On February 28, health workers from various categories mobilized a protest in front of the Federal Prosecutor (MPF). The workers denounced salary delays, persecution to workers and the complete chaos that is health in the state.
The activity was mobilized by the Todos for Health Movement in collaboration with the Amazonas Vigilantes Union. Nurses, doctors, vigilantes, machines, as well as workers from other sectors who went to support the mobilization, participated in the protest.
In different interventions, health professionals denounced the collusion of the State Government, the Chamber of Deputies and the press monopoly to hide the numerous problems of public health in Amazonas. Their speeches, the leaders of the movement highlighted the collusion of the State Government, the Chamber of Deputies and the media monopoly to make up and hide the numerous problems of public health in the Amazon. Protesters also point out that while the people died in hospitals' beds, the main concern of councilmen and deputies is the next edition of the electoral farce.

From the cases mentioned, the case of the machinery of the João Lúcio Hospital, who would be for about 11 months without receiving their salaries, were highlighted. One of the protesters, interviewed by the local correspondent AND He said he has been working at Adriano Jorge Hospital for 11 months and has not received a salary since October 2023.
The mobilization was also widely greeted by the passing population, with dozens of cars honking in support of the agitation of workers.
In the interventions, a representative of the all -health movement stated: “The working class should not accept. Should not allow this neglect (…). If we do not join all categories, we will continue to suffer in the hands of this governor that is there. ”
In an exclusive interview with and , the representatives of the movement stated that this mobilization is only the beginning, towards a new movement of health workers who will break with immobilism and will enforce the rights of these professionals.