FZ Vienna has been fighting for years - Communication Center for Women, Lesbians, Migrants and Girls (in short: FZ) for the preservation of their premises against the city of Vienna. The association is a self -managed association, which is the oldest women's center in self -government in Europe at over 43.
In solidarity we publish the call of the combative women and call for solidarity:
Dear women, lesbians, migrants!
Dear solidarity supporters!
Our struggle for FZ and its rooms continue!
The FZ Vienna - Communication Center for Women, Lesbians, Migrants and Girls - as an autonomous feminist association in self -government has been populated the club location 1090 Vienna, Währinger Straße 59, staircase 6.
The FZ was and is no part of the workshop and cultural house/wuk, as fed by many again and again. Even the wuk said: "Not in the WUK and yet in the house" on his homepage.
The lockout from our rooms:
On April 11, 2023, the rooms were simply blocked by the city/MA34 in the course of the renovation of the building and instead of the FZ on the WUK on April 21, 200th! On April 24, 2023, the FZ was immediately locked out from the WUK from all rooms of the stairs 6 and meticulously woke up that only nobody from the FZ could enter the rooms, unless the WUK first let individual women in security accompaniment to the rooms that were then closed again. Finally, police accompaniment was even required for the FZ necessary steps to access such, but necessary steps, from the WUK management !!! Our things are still in stairs 6.
Not only the FZ classifies the WUK as a compliant administrator of the neoliberal conversion in the interests of the city of Vienna. There have already been some on what is going on. Who does not parry and submits to the updated conditions, who does not sign and pays: Can go or just fly out! So the violently praised "securing of the WUK by a rental agreement" now looks practical.
Our lawsuit:
The FZ has on time against this lockout An action for possession Against the city of Vienna as a homeowner and against the WUK, but by means of a scandalous final decision of the court after 3 days of daily statutes and a duration of !!! 10 months !!! Don't get the rooms back for the time being. Of course, this generates after many months without rooms for the necessary work - the renovation of stairs 6 has been running since July 4th 2022! - High costs not only for legal representation - and our urgent request is therefore:
Supports us solidarity with deeds and with donations.
Donation goal = € 16,000 euros For the procedure and other (repair) work that we have to do in our center: finely cleaning, coloring (930m2 rooms), laying fire-proof soil, etc.
If the legal fees are eliminated because we will win the appeal, we would use your donations for the renovation and operation including advertising. Stolen stolen must also be purchased from the rooms, etc.
Our petition:
Please support our ongoing petition and obtain more detailed information by email after signing. FZ stays! https://mein.aufstehn.at/petitions/fz-bleibt - So that the responsible city councilor and the mayor know that we are not alone! You get messages about the latest, actions, solos, events, etc. from us! Until we are back in our rooms!
Our appeal against the decision:
Of course, we take recourse against this miserable final decision of the BG Josefstadt at the regional court!
We are on the barricades for our center - 43 years FZ in Währinger Strasse 59 on stairs 6 - summarized the reasons F.D. Escalation:
The FZ colonized the rooms of Stiege 6 in 1981 with the express intent and the concept of establishing a feminist center exclusively for women and lesbians, which was also successful with a lot of effort and patience and many, many feminists. That was also clear to the WUK and the federal government. (The federal government handed over the property to the city of Vienna in 1988, which also knew about the FZ). The FZ was never part of the WUK association, never a member of the WUK, how many falsely think! "Not in the WUK and yet in the house" - This is how we are mentioned by the WUK in his newspaper and on the website.
The FZ is today one of the last major women centers all over Europe, autonomous-feminist and still in self-government! The work in the FZ is on a voluntary basis and without subsidies, there is no adolescent of the rooms or no consumption compulsion in our communication room. We offer women's maid maid migrants rooms for large and small projects, namely affordable contributions to expenses ... While all this time of the construction site and the lock and without rooms of the FZ, our work was continued: international feminist structures were preserved by the artists in foreign rooms , Feminist self -defense was continued, feminist memory and artistic, musical activities as well as demo preparations alongside all the strenuous work on the trial due to possession of the possession during this time and will continue to be done ... The rooms belong to us and we will have them back!
In contrast, the WUK after the rental contract signing: The Wuk association with its 180 (!) Employees, however, signed a "rental agreement" on the FZ and Stiege 6 with the city (MA 34, on behalf of the then City Councilor Michael Ludwig) on behalf of the then city councilor Michael Ludwig), although Such a procedure is legally wrong and completely impossible. And was always rejected by the FZ! The WUK was never in the possession of the complete building and nobody can simply sign a rental contract about the neighbor's stay and then also present a "loan contract" with horrendous costs (for the FZ) for signature! The WUK is highly subsidized and also receives the subsidies for the operating costs of the entire building from the city of Vienna.
Contrary to all the previous assertions, the WUK board with approval of the assembled members in the WUK has carried out this loan contract for the FZ with the approval of the assembled members in the WUK that "everything stays as it is" for the FZ in the awareness that the FZ has no funding. With the intention of negative consequences for the FZ, this can be clearly seen! And the City of Vienna absolutely wants to subordinate the FZ to the WUK by means of this rental agreement. The city's interest is to adequate the building and control the groups in it. Therefore, some groups and people have already left the WUK ... The WUK - as it is named by people in the WUK itself - is the administration for the neoliberal conversion of the conditions for the users of this public building. Gentrification is currently everything.
I''t be o and'm
The FZ website contains more precise About the course of this entire neoliberal attack on the women's center after so many years www.frauenlesbenzentrum-wien.at And our BANK DETAILS For your solidarity DONATE For the legal and procedural costs:
Punk Austria/Onikretit Group, short n. ANX1 12000 006 97297307
Contact: fzbleibt@riseup.net (We don't have a phone due to the lockout) ongoing information too https://www.facebook.com/fzbleibt/ or. https://www.facebook.com/FZWien/
With feminist, combative regards and in confidence in your solidarity!
The women's lesbian migrants from FZ plenum
Vienna, February 2024