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Otto Meri, a coalition politician, was angry with "rural Palestine rogues". Screenshot from Message Service X.
Friday 1.3. A large number of people from all over Finland had arrived in Helsinki to watch the inauguration of Alexander Stubb. Among these were Palestinian-minded and revolutionary protesters.
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Palestine activists at the Parliament House. Activists shouted: “Free, free Palestine! End of the arms trade! ” Screenshot from a video downloaded by Sumud on Facebook.
The bourgeois media boasts that they are following "journalistic criteria", which claims to act as a "power watchdog" and always find out both. Stubb's inauguration again shows that these are just beautiful words.
In the Finnish media that took a video of Alexander Stubb's inauguration, uninterrupted screams were heard "Lahtari!". In a high video, these are clearly heard From the parliamentary house that From the Presidential Palace . In the IS-HS video, these have been recorded quite clearly on the Presidential Palace ( live tracking , the said video clip can be found at 1:06 pm).
A typical way to ignore the matter was the phrase of "audience's cry in the background" or "People cry," Thanks Saul! " And "good luck Alex!". Covering attempts are even more awkward when IS-HS's video includes when Stubb says, "Chair is someone in Palestine…", after which Stubb and Niinistö get serious. The whole word exchange of men is not in the video, but Niinistö apparently asks, "Where?", Because after a short conversation, Stubb bow to show with his hand to Niinistö, where the protesters are located. The presidents, or mostly startling Stubb, continued to speak, but the words stand out very badly. The protesters gave a true moral impact.
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Stubb shows Niinistö protesters. Screenshot from HS-IS video.
However In all : "Some of the audience has presumably brought to Gaza's war sheets that read" Combat now "." This apparently refers to activists, of which the Sumud-Finland Palestinian Network has reported . No pictures in the bourgeois media were shared, or it was not stated that "bay!" Screams echoed from the audience. Mostly, some lower -level right -wing politicians have terrified protesters in words, pictures and videos on social media.
Instead, all the attention of the press was created by creating a public opinion on behalf of Stubb. For example, evening messages have such things: "Tarja and Kaitsu Seinäjoki came to tell greetings from Stubb to Ostrobothnia", "Young men want to write three points in the spirit of Stubb." Yle, in turn, describes the feelings of two classmates: "Young people think Saul is wonderful, but the exchange is confident". Iltalehti's most read-read stuff included Iltalehti's entertainment editorial for "expert attention from Stubb's costume" and "Such outfits with Jenni Haukio and Suzanne Innes-Stubb".
As for politics, the only voice in the bourgeois media is that "Stubb has grown into presidential", which means giving him a full blessing. This corresponds to a central growth story for the Stubb campaign, the bourgeois media of which immediately started at the start of the Stubb election campaign. If another voice has appeared, it is a distress about the receding of the "beloved leader" of Niinistö, but this does not challenge Stubb's presidentiality.
The closest "criticality" rose as Iltalehti reporter asked At the end of the briefing from Stubb: "Are you now more concerned about Finland's security than a presidential candidate?" Iltalehti titled "Stubb's historical press conference ended with a surprising question," and the bread text says, "The question surprised Stubb." However, Stubb did not shy away from answering this question. This is what the bourgeois media "at its most critical" came. Why not ask the recent president, what does he think of the protesters on the market square? Because the media wanted to silence this.
The whole thing is a picture that emphasizes fictional people's unanimity - or at least passive acceptance - on behalf of Stubb, and much of the attention is even focused on completely empty issues while politically blessed with Stubb's president. In this way, the bourgeois media supports Stubb, whose first mission as president is to create an apparent and false unity of the whole people under their own presidency. The media does not act as a "power watchdog", but its lap dog, and its communication is very one -sided. This is despite the fact that even the bourgeois media has occasionally raised critical notes that the president is a very high power, but beyond the reach of democratic control - wouldn't the media do for democracy would fulfill its own role as a "power watchdog"? Its pious "of its journalistic criteria" appears to be very hypocritical again.
We want to underline that bourgeois media cannot invoke the lack of reliable knowledge or to the fact that it would not be alleged to be of interest to Finnish readers-the most common claims that it presents as an excuse for its weak and Israel-minded Palestinian news. In Stubb's inauguration, the media itself was present, so it was guaranteed to have reliable information. The protest was, at least to the extent that Stubb himself paid attention to the Presidential Palace balcony. For example, the interest in the news is that the coalition politician Otto Sea update The message service at X attracted over a thousand likes a day. Does it have any excuses for its unilateral news from Stubb's inauguration?
The real reason is that the media simply wants to give a particular narrative of Stubb's inauguration, and it is: "The whole people, the wandering of Niinistö, unanimously supports Stubb, or at least accepts it." Not reported by political protests, the President's "non -political", corporative character and, accordingly, Stubb's first mission as a new president.
At the same time, the media line must be set in context. On the one hand, we have to see the relationship between the silence of the media and police refrigeration. For Stubb's inauguration, a huge amount of police officers had been mobilized to handle traffic and security arrangements, but there was no interference with protesting. There are several reasons for this. It may still be good to say to Finnish media that it is not good to report because Russia closely follows Finland's internal conflicts, but for the international media that was there, one cannot say that "do not report any distortion" - this would have set Finland's entire Democratic facade questionable in the eyes of international media. Protesting was also so small that the police considered the police attack to give it more attention and thus support the goals of the protesters. Even the fact should not be underestimated that when the protesters are among the rest of the audience, it would have been difficult for the police to properly target their strokes properly. Thus, the horizontal cup turned against the police attack. When the protest could not be suppressed by violence, the bourgeois media played its own role in the right way by silent it. On the other hand, the context should be seen that even though the protest was so significant that the president himself reacted, it remained so small that it could easily be silent. Given those contexts, the bourgeois media information line is part of the class struggle.
Finally, it must be underlined that the conscious activity of the recession, which sought to avoid a minor distortion in the fictional consensus of the nation, once again confirms that, although the President of the Republic has taken off the preferences, it has maintained its absolute position as the highest political institution in bourgeois Finland. This confirms the assessment of the importance of the President of the Republic.