PC 2 March - In the Red Sea the Italian Navy raises the level of the clash by breaking down a drone ... in violation of the constitution and international laws

Author: prolcompal
Description: The Italian Navy immediately began its "operations" in the Red Sea by breaking down a drone that the Minister of War Croset ...
Published Time: 2024-03-02T21-07-00-01-00
Images: 000000.jpg

The Italian Navy immediately began his own "Operations" in the Red Sea by breaking down a drone that the Minister of War Crosetto attributes to the Yemenites that the international imperialist bourgeoisie Call Houthi.

Crosetto speaks of violation of international law overturning the truth: they are all the imperialist countries present in the area, from Italy (which does not respect article 11 of the Constitution), to the States United, France, Germany ... who without having even officially declared the War (which they have been doing for some time now, from Iraq to Libya to Syria ...) they attack and bomb non -welcome countries as is the Yemen currently because they dare Defending Palestine against the genocide put in place by Israeli Nazisionism.

Crosetto also tries to justify the attack by saying who are there “to ensure the freedom of navigation and the security of commercial routes ”, while the spokesperson of the Yemenita government had notified notes who would have attacked only the ships who trade with the Nazisionists Israelis ...

How credible the version of the Ministry can be credible of the defense it is derived from the fact that the drone would have “characteristics similar to those already used in previous attacks "but“ it was about 6 kilometers [!!!] from the Italian ship, in flight towards it ".

To complete the irresponsible and warflower attitude Tajani thought about representatives of the modern Italian fascist government that like any fan he said: '' I send a hug to everything The crew of Duilio "who replied" brilliantly " At the attack. "Bravi our sailors," said Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, to the microphones of 'tonight Italy' confirming the demolition of A drone by the Duilio ship in the Red Sea "...

(news taken from Adnkronos)

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-2-marzo-nel-mar-rosso-la-marina.html