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A faint fist closed to his partner Rosa

The partner Rosa Calderazzi died for some time bad, with short moments of improvement. From 24/2 it was hospitalized to San.raffaele and here has failed.

Rosa for many years had been attending and participating in the initiatives, mobilizations of not one of less than Milan, but also to assemblies e National events of Nudm; Just as he frequented and gave his own support to women's home initiatives.

Active, participant, proactive, since the summer of '68, in particular in Milan, he did not miss his commitment before union as a worker of the Provveditorato to Studies in Milan, therefore political, cultural and struggle in all the following years up to A little while ago.

He was above all happy that his activity was together with women, to companions.

Those who knew, appreciated her, who loved her, if They want, they will be able to greet her.

The secular function to give a last farewell to Rosa will take place on Saturday 2 March at 3 pm in the multifunction room inside the Lambrate cemetery in Milan.

Rosa's sister, Margherita

By the press release of not one of less Milan

We have the presumption of believing that our companions are eternal, that they will always be by our side.
In the procession, in the assembly, in garrison.
We confuse the energy that release and, as well as the struggle does not stop, we really fall into the trap of the endless.
Despite the disease that had affected her, Rosa was neither lost an assembly nor a trip. It was with us until last week.
We have lost a partner, a militant, a sister and like her there are not many.
Rosa has always dedicated themselves to the soul and body to the feminist struggle, teaching that in life there are no obstacles and that, in case they were, it falls away naturally.
For her there were no prohibitions.
Rosa will miss a lot and we will always bring it to our heart, between a procession, a garrison and a national assembly.
Rosa will be with us on the streets of Milan also this March 8.
We hold in a big hug to the family.
Have a nice sister trip!

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Demonstration in Solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance for the Release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah in Paris

The comrades of the unitary campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah invite you to form a procession in support of the Palestinian resistance and to demand the release of Georges Abdallah.

Appointment is given place de la Bastille at 2:00 p.m. in front of the opera steps.

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Statement from IKF about Lenin

On the occasion that this year we mark 100 years since Comrade Lenin's passing has an international communist federation published a statement that we in TFM Here we publish an unofficial Norwegian translation of. The original English version can Read here . All deficiencies and errors in the translation are entirely on us in TFM.

Comrade Lenin, the leading star of the international proletariat and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism's great teacher, lights up the unity's path for the international communist movement

"It is we who make up the army of the great proletarian strategist, comrade Lenin's army. There is no higher than the honor of belonging to this army. " (Stalin)

As the history books show, Comrade Lenin, the great leader of the working class and the oppressed people in the world, became the second major milestone of Marxism-Leninism-Leninism-Leninism-Leninism, on January 21, 1924, and left a great legacy of invaluable value. Comrade Lenin's doctrine, who transformed the "future world", whose basis was laid by Marx and angel, from an abstract opportunity to a concrete reality, is still fully relevant after a century and major upheavals in the world. In order to be able to position yourself properly in the class struggle, one must accept this "timeliness" and orient yourself to it. This "timeliness" is also a cure for reformist, revisionist and parliamentary cretinism, which means capitulation and compromise with ruling ideologies of all kinds. It is the guarantee of faith and determination for a communist world to be created.

Lenin as the teacher of communism, who broke the ice and paved the way to the international reaction and revisionism

To identify the contradictions in the history of the class struggle correctly, to understand the moments of historical fracture and to be prepared in these moments was the most outstanding feature of the entire comrade Lenin's struggle and to his immortality. After Marx 'and Engels' death, the leadership of the international proletariat was long taken over by the opportunism in the other international, and with comrade Stalin's words: “A period in which the parties in the other international were unable to take over the theoretical struggle to free the international proletariat and the world's oppressed people from the influence of these opportunistic and class complex Social Democrats. In addition to the theoretical struggle to release the international proletariat and the world's oppressed people, he developed with the founding of the communist international an organizational and fighting form that was adapted to the dynamics of the class struggle in the new period of capitalism. ”

Comrade Lenin transformed the Communist Party and the communist international into a war instrument against the bourgeoisie by freeing the Communist Party and the movement of the communist international from the links of the legal battle forms: "Instead of a revolutionary policy, there was limp philistinism and dirty political negotiations, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary intrigues. For the sake of, of course, 'revolutionary' resolutions and passwords were adopted ... ” , but as it "stores in the drawers in its offices," freed from the grip of legal forms of combat. "Meanwhile, a new period of imperialist wars and the revolutionary struggles of the proletariat approached. The old combat methods proved to be obviously inadequate and impotent against the allestage of financial capital. It became necessary to revise the entire international activities, all its working method, and to expel all philistinism, narrow -mindedness, political scam, renegatism, social wine wineism and social pacifism. It was necessary to review the entire arsenal of the second international, to throw out everything that was rusty and obsolete and forged new weapons. Without this preparation, it was useless to go to war against capitalism. Without this work, the proletariat risked being insufficiently armed, or even completely unarmed, in future revolutionary struggles. The honor of conducting this general overhaul and the general cleansing of the other internationales augiastall accrue to Leninism. ” (Stalin, on the basis of Leninism).

Comrade Lenin, with his genius, understood the core of the contradiction and realized that the fight against the bourgeoisie cannot be sufficiently effective and successful without shaking off the burdens that rest on the back of the international proletariat, without fighting revisionism and opportunism, without showing the masses these The true nature of the perceptions in theory and practice, without isolating them as far as possible. By establishing the dialectical and necessary connection between the "inner match" and the "outer match", he led a double match.

Comrade Lenin left us communists The extremely important lessons that the fight against revisionism and opportunism cannot be separated from the fight against imperialism and all forms of ruling reaction. On the contrary, the fight against imperialism must be cleansed of revisionism and opportunism.

Keep Lenin's teaching high in the stricter contradictions of the imperialist system

The imperialist system that Comrade Lenin analyzed in detail in the early 20th century has survived the last period, but the contradictions are tightened and it is in a spiral of insoluble antagonistic contradictions. Although the dissolution of the Soviet Union and China's integration process in the capitalist system prevented the contradictions from exploding for a while, the law on the uneven development of capitalism continued, and the interimperialist rivalry developed into the "dissolution phase" characterized by regional wars. This shows what crisis system is in and that the previous "solutions" no longer work. The imperialists, who long maintained their crisis by pushing the burdens of the system over the hemispheres and reinforced the looting of the hemispheres, have also come to a blind track here.

One of the explosive points of the inherent problems of the imperialist system, which has evolved in accordance with Lenin's definition of imperialism, is that the interimperialist struggle, which has manifested itself in various forms in recent years, is currently being fought in regional wars. When Lenin listed the contradictions of imperialism, he mentioned the interimperialist contradiction as one of the three most important.

We see that the development is in line with Comrade Lenin's views on the nature of imperialism and contradictions: "The other contradiction is the contradiction between the various financial groups and imperialist powers in their struggle for raw material sources, on foreign territory. Imperialism is capital exports to the sources of raw material, the insane battle for monopoly possession of these sources, the struggle for a new division of the already divided world, a struggle brought with special rage by new financial groups and powers seeking a "place in the sun" against the sun "against the old groups And the powers that stubbornly hold on to what they have conquered. This insane struggle between the various capitalist groups is remarkable because it as an inevitable element includes imperialist wars, wars for the annexation of foreign territories. This circumstance, in turn, is remarkable because it leads to a mutual weakening of the imperialists, to a weakening of the position of capitalism in general, to an acceleration of the arrival of the proletarian revolution and to the practical necessity of this revolution. " (Stalin, on the basis of Leninism).

Russia and China, the former socialist countries that, with their emerging new markets, have given the imperialist system a respite, has become the main actors of the interimperialist rivalry with the Hegemonaks of the United States. This means that the contradictions have increased in scope and character as new and powerful players have been involved in the battle for redistribution of territories. The great confrontation with the invasion of the Russian imperialism of Ukraine took place against this backdrop. It is predictable that this trend will be reinforced and spread further. As long as there is no direct confrontation between the imperialists, there are hemispheres and colonies that are subject to division war. The world's semi -colonies and oppressed people will continue to pay the prize for these wars until the imperialists declares direct war on each other.

With this will The division of the world into a handful of imperialist nations and a majority of oppressed land - Mastically analyzed by Lenin - be further immersed. The third contradiction is tightened with the imperialist looting and the looting, and the semi -colonial and semi -fluttered rebellion in powerful national liberation wars and folk wars that shake the imperialist system.

Parallel to the process that imperialism undergoes the interimperialist contradictions, and the contradiction between imperialist countries and oppressed people and nations, all parts of the ruling system - especially the imperialist states - become more centralized, militarist and wars. fascist currents to bring society into a similar ideological format. This is done either by so -called right -wing extremists or under the cover of social democratic or liberal parties. Communists and the oppressed people in the world, facing a system that becomes more reactionary and aggressive day by day, need a Leninist party to lead the proletariat's struggle for political power, as comrade Lenin outlined, to organize a strong opposition to this reaction . Only such a party, today a Marxist-Leninist-Maoistic party, can wipe an irreconcilable battle against the bourgeoisie.

Lenin's great heritage, the Leninist perception of the party: the general staff of the proletariat

And Revolut sj on is not and you rural p or as to write an essay or paint a picture or to Broders; it can't be so refined, so sti l lf e rig and gentle, or so must t E -team, friend n corpse, polite, restrained and sternsin n And. Revolved sj on is on e n Resurrection , an act of violence where j than o m one class crashes an an n in. (Mao Zedong).

It is crucial how the communists define the existing contradictions and how they place themselves towards development. Throughout the hundred years since the death of Comrade Lenin, the imperialists have transformed their ruling structures into even larger war machines. Their armies, police, secret services, etc. are equipped with capacities that are unsavigatable with the past. On the other hand, a significant proportion of those who call themselves "communists" or "revolutionaries" ignore this reality (although it seems to be theoretically accepted), and is far from positioning itself in accordance with it. By following an ideological and practical line for reconciliation, which locks the working class and the undisturbed masses firmly to the ruling system, they instead dampen the anger of the masses and act as waves. While the imperialists and the ruling structures for exploitation end up with increasingly violent appliances and institutions, it is necessary, as followers of comrades Lenin, to lead a strong ideological struggle against the fact that those who define themselves as "revolutionary" and "communists »Moves further and further away from the reality that the revolution and the revolutionary struggle will be based on weapons and violence. One of the most important tasks for performing Comrade Lenin justice during the centenary of his immortality is to start with comrade Lenin's unstoppable struggle against opportunism in the second international.

Comrade Lenin defined the new type of communist party as the "proletariat's war organization". This definition was necessitated by the imperialist system and the mutual position of the classes. Both the process that led to the October Revolution and the Civil War that broke out with the October Revolution were the specific reasons why Comrade Lenin called the Communist Party "The Proletariat's war organizion". It is a necessity that the Communist Party, which will lead the liberation of the proletariat and the oppressed, has the hallmark of the mass, while the counter -revolution arms itself from head to toe with violence and violence and commit all of these cruel massacres against the working class and the oppressed people. A revolutionary war needs a fighting party to lead it. Only fools and unrelated revisionists who rely on the bourgeoisie can see it differently.

Some people make fun of us to be supporters of "the omnipotence of the war". Yes, we are supporters of the omnipotent of the revolutionary war; It's good, not bad, it's Marxist. The Russian Communist Party's rifles created socialism. We will create a democratic republic. Experience from the class struggle in the imperialist era teaches us that it is only through the power of the rifle that the working class and the working masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and the armed landlords; In this sense, we can say that it is only with rifles that the whole world can be reshaped. (Mao Zedong)

At its stifle conference, the IKF defined the structure and reconstitution of the Communist parties as an important task in the struggle for the proletarian world revolution. The understanding of the Communist Party that Comrade Mao Zedong developed is in line with the understanding of the Communist Party as Comrade Lenin sketched out, who was enriched by Stalin, and is in the Marxist-Leninist-Maoistic ideology the realization of the Leninist understanding of the party. During the period of imperialism and proletarian revolutions that we are in, a communist party that is capable of standing against the increasing aggression of the imperialist reaction, and leading the proletariat and the world's oppressed people to liberation, must have the quality of a "proletariat's war organization".

An essential part of Lenin's heritage is the question of political power as the basic question for all revolutions. Lenin showed how "The proletarian revolution is impossible without the violent destruction of the bourgeois state machinery and without replacing this with a new one" , and how "Everything except power is an illusion" . Under Lenin's personal leadership, the world's first socialist state and the dictatorship of the proletariat were established, and cemented the proletarian path to power and to retain it.

After Lenin's death, it was his successor Stalin who brilliantly defined Leninism, developed it further and made it the entire basis of the international communist movement. On the shoulders of the Great Lenin, chairman Mao managed to advance the proletarian world revolution to greater heights and further developed the ideology of the proletariat. Leninism, which today is Maoism-Leninism-Maoism, must be embraced, defended and used today.

As IKF, we will continue to perform the tasks that the big Lenin put in front of us, and make good use of the legacy that Comrade Lenin has left to us.

Comrade Lenin, the International Proletariat and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism's great teacher, leader and guide our struggle for the proletarian world revolution, today, as he did yesterday!

Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Live the proletarian internationalism!

International Communist Federation
January 2024

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28 Number 1 of the eternal flame page requires a revolutionary party to revolutionize. Without a revolutionary party, without a revolutionary party based on Marxism's (Maoism) (Maoism) and Marxist -Leninist revolutionary style, one cannot make the working class and the vast masses of people to overcome imperialism. And its chain seats led by the Central Communist Party (Maoist) Afghanistan 1402 Fourth Number of 28 from military failure to political impasse of various meetings by imperialist and reactionary countries in the region and the world over the past month. Afghanistan's issue has been held. These include the Doha summit, including several of the 25 participants in the country, special representatives of the Afghan civil society and women. This shows that despite the withdrawal of US imperialist forces and its allies from Afghanistan, it is still the field of competition for the great imperialist powers and the reactionary countries of the region. Branolo, the geopolitical position, the domination of an extremist group, the nurturing and the location for the Islamic extremist groups of the region and the US -led equipment are the main cause of countries' concern and concern over Afghanistan. Economically, Afghanistan under the administration of the Taliban has provided their neighboring countries with economic opportunities and sale. In addition, because of the importance of Afghanistan's geopolitics, China's emerging imperialism is paying particular attention to it. List 9 .......... Political situation, Taliban Emirate and Ummah Religion Council 11 ............................ To the life of Comrade Akram Yaraneh 17 .......................... tension between the Pakistani government and the Taliban 22 .......... ........................... Call Eight March 24 ..................... ............ People of Iran to overthrow the regime with the "Regional Afghanistan Initiative" Summit and Coordination of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Go "a Roadmap for the future of Afghanistan" Determination of Jannouri Participation ( Ninth August 29 Monday, some countries in the region were held in the Foreign Ministry of Farmat. The meeting was held like meetings by the imperialist countries of Russia, China and "Moscow of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is scheduled to take place on the issues of Afghanistan by the Doha Summit. Last year, 19 and 18, the United Nations also held a meeting in Doha around Afghanistan. 5 Continue Regional or Talesh Initiative for Taliban Taliban Don 25 ....... Party Suns on Israeli Fascist Regime

