By the end of January, Teleperformance workers, and especially the members of the Tunisian community, started a battle demanding wage increases covering the cost of living, collective agreements and the abolition of a "special purpose" visa. So far, they have carried out two mass strikes, with more than 4,000 workers involved. They have announced to the administration that they will not stop until their requirements are met. Three members of the Tunisian community and employees of Teleperformance have answered some of our questions.
1.What were the first steps of this race and what were the factors that made you gather signatures by claiming wage increases?
The first step was to analyze our present position in terms of our salaries and labor rights in the company. It is important to mention that the initiative did not start with a person who said "here" but was a collective view we shared. The signature collection started from Facebook and a colleague, T and then collected over 760 signatures. This struggle brought together workers who shared the same concerns and the same frustration. I am personally in the company since 2017 for exactly the same salary, which has fueled my insistence on talking about the need to make a change. In addition, as a member of the Tunisian community, I know that many other members of the community working in respective companies have similar issues. We have begun collecting signatures as a collective effort to deal with this inequality and to ensure a fair compensation for all employees. Later, Ta suggested that we address SETIP that helped us and guided us about the course we would take to demand justice from the company.
Initially I actively sought to negotiate for fair compensation and indefinite contract, especially after being faced with increasing responsibilities but stagnant salary. Despite all our efforts to open a dialogue with the employer, we have faced a steady resistance with rejection answers that showed complete indifference to our concerns. This frustration was combined with the subsequent terrorism by the higher administration, which created a hostile work environment. Recognizing the increasing cost of living worsened by international events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions, our hopes of salary increases have been repeatedly rejected. Instead, we witnessed misleading maneuvers such as the redistribution of bonuses to hide non -increase wages. The inequality in treatment, particularly evident in the privileged increases in sections that serve specific languages, have intensified feelings of frustration and discrimination. In addition, our dissatisfaction was further fueled by the unparalleled promise of indefinite contracts. These systemic issues prompted us to act and motivated the distribution of a memorandum that resonated with a wide range of colleagues, including supervisors and HR workers, reflecting a common sense of frustration and frustration.
The reasons are obvious to everyone, and they are not just our inflation or our financial situation, but common sense. For over 10 years now, Teleperformance has not made salaries. Then things were better but no longer. Even with a slight increase in salary, the loss of life costs has done to be covered. It's not just a request, it's vital.

2.What are your requests and why?
Our main demand from the management of Teleperformance is fair salaries that reflect the value of our work as well as the cost of living. I have been a company employee for 6.5 years without any increase, despite the inflation we have been experiencing in recent years in Greece that has influenced rents, food and other basic daily expenses. It is also important to emphasize that the majority of us have fixed -term contracts. This intensifies uncertainty and volatility in our working status. This emphasizes the need to increase wages and fairly dealing with all employees. In addition, other collective demands resulted in our first meeting with SETIP. These requests were later translated into a letter we sent to the Department of Human Resources of Teleperformance, which was the first step. As part of this collective struggle, I address the employer wanting to be a worker. It should be self -evident that the company should take care of its employees and guarantee their dignity and rights!
Requests are rooted in the urgent need for fair treatment and working conditions:
-Excounting wages that covers the cost of living
-Derection of indefinite time for workers with some service
-Exclared wages as much as employees remain in the company
-Priminal medical insurance
-Importing direct communication between the company's lawyers and the aliens department for residence permit issues
-The re -stake for workers who closed their departments
-Callew Camp for employees
-A Paid day of leave per menstrual cycle for women employees
-Clean and well -enlightened workplaces
-Side to cover shipping for workers working in the offices
-Dean parking for employees
-Pinner of the advantages package
—Pinsement of the offering offered in the office such as gym and room for siesta
-Caying of group activities for staff
These demands, some of which were accepted but subsequently recalled, are essential for the preservation of the well -being and morale of the workers, especially amidst the present financial difficulties and uncertainties.
The demand for wage increases is self -evident, companies around the world give annual increases in their employees' salaries. This request does not arise from nowhere but is a logical and fair claim. Beyond that, we are seeking indefinite contracts and the abolition of a special purpose visa. Otherwise it is simply a modern slave trade and economic discrimination within the EU, which otherwise gives human rights lectures.
3. Do you think the two strikes on February 8 and 19 were successful?
Although the strikes on February 8 and 19 were significant signs of unity and determination among workers, their essential victory will eventually depend on whether the employer will take steps to satisfy our demands or if it will continue to ignore our rights . I believe we have already won the strikes as this race became something of nothing existing.
The two strikes on February 8 and 19 marked significantly milestones in our collective struggle, and served as an exemplary shift to the strengthening of workers and solidarity. The strikes have managed to break up chronic fears of retaliation and encouraged a large number of workers to openly express their dissatisfaction. Significant participation in meetings of the Association, coupled with the increased registration of workers, emphasized the absolute commitment to conquering tangible changes.
