Operations conducted in Istanbul and Izmir in Stuttgart were protested

Author: muhabirevrim
Categories: Avrupa, Haberler, Manset
Description: Stuttgart | 29.02.2024 | The fascist Turkish state in Istanbul and Izmir in the morning of 27 February ...
Link-Section: haberler
Published Time: 2024-02-29T99-99-99
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpeg 000001.jpeg 000002.jpeg

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Stuttgart | 29.02.2024 | In the morning of February 27, dozens of people were detained in the operation carried out by the fascist Turkish state in Istanbul and Izmir for left, socialist institutions and people. Following the detention, protest actions were organized in order to react to the operation in many places. Within the framework of these actions, an action was held in Stuttgart on Tuesday, February 27 with the call of the European Democratic Power Union. In a statement made by ADGB, it was emphasized that the detention attacks that took place before the March 8 International Working Women's Day and March 31 local elections were an intimidation of revolutionary and united struggle forces. In the continuation of the statement, these attacks could not be subjugated to the left, socialist forces, and these attacks will be wasted by the united struggle. After the announcement, the action was terminated by shouting slogans of solidarity with the detainees.

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Source: https://www.atik-online.net/blog/stuttgartta-istanbul-ve-izmirde-yapilan-operasyonlar-protesto-edildi