28 Number 2 Page of Flame Flame various meetings by the imperialist and reactionary countries and countries of the region and the world have been held over the past month on the Afghan question. Of the 25, the Doha meeting, which included special representatives of the country, including several participants of civil society and Afghan women. This shows that despite the withdrawal of US imperialist forces and its allies from Afghanistan, it is still the field of competition for the great imperialist powers and the reactionary countries of the region. Branolo, the geopolitical position, the domination of an extremist group, the nurturing and the location for the Islamic extremist groups of the region and the US -led equipment are the main cause of countries' concern and concern over Afghanistan. Economically, Afghanistan under the administration of the Taliban has provided their neighboring countries with economic opportunities and sale. In addition, because of the importance of Afghanistan's geopolitics, China's emerging imperialism is paying particular attention to it. The Doha summit, unlike the first session in the past eight months, had a specific purpose and program. The UN Security Council, the framework of the 2127 provisions of the integration resolution "and" interacting with the Taliban, had put forward the Doha summit around the organization. Afghanistan in the international community as a tool to serve the great imperialist countries, but now they are trying to make the Taliban wealth. Russia, China, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, both before and after, attempted to fail. At the previous meeting of Doha, no individual or group was invited to Afghanistan. In the meantime, the meeting was that no country would support the Taliban's opposition forces, and the need for interaction with the Taliban government is felt, and that the Taliban Emirate's international conditions have not yet been provided. And on the "global engagement with the Taliban" this time, however, "global aid to prevent the collapse of the" issues of law "and" the determination of a special representative for Afghanistan "on the central issues of the organization and human freedom and women in Doha. Was. Given the organization's set goals this time, however, the plan "the global interaction with the Taliban" nations to fail. Not only was there no coordination and unity between the participating countries, but there is no unity among UN institutions regarding Afghanistan and the Taliban. The UN Secretary -General speaks of global engagement with the Taliban as UN experts said in a statement that the Taliban's crime against Afghan women should be recognized as sexual apartheid. The intensification of imperialist contradictions over Afghanistan's conflict between US imperialism and its European allies on the one hand and the imperialist countries of China-Russia on the other hand became more apparent at the Doha summit. However, so far there is a common view of these countries in the face of Taliban. The security danger of Afghanistan and the presence of extremist Islamic groups, especially ISIS, has created the need for a joint interaction between rival countries in the face of the Taliban. In other words, there is a relative and unwritten agreement between imperialist powers - while severely disrupting them - for Taliban control. For example, all of these countries have not yet recognized the Taliban, and the countries of the region have been limited to cross -sectional relations with the Taliban, while the United States and its allies have imposed severe sanctions against the Taliban, and Russia has not yet removed the group from the list of terrorist groups. . However, the complexity and confusion between the imperialist and reactionary powers in Afghanistan and the Taliban is high. Many of these countries have a dual game for the Taliban and Afghanistan. In the spirit of interacting with the Taliban, they also have political relations with the Taliban opposition groups. China, however, is exception, it has not yet established any public relations with the Taliban opposition. Representatives of the countries participating in a previous UN meeting in Doha have not supported the Taliban opposition. The Taliban opposition forces, however, from military defeat to ...

28 Number 3 Page of Eternal Flame Countries has office. For example, many of the intelligence officers transferred the previous regime to 03 and 02, 01 camps and special parts, and are now the largest anti -scholarship activists on American soil. Interaction to the implementation of the Taliban of American Imperialism after World War II replaced Europe's great imperialist powers. Since then, many of the backward countries of the world have become under US domination and domination. During this time, the United States has not heard of sanctions and threats to maintain its global domination, from military aggression and subversion to regimes. And the "outlaw" of American imperialism is to surrender the groups of regimes in the circle of its influence. In the meantime, most of the regimes are angry at the US who tend to rival powers. Such countries, such as Iran, North Korea, and Venezuevial, are identified as human rights regimes, but Israel's crime in Gaza and Saudi Arabia in Yemen is justified in various forms. With this interpretation, democracy and human rights are covered by US aggression in the world and a tool for imprisoning nations. Practical "The rule of the" International Order Law, which is through the order and security of America is intended. The rule of law is in fact the structure that the United States and its allies coordinate the political behavior of the world in accordance with their expectations and measure their legitimacy with this criterion. Countries that do not match this criterion are punishable by human rights and human rights violations. On this basis, the United States, as a global gendarmerie with global consensus and a unified policy of militant groups and regimes such as the Taliban that threaten international order. The interaction, threat and boycott of US tools are to tame the group. But since the conflict between the United States and the Taliban is the contradiction between the two ideology and the political program, this conflict does not easily interact. Twenty years of Afghanistan and the destruction and killing of thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan did not lead to the destruction of the Taliban and the consolidation of its puppet regime. Now, however, by using pressure and sanctions tools, they are trying to integrate the Taliban into international community as a conventional regime and to prevent it from moving further to competing powers such as China, Russia and Iran. Groups and regimes of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Taliban Emirate have also paved the way for American imperialism. This contradicts the contradictory structural status of these regimes. The Taliban's ideological and extremist regime is now dominating a country that has further connected the influence and expansion of its exaggerated relations to imperialist capitalism. In other words, the Taliban regime is now structurally dependent on the imperialist system and its cord is connected to world capital. The Taliban cannot break this dependency. That is why the Taliban want to join the United Nations and the World Capital Institution. But on the other hand, the Taliban cannot, culturally and religiously, with beliefs and values cannot

28 Number 4 Page Flame Liberal Democracy. This is the contradiction of the behaviors of extremist groups and regimes such as the Taliban in the face of the imperialist system ruling the world. The conflict between the United States and the Taliban is real. The Taliban seeks to seek the tension between the imperialist powers for their breathing and survival. But Russia, China and the Islamic Republic of Iran, with their implicit support to the Taliban, are taking the group away from the United States and its allies. It should be remembered that the United States is still at the forefront of the world's imperialist system and has numerous abuses to put pressure on regimes such as the Taliban. This, of course, does not necessarily mean that different institutions around the world must put pressure on the Taliban on the US. Defense institutions, etc. - part of the "women's rights" and "human rights" "political rights system - are in favor of maintaining the world security that the United States is at the forefront. Taliban group conflict and relationship with the US One of the most important issues in understanding and understanding the ruling situation, how the US conflict with the Taliban and its impact It is the opposite or that part of the "moderate" of this group. The Taliban faction in Kabul, which holds the Ministries of Defense, Foreign, Industry, and the First Vice President of the Taliban Cabinet, is an interaction with US imperialist countries and in Doha to the media "Europe". The same Taliban said that in our future, girls and women could work, work, and become ministers. Abbas Eastkazi is still talking about girls' education. This indicates that the freedoms of Afghan women and the people of Afghanistan and the right to educate girls as a means of competition are by Taliban leaders. Closing the gates of schools and later universities, on the orders of Taliban leader Rumi, caused the biggest damage to the Taliban's relationship with the United States. On the one hand, Mawlawi Hella has stood up his domination and influence over the Taliban, and on the other hand, tried the hands of Taliban officials from dealing with the United States. Now the execution of two citizens of the country, in Ghazni, by the Taliban, is not unrelated to the Doha summit. The support of Russian and Iranian countries in Doha has dared the Taliban's leader in the meeting to destroy the Taliban's relationship with the United States. This kind of life of the Afghan people is for the reaction and imperialism of the image. ******** The conflict between the United States and the Taliban will be found and the crisis of the Taliban increases. The Taliban will lose its social foundations more than more. Many of the Pashtunis who were optimistic about the Taliban's rule in their consolidation have been disappointed with the advent of Afghanistan and the country's economic situation and the stopping of girls' education from the Taliban, and see the Taliban's sovereignty as detrimental to their chauvinism. Even many trowels in different governments in the country have protested against the Taliban's oppression. The people of Afghanistan have realized from the continuation of the Taliban's domination and its devastating consequences on the country. The boldness of the masses is oppressed, and women and intellectuals are also raising against the Taliban. The guerrilla wars against the Taliban have continued with all the intensity of the group's action. The shock and confusion caused by the Taliban's return to the community are disappearing, and the intellectuals out of this shock can now better see the situation and get out of the illusion. The Taliban reactionary domination, while serious risks - the opportunity caused by the widespread dissatisfaction of the Taliban, has provided revolutionary and communists. This opportunity is conditioned that the Communists overwhelm their fear and morale and get out of the narrow circle of sectarianism and dogmatism. Do not allow the masses to be deceived by the Taliban opposition and use their dissatisfaction against the Taliban. Communists, progressive and democratic elements must play a greater role in the wake and awareness of the people at this critical juncture. The consciousness and awakening of the masses will increase their boldness against the Taliban's black reaction. There is no miracle and a heavenly saving. The saving of society from the extremist reactionary madness of the Taliban, the unity and step forward of the masses, under the leadership of the Vanguard Party, is to overthrow the Taliban's reaction and the domination of imperialism.

28 Number 5 Page of Flame Javid with the "Regional Cooperation of Afghanistan" Suspension and Coordination of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the purpose of "A Roadmap for the future of Afghanistan" Determining with January Ninth Participants (Ninth January 29) from the Regional Countries in the Ministry The Taliban was held. The meeting was held by "Moscow's Farmer", like the meetings of the Imperialist countries of Russia, China and the Republic of the Republic of Iran. The 19th and 18th of Afghanistan's issues are scheduled to be held by the United Nations in February. Last year, the United Nations held a meeting in Doha around Afghanistan. The meetings that have been held on Afghanistan so far have been mainly around the two lines of the imperialist countries of Russia - China and the line of US -Europe imperialist countries. In the meantime, the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran is in the queue of Russia and China, and Pakistan's position -at least in Afghan affairs -is fluctuating in this line. Russia, China and the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the Central Asian countries, have yet named Moscow's "Farmat" to the following meetings. While Western imperialist countries have pursued their goals mainly through UN meetings in Doha and the Security Council and other pressure expression such as sanctions. For the past two and a half years, relations with the Taliban have had many ups and downs. Following the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, countries such as Pakistan, Iran, Russia, China and Central Asian countries coordinated their relations with the Taliban. Although these countries have been in contact with the Taliban in the past and have contributed to the Taliban's power in various forms, the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan has created complex and contradictory conditions for these countries. On the one hand, the countries of the region reached their demands that US troops were withdrawn from Afghanistan and the region, but on the other hand, the Taliban's strength has made Afghanistan a security dungeon and a base and education center of extremism, which has led to the spiritual growth of extremist groups. Has been in the area. Relationships and cooperation with the Taliban countries with the Taliban, on the one hand, have been to confront the conditions in Afghanistan and their economic interests, and on the other, the way to confront the domination The world of imperialism is in the region. Cable meeting; Taleshi has made many issues clear than ever before to get rid of isolation from the Kabul summit due to the level of representatives of the countries attending and the demands that the Taliban raised at the meeting. Although the Taliban have called the summit a achievement, in fact, the meeting showed the depth of the group's helplessness and isolation. After two and a half years, even a country of these seemingly friendly and supportive countries of this group has not recognized them. After their rule, the Taliban host a meeting in Kabul, where a representative at the Foreign Minister did not attend, and all participants were representing these countries for Afghanistan. Even Pakistan also sent his special representative Asif Durrani at the meeting, but the embassy Dafar attended the meeting. The Kabul summit with the sharing of Russian and China imperialist powers, including Iran, Indonesia, Turkey and India and several other countries, is in fact in the wake of the Doha summit, while the pressure and sanctions on the Taliban by the US -led Western countries have increased. Is. The goal of the region, while supporting the Taliban on US and European sanctions and pressure, is to impose their demands on the Taliban. At the Kabul summit, the Taliban had three major demands from the region: the formation of the region -based narrative for the purpose of development. 1 "Regional for positive and constructive engagement between Afghanistan's cooperation and regional countries; Or Talish for Taliban Control "Regional Cooperation Initiative"

28 Number 6 Page Flame. The objective realities of the new Afghanistan to the 2 -way distant (US and European) directions; . Respect the current structure of Afghan government and governance. Government versions from the outside of Afghanistan, the Taliban, the regional view based on the economic focus of "One of the basic foundations of their Emirates policy, the regional view" Taliban goal is first to deal with pressure policy. And "it is based on the economic focus of international sanctions that have been largely imposed on the group. The next step is to attract the support of regional powers and address their concerns about the security issue. It is as if the Taliban have turned to the economist instead of a security -based view, and instead of relying on world powers, he has taken into account regional powers. Although many countries in the region, especially China and Iran, have maintained their economic relations with Afghanistan and have even expanded in some cases, their views on Afghanistan under the Taliban control are mainly security -oriented. The objective realities of Afghanistan "another demand of the new Taliban to the distant directions (the US and European politics is central to the regional") and the close relationship of the Taliban with these countries is a tactical tool that is pressure on imperialist countries. The US and Europe are using to recognize the group's sovereignty. It is as if the Taliban are still aimed at maintaining the Tawazun between the world powers and the regional imperialist allies such as its European China and power and Russia, but the conditions of the global metallic will inevitably throw the Taliban to one side. The Islamic Republic of Iran now plays a major role in drawing the Taliban towards the countries of the region. The current structure of the government and "but the third demand of the Taliban of Afghanistan's governance should be respected. Government copies that enter Afghanistan from outside are the efficiency of the regional countries with the Taliban. "The Imperialist States of Russia and China, as well as the Islamic Republic of Iran, at the Moscow Farm and to some extent at the Kabul meeting their demands from the Taliban:", "Discriminate Governance", "comprehensive government of" observance ", cooperation in the struggle. They have been with international trusteism. At least the "fight against narcotics" and "human rights" in these several demands of the region in the region corresponds to the Western imperialist countries. The Taliban, however, see their government as a fierce and deny the presence of extremist groups inside Afghanistan. The question now is whether these countries are really seeking to form human rights in Afghanistan. At least at the level and criteria of the world's imperialist countries and the reactionary countries of the region can be said:

28 Number 7 Page of Eternal Flame Countries want human rights to respect. This means that the Taliban Emirate, as the government of one -hand, property, and mainly Pashtuns, it will be difficult to interact with the Taliban, and on the other hand, the more the Taliban's government becomes more pervasive. The Taliban will enter. On the other hand, not only was the concern of these countries to the extremist groups, but it has also been further published by recent Security Council reports. In the five "al -Qaeda" governors, Afghanistan has training and military centers. Al -Qaeda and other extremist groups are also active in Afghanistan, such as the TTP, the Eastern Turkistan movement and the Taliban Taliban, and the Taliban are cooperating with these groups. Taliban's duplicate relations with regional countries such as; Pakistan, Iran, China and Central Asia, as well as with extremist groups related to these countries, are due to the Taliban's situation as an extremist group that underpin global isolation to rise from global isolation. This contradictory situation is, on the one hand, caused by the extremist nature of the Taliban and on the other Their internal disruption. That part of the Taliban's leadership and ranks, who are thinking of jihad and adapting the Shari'a in other Islamic countries in the region and the world, are trying to help their brothers thinking in the Islamic countries. But in response to the necessity of strengthening their emirate, the Middle Ages need to have relationships with the governments of the world and the region. Therefore, the Taliban inevitably continue to have duplicated relations with the countries of the region and with the extremist groups of these countries. The consequence of this duplicate move has still led to the distrust of both sides. The Russian analyst said after the Kabul summit, "Safarov" play with everyone. "Now the extremist groups in the region have expressed bargaining," the Russian analyst said. That is to say, if these groups were not present inside Afghanistan and the security of these countries was not threatened by Afghan territory, neighboring countries would have been less likely to establish relations and deal with the Taliban. The full roll must be forgotten that the Taliban do not have groups. If the Taliban deal with these groups decisively, they will become another problem for the Taliban. Many of these groups are now ruining the Taliban's relations with their origin countries. For example, the Pakistani Taliban has made the Taliban's relationship with the Pakistani army. Other extremist groups in the region can also use this. Afghanistan; Black -chiefs or the economic profitability of the countries of the region are frustrated with the Taliban's inclusive and secure relationship, so they have fulfilled cross -sectional obligations. Although the Taliban assure these countries' security situation, the situation in Afghanistan is never sustainable and reliable for these countries. For two years and seven months, countries in the region have come to the conclusion that Taliban officials are unable to fulfill many of their obligations because of their leadership opposition. Another point that has contributed to the complexity of Afghanistan's situation is the view of the regional countries on the Taliban's relations with the US and their European allies. The countries of the region are worried about the West on the one hand, but from the "moderate" Taliban's willingness the other side of the Taliban, many of the Callen's economic projects cannot be possible without the coordination of the US and European countries in Afghanistan. Because global isolation and Afghan boycott will prevent the investment of countries in Afghanistan. That is why countries in the region called for almost one voice from the world to normalize relations with the Taliban. China's economic projects depend on stability and security in the interests of the country and its investment in Afghanistan and the region. As insecure in Afghanistan, China's interests in the region are at risk of a belt and one "and the progress of plan 26 continues on the page.

