate health care. So if we want to focus on care, but rather the health of the working class and the people, we and above all the workers in nursing for socialism in which the care facilities in the hands of the people and not in that of Are companies.
