Like all in our America we know [and we clearly suffer] Yankee imperialism has imposed the greatest militarization of lackeys under their control. This need, as well as the tendency towards the facission and reacting of regimes under their splint, is born from the fear that imperialism has before its general crisis and the growth in the struggles of the peoples in the world. The above applies not only outside the imperialist powers, but also inside. Citing a article From a nova democracy that we recently shared: “Hence the political reflexes perceived year after year. Knowing that the unresolved crisis of its regime tends to arouse increasingly powerful uprisings of the popular masses, as has happened incessantly in recent years, the ruling classes use repression as the only alternative. Only in the last two years, countries such as France or the United Kingdom have used or advanced measures and bills to restrict rights as basic as strikes and popular street demonstrations. Throughout Europe, militarization advances at a fast pace: in addition to increasing military budget, organizations such as NATO welcomed Finland as new members in 2023. ”
Now we have as an exemplary expression of this militaristic tendency in the US Modern of a police training field with a cost exceeding $ 90 million.
The Georgia State Police and especially Atlanta was the awkward witness of the 2020 mobilizations against racism and police violence, which increased after the news of the murder of Georges Flyod, who was publicly suffocating it by the racist police until the racist police until his death. As the masses lazar furiously, the fear of the Poli grew overflowing.
In Atlanta this movement continues to increase after the murder of Rayshard Brooks, another black worker massacred by the police during an arrest, in which Brooks resisted trying to avoid being tortured with a taser. He was killed with multiple bullets while trying to flee.
These struggles and the resistance of the masses in the streets have exceeded the police again and again and are the justification of the gringo imperialist state to build the “Atlanta Public Safety Training Center” complex (Atlanta Public Security Training Center) In the forest, south of the city that in its history has not only for genocide and forced displacement against the people muscogui , but also served as a slave estate and later as a prison that developed a new slave system of forced labor for almost the entire twentieth century. The planned construction includes a helipad and the recreation of a part of the city where they will train the police in the counterinsurgency simulating armed clashes in an urban context.

The people of Atlanta have immediately stood up against this project, joining different initiatives against the formation of a police state and internal militarization. The different agendas in forest protection, against gentrification, police violence, etc. They have joined a variety of heterogeneous groups and individuals who already develop various campaigns with mass struggle that range from the forest, to the realization of marches and sabotage against machinery and equipment of the megaproject construction companies, after which the FBI and Police have made cateos and raids amid spectacular operations as taken from a gringa film.

The latter gives us an exact panorama of the anti-democratic character of the project and confirms the reactionary vocation of the gringo government, who threatens to destroy the social fabric and peace of the African-American communities around the place, and of the same population originally from the forest. In the same way, more than 116,000 signatures (more than twice the votes that the governor of Atlanta received in the past election) were ignored for being “late”, although a judge had ordered a extended extent in the search for signatures that were oppose the project. Parts of the movement They stressed :
“It is worth noting that, while in times of social peace the authorities would allegedly greet the opportunity to channel a combative movement to electoral reformism, in this case, they were not willing to give commitment, nor giving citizens the chance to exercise their right legal."
The opposition to this megaproject has left some costs, at the moment 61 activists are accused in a criminal process based on “rich” laws approved in the 70s against organized crime. They are accused of being part of an "organization in fact" and not of a movement, in addition the State considers this "organization" as a criminal for the simple fact of protesting under common slogans or names of initiatives such as "high to the police city "Or" defend the Atlanta forest. " Forty -two of these are accused of domestic terrorism for participating in marches or camps, many of them are also charged within the first process. Among them Víctor Puertas is still detained in pretrial detention for more than a year, also threatened with deportation to his country of birth, Peru.
The repression has reached dramatic moments, such as January 18, 2023 when they murdered the young Venezuelan activist Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, 26, known as "Tortuguita." Police argue that he started the confrontation shooting against them; However, the inquiries reveal that he was subjected in his campaign home, forced to place hands up while the police riddled him with 57 shots of firearm; The body did not have gunpowder residues in their hands or arms.

Recently on February 8 they arrested an activist named John “Jack” Mazurek, accused of being involved in burning 8 police motorcycles. The movement responded by burning another police car in the arrest neighborhood three days later. This spirit is also reflected in a slogan of the movement that says: "If they build it, we will burn it!"

At the moment the State achieved the eviction of the forest and has begun the construction of the “Cop City”, but the fight continues and is not lost. That the construction of the complex already has a advance of 70% compliance, that the State speaks, it is a lie and propaganda to misinform. Photos taking the end of January prove it:

It is obvious and well understood by the movement that the “police city” project also has relevance outside Atlanta. Citing a representative of the White House, who considers “exemplary” this megaproject that “would like to see emulated by other municipalities” is a proof that it is a pilot project; That is why in other states of the country there are protests and sabotage actions against monopoly companies and public administration.
Many groups in protests denounce the role of Yankee imperialism in militarization and wars against peoples worldwide, now especially the training of Zionist pigs and gringa participation in genocide in Palestine. It is increasingly frequent to observe the claims in favor of the heroic Palestinian national resistance with slogans and flags present in the manifestations against “Cop City”.

The tendency towards the formation of a police state and militarization in the heart of the imperialist Yankee beast shows the severity of its crisis. His democratic mask is falling apart. Yankee imperialism wants to save himself in blood the rebellion of the masses, but they will fail and will be swept by this. We greet the resistance of the people in the US struggling against the same beast side by side with the oppressed peoples of the world.
Below "Cop City"!
Political prisoners, freedom!
Justice for turtle!