28 Number 8 Page of Javid Flame, with a great deal of regret, Comrade Salim, a member of the former Central Committee of the Communist Party (Maoist), died. Comrade Salim was from the Flame Revolution, the forties of the forties, and the organization to save the "sentence leaders and founders of the Communist Party (Maoist)" and 1358 (Afghanistan). Comrade Salim In recent years, "Afghanistan has been found to be physical and ill -fated" because of its age and for years of enduring the hardships of professional life and torture in the regime's dreaded prisons ". Javid "Comrade Salim joined the strength of the solar movement in Kabul during the height of the solar movement in Kabul. Communism had guided his action. Comrade Salim had a deep and deep practical vision, and therefore, many of his peers joined the Communism and the Flame Flow Row. The Devil of the Progressive Youth Organization "Disruption of the Flame Flow" Afghanistan's "Javid, Rafiq Salim, prevented a large number of revolutionary youth from joining the group. Comrade Salim Solar 1358 later by comrades and companions. He was "established a few months before the Soviet invasion of the country. Unfortunately," to save Afghanistan, Comrade Salim was imprisoned for a long time after the organization was established. In prison, he swabped brutal torture and sentenced him to ten years in prison by the cancellation of the death sentence. After being released from prison, Comrade Salim resumed his career as a member of the leadership and profession of the organization. The influential and historical role of Comrade Salim in the new communist movement of the country must be seen in the new rise of the fighting organization and later the process of unity of the country's Communist movement that led to the formation of the Afghan Communist Party (Maoist) of Afghanistan. The Comrade Salim, a leader, broke out of its past tendencies in the second half of the sixties, explicitly against Zizavionism and defended the Internationalist and People's War in Peru, and on the necessity of formation The Communist Party realized. The affair that continued to continue the struggle of the struggle organization and later led the organization alongside the Communist Party of Afghanistan, which resulted in the unity of the united Party of the Communist Party (Maoist) of Afghanistan. Comrade Salim, as a leader and member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Maoist) of Afghanistan, played an important role in the monoly struggles and the provision of party unity. Comrade Salim after the death of Sadr Zia, despite being severely ill It was supported by the extensive Central Central Summit for the Solar, and in 1399 the reconstruction of the party sent to this in the amount of oral document. Her year has never been refused to fight the 77th Comrade Salim during the moment of life and the heart was cold. His endurance and stability in the queue of the revolution, despite the difficult situation in Afghanistan, are commendable. The conscious commitment of him had made a refreshing intellectual who never betrayed the interests of the masses and remained committed to the last tail of his life on the principles of refusal. With the death of Comrade Salim, not only the Communist Party (Maoist) of Afghanistan, but also the Communist movement of the country lost one of its longtime leaders and companions. Our party extends condolences to all members and supporters of the Comrade party and family. Although he is no longer among us, he will illuminate the path of our party's leaders and foreigners like Comrade Salim and Comrade Zia. Communist Party (Maoist) Afghanistan 1401 Scorpio 10! Remember Comrade Salim, always alive in our hearts

28 Number 9 Page of Flame Flame was held at the "three -day summit in the Loya Jirga tent. Taliban »Religious Afghanistan had been Chinese -made members of the summit and influential districts, and almost no one from other segments of society attended the meeting. The subject and purpose of the meeting were never clearly raised by the Taliban. The Taliban's "Taliban Jirga, like a puppet, is a deceptive and deceptive population. With thousands of homeless, displaced and earthquake, drought, illness, hungry war and poverty in the country, especially in Balkh district and Khost and Paktia's governors, the Taliban spend millions of Afghanis on a show session. And make them. The question is now, what is the Taliban who holds this meeting? The Taliban -based newspaper Anis wrote: Cancer 11, Saturday, 24739 of the number, sometimes the gathering and traditional meetings were the problem of Afghanistan, and governments have gained their national and international legitimacy in this way. Although the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has been created by the Council of Settlement and has religious and national legitimacy, the world and the world do not give it to it and demand the elections and councils and large meetings of the tradition. " The gathering of males in Kabul was held under pressure from the critical situation of the Taliban regime and the abnormal situation of Afghanistan and the pressure of the international community, otherwise the group does not need to hold such a national and international legitimacy, because the Taliban legitimacy. The religious and national have been obtained by the Council of Resolution. According to the editorial author, because the world does not leave it, he had to hold such a meeting. Although the Taliban constantly express their goals and demands, the eleven -article resolution of the Malas meeting has made many of the goals, priorities and dangers that threaten this group. Internal hypocrisy, social discontent, and the spread of armed war against the group, especially ISIS's danger, are the most important dangers that the Taliban face. The Taliban, in their own way, invited their specific and reliable individuals to the Willer in particular, and dictated their goals and desires, which was eventually approved by a small 20 commodity commissions. In the meantime, Article 11 of the adjustment in elder education, accuracy and agriculture, the status of the "ninth, minority and women and the entire nation and comprehensive progress and growth in" economic and balanced development in the light of the Shari'ah of the Taliban's initial plan. The Taliban scholars 'meeting maintains the rest of the Taliban by eliminating the demand of girls' schools from Article 9. Although the Taliban's main purpose at the meeting was to obtain allegiance to the group, but at the meeting, the meeting urged the countries of the region and the world and the United Nations to recognize the Taliban as a legitimate system of Afghanistan and with the group positively interact with the group. Remove the boycott from Afghanistan and release Afghanistan's references. The Article was in conflict with the Taliban leader's remarks at the meeting. Now the question is, where does the Taliban and Dumby's contradictory behavior and subject matter come from? Why the Taliban fear clear and explicit stance. The fact is that the group's two -sided and vague behavior and speech are related to their ideology and objective status. The Taliban's life as a retrograde in the 21st century is a contradictory and challenging one. On the one hand, the Taliban are a crucial, devastating, backward, traditional and religious country that is recruited and adapted to the Shari'a Shari'ah with the slogan of jihad against infidels and invaders. But on the other hand, the group's victory was not possible without the support of countries and groups in the region and the world. In other words, the Taliban could not be of the principles of political situation; The Taliban Emirate and the Council of Religions want people's allegiance! The Taliban do not need the legitimacy of the people, it

28 Number 10 Page of the Immigration Flame and their beliefs come to Kota, and they can survive without the support and support of some countries in the region and the world. That is why the Taliban leader rejects any relationship with the United States one day and demands a strong relationship with the United States. However, the content of the Taliban's final resolution identified the Taliban's goals and priorities. Near Ring The Taliban leader seeks to consolidate the position of Amir al -Mu'minin. This, in their view, is the most important condition for the survival and survival of the Emirate and preventing them from weakening, decomposing and collapse. Rumi Hella Hella Akhundzadeh on our day of unity ": The second meeting in Kabul said. The Taliban leader's concern about their lives and survival is our seriousness. The Taliban's survival and survival is at least in Kuta, depending on the unity of the group, and given the Taliban's structure and thinking and their multiplicity, the unity of the Taliban will be maintained only by the consolidation of the authority and the position of Amir al -Mummum. Rumi Hella Hella, with the two former Taliban leaders, is a tall person. The "civilian" education, but with the current Taliban leadership, which was mainly involved in the judiciary and education, was not sufficient and isolated. Taliban's true power mainly by their commanders; Like Serajuddin Haqqani and Malayqub and military -political figures such as Amir Khan Motaghi and Malbar Radr belonged. Now that internal hypocrisy and external pressure and widespread social dissatisfaction threaten the survival and life of the group, the group must have more competence and authority to prevent the group's rivalry and prevent weakening and collapse. Therefore, the hard -working, hard -working loops are close to the Emir, to remove the leader from the corner of isolation, and consolidate his position. The Taliban leaders' summit in Kandahar in early spring and the Malas meeting in Kabul in cancer this year has been aimed at consolidating the group's leadership. At a meeting within the Taliban in Kandahar, the Taliban leader, in spite of the expectation of other Taliban officials, made a clear and firm stance on closing the corporate schools. Although the opposition of some Taliban officials was explicitly and hidden against the plan, it failed to prevent the Taliban leader's instructions. Since the meeting of the Taliban leaders in Kandahar, things have been in favor of the stability of Rumi's Holla Hella. He came to Kabul for Kandahar, "scholars across the country, and came to Kabul. It is as if the Taliban leader has now adopted all Afghan scholars and his national and religious legitimacy has increased. Another question that arises is whether the Taliban leader's authority will be resolved and their internal divisions will be resolved. The Taliban may prevent the danger of internal breakdown and collapse in Kuta for a long time, but in the long run it will play a greater weakening of the group. Just as the Taliban leader's extremist stance on world isolation and legitimacy so far

28 Number 11 Page of the Eternal Flame of this group has had a negative effect. According to the world, in March, 10 reports were close to recognizing the Taliban Emirate and preventing further weakening of the Taliban Emirate. But closing the girls' schools, at the behest of the Taliban leader, discontinued these countries from their decision. Inside the country, after the Taliban leader's restrictive and extremist orders and instructions, the Taliban, and especially women, armed and unarmed opposition to the Taliban increased. Even a number of Taliban moderate leaders protested against their leader's sharp stance. The month of their rule showed inefficiency and 10 Taliban during their disability. On the one hand, this has weakened the Taliban's self -esteem and, on the other hand, has given the Taliban opposition more morale and courage. The Taliban cannot end their social dissatisfaction and internal disagreement and gain global legitimacy. This group is unable to do so because of its narrow and dry religious structure and ideology. Another point that the Taliban confessed to the gathering was the existence and danger of ISIS. The Taliban did not accept ISIL's existence in the country and saw it as a propaganda war against them. The Taliban, however, described ISIL as a danger and disruption of the country's security. But the reality is that strategically and overwhelming what will lead to the destruction of the Taliban Emirate will be the struggle and rebellion and resistance of the people of Afghanistan and the hard -working masses of Afghanistan, not ISIS. The situation in the country now is such that opposition and hatred of the Taliban is expanding. This will potentially be the opportunity to grow revolutionary and popular tendencies in the country. The history of Afghanistan has long proved that the enemies of the people from any way they can cannot easily rule in this country. That is why our party, as a vanguard force, must prepare and lead the workers, the toilers and all the hard working people of the country with the ay of communist and revolutionary strategy and to overthrow the Taliban's fundamentalism and the victory of the new Democratic and Socialist Revolution. December of birth and childhood, the son of Raisella Khan, was born in Yari Akram Jagouri district. His father, Jaghouri, was also in charge of Jaghouri, the positions in the royal regime of Zahir Shah. Akram studied at the village for a few years with his other brothers and sisters and learned elementary literacy there. 1] Akram was later trained in the elementary school of Sultan Modum Akram in the primary class. It was killed there. Rumors among the people considered the royal family involved in the murder. After the death of Server Yari, Zahir Shah, to appease the boss at the court "tribunal" Abdulla Khan accepts Akram by the title, but in fact Akram Khordad has been known without knowing the court. "The hostage" was called, and the head of Abdulla Khan, the head of the Kabul Electricity Department, who has long been with the family. The king had close relationships. Akram soon found himself in the court, alongside the children of the royal family. In the meantime, he enrolled to the Habibiya High School to continue the lesson. He also met with his older brother Sadegh Yari during this time and discussed various political and lesson issues. Sadegh Yari was a teacher and guidance in his familiarity with Marxism. Sadegh Yari is said to have been introduced to Marxist circles through Professor Ali Mohammad Zahma, a British educated and then professor at Kabul University. Akram stepped into the larger world in Kabul, and with intellectuals of different nationalities, the new school environment, teachers became acquainted with different views, and his view of the universe changed. Thus, Akram, like his older brothers, who had his family name from his grandfather Yarmohammad, was known as Akram. Short

28 Number 12 Page of Javid Flame) in the Soviet Union, then China's Revolution, 1296 (d. 1919 these liberating tendencies gained the political independence of the year of the Shah. During the 1298th time (when the Ice of Nader Shah's dictatorship and Sadr "was dropped after years of water drops, a little political atmosphere opened, a number of non -governmental press began in the capital and someils began to operate. Space and later in the decade of Davood Khan's political and intellectual activities, including Marxist - Leninist discourse in small circles and groups began, and gradually encompassed universities and schools. The Soviet government's apparatus coincided with the transition of "anti -revolutionary and revisioneds of Khrushchev, the government of" the whole of the "peaceful" and peaceful Soviet party on the path of capitalism and transformed the revolutionary state. Social "imperialism" to Soviet imperialism. Millions of dollars in the economic and military field of Afghanistan imposed its colonial domination and influence on Afghanistan. The Soviet Union was no longer the government of the councils, but rather its goals and spoke of socialism, but in practice all imperialism The Soviet influence and domination of countries, in addition to political economic domination, also provided the basis for the growth of revisionist ideas and parties. In the meantime, the Chinese Communist Party and the Labor Party were opposed to the Bolshevik Party, and Mao Moghshafaneh and critically exposed the revisionist movement of Khrushchev and Partners and exposed an important historical role in the right Marxist -Leninist orientation of the Leninists. Played. The Chinese Communist Party withdrawal, assessment of 1956 (No. 1335 in the Year "commentary 9" summarized its name: We have always believed and have many views on the current Communist International struggle at the 20th Party Congress. The Communist of the Soviet Union had been raised, it was wrong and contrary to Marxism-Leninism. In particular, these two issues are to completely negate Stalin on the pretext of the so-called and other peaceful passage "the struggle against the character of the" serious deviation "of the parliamentary path. "Socialism was the principles of Marxism-Leninism. This was the time when Akram Yari was in the court of nearly four. He" captured "in the year with a sense of all the pressure applied by the courtiers and his father to Stay in the court. In the early days, he was out of the court with rebellion and dissatisfaction; the days and nights did not return to the court, but begged the courts and his father Akram to return to the court again, but after a while Khalef's request for his father and courtiers stood firm and left the court forever. Akram Yari rented a room in the corner of Kabul and brought a simple but proud life among the masses and brought it into life full of cute but humorous The court, preferred! During his school at the Habibiyyah high school through his brother Sadegh Yari, he became acquainted with the Marxism, and from now on, the Communist theory turned into a light for the future life of his struggle and revolution. Akram, along with his brother Sadegh Yari and a number of their contemporaries in the Habibiyah High School, launched an enlightened debate that contradicts the ideas and interests of a number of Brotherhood teachers such as Hella Majdi, and made him a lesson in the classroom. Get out. Not only in the capital, but not only in the capital but also the protests, workers' strikes, students, students and teachers, and deprived masses of the first, he firmly supported and stood and stood next to them.