In addition, the strikes were characterized by a peaceful and disciplined approach, reflecting a coordinated attempt to comply with legal and moral standards.
The strikes were a huge success, especially with the knowledge that the employer never expected that this could happen. It is the first time that workers have been so massively strike in these companies, and of course it will not be the last. The administration advertises that its doors are open to workers (which is not the case of course) but now we will remove the doors completely and make them listen to us.

4. How did the employer attempt to intimidate the workers in order to push them not to participate in the race that has erupted?
The employer is trying to intimidate workers by misinforming the legality of SETP, trying to sow doubt. They have also attempted to split us by depicting the strikes as harmful to the interests of the company. Nevertheless, we remain united in our purpose and refuse to terrorize and sneeze! We will not prevent these tactics and we will continue to fight for our labor rights!
Employers' efforts to prevent workers in the ongoing race were characterized by misinformation and coercion. Some members of the administration resorted to the dissemination of unfounded rumors regarding the legality of the strikes and the possible impact on workers involved, including threats to bonus withholding and unjustified absence.
In addition, there were cases of targeted discussions aimed at instilling fear and uncertainty in terms of terms in our contracts and our performance measurements. However, these tactics have led to the strengthening of the determination and unity of workers in the struggle for justice!
Personally, no one tried to intimidate me, but I have heard stories from colleagues. I was expecting a company like Teleperformance to do what it says in its brochures but what seems to be that everything is lies and propaganda. I am terribly frustrated by the company and the management. And I would like to emphasize that it is not okay when workers live under the fear of the threats of dismissal. We are no longer working on Teleperformance because it is "The Best Place to Work", but because we have no other options as we are under special purpose visa, which employers are using against us.
5. What do you have to say to workers who may be afraid to participate in strikes?
To anyone who is afraid to participate, I want to emphasize this: He is not alone in it. Your participation is necessary to ensure our collective success. The strike is legal in Greece and no need to suffer silence. Our steps are well organized and you can become part of our race. Also, SETIP has set up a strike fund that can help if the loss of the paycheck is something that holds someone from strike.
Employees who are hesitant to take part in the strikes because of fear, I understand your concerns and recognize the natural fear related to the controversy of the status quo. However, it is important to recognize that collective action is necessary to bring about a substantial change. Rest assured that your participation contributes to a fairer working environment and sets a precedent for future efforts to defend our rights. In addition, the solidarity shown during the first strike has demystified many of the tactics of bullying, emphasizing the power of unity in dealing with injustice.
It is not worth living under such fear. Since there is this fear the problem has the employer, not you. This means that they want us frightened to control us and make us feel that we are not enough and that we are at their mercy. Now no one is alone and together we will not be scared because we have each other.
6. What is your opinion on Teleperformance against SETP?
Teleperformance's lawsuit against SETEP is a clear attempt to suppress our right to organize and support a fair approach to our workplace. It is a blatant indifference to our basic labor rights. We reject all the attempts at bullying from the employer and remain stable in our commitment to fight for salaries and rights! We are not going to retreat!
Sami :
Teleperformance's decision to initiate legal procedures against SETIP reflects an inappropriate attempt to stifle reactions and delay resolution. The company has used similar tactics in other countries around the world and have proven in vain, which highlights the futility of such conflict approaches. Instead of being involved in prolonged litigation, it would be better for the employer to deal with existing complaints on a constructive basis, thus creating a more harmonious and productive work environment.
It is still a maneuver, an attempt to make us lose our hope. It is sad that a company is "seeking justice" when nothing is just about them. It's like they don't treat us as humans. Maybe they should remember Spartacus.
7. How do you see the evolution of this race prospects and what steps do you consider to be Nikiforos?
Nour :
The evolution of our struggle depends on our constant unity, determination and resilience to adversity. We must remain organized and focused on our goals, despite the efforts of the employer to derail our efforts. Going on, we need to escalate our actions, continuing the strikes and with collective bargaining with the employer. Victory requires perseverance and solidarity between workers, as well as a commitment that the employer is accountable for its actions.
Sami :
As we move on to this struggle, it is necessary to maintain our momentum and solidarity but also to recognize the difficulties in the confrontation with a large company. Overcoming fear and dismissing any misunderstandings about our labor rights are basic steps to achieve our goals. We must remain firm in our demands and recognize that substantial change often requires perseverance and sacrifices. By being united and claiming our collective prosperity we can pave the way for a better and fairer future for all workers.
S.B .:
This is just the beginning. It is a great test for us, but we are ready and we will go to the end because all we ask for is justice and dignity. Whatever they do they won't crush our morale