The Military Police (PM), at the behest of the Federal District Government (GDF), invaded the Ahain Aam indigenous village, located in Paranoá, last February 29. The PMs threaten to overthrow the indigenous homes in the coming days.
The invasion was made in conjunction with Funai, MPI, and Terracap, with the "justification" that they had received a denunciation that there was no one living in the lands, who wanted to check if there were houses there, and if the residents really They were indigenous. The tone was soon changed in the course of the action, with the final promises of overthrowing the houses.
The PMs also tried to get a negotiation around a withdrawal without confrontation. In it, all buildings, except one of the houses, would be overthrown by the government and residents would be forced to abandon the area. Other facilities would be confiscated indefinitely and taken to an alleged deposit.
The indigenous disputed the absurd decision. “We live here. I will deliver what I have and where am I going to sleep? ”Asks one of the leaders to government representatives. In video broadcast on social networks, you can see PMs laughing while promoting expulsion.
Attacks on the village derive from real estate speculation
Residents report that these attacks have been taking place since 23/02, when the PM first invaded the land to remove residents. At the time, the military spent the day at the scene and knocked down the house of one of the residents. The residence was empty on the spot because the resident, a pregnant woman, had gone with relatives.
According to supporters of the cause, these invasions from the GDF and the PM are linked to real estate speculation, as the attacks on the village began only after the construction of the Gardebra Gardebra condominium, near indigenous lands. They also report that sometimes they were land grabbers, carrying alleged ownership documents. The indigenous people refused to leave the gileiros attempts, and then the PM took over.
In addition, on the same day of the visit on 29/02, the great entrepreneurs of the Gardebra Condominium had a meeting with the GDF. Residents and supporters of the village denounced that public servants left the direct meeting to the indigenous land.
Indians criticize government
In a support group of the indigenous cause in the DF, activists criticize the silence of alleged indigenous “leaders” as to what has been happening in Ahain Aam village.
In one of the messages, a member of the group republished a recent post by Sônia Guajajara celebrating the so-called “headdress bench” and commented “meanwhile, a few kilometers from the eviction [in Congress], just joy”, ironically referring to the situation of conflict lived by the indigenous people in the DF.
Another also says that “this is why they did not help [the Ahain Aam village]. They were very busy asking for money for the hit bench. ”