28 Number 13 Page of Javid Flame contributed to the leadership of these protests. The progressive youth organization "Akram Yari and the formation of Akram Yari, after leaving the court, conducted extensive research and, in the history of the country and the world, enriched his Marxist. During the knowledge of this process, the constitutional line of Abdul Rahman Mahmoudi identified Mahmoudi more and more seriously than other currents of the Daoud Khan period, and also achieved the restriction and inadequacy of radical constitutional struggles. He is Marxist sources and books through Iran, India and the Soviet Union and the Embassies of countries, including China, to Kabul Receipt, reads. In addition, through the Foreign Embassy at its personal expense, it was commonly received by three foreign publications (also: Beijing Rivio, Chinese Literature International AF (), Effects of Letratur E) Fair by reading Marxist publications, events Followed the world; He defended the legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party under Mao's leadership against the Soviet revision after Stalin's death and contributed to the struggle against the Soviet revisionism and the disclosure of their betrayal against the global working class. Tyranny had increased the dissatisfaction of the masses and intellectuals from the royal court during a decade, and had brought the conflict between the monarchy to the acute border, so the court sought to dismiss Davood Khan from the status of this. The issue should handle. Decade of Democracy, with the accumulation of a number of left -handed circles with a seemingly Marxist anti -manuscript, "Solar Democratic Party" Solar, 3431 in Winter Kay and Babak Carmel, under the supervision of the Soviet Communist Party Nour Mohammad They did. During this period, Akram Yari, who attended the Kabul University Sciences School of Kabul, stood firmly with the struggle of two lines on the revolution and the counter -revolutionary view of Mao's critical and revolutionary view of the authority of the Soviet Union, and this revolutionary flag stood firm. He was science in the struggle and disclosure of the Democratic People's Party's revisionism in the country. Akram and Sadegh Yari, with their friends, known as the 13th Circle, in collaboration with the Mahmoudi Circle, in the sun in the Sun, established the progressive youth organization based on the 1344 Marxist-Leninist-Maotesse Don). The organization contradicts the Soviet revisionism and their people's mercenaries. But at the Congress of the Founding Organization, the anti -Russian anti -revision stance and their indigenous rulers were not recognized by the existence of the centrifugal line within the organization. The Centers' line from Salamander was still early to take against Russian revisionism: It is as if we do not know very clearly about the global orientation of the world of the Soviet and the People's Republic of China. Solar was able to draw the correct line at the Second Congress of the 1346, however, in the extent of the Mao and Russian counter -reflective positions. Under the same line, in the solar spring of Jarida Javid, the publisher of Thought 1347 modern democratic was in collaboration with circles such as Engineer Osman and Shahpour. This weekly was published for more than two months, as Ashtari Tabnak became the leader of the poor movement, workers, peasants, students, teachers and students. The principle of the principle that Akram Yari represented played a major role in the form, content and orientation of this journal, though failed to publish the Communist Magazine within the organization. Akram Yari with the principle of most of the writings and [2] without mentioning his name in the act of "Flame of Javid" has given the authorities, fame, popularity and the like. He understood well that it was only by self -sacrifice to the interests of the empty class of society that could help and help the revolutionary struggle. Not only at the Kabul University, the help of the student, he led the political and revolutionary activities of the militant youth, but also in other political and mass relations, and the masses guided and guided the active and revolutionary individuals. After graduating from the Science College, he taught as a teacher in the schools of Khoshal Khan, Rahman Baba and Naderieh High School in Kabul and to teach the younger generation with the younger generation.

28 Number 14 Page of Flame Eternal Thinking and Revolution. At the same time, he worked under the name of "Progressive Youth Organization" as a member of the pseudonym of Behnam, Eternal Flame Articles and Strike Leadership, Workers' Demonstrations, Students, Students, and Other Urban Workers. The political situation of the decade of democracy in the country, with people outside the royal family, were eventually controlled by the Shah. During this period, the Chancellor came and went under the pressure of intellectual-mass protest movements. Dr. Yusuf, Mivandwal, and then Nour Ahmad Etemadi, who in two) preserved his loyalty to the Shah and 1350-1346 (the two -year period of Davood Khan: This led to the openness of the activity of the people's and flag revisions, but the flow Modern Democraticism faced a more severe suppression of the molded democracy. The stream, with lecturers such as the doctors of Mahmoudi and Abdulla Rastakhiz, Engineer Osman, Ein Ali Foundation, etc., went to support for the forest workers and separated their lines from the people and the flag at the beginning of this route. The forestry went on to create a workers 'union and raise the salaries of the workers. Failure to fulfill these workers' demands led them to continue 1347 Josma 25 of their protests until in the government, the brutal "solar" demonstrations. The leaders of the new democratic movement, whom were members of the progressive youth organization, arrested 11 after the "Immortal Flame" and seized the weekly number. , A year later, in the first "and the" with all the repression and the shot) the largest historical demonstrations in 1348 (May 1,50 streets of the capital set up where the limited The protesters participated. But all this, the contradiction between the secret identity and the program of the progressive youth organization on the one hand and the apparent impact of the modern democratic stream (eternal flame) on the other hand led to the provision of the opportunist elements and the Pacific elements within the movement. , It added more to the crisis and disruption of the immortal flame movement. The help of the subsequent help evaluated one of the causes of the growth of opportunism inside the current to be unique in the intellectual. , The Shah's army and the imprisonment of 40 in the decade of decade -long members of the organization, the Third Congress of the One -Year Solar Organization, were established. 1349 later, at the rate of the year, Akram Yari and his friends were placed as representatives of the minority line. Thus, in addition to the pressure of the royal tyranny system, the crisis within the organization increased as a result of Akram's illness and the growth of eponeist tendencies. Her help from her organizational activity in Jalil Abad, her nervous illness, came to a serious stage at the end of the year, with many of her friends and comrades noticed her unusual movements. Professor Ali Ahmad, a neurological specialist, had advised him to rest for a while. Thus, Akram helped with the ideological-political, organizational and organizational work. He went to his hometown after a few months of rest in Kabul, where his health was relatively improved; But since then, the impact of the disease has survived in it. "In itself," still in the form of a democracy, the country of pregnancy has been pregnant since the late decades of various events such as national divisions, terrible droughts, and political and social crises that it did. . The foundations of the Shah's rule were more weakened by the poor and poor people of Ghor, Badghis and Badakhshan more than ever before and sold their children. These critical conditions of the country were accompanied by the lives of Sayyid al -Sayyidan by the Gulbuddin Hekmatyar gang in the Kabul University. It provided more opportunity and excuse for the recruitment of opportunist elements around the organization. In this critical period, Akram Yari had to step down from organizational organizational activity and had gone to birth. His principled line was not continued by closest -minded scholars in the organization, such as Wars, and eventually the policy of Faiz Ahmad and Passifism caused a solar. 1351 The collapse of the Organization at Congress failed to summarize past and critical events in the current state of the country, including the Kabul University incident.

28 Number 15 Page of Flame Javid 1351 Akram Yari was not present at this solar congress because of his illness. At the same time, the Fourth Congress, according to some participants, was a branch congress, not the progressive youth organization in fact with unity. The illness and dismissal of Akram Yari with the leadership of the organization and the dominance of the leadership of Pasifzism had come to an end, but the fourth congress was official. 1351 Akram Yari, since he returned to his hometown and improved his health, along with his close friends, to defend the rights of peasants, including reducing the amount of ownership and the cancellation of forcedness, and so on. The same small principles he had in relation to the peasants were not tolerable to the Fiodalin and the region. So many influential people attempted to persuade the government to stop Akram and imprison him. But the support of the people and his popularity to the people prevented the regime from doing so. Akram Yari, who lived in Jagouri, had a fund containing medication and special treatment equipment used to treat members of poor peasants' families. Akram Yari was a colleague of peasants, women and children of the poor. The toilers of society saw his presence alongside them as a mountain. Yari did not neglect the publication of enlightening thoughts: he put the internal and external reflection writings and writings he received to the local youth and intellectuals. These writings were more concerned about the state of the country's portfolio, China's revolution, the transformations of the Chinese society that had changed in favor of the masses. In our conversation with his friends and supporters, not only criticized the thoughts of the people and the people - but also on religious beliefs, they also promoted enlightening discourses. Akram Yari gradually realized that the collapse of the progressive youth organization and the new democratic stream (immortal flame) was due to not opening them into the village. For this reason, he attempted to open the foot in these cumbersome traditions of the village that had been evaluated as ancient and ancient wall, to open the foot. In writing, "The National Revolution and the National" in the writing of the infiltration between the masses [without infiltration in this hard and ancient wall of the fate of each] village of the village alongside the urban masses of the political movement, even though the revolution is, is absurd. The case of the political situation in the government was also spoken by the Republic of Davood Khan. In Thor, in the case of the regime of 7 years before the disgraceful coup of Davood Khan and their relationship with the people - the flag in the army and the David regime's system, it had achieved this realistic and profound result: the people's revisionists and their flags from the revisionists. The Soviet Union is except for two other ways: Either the creation and flag will be swallowed by the Republic of Davoodkhani, or they will devour a disgrace coup and swallow the Davoodkhani family, in both cases nothing to do with. It has no communist revolution. According to the analysis of the help, and the direction of the creation and the flag with the support of the Soviet imperialist Socialist, Davood Khan's foolish republic has swallowed Thor. 7 The ways of the army and the coup, although the views of the opposite were different from the views of the opposite, but ultimately serve the same Soviet imperialist and socialist policy. The help of the separatism of the country, in coordination with the "oppressors", assessed the conscious or unconscious demands of the Soviet imperialist policies, resulting in hostage -taking, exploitation, and capturing South Asian resources. The workers and the toilers of these countries all

28 Number 16 Page was eternal flame. In this respect, Lenin's words were well used: the Communists think world and act native. Help was in love with the poor masses. He had found that society would only accept this in the hands of this poor class. Without the support of these masses, every movement dies, even though it is the most revolutionary. Help chose his partner based on the same relationship and a sense of love for the masses. He chose the end from the poor family and their connection in the year. He happened to the notes of 4 [Sunshine, in 1356 shortly, about love that relates to this era: love is the most human feeling. A few months after the coup government came to power, Akram Yari, Mohammad Ali Taghi and two others were taken to Dehzang Prison.] Political prisoners spent time and talk. Yari, however, was closely acquainted with Badakhshi and his supporters, and during nearly four months in the prison and his comrades, he was a guest of his supporters and friends. The prisoner of this prison also helped repeatedly because of his companionship in the Habibiyyah high school and talked to him about the past and the present. Akram Yari and three of his friends were released shortly afterwards and returned to their hometown. In response to this question, he is responsible for the coup and coup, "What is his supporters? She said: We are not in the situation to do something; But he always enlightened the disclosure of the coup. A number of his friends attempted to persuade him to leave the country, but he never refused to leave the country. In his opinion, the position of these people would lead to separate ways with his line of thought, and in another way, he said, I had nothing to do with me, or sometimes said that in Iran, Khomeini's fundamentalism is in Iran, and Pakistan They have power. In the end, however, he did not choose any other way to stay with people. Just when popular uprisings from Nuristan to Herat were expanding against the People's Democratic Party regime; The siren reached the name of the Democratic People's Party. For his capture in Jagouri, they sent a force, besieged the castle and captured him at the middle of the month of his house and transferred him to the 1358 Polcharkhi Prison with his other two comrades. At dawn, the solar tail pulled Akram Yari from prison and watered the dried up of the Pelcharchi plain with his blood. Executives, who did not know what to write, wrote the executions number of executions and his profile - Mohammad Akram Yari - Waleed Abdella 4383: He repeated his teacher. Karzai's puppet was changed by Simasmer to her husband Abdul Ghafour Soltani. The internal Communist Journal as the B -2 Language of Revolution was approved by the Second Congress of the Progressive Youth Organization; But never published. Who is the flame? Written by Blacksmith's Lion. - 3 Commissioner, Yari's wife, after the arrest - 4 of his wife faced numerous problems and first went to Quetta and then to America) in Kabul 1399 (he went to last year and in last year. The work of Corona died in the city. Akram Yari, when divided his father's land - 5, also identified his sisters' share: Sources. Eternal Flame, Fourth Volume, Fourth ,.1393 Serious, Live Disaster. Akram Yari, International Publishing, Flame.

28 Number 17 Page of Javid Flame Last week, Pakistani scholarship leader Malna Fazl Rahman conveyed the message of the government to Amir al -Mu'minin and other Taliban leaders during a trip to Kabul. A message that was also warned by the Prime Minister Anoural al -Haq Kakar, "Pakistan's temporary Pakistani". Pakistan and the Taliban (TTP) Choose the Pakistani Army due to the spread of insecurity following repeated conferences (TTP) to camp and police centers has been calling for the Taliban again in Afghanistan. After insistence and so far, Mawalna Fazl Rahman's return from Kabul to Aslamabad appears to be able to find a solution to reduce tensions between the Pakistani army and the Taliban Emirate, and Rumi's words Hella and Hella Hella and Hella Hella. Other Taliban leaders have not fulfilled the satisfaction and satisfaction of Asalemabad. In the latest move, the Pakistani government has closed the port of Torkham and four other ports on freight cars. Three months ago, at the end of the fall of 1.7 million immigrants of 1.7 this year, the Pakistani government was expelled illegally. Since November 1, the Pakistani government has fired more than half a million Afghan immigrants. Since the end of the government of Imran Khan and the coalition of the Muslim Party of Pakistani Party and the Pakistani People's Party, the Taliban has been more pressured and with the government coming to power. Temporary has intensified in the last three months. Overall, the Pakistani army and government relations with the Taliban have suffered serious tensions over the past year. The Pakistani Taliban issue is in the tension, though the issues of immigrants, border clashes, the Durand line, customs issues and Taliban relations with India have not affected the tension. The Pakistani army, the Taliban and the review of past policy until August, a year after the Taliban's dominance, the conference has increased to a percentage, with 51 Pakistani army and police in Khyber Pashtun 75 more than 75. According to police statistics, a separate incident was killed during the year. 151 officers attacked 180 Peshawar on January 102, 2003, which killed more than police officers, most of which were police officers, most of which were police officers. . It was the deadliest attack on the Pakistani police headquarters, which was carried out in Afghanistan twice in Afghanistan. Twenty days after the incident, another attack was carried out at the Karachi police headquarters - the Pakistani Economy Center, killing large number of police officers. The Taliban's deadly attack on police centers in the cities of Peshawar and Karachi, and Yaran, forced the Pakistani army to make their ideological ideological, which was new to Afghanistan. Pakistani Defense Minister Khawaja Mohammad Asif 22 dates and General Nadim Angham, head of the Pakistani International Organization (ISI), went to Kabul and shared a list of Taliban Taliban commanders and centers with Taliban officials in Kabul. The Pakistani army and government calling on the Taliban to take serious action against the Pakistani Taliban, prevent their conferences on the positions of the army and the Pakistani police, and to deliver its leaders in another Taliban act. Pashtuns and Pakistan attacked the Taliban's positions in Khyber Baluchistan and killed a number of Taliban forces. The Pakistani army later said in a statement that Afghanistan, as a refuge for the Taliban and other terrorists, provided them with freedom of action and arrival in new halls that have affected Pakistani security, and this work. The Pakistani army will not be tolerated. The Pakistani military claimed that the group's leadership centers in Afghanistan are 6,000 (TTPs) and more than that after the departure of US troops and the overthrow of the former Afghan regime (TTP), and supporting the conference. They have been added to the Pakistani army from Afghanistan. Former Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif called the Taliban the Emirates illegitimate, and during his reign, the Pakistani government stopped the Taliban's government in al -Bayt for international recognition. The military targeted Pakistani Taliban military centers in Kunar and Nangarhar's governors and intensified wiring in the border. It also increased the strictness of Afghan immigrants- lacking documents- to Pakistani territory, and even the media on both sides, unlike the Taliban Emirates, entered media propaganda and war. With the onset of winter on November 1st and the expulsion of thousands of immigrants from Pakistan, tensions and threats from the two sides. Pakistani -prime minister at a tension between the Pakistani government and the Taliban; Shadow of fear on the face of the Emirate

