The reactionary governor of Goiás, Ronaldo Caiado, inaugurated on February 28 the park “Am Israel Chai”. The pro-action initiative seeks to “honor” people who died on October 7, without any mention of the Palestinian people or even the Israelis who were killed by the Israeli army themselves, not by the Palestinian National Resistance. The action was answered by pro-Palestinian activists of the state, who collapsed hundreds of posters against the Zionist genocide near the Park.
The event was attended by Israeli ambassador Daniel Zonshine and notably reactionary parliamentarians, such as the eugenist federal deputy Gustavo Gayer, Rondoniense federal deputy Cristiane Lopes (União Brasil) and the reactionary delegate Waldir. Sadly, 1,200 olive trees will be planted in the park. The olive tree is a traditional tree of the Palestinian lands invaded by Israel.

To consolidate the act of servilism to Zionism, Caiado has signed two agreements between Israel and the state of Goiás. One of them is a political agreement signed the commitment to “fight anti -Semitism”. In fact, it is the commitment of repression against pro-Palestinian organizations and personalities, persecuted throughout Brazil under the false allegation of anti-Semitism. The second is an economic agreement of technological “cooperation” in various areas, especially in agriculture, officializing Israeli participation in the Paranã span fruit project, where the Israeli ambassador had already made visits, including before October 2023. Project is a booming of the landlord (“agribusiness”) in the state, with coverage of rush against quilombola lands and repression of poor peasants in struggle for the land.
The agreement was also possible, because, despite the formal convictions of the federal government to the Zionist state of Israel, no concrete action to break relations with the Netanyahu regime was performed.
Prompt answer
The inauguration of the square was released a day earlier to avoid protests. But, the day before, members of the Palestinian people solidarity committee coined hundreds of pro-Palestinian posters near the place where the event would happen.

In addition to denouncing genocide and demanding the end of the Zionist occupation, the posters also had in their content the denunciation of Caiado's cowardly sadism to take advantage of the pain and suffering of a war to make electoral political campaign.
On Wednesday night, social networks were taken by indignation against Caiado's new pro-legal monument.