PC 1 March - Workers' Training - Upcoming Thursday appointments on "What to do?" by Lenin

Author: fannyhill
Description: This Thursday was not possible to publish the episode of the worker training we are doing, studying and using the "what to do ...
Published Time: 2024-03-01T11-59-00-01-00

This Thursday was not possible to publish the episode of the worker training we are doing, studying and using the "What to do?" by Lenin. It will resume next Thursday and the part that we will face is very important and will certainly accompany us at least throughout the month of March.

For his companions and those who follow us, the base and the reference text of this work is chapter 3 "Tradunionist and Social Democratic politics". This is the heart chapter of the theoretical and practical consequences of the conceptions contained in "What to do?"

Just scroll through the paragraphs of this chapter.

"Political agitation and its limitation by economists";

"Political complaints and" Revolutionary activity internship ";

"The avant -garde work class for democracy".

These paragraphs are an objective invitation to immediately read chapter 3, to carry out the work to make it easier, more productive, the common work of the various episodes of the future workers' training.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-1-marzo-formazione-operaia-prossimi.html