28 Number 18 Page of the Taliban Flame warned that the Taliban would choose one between the Pakistani government and the Taliban. The government began to dismiss the millions of non -documents from Pakistan's 1.7 Pakistan. In the cold cold of winter, more than half a million immigrants were expelled from Pakistan. Many of these immigrants failed to transfer their property and assets to Afghanistan. The Taliban held a cabinet emergency meeting in Kandahar led by Rumi Hella. Mawlawi Hella has warned Pakistani authorities that Pakistani pressure, such as US pressure and threat, would not affect us twenty years ago, and we did not give up on the Mujahideen and our brothers in Pakistan as we did not surrender to Osama bin Elden. We don't. Prior to that, the Taliban leader had called the Pakistani constitution unprofessional. Taliban Defense Minister Mal Ya'qub said Pakistani leaders were inadequate to manage their country. In addition to the direct pressure that the Pakistani army and the government have put on the Taliban, the bilateral agreement between Pakistani Army Sayed Asim Munir and 2023 US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and the support of US imperialism have put more pressure on the Taliban. . The Taliban on the choice of cooperation with the Pakistani government or Taliban (TP) appears to have been reduced in recent weeks Taliban leaders against Pakistan, and the group is in Talish to be angry with the army and the army on the one hand. Reduce the Pakistani government and, on the other hand, do not dissolve the Pakistani Taliban. Malna Fazl Rahman's invitation to Kabul is part of the confrontation to control tension. Taliban leaders, including Amir, have called on Pakistani Taliban to reduce violence; This has not yet achieved the contentment and satisfaction of the Pakistani army and government. Now the question is, why can't the Taliban not fulfill the Pakistani government? The fact is that the Taliban wants to maintain the balance between the Pakistani army and the Taliban in a situation where the internal situation is critical and is isolated by the world. For the past ten years, both the Pakistani and TTP government has helped the Taliban in Afghanistan. At The current Taliban conditions cannot choose between the Pakistani army and (TTP). If the Taliban listen to the Pakistani army and betray their ideological friends in Pakistan, it will have harmful political consequences. The Taliban is now accused of nationalist tendencies by many extremist groups. Betrayal of the Pakistani Taliban will deprive the Taliban and other Islamic groups from the Taliban, which will drive them away from the Taliban and lean to ISIS. The Pakistani Taliban's Taliban were twenty years of war with the Afghan Taliban against US forces and the puppet regime and contributed to their twice empowerment. The Pakistani Taliban now expects such in Pakistan to support the Taliban. On the other hand, Taliban soldiers and leaders who have been proud of the war with foreign occupiers for the past twenty years have now been highly sensitive to Pakistan's accusation and servitude. Many of the Taliban leaders' high words are a mockery that the group wants to erase Pakistan's dependence label from their face. Most importantly the Taliban forces 6000 Pakistan- claimed by the country's army- more than

28 Number 19 has an immortal flame page inside Afghanistan. The Pakistani Taliban issue for the Taliban in Afghanistan is originally an internal matter, so it has now become the biggest Taliban problem. The relationship between the Taliban of Afghanistan and Pakistan is different from the Taliban's relationship with other extremist groups in the region, which has been working with the Taliban over the past twenty years and is currently cooperating. The Pakistani Taliban fought against US troops and its allies and the Kabul regime, apart from hosting the Afghan Taliban for the past twenty years. The Taliban Taliban leader Mufti Nour Wali Mehsud has pledged allegiance to Rumi Holla Hella, and most importantly, the Taliban on both sides of the Durand Line are largely common in ethnic, linguistic, geographical and cultural. The Taliban's perspective between the Taliban and the Pakistani army over the past twenty years has been in favor of the Taliban with the Pakistani army and (TP) for the group, but now that the Taliban have taken over the power, their ideological assistants across the Durand line to Achilles They have become. However, there is now the possibility of a decline and the likelihood of tensions between the Pakistani army and the Taliban. The Taliban's ideological and extremist nature and its flexibility, the necessity of maintaining internal cohesion and liberation from the sense of humiliation of Pakistan, makes the Taliban short of shortening the will of the Pakistani army and government. Likewise, the growing insecurity in Pakistan has forced the army to suppress (TTP) and cut off support behind its front. This is the main cause of tension between the Pakistani army and the Taliban Emirate. But on the other hand, because of the critical economy of both sides and the unstable and bankrupt situation of both countries, the potential has become more unlikely. The Afghan economy is under the auspices of the Taliban under the auspices of the UN and US Imperialism and Imperialism Organizations. The closure of transit roads will be more harmful to the devastating economy of Afghanistan. Pakistan's bankruptcy economy will also be harmed by the blocking of the rules with Afghanistan and Central Asia. Therefore, the Pakistani government is in Talish with the pressure tools it has used so far. Today, unlike previous years, Pakistani security has been compromised from Afghanistan, and the Taliban has a means of interference in Pakistani affairs through supporting the Pakistani Taliban. The Pakistani government cannot easily support the Taliban's opposition leaders because it will increase the level of dissatisfaction in the Pashtuna and Baluchistan state and use this dissatisfaction (TTP). The end of the tension between the Pakistani government and the Islamic Emirate of the Taliban surprised many. Especially those who believed the Taliban's victory was in fact the victory of the Pakistani government and the army. Now the question is whether the Pakistani army would not imagine that Pakistani security would be greater if the Taliban re -empowered it. The fact is that the Pakistani ruling and reactionary government are facing complex contradictions and crises. Therefore, for a bankrupt government like Pakistan, it is not simply not possible to solve its problem and pull out of its critical situation. They inevitably create another problem by solving a problem. For the past twenty years, the US -based regime in Kabul has not only rejected the Durand Mazar Line but also had close relations with the Indian government, and puppet officials accused Pakistan of defending and sheltering the Taliban. This contradiction came when American imperialism approached its regional rival, India, to prevent power from 2010 and 2009, and its weakening. Following their masters, the Kabul regime also developed relations with India. Pakistan expanded its relations with China in a tribute action and reduced the restriction on the Taliban to put pressure on the puppet regime. The Taliban used this in their favor. The other point is that the Taliban seek to argue or at least reduce it from absolute dependence, as the group had in Pakistan in the first round of the Emirate. In the round The first Taliban Emirate was the foreign relations of the group by Pakistan, and almost all global aid to Afghanistan was made through Pakistan. This time, however, the countries of the region, including Iran, China, Russia and Central Asian countries- formerly opposed to the Taliban- have direct political and economic relations with the Taliban and their representatives are active in Kabul. Taliban Taliban to expand economic relations with these countries is to get rid of Pakistan's transit. In the overthrow of Pakistan in 2001, Pakistan's cooperation with the US in the first year of the Taliban Emirate is another factor in the Taliban's distrust of Pakistan. Pakistan during the Cold War expanded its policy in citizenship of

28 Number 20 of the Immigration Flame Page coordinated the interests of American imperialism in the region. After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan had become the base of the Middle East and other Islamic countries. Pakistani schools with the financial and economic backing of the US and Saudi Arabia were another focus of Islamic insights. Supporting the Mojahedin and then the Taliban were part of the US, Saudi and Pakistani project. Needless to say, the Pakistani Army and Information Organization (ISI), in addition to Afghanistan, also used Islamic forces in the Kashmir war against the Indian government. With the end of the Cold War and the fall of Soviet imperialism and the empowerment of extremist Asm in Iran and then Afghanistan, other Islamic fundamentalism contradicts the interests of the US and its allies. American imperialism for almost more than a decade in the early twentieth century has placed Islamic fundamentalism under the name of attacking terrorism. The overthrow of the Taliban and the suppression of al -Qa'id was part of US policy against Islamic fundamentalism. Countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have supported the Islamic extremist groups for the past two decades, but now these groups, including al -Qaeda, ISIS and (TTP), have become a threat to their own internal security; It is as if the well that they had been cut down. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as two traditional Taliban supporters, now have the coldest relationship with them, but Pakistan as another Taliban supporter is now moving from friendship to hostility. The security crisis in Pakistan is serious, so the Pakistani Army and the Information Organization, unlike ten years ago, re -repair its relations with the United States and rely on American imperialism to counter the threat of armed armed seekers because China is now close ties with the Taliban in the Taliban. Afghanistan has. It seems that the Pakistani army will use any possible tool to control (TTP). The alarm for the Taliban Foundation's weak Emirate has been sounded. The shadow of fear is on the Taliban's face. Kandahar's Sweet Governor's trip to Pakistan indicates that Rumi Hella Hella has entered the stressful game, but it seems unlikely that this tension will have a simple solution. 1402 Serious 1/2024 January 21 The Communist Party (Maoist) of Afghanistan belongs to all the hard-working people of the world on the occasion of Comrade Jose Marie Syson Syson, and Jose Marxist-Leninist-Maoist 17 was a great Internationalist. In the M., the Filipin Communist Party in Amaziyah on December 2022, the founder and his leader, Jose Marie Syson, the biggest Filipino last night, in "Kurds." . The Philippine Communist Party, under the ideology of Rafiq Syson's 1968, was founded in the year of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and a year later the armed struggle for the 1969 revolution in modern and socialist democratic victory in the Philippines. Thousands of the hard -working Filipino classes, now during the People's War, raise the red flag of revolutionary communism and fight for a world free of exploitation and oppression. The proletariat and the party -led masses in the Red and Free Regulations exercise political power by the dictatorship of Marcus 1977 Rafiq Sisison in the year and spent many years in solitary confinement. So

28 Number 21 Page of Flame Javid from spending almost a decade in prison, Rafiq Sison was released in prison and was deported abroad in 1987. The Philippine government canceled his passport, since then, as a political refugee in the Netherlands, Rafiq Sisison continued to fight in exile. He was active in the communist struggle worldwide and has worked for years in the leadership of the International Communist Movement. Comrade Sison has promoted the tireless and tireless transitional struggle to liberate the creation and progress of the revolutionary struggle. He has written dozens of theoretical works to meet the theoretical needs of the revolutionary and communist struggles in the Philippines and globally. Rafiq's theoretical and practical legacy in promoting the proletariat's revolutionary struggles in the Philippines and the world of Ghana. The Communist Party (Maoist) of Afghanistan considers the death of Rafiq Ceyson as a major lesion to the World Communist Movement and the Philippines. The Communist Party and the hard-working people of the Philippines! Remember, Comrade Ceyson! Long live the popular war in the Philippines! A higher level of understanding and awareness, to promote the nature of the class society of capitalism and fundamentalist fundamentalism. Without a revolutionary, without organizing and revolutionary, the necessity of transformation and revolution in society cannot be responded. Women should Talen their unity and solidarity under a radical and revolutionary program in the country of a national and secret organization in the country. The women's movement is necessary to promote political knowledge and thus can overcome their limitations. Using a tool for women's names and organizations must end. To create a strong and powerful women's movement in the country, it is now necessary to build a campaign and a communal regulation under the leadership of a secret organization of the most serious women's cadres and leaders. The members and cadres of the Communist Party (Maoist) of Afghanistan consider themselves part of the upcoming Afghan women's movement and do not hesitate to promote this movement. The victory of the new democratic revolution and the establishment of a socialist society is not possible without the growth of the women's struggle movement. Our party believes that without a radical struggle and the victory of the modern and socialist democratic revolution, it is impossible to get rid of class oppression and exploitation, and that any tribute and struggle within the ruling system, except for the strengthening of women's captivity, will not lead to anything else. became. To get rid of this, there is a need for revolution. The revolution is based on the Communist (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) and the scouting party and the working class. Communist Party (Maoist) Afghanistan 1401-2023 March 822

28 Number 22 of the Javid Flame Page March 8 this year comes as the chains of captivity and slavery on women in Afghanistan and the world are stronger. The oppressed women are the most seen part of the oppressed. Every year millions of women in the world, especially in dominated countries and in slums, are destroyed and destroyed by poverty, hunger and diseases of their lives. Women around the world are terrible and raped and murdered. Buying, slavery and smuggling of women and children is increasing. The war in Ukraine and the terrible earthquake in Turkey took the most victims and casualties among women and children. The boom in the sex industry and pornography for predecessors has intensified the humiliation of women. Most of the climate change and Corona have added to the poverty and captivity of women in the world. March eight, the day of solidarity and the struggle of women, against the forms of sexual oppression and slavery of women, are celebrated every year by the Communists, the progressive elements, the hard -working men and women around the world. On this day, communist parties and organizations reveal the nature of patriarchal oppression and capitalist crimes by expressing statements and conducting street demonstrations and circles and helping to raise awareness and solidarity. On the other hand, however, institutions and organizations affiliated with capitalist governments have reduced the celebration of March 8 to celebrate, ceremonial, and content from this day. This type of celebration has been dominated by European-European occupiers in Afghanistan for the past twenty years. In Afghanistan, the Taliban dominated not only this celebration is not the case, but the Taliban suppress the least rights and gathering of women. Taliban fundamentalism from the very beginning of their empowerment by raping and invading women's basic rights, displayed a reactionary and anti -woman face, and by issuing religious orders, deprived women of freedom and basic rights, and in the homes of the houses. drove away. The Taliban do not hesitate to beat, torture, imprison and kill women in the execution of these orders. This shows that there is an irreconcilable struggle between Islamic fundamentalism and women, and women's slavery and the consolidation of male domination are indivisible to be an integral part of religious extremism groups. In a year and a half, the Taliban's domination of the country has shown the tragic and tragic drama of black day and the imposition of the laws of captivity on the lives of women and the people of this country. The group has imposed strict Islamic law laws under numerous orders on Afghan women and people. The suspension of women and girls in universities and the prohibition of female employees in non -governmental organizations have been the latest commands of the group. The Taliban closed high school schools and high schools, banning women from going to parks, gymnasiums and other public places and traveling without Muharram. Taliban commanders, meanwhile, have competed for the acquisition of young women and girls through deception, promises, force and money. The consequences and consequences of these actions and orders so far have led to the widespread anger and hatred of the people, the resistance and resistance of women in various forms, the internal disagreement, global pressure and isolation, and the protest of the religious and political leaders of the Islamic countries. Taliban Islamic fundamentalism, on the one hand, have linked their Emirates strength and strength on the compulsory imposition of laws on women and the suppression of all society, and on the other hand, the issuance of these orders, especially the suspension of school and university education, is the main cause of pressure. The Taliban's worldwide and isolation and hatred of them have become inside the country. The leading sector of women has resisted and resisted in various ways against this rape and the Taliban's rape of their basic rights. The suspension of women's education and the prohibition of female staff from non -governmental offices has made the Taliban's disruption more clear and has added to the criticism of the Taliban's commanders and officials to the group's leader. Their sharp words of Rumi Hella Hella in a dogmatic and Taliban structure have questioned the group's leader inside them. On the other hand, the new Taliban decree to ban female staff has already increased poverty and unemployment in society. It's been. Last month, with the mastery of the Taliban, poverty, 18 of this, in hunger and displacement, had increased unprecedentedly in the country. But the Taliban, by auctioning the country's coal mines and gathering taxpayers from shopkeepers and businessmen, have brought them to bankruptcy, and in the situation where the Afghan people die of hunger and poverty, the money that is granted in this way. They bring mosques, religious schools and the expansion of religious and superstitious extremism. Taliban dominance, the community is moving towards Qahaqra, and the country's half -ruined Shiraz is more than ever. The unfortunate situation of women and people in the Afghan ward has made the need for a radical revolution more necessary than ever. However, the people of the month have certainly found out that the possibility of 18 Afghanistan is difficult and difficult in this life of the Taliban. Cherish the eight March; Strengthen the solidarity and struggles of the women's movement! 21 Continue on the page

28 Number 23 of the Javid Flame Page of the street protests and popular uprisings in Iran entered the third week. This powerful mass and revolutionary movement becomes more pervasive every day. The protests and uprisings of the Iranian people against the Islamic Republic, with the death of Mahsa (Gina) Amini by the Guidance Patrol, first began in the Kurdish cities of Saqez and Sanandaj and spread rapidly throughout Iran. During this time, the street protests and struggles- despite the brutal suppression of the forces to the regime's armed teeth- have not subsided in hundreds of Iranian cities, but now with extensive strikes by students, students, teachers and workers and public strikes in Kurdish cities. And the widespread global support for it has entered the new phase. The Iranians have risen to overthrow the criminal regime of the Islamic Republic! Students have been on strike in more than hundreds of universities and workers in Isfahan, Ahwaz and Kurdish cities. With the call of teachers in Tehran's schools, we "and" Death to the dictator "Karaj, Saqez, and ... with the slogan of the Islamic Republic" we do not want to join. In many western Kurdish and southeastern Baluchi areas of Iran, scenes of war situation are under way. Iranians abroad also showed their solidarity from popular struggles within Iran in hundreds of cities around the world. Hundreds of Iranian and non -Iranian artists, intellectuals, and non -Iranian artists, have taken a stand against the crimes of the repressive regime of the Islamic Republic. The regime's self -esteem is severely weakened, multicolors and declines in its military and national ranks. The Islamic Republic's regime has not yet heard of any crime to defeat this popular uprising. So far, hundreds of protesters, mostly young people have been killed on the streets, and thousands of other boys and girls are brutally tortured in the regime. The Islamic criminal regime, with a full -fledged foreigner, made the Baluchi people in Zahdan and Sharif University students in Tehran. The slogans and demands of young people and people in the streets, universities and factories are very radical and revolutionary. The secret of the widespread and continuation of this movement lies in these slogans, especially Hul, the slogan of overthrowing the Islamic Republic. This is a great uprising in Iran. 98 and 96 are more different and more radical than the protests of the current struggle movement of popular and anti -governmental social movement, which puts workers, hard -working masses, women, oppressed nationalities, student movement and intellectuals in a united line against the Islamic Republic. He brought the field. Even if the Islamic Republic is rescued from this deadline, it will be temporary. The current rise and uprising in Iran, which is moving towards a great people's revolution, is a lasting and powerful impact on the people's struggle and revolutionary movement.

28 Number 24 Page will put the Middle East and the world. The Islamic Republic of Iran is now failed in terms of authority and ideological-political and its durability in the future seems difficult. Youth, men, and men have taken to the streets mainly from the lower classes of society and of all nationalities under the slogan of overthrowing the Iranian insightful regime. Students have turned the university into strike and struggle. Women have not only been the initiator of this mass movement, but they are still at the forefront of this uprising. The youth and adolescents and the "burning hijab" have made the streets a celebration of the exciting struggle for liberation. Kurdish and Baluchi and other Iranians oppressed, with great boldness, have met the Islamic Republic's chauvinism. In the last few decades, when Islamic interplay and imperialism have had over the Balmanaz domination region, the mass, revolutionary and communist movement has been marginalized, which has developed the rise of superstition and superstition in the region. The conscious struggle of the people of Iran, however, promises the spark of hope and liberation from reactionary domination and imperialism for millions of oppressed men and women in the region and the world. The foundations of the Islamic Republic in Iran were consolidated by the defeat of the revolutionary and communist forces in the 1960s, and this regime not only became a darkest proportion and promoter in Iran, but also an important base for Shiite Islamic reactionary currents such as Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and others. The fundamentalist regime in Iran is not only supporting the Taliban today, Shiite in the "octagonal jihad" but in the past in Afghanistan, with the past. The regime's direct support was created. The Islamic Unity Party and the Party of the Islamic Movement, among the Shiites and the Hazaras, as the ruling class, played a significant role in suppressing the revolutionary and communist forces. The Islamic Republic of Iran, to a great extent, also provoked Sunni Islamic fundamentalism forces in other Islamic countries. The incitement in Sunni Islamic fundamentalism has been created mainly by competition and conflict with the Islamic Republic and is still being subjected to the Shiites in Afghanistan and other countries by ISIS and other Islamic fundamentalists. The terrible example of the "pine" was a suicide attack a few days ago on the training center in western Kabul. The destruction of the Islamic Republic not only deprives the Islamic reaction of one of its most important bases, but it will also play an important role in the expansion of freedom -seeking, revolutionary and communist struggles in Afghanistan, the region and the world. For this reason, defending the popular uprising and uprising of the Iranian people is the task of all the revolutionary and communists of the world. While the reactionary adherents in support of imperialism seek to take anger and acquisition of this popular uprising, the overthrow of the Islamic Republic regime is not the end of the struggle in Iran, but the new one is the responsibility of the Communists' campaigns, relying on Marxism-Leninism. - Maoism, and relying on the strategy of the Iranian people to completely liberate the "struggle of society from any exploitation and oppression and the creation of a socialist society and moving towards communism. Long live the uprising and revolution of the Iranian people! Death to the Islamic Republic of Iran! Long live Marxism- Leninism- Maoism! Communist Party (Maoist) Afghanistan

28 Number 25 Page of the Flame of Javid has been killing the Palestinian people in the Strip for more than a month for more than a month. So far more than 20,000 Palestinians have been killed and more than more. Israeli bombs of air, land and sea are throwing dozens of bombs and musk every hour on residential, hospital, hospital, and schools in the Gaza Strip, and their infantry forces inside Gaza kill defenseless Palestinian people They are engaged. More than half of the houses in Gaza have been damaged and thousands of residential houses have been destroyed. Israel has cut water and electricity and any relationship with Gaza. Meanwhile, in two months, Palestinian people were killed by Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers in the West Bank. In the face of this crime and genocide of Israel and its imperialist supporters and defending the Palestinian people, a wave of global anger and disgust has been marched in the form of demonstrations in the cities of the world. The fascist regime and the Israeli occupation and its imperialist supporters have rejected any peace until the liberation of Israeli hostages and the complete destruction of Hamas. Meanwhile, the public is currently in captivity by the Israeli occupation regime by the Israeli occupation regime. This terrible crime is in the Palestinian people with unconditional support of American, British, German and French imperialism. Two US naval fleets, each equipped with a mass killing and army of special war forces, were deployed to defend Israel in the region. Military aid to Europe, such as Germany, has increased several times the Israeli regime this year. Israel is one of the most critical points in the world. It is, however, that Israel's crimes and aggression are not only supported by American imperialism, in fact, but this war is part of the American aggressive war in the service of preserving its global domination. On the other hand, reactionary lines such as the Islamic Republic of Iran and the reactionary groups such as the Holla -Holla Party of Lebanon and the branches in Iraq and the Yemeni Hussein are allegedly opposed to Israel. Although these groups, including the Islamic Republic, beat the war on the war, but so far.

28 Number 26 Page of the Flame of Eternal. Despite this danger, the war in the region is very high. The Story of the Palestinian Palestine and the Crimes of Palestine and the Crimes of the Israeli regime with the support of last year's symbols and 75th of its fate in the oppressed and captive nationality of the world on the one hand and the cruelty and aggression of imperialism and their native servants on the other hand. Is. The growth of Islamic fundamentalism groups such as Hamas, who share crimes against the people, has had a direct relationship with the support of imperialist powers such as the United States in support of Islamic fundamentalism. The situation in Afghanistan has been similar to the situation in Palestine in the past forty years. The nations first nurtured the Islamic fundamentalist groups, and then put the functions of these groups as an excuse for the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. But now Islamic fundamentalism has become an obstacle to the world domination of imperialism. The fire that the imperialists had in the region by the hands of their Islamic Lords in the region is now captured by the Palestinian creation, where popular, democratic and communist movements in the Middle East are extremely weak. The Israeli occupation regime has justified their rape and genocide on the basis of Hamas's crime, and vice versa. This vicious cycle has led to the extreme reactionary situation in the area. The real communists and only are they to end this vicious round. It is the Internationalist task of every communist who from the creation of Palestine against crimes and rape Israel to defend. Revolutionary and Communist forces must come to the field around the world, including in the Middle East, Palestine and Israel, and against the Israeli killing machine in defense of the Palestinian people. Without the growth of authentic communist forces in the region and Palestine, things will not change in favor of oppressed masses and oppressed nationalities, and without the communist revolution and without the overthrow of the Israeli capitalist regime and the destruction of reactionary groups such as Hamas, this horrible crime will continue. Found. The Communist Party (Maoist) Afghanistan is held on November 1223/11 1402 Scorpio 21. Therefore, the Chinese government is cautious, but the "continuous road, is pursuing its economic plans within Afghanistan. China's economic activities and programs will be the ground for its political and cultural domination in Afghanistan, as the colonial domination of the Soviet Union first began with economic assistance and investment in Afghanistan. . The Chinese ambassador's acceptance by the Chinese president shows that "Chinese imperialism is programs for Afghanistan for Afghanistan. The Taliban have no problem with the colonial domination of imperialist countries. The group's problem is mainly with the widespread government and liberal freedoms of human rights and women's freedom. The Taliban are not willing to divide power with other groups and withdraw from the adaptation of the Islamic law. Meanwhile, countries in the region, especially Chinese imperialism, have not put pressure on the Taliban. That is why the Taliban are comfortable with China and have become economic. The imperialist countries of the United States and their European allies will not recognize a regime that has deprived girls and women under pressure from work and education. The goal of American imperialism was to grow and strengthen Islamic fundamentalism during the Cold War, to strike and weaken the Soviet Union and to the left and sequel groups. But now that their Islamic fundamentalism has become in conflict with the interests of US imperialism in the region, the United States is seeking to control and weaken these groups. Therefore, sanctions and pressure against extremist groups, including the Taliban, will continue to continue, and the imperialist and reactionary countries in the region will maintain cross -sectional and tactical relations with the Taliban. Such a half -strained relations with the Taliban regime will and will prevent the group from consolidating and sustainable. It is not without reason that various organizations warn of the collapse of the Taliban's economic system. 7 Continue page

28 Number 27 The Page of Flame of the Taliban is shaky because the majority of the Afghan people hate the group. In the two and seven months since the second round of the Taliban Emirate, it is seen that this group has gaining neither domestic legitimacy nor global formality. The group of this group is only with its bayonet and its war force. The thing that will exacerbate their internal fragility and conflict and will increase their universal entity. On the other hand, the fear of the Taliban in society is gradually being collapsed. Staches, prison and torture cannot guarantee the survival and survival of this group's sovereignty. However, it is time for people to find out more about this group's anti -man. The Taliban's superficial, extremist, and abusive propaganda will increase the hatred of the people, and especially the young and educated generation, from extremism and religion. The awakening and awareness of the masses and the vast strata of society of the nature of the Taliban and imperialism and the courage to their criminals are an important part of the enhancement and development of the mental conditions of the revolution to overthrow the Taliban's reactionary sovereignty. Taliban and ISIS and all the Islamic extremist forces are the product of the exploitation and oppression of capitalism-imperialist worlds in the world, the Middle East and Afghanistan, and has an inextricable link with the world-class system. The Taliban theocratic regime represents the interests of the Fiodal -Bourgeois Camprador affiliated with the world's imperialist system, and their interests are opposed to the interests of workers, peasants, women, intellectuals, oppressed nationals and all the working hardships of the country. The struggle for the overthrow of the Taliban Emirate in Afghanistan is part of the fight against all the capitalist system that prevails over the world. Communist Party (Maoist) Afghanistan 1402 Serious 21 - 2024 January 11

28 Number 28 Page Flame Immortal Flame Address on Social Networks https://www.sholajawid.org/ sholajawid2@protonmail.com https://www.facebook.com/profile. php? ID = 100053104302784 & Taliban and ISIL criminals have killed dozens of explosions in Kabul and Mazar -e -Sharif over the past week of the fate of Afghan women and people. The systematic and targeted attitude of the Entrepreneurship, which is mainly sacrificed from the civilian people in Afghanistan, especially the militant and Shiite nationality of Afghanistan. At the same time, ISIL has been killed by ordinary people, the infamous forces of the instructor arrested dozens of teenage girls and knowledge, including Barchi Plain, Red Bridge, Charitable and Shahrno. The number of girls in Mazar -e -Sharif, Bamyan and the city of Nili Daikundi Governor is also said to have been arrested by "Taliban". In a massive operation, the Taliban have abducted teenage girls for kidnapping, imprisonment and torture "and" disobeying repeated instructions ". gay Women have exported. The latest attack on young women and girls and their abduction is part of the Taliban's long -standing hostility against women and girls in the country, which continues uninterruptedly. The Taliban, with the fearless girls and their families, want to prevent their orders from disobeying their orders. They are obedient to the women and people of Afghanistan. False fantasy! It is said that wherever it is oppression, resistance is also proud. It is not easy to implement the Taliban's instructions and commands in the community. The intensity of the Taliban's action will and will lead to the resistance and resistance of Afghan women and people against the group. Over the past two years, workers, toilers, women, intellectuals, and oppressed nationalities have not been subjected to submission to the Taliban system. Different forms of disobedience and protest at the levels of society, both potentially and actually, are flowing, and as time goes by, the public's dissatisfaction and protest against the Taliban will increase qualitatively and quantitatively. In the meantime, women's resistance and struggle is one of the major focus of the Taliban. The hard -working Afghan creation has a deep hatred and disgust of black reaction and imperialism, and the masses of anger of the masses have been pursued by the pores of the exit. The resistance and resistance of the Afghan women and the people of Afghanistan will be more repressive of the Taliban. But on the other hand, reactionary groups opposed to Taliban and imperialist and reactionary countries that have not at least Taliban and ISIS in the crimes and killings of the people deal with this criminal act and use this for their benefit. They do. 27 Continue on the page

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The Mayor's Office of Medellín supports barbarism and Zionist genocide | Workers Revolution

La Alcaldía de Medellín respalda la barbarie y el genocidio sionista 1

On February 28, 2024, through platform X, the newly elected as mayor of Medellín Federico “Fico” Gutiérrez uploaded a trill to this social network with a message saying: «Today we had a very good encounter with Gali Dagan @ Galida12, Israel ambassador to Colombia ». Accompanied with a photo of these two dire characters and the flags of Colombia and the genocidal state of Israel.

Federico Gutiérrez since his term in the Mayor's Office of Medellín in 2016 to 2020 has been characterized by being a lacacho more than the parasitic right and defender of the interests of the bourgeoisie both foreign and the corporatist and paramilitary national. We must remember that during the national university strike of the year 2018 he was responsible for repressing students by sending all kinds of forces that left dozens of injured students.

Now today, as a consequence of the elections that took place on October 29, 2023 and possessing as mayor on January 1 of this year, he began again, together with Governor Andrés Julián Rendón, a day of stigmatization towards the most humble and especially to students.

The ruling classes and the media have sold the image of this sinister character as "a good boy" and as "the best mayor who has had Medellín"; However, the facts demonstrate the reactionary tasting of this type, which now meets with repudiable characters like Gali Dagan openly supporting the genocide against the worthy Palestinian people.

The Colombian people cannot allow them to normalize and advertising fascist behaviors for official media. It must be understood that in Palestine it is a genocide committed by the Zionist State of Israel where a town is currently fighting for its liberation against a legitimized monster and supported by the Yankees imperialist forces and its allies.

We cannot keep our arms crossed, as communists we must denounce and sabotage these criminals and their accomplices, make them see the comrades and the Palestinian people that Medellín supports them unconditionally and that our role is to end these parasites, that although their appearance can Seeing yourself as strong, as a paper tiger will be unable to resist the wind and rain of the dignified and fighter people.

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THESSALONIKI Racing Movements: Documentary View "Days of Hellenic Republic"

The racing moves are organizing the documentary of the document "Days of the Hellenic Republic" on the '06-'07 movement and the huge nationwide course of March 8, 2007, the day of the law-by-plasiou Giannakou law, which was characterized by the extreme repression. 17 years later, on the same day, Pierrakakis has been voted on for private universities and the message is one in common. Continue the race until overthrow! After the promotion, there will be an open discussion that will also intervene Mr. Kamaretsos, a '06-'07 movement.

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Chania Response from the demonstration on 29.2

With good mass, it took place for eighth week in the city center based on the call of the student club and students' participation.

The reduced mass is due to the beginning of the Spring Semester telephones in four of the five schools of the Technical University. After the road was first opened with the imposition of tele-examination, our struggle continues to be hit. But mass for 3 weeks remains stable, a sign that many students are willing to fight. The participation of students and teachers was missing from the course.

What was not missing was the degenerative logic between the PCC and the shape of Ara, where two slogans were heard in the same block at the same time, trying to impose.

It is necessary to re -engage our processes, in the face of the passage of the bill, but also to continue the fight in the event of voted on. Abstaining from telephones and recognizing them as a means of suppressing our struggles.

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Stubb's silent protests

<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>

Otto Meri, a coalition politician, was angry with "rural Palestine rogues". Screenshot from Message Service X.

Friday 1.3. A large number of people from all over Finland had arrived in Helsinki to watch the inauguration of Alexander Stubb. Among these were Palestinian-minded and revolutionary protesters.

<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>

Palestine activists at the Parliament House. Activists shouted: “Free, free Palestine! End of the arms trade! ” Screenshot from a video downloaded by Sumud on Facebook.

The bourgeois media boasts that they are following "journalistic criteria", which claims to act as a "power watchdog" and always find out both. Stubb's inauguration again shows that these are just beautiful words.

In the Finnish media that took a video of Alexander Stubb's inauguration, uninterrupted screams were heard "Lahtari!". In a high video, these are clearly heard From the parliamentary house that From the Presidential Palace . In the IS-HS video, these have been recorded quite clearly on the Presidential Palace ( live tracking , the said video clip can be found at 1:06 pm).

A typical way to ignore the matter was the phrase of "audience's cry in the background" or "People cry," Thanks Saul! " And "good luck Alex!". Covering attempts are even more awkward when IS-HS's video includes when Stubb says, "Chair is someone in Palestine…", after which Stubb and Niinistö get serious. The whole word exchange of men is not in the video, but Niinistö apparently asks, "Where?", Because after a short conversation, Stubb bow to show with his hand to Niinistö, where the protesters are located. The presidents, or mostly startling Stubb, continued to speak, but the words stand out very badly. The protesters gave a true moral impact.

<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>

Stubb shows Niinistö protesters. Screenshot from HS-IS video.

However In all : "Some of the audience has presumably brought to Gaza's war sheets that read" Combat now "." This apparently refers to activists, of which the Sumud-Finland Palestinian Network has reported . No pictures in the bourgeois media were shared, or it was not stated that "bay!" Screams echoed from the audience. Mostly, some lower -level right -wing politicians have terrified protesters in words, pictures and videos on social media.

Instead, all the attention of the press was created by creating a public opinion on behalf of Stubb. For example, evening messages have such things: "Tarja and Kaitsu Seinäjoki came to tell greetings from Stubb to Ostrobothnia", "Young men want to write three points in the spirit of Stubb." Yle, in turn, describes the feelings of two classmates: "Young people think Saul is wonderful, but the exchange is confident". Iltalehti's most read-read stuff included Iltalehti's entertainment editorial for "expert attention from Stubb's costume" and "Such outfits with Jenni Haukio and Suzanne Innes-Stubb".

As for politics, the only voice in the bourgeois media is that "Stubb has grown into presidential", which means giving him a full blessing. This corresponds to a central growth story for the Stubb campaign, the bourgeois media of which immediately started at the start of the Stubb election campaign. If another voice has appeared, it is a distress about the receding of the "beloved leader" of Niinistö, but this does not challenge Stubb's presidentiality.

The closest "criticality" rose as Iltalehti reporter asked At the end of the briefing from Stubb: "Are you now more concerned about Finland's security than a presidential candidate?" Iltalehti titled "Stubb's historical press conference ended with a surprising question," and the bread text says, "The question surprised Stubb." However, Stubb did not shy away from answering this question. This is what the bourgeois media "at its most critical" came. Why not ask the recent president, what does he think of the protesters on the market square? Because the media wanted to silence this.

The whole thing is a picture that emphasizes fictional people's unanimity - or at least passive acceptance - on behalf of Stubb, and much of the attention is even focused on completely empty issues while politically blessed with Stubb's president. In this way, the bourgeois media supports Stubb, whose first mission as president is to create an apparent and false unity of the whole people under their own presidency. The media does not act as a "power watchdog", but its lap dog, and its communication is very one -sided. This is despite the fact that even the bourgeois media has occasionally raised critical notes that the president is a very high power, but beyond the reach of democratic control - wouldn't the media do for democracy would fulfill its own role as a "power watchdog"? Its pious "of its journalistic criteria" appears to be very hypocritical again.

We want to underline that bourgeois media cannot invoke the lack of reliable knowledge or to the fact that it would not be alleged to be of interest to Finnish readers-the most common claims that it presents as an excuse for its weak and Israel-minded Palestinian news. In Stubb's inauguration, the media itself was present, so it was guaranteed to have reliable information. The protest was, at least to the extent that Stubb himself paid attention to the Presidential Palace balcony. For example, the interest in the news is that the coalition politician Otto Sea update The message service at X attracted over a thousand likes a day. Does it have any excuses for its unilateral news from Stubb's inauguration?

The real reason is that the media simply wants to give a particular narrative of Stubb's inauguration, and it is: "The whole people, the wandering of Niinistö, unanimously supports Stubb, or at least accepts it." Not reported by political protests, the President's "non -political", corporative character and, accordingly, Stubb's first mission as a new president.

At the same time, the media line must be set in context. On the one hand, we have to see the relationship between the silence of the media and police refrigeration. For Stubb's inauguration, a huge amount of police officers had been mobilized to handle traffic and security arrangements, but there was no interference with protesting. There are several reasons for this. It may still be good to say to Finnish media that it is not good to report because Russia closely follows Finland's internal conflicts, but for the international media that was there, one cannot say that "do not report any distortion" - this would have set Finland's entire Democratic facade questionable in the eyes of international media. Protesting was also so small that the police considered the police attack to give it more attention and thus support the goals of the protesters. Even the fact should not be underestimated that when the protesters are among the rest of the audience, it would have been difficult for the police to properly target their strokes properly. Thus, the horizontal cup turned against the police attack. When the protest could not be suppressed by violence, the bourgeois media played its own role in the right way by silent it. On the other hand, the context should be seen that even though the protest was so significant that the president himself reacted, it remained so small that it could easily be silent. Given those contexts, the bourgeois media information line is part of the class struggle.

Finally, it must be underlined that the conscious activity of the recession, which sought to avoid a minor distortion in the fictional consensus of the nation, once again confirms that, although the President of the Republic has taken off the preferences, it has maintained its absolute position as the highest political institution in bourgeois Finland. This confirms the assessment of the importance of the President of the Republic.

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Palestine Chronicle: 'Zionist Response' - Jewish settlers establish a new advanced post near Nablus - The New Democracy

Writing Note: We played below a news published on the portal Palestine Chronicle .

Illegal Jewish settlers set a new advanced settlement post on the lands of the village of Al-Lubban Ash-Sharqiya, south of Nablus, north of occupied West Bank, Anadoli news agency said.

Yacoub Awais, head of the Al-Lubban Ash-Sharqiya Council, would have told Anadolu that "a group of settlers established an advanced settlement post in the village lands."

Awais explained that the advanced post is composed of six caravans, warning that it will represent a danger to the local population and the Palestinian territories, added Anadolu.

The Settlement Advanced Post is located on a mountain overlooking a place where, on Thursday, a Palestinian man carried out a shooting operation in which two Israeli settlers were killed before being killed by the Israeli army.

After the operation, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said he required stronger action in West Bank.

This "requires FDI to close roads, resume control posts and massively implement colonies as an appropriate Zionist response," said Smotrich, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Strong conviction

In turn, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned the creation of the Advanced Settlement Post.

"We vehemently condemn the continuous climb of Jewish colonial terrorists against citizens, their land, properties, trees, houses and sacred places," the ministry said in a statement.

The ministry considered this climb "a flagrant challenge to resolutions of international legitimacy and international law, and a disdain for the understanding of the countries that reject the occupation."

"We see that the Israeli government does not attach any importance to the international community and its decisions, and does not respect the positions and demands of the countries in this regard, provided that they do not translate into deterrent actions and sanctions," he added.

Estimates indicate that about 700,000 Israeli settlers live in about 300 illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

All Jewish settlements in occupied territories are considered illegal according to international law.

Parallel to the War in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army intensified its raids in cities, villages and refugee camps in the West Bank and the illegal Jewish settlers intensified their attacks.

Genocide in Gaza

Expecting trial before the International Court of Justice by Genocide against Palestinians, Israel has been waggening a devastating war in Gaza since October 7.

According to the Ministry of Health of Gaza, 30,228 Palestinians were killed and 71,377 injured in the genocide promoted by Israel in Gaza, which began on October 7.

In addition, at least 7,000 people are missing, presumably killed under the rubble of their homes throughout the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian and international organizations say most of those dead and injured are women and children.

Israeli aggression also resulted in the forced displacement of nearly two million people from all over the Gaza Strip, with the vast majority of forced displaced people to take refuge in the densely populated city of Rafah, in the south, near the border with Egypt - a fact that It has become the largest mass exodus of Palestinians since Nakba of 1948.

Israel states that 1,200 soldiers and civilians were killed during the Al-AQSA flood operation on October 7. The Israeli press published reports suggesting that many Israelis were killed that day for "friendly fire."

Palestine Chronicle is an online portal dedicated to the journalistic coverage of events in Palestine and the track and Gaza, with a high commitment to defend the Palestinian people and their struggle for liberation. The portal editor, Ramzy Baroud, was interviewed by and in the program by the way, In the edition that can be checked here .

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Greeting of the KKE (M-L) at the NAP 5th Congress for Communist Liberation

On March 1, 2024, the 5th Congress of NAP started in Athens.

On this day they were invited to watch the opening of other extra-parliamentary organizations, including the KKE (M-L).

Here are the KKE (M-L) greeting at the conference.

Comrades and comrades,

We live in a time of indescribable barbarism for the working class, peoples and youth all over the globe. The capitalist-imperialist system takes on the historical rematch and with its fierce attack it crushes the rights and conquests of centuries, at the same time as it is broken by unparalleled impasses and contradictions. The general character of his crisis consists of engaging in the economic crisis with the competition of the imperialist forces for the world's reunion and this is what is expressed on the multiple warm fronts of confrontation around the world, with a leading field of unjust war on Ukraine. This conflict, between the US and the West regime and Russian imperialism, is clear that it has put global developments in a war orbit, with the basic imperialist forces on the planet having entered a "preparedness" phase and preparation for "preparedness" a generalized massacre.

The dangerous developments in our region, focusing on the Zionist genocide that is taking place at the expense of the Palestinian people, confirm this. More so, when the local dependent ruling class involves the country and the people in every way in the fire of war, expecting favor and exchanges from its imperialist bosses in its reactionary competition with the Turkish bourgeoisie.

At the same time, across the globe, the working-class moods for struggle and resistance are rushing and questioning the apparent omnipotence of the rulers. From the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people, the bursts of rage of the oppressed in imperialist metropolises, to the great and great in many respects of farmers and youth mobilizations in our country lately and the mass strike of 28/2, it turns out to be in a cycle of struggles, outbursts and uprisings. The top task of any revolutionary power is the contribution to turn this cycle into a new cycle of reconstruction of the revolutionary communist movement.

A prerequisite for this, however, is the overcoming of the perceptions of the defeat, the perceptions on the basis of which the leftist revolutionary forces are pushed into the tail of reformism and ultimately to the alignment behind the policies and forces of the system:

The bourgeois theorem of globalization, with its various variations in the theories of "capitalist integration". A view that continues to dominate the Left, at the same time that the reality of the exacerbation of contradictions and imperialist competitions.

In relation to the previous one, the notion that capitalism continues to play a historically progressive role, with the consequence of the unconditional and boundaries of the supposed modern potential that generates the capitalist-imperialist system. Let us be taught by the opponent's comrades, but it does not do us good at all when we proclaim his narratives to a guide to the new communist reconstruction!

The theory of productive forces and the "scientific revolution", which replaces the pioneering role of class struggle in historical-social evolution by the view that communism will emerge as a ... overrun fruit from the achievements of science and technology.

The logic of searching for "ecstasies" on the central political scene, parliamentary cretinism, the infinite electoral plans that operate at the expense of the real movement, electoral welds against the real coordination of forces, the rule of transitional programs.

Comrades and comrades,

For the KKE (M-L) it is clear that the reconstitution of the labor-revolutionary-communist movement will not emerge with old materials, even if they are baptized "new" and "innovative"!

We believe that with our joint action and coordination we can contribute to strengthen the direction of the resistance and claim, which will win, shake urban sovereignty, open ways for more overall reversals. On this basis, and as you know, we have submitted a proposal of frontal coordination and joint action against the basic fronts facing the working people and the youth in the autumn of 2022. On this basis we seek consistently joint action initiatives in terms of open and democratic political understanding within the movement and between the forces referring to it, far from hegemonic and micro -political perceptions and against the elements of degeneration that unfortunately appear more and more often.

With these thoughts we welcome your 5th Congress and wish his work to contribute and promote the working class case

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By the end of January, Teleperformance workers, and especially the members of the Tunisian community, started a battle demanding wage increases covering the cost of living, collective agreements and the abolition of a "special purpose" visa. So far, they have carried out two mass strikes, with more than 4,000 workers involved. They have announced to the administration that they will not stop until their requirements are met. Three members of the Tunisian community and employees of Teleperformance have answered some of our questions.

1.What were the first steps of this race and what were the factors that made you gather signatures by claiming wage increases?


The first step was to analyze our present position in terms of our salaries and labor rights in the company. It is important to mention that the initiative did not start with a person who said "here" but was a collective view we shared. The signature collection started from Facebook and a colleague, T and then collected over 760 signatures. This struggle brought together workers who shared the same concerns and the same frustration. I am personally in the company since 2017 for exactly the same salary, which has fueled my insistence on talking about the need to make a change. In addition, as a member of the Tunisian community, I know that many other members of the community working in respective companies have similar issues. We have begun collecting signatures as a collective effort to deal with this inequality and to ensure a fair compensation for all employees. Later, Ta suggested that we address SETIP that helped us and guided us about the course we would take to demand justice from the company.


Initially I actively sought to negotiate for fair compensation and indefinite contract, especially after being faced with increasing responsibilities but stagnant salary. Despite all our efforts to open a dialogue with the employer, we have faced a steady resistance with rejection answers that showed complete indifference to our concerns. This frustration was combined with the subsequent terrorism by the higher administration, which created a hostile work environment. Recognizing the increasing cost of living worsened by international events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions, our hopes of salary increases have been repeatedly rejected. Instead, we witnessed misleading maneuvers such as the redistribution of bonuses to hide non -increase wages. The inequality in treatment, particularly evident in the privileged increases in sections that serve specific languages, have intensified feelings of frustration and discrimination. In addition, our dissatisfaction was further fueled by the unparalleled promise of indefinite contracts. These systemic issues prompted us to act and motivated the distribution of a memorandum that resonated with a wide range of colleagues, including supervisors and HR workers, reflecting a common sense of frustration and frustration.


The reasons are obvious to everyone, and they are not just our inflation or our financial situation, but common sense. For over 10 years now, Teleperformance has not made salaries. Then things were better but no longer. Even with a slight increase in salary, the loss of life costs has done to be covered. It's not just a request, it's vital.

2.What are your requests and why?


Our main demand from the management of Teleperformance is fair salaries that reflect the value of our work as well as the cost of living. I have been a company employee for 6.5 years without any increase, despite the inflation we have been experiencing in recent years in Greece that has influenced rents, food and other basic daily expenses. It is also important to emphasize that the majority of us have fixed -term contracts. This intensifies uncertainty and volatility in our working status. This emphasizes the need to increase wages and fairly dealing with all employees. In addition, other collective demands resulted in our first meeting with SETIP. These requests were later translated into a letter we sent to the Department of Human Resources of Teleperformance, which was the first step. As part of this collective struggle, I address the employer wanting to be a worker. It should be self -evident that the company should take care of its employees and guarantee their dignity and rights!


Requests are rooted in the urgent need for fair treatment and working conditions:

-Excounting wages that covers the cost of living

-Derection of indefinite time for workers with some service

-Exclared wages as much as employees remain in the company


-Priminal medical insurance

-Importing direct communication between the company's lawyers and the aliens department for residence permit issues

-The re -stake for workers who closed their departments

-Callew Camp for employees

-A Paid day of leave per menstrual cycle for women employees

-Clean and well -enlightened workplaces

-Side to cover shipping for workers working in the offices

-Dean parking for employees

-Pinner of the advantages package

—Pinsement of the offering offered in the office such as gym and room for siesta

-Caying of group activities for staff

These demands, some of which were accepted but subsequently recalled, are essential for the preservation of the well -being and morale of the workers, especially amidst the present financial difficulties and uncertainties.


The demand for wage increases is self -evident, companies around the world give annual increases in their employees' salaries. This request does not arise from nowhere but is a logical and fair claim. Beyond that, we are seeking indefinite contracts and the abolition of a special purpose visa. Otherwise it is simply a modern slave trade and economic discrimination within the EU, which otherwise gives human rights lectures.

3. Do you think the two strikes on February 8 and 19 were successful?


Although the strikes on February 8 and 19 were significant signs of unity and determination among workers, their essential victory will eventually depend on whether the employer will take steps to satisfy our demands or if it will continue to ignore our rights . I believe we have already won the strikes as this race became something of nothing existing.


The two strikes on February 8 and 19 marked significantly milestones in our collective struggle, and served as an exemplary shift to the strengthening of workers and solidarity. The strikes have managed to break up chronic fears of retaliation and encouraged a large number of workers to openly express their dissatisfaction. Significant participation in meetings of the Association, coupled with the increased registration of workers, emphasized the absolute commitment to conquering tangible changes.

In addition, the strikes were characterized by a peaceful and disciplined approach, reflecting a coordinated attempt to comply with legal and moral standards.


The strikes were a huge success, especially with the knowledge that the employer never expected that this could happen. It is the first time that workers have been so massively strike in these companies, and of course it will not be the last. The administration advertises that its doors are open to workers (which is not the case of course) but now we will remove the doors completely and make them listen to us.

4. How did the employer attempt to intimidate the workers in order to push them not to participate in the race that has erupted?


The employer is trying to intimidate workers by misinforming the legality of SETP, trying to sow doubt. They have also attempted to split us by depicting the strikes as harmful to the interests of the company. Nevertheless, we remain united in our purpose and refuse to terrorize and sneeze! We will not prevent these tactics and we will continue to fight for our labor rights!


Employers' efforts to prevent workers in the ongoing race were characterized by misinformation and coercion. Some members of the administration resorted to the dissemination of unfounded rumors regarding the legality of the strikes and the possible impact on workers involved, including threats to bonus withholding and unjustified absence.

In addition, there were cases of targeted discussions aimed at instilling fear and uncertainty in terms of terms in our contracts and our performance measurements. However, these tactics have led to the strengthening of the determination and unity of workers in the struggle for justice!


Personally, no one tried to intimidate me, but I have heard stories from colleagues. I was expecting a company like Teleperformance to do what it says in its brochures but what seems to be that everything is lies and propaganda. I am terribly frustrated by the company and the management. And I would like to emphasize that it is not okay when workers live under the fear of the threats of dismissal. We are no longer working on Teleperformance because it is "The Best Place to Work", but because we have no other options as we are under special purpose visa, which employers are using against us.

5. What do you have to say to workers who may be afraid to participate in strikes?


To anyone who is afraid to participate, I want to emphasize this: He is not alone in it. Your participation is necessary to ensure our collective success. The strike is legal in Greece and no need to suffer silence. Our steps are well organized and you can become part of our race. Also, SETIP has set up a strike fund that can help if the loss of the paycheck is something that holds someone from strike.


Employees who are hesitant to take part in the strikes because of fear, I understand your concerns and recognize the natural fear related to the controversy of the status quo. However, it is important to recognize that collective action is necessary to bring about a substantial change. Rest assured that your participation contributes to a fairer working environment and sets a precedent for future efforts to defend our rights. In addition, the solidarity shown during the first strike has demystified many of the tactics of bullying, emphasizing the power of unity in dealing with injustice.


It is not worth living under such fear. Since there is this fear the problem has the employer, not you. This means that they want us frightened to control us and make us feel that we are not enough and that we are at their mercy. Now no one is alone and together we will not be scared because we have each other.

6. What is your opinion on Teleperformance against SETP?


Teleperformance's lawsuit against SETEP is a clear attempt to suppress our right to organize and support a fair approach to our workplace. It is a blatant indifference to our basic labor rights. We reject all the attempts at bullying from the employer and remain stable in our commitment to fight for salaries and rights! We are not going to retreat!

Sami :

Teleperformance's decision to initiate legal procedures against SETIP reflects an inappropriate attempt to stifle reactions and delay resolution. The company has used similar tactics in other countries around the world and have proven in vain, which highlights the futility of such conflict approaches. Instead of being involved in prolonged litigation, it would be better for the employer to deal with existing complaints on a constructive basis, thus creating a more harmonious and productive work environment.


It is still a maneuver, an attempt to make us lose our hope. It is sad that a company is "seeking justice" when nothing is just about them. It's like they don't treat us as humans. Maybe they should remember Spartacus.

7. How do you see the evolution of this race prospects and what steps do you consider to be Nikiforos?

Nour :

The evolution of our struggle depends on our constant unity, determination and resilience to adversity. We must remain organized and focused on our goals, despite the efforts of the employer to derail our efforts. Going on, we need to escalate our actions, continuing the strikes and with collective bargaining with the employer. Victory requires perseverance and solidarity between workers, as well as a commitment that the employer is accountable for its actions.

Sami :

As we move on to this struggle, it is necessary to maintain our momentum and solidarity but also to recognize the difficulties in the confrontation with a large company. Overcoming fear and dismissing any misunderstandings about our labor rights are basic steps to achieve our goals. We must remain firm in our demands and recognize that substantial change often requires perseverance and sacrifices. By being united and claiming our collective prosperity we can pave the way for a better and fairer future for all workers.

S.B .:

This is just the beginning. It is a great test for us, but we are ready and we will go to the end because all we ask for is justice and dignity. Whatever they do they won't crush our morale

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How women, children and queers and Palestinian males as monsters-trees are used to justify genocide

της Nisrine Chaer

Ever since the wall was violated on the Gaza border, we have noticed a continuous flow of Israeli misinformation and propaganda that diffuses from side to side to all the big western news media, which is in the form of completely unfounded lies and weak "proof" efforts, all with the aim of diverting attention from current devastating violence and destruction of genocidal Israel's attack on the Palestinians in Gaza and the legitimization of the Palestinian struggle for densation in the international political sphere.

Gender/sex/sexuality are an important field of action that is now used as part of the Zionist anti -terrorist strategy in the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Understanding the way they are used is vital to dealing with the simplistic shape of "female children", as I call it, in the context of the Zionist repression of the uprising. (The entire article is published in PDF to facilitate the reader. Its republishing it is not necessarily agreeing with all views that are formulated).

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West Thessaloniki Intervention for auctions

Today, March 2nd in the morning, a protest in the west of the city at Ampelokipi Square against the auctions of the popular residence. Employees, residents of western Thessaloniki participated. The KKE (M-L), the OKDE, the constant struggle and collectives of the antisocial area took part. It followed a march on central streets of Ampelokipi, with slogans heard from Dundukas, to the Laiki of Xirokrini, where the proclamations were shared and the slogans continued. There will be a series of auctions for the next time.

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FRG “recruited” nurses from Brazil

Last June, Minister of Ele Minister Hubertus Heil and the valued Foreign Minister Baerbock traveled through Brazil for a few days to make a hunt for cheap workforce. The program included a visit to a training center for nursing professions, a visit to the Oswaldo-Cruz Hospital including an encounter with nursing staff, and a conversation with Heil's counterpart Luiz Marinho.

At that time, the Federal Employment Agency looked after 374 Brazilian applicants from nursing professions, 43 from technical and craft professions and 42 from engineering and IT professions; 200 would work in nursing professions. According to Heil, she considers 700 new a year to be possible. Every eighth nurse in Germany came from abroad in 2021, which is over 200,000 - 120,000 of them from outside the EU; The value of the migrants of other continents has significantly increased against Eastern European care in recent years. The example of the nursing staff shows that it is particularly women who no longer help an academic conclusion in an oppressed nation to have a more pleasant life there, but are only a privilege as a springboard to the imperialist countries.

With the Federal Employment Agency, German hospital representatives can travel to Brazil and advertise their vacancies ; A little later, numerous applicants come to Germany to visit the clinics, according to which they can then select who they set. In 2023, this included the university clinics Bonn and Braunschweig and several Helios clinics in Germany. In four years, 640 foreign workers from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Indonesia have already been recruited at the Berlin flagship hospital in Charité. The situation of Mexican nurses in a Bremen clinic was also reported in the Red Post.

Heil always speaks of a "win-win situation" because Brazil supposedly has a surplus of nurses. It is only reminded here of the first months of covid pandemic, where Brazil was hit the hardest due to its completely dilapidated health system and bureaucratic capitalism murdered hundreds of thousands. What propagates in Brazil in Brazil had already given the best three months earlier in Ghana. According to the German government, too, there is supposedly a surplus of skilled workers here.

Image: Heil and Baerbock in the Oswaldo Cruz Hospital (Those: Bmas.de)

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PC 2 March - Thousands again in the square in Pisa, Milan, Florence for Palestine and against the positions of the Servant Police of the Meloni government active in the active of the genocide of the Palestinian people

In Pisa thousands took part in the Pro Palestine event and against the police offices on Friday 23 February. At the head of the procession, a banner with "Pisa in the square against bombs and manganelli" and "Pisa is not afraid. Stop the genocide. Students pro Palestine" In addition to Palestinian flags and peace. The deployment of the police are huge.

Pro Palestine event also in Milan, 21st Saturday, after the huge national event of February 24 in Milan today again in the square

The president of the ANPI of Milan is contested, Roberto Cenati, who disagreed with the use by the association of the word genocide to indicate what is happening in Gaza.

Event also in Florence, For the ceased the ina Palestine fire and in response to the positions of February 23, the demonstrators have reached Consulate of the United States, asking to stop the genocide in Gaza

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PC 2 March - In the Red Sea the Italian Navy raises the level of the clash by breaking down a drone ... in violation of the constitution and international laws

The Italian Navy immediately began his own "Operations" in the Red Sea by breaking down a drone that the Minister of War Crosetto attributes to the Yemenites that the international imperialist bourgeoisie Call Houthi.

Crosetto speaks of violation of international law overturning the truth: they are all the imperialist countries present in the area, from Italy (which does not respect article 11 of the Constitution), to the States United, France, Germany ... who without having even officially declared the War (which they have been doing for some time now, from Iraq to Libya to Syria ...) they attack and bomb non -welcome countries as is the Yemen currently because they dare Defending Palestine against the genocide put in place by Israeli Nazisionism.

Crosetto also tries to justify the attack by saying who are there “to ensure the freedom of navigation and the security of commercial routes ”, while the spokesperson of the Yemenita government had notified notes who would have attacked only the ships who trade with the Nazisionists Israelis ...

How credible the version of the Ministry can be credible of the defense it is derived from the fact that the drone would have “characteristics similar to those already used in previous attacks "but“ it was about 6 kilometers [!!!] from the Italian ship, in flight towards it ".

To complete the irresponsible and warflower attitude Tajani thought about representatives of the modern Italian fascist government that like any fan he said: '' I send a hug to everything The crew of Duilio "who replied" brilliantly " At the attack. "Bravi our sailors," said Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, to the microphones of 'tonight Italy' confirming the demolition of A drone by the Duilio ship in the Red Sea "...

(news taken from Adnkronos)

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Still in the square and in protest today students, students, thousands of demonstrators for Palestine and against the positions of the Police/Government Meloni




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Austria – FZ stays! – The struggle for the oldest self-managed autonomous women’s center in Europe continues! – The Red Herald

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of a call published on Rote Fahne:

For years, the FZ Wien – Communication Center for Women, Lesbians, Migrants and Girls (short: FZ) has been fighting against the City of Vienna to keep its premises. The association is a self-managed association, which is the oldest self-managed women’s center in Europe with over 43 years.

In solidarity we publish the call of the militant women and call for solidarity:

Dear women, lesbians, migrants!

Dear supporters of solidarity!


The FZ Wien – Communication Center for Women, Lesbians, Migrants and Girls – as an autonomous feminist association in self-administration has been occupying the association’s location at Währinger Straße 59, STIEGE 6, 1090 Vienna, for 43 years now.

The FZ was and is not part of the “Werkstätten und Kulturhaus”, WUK, as many have wrongly assumed. Even the WUK states: “Not in the WUK and yet in the house” on its homepage.

THE EXCLUSION from our rooms:

On April 11, 2023, the rooms were simply locked by the city/MA34 in the course of the renovation of the building and handed over to the WUK on April 23, 2023, instead of the FZ! On April 24, 2023, the FZ was immediately BLOCKED OUT of all rooms on Stiege 6 by WUK and meticulously monitored to ensure that no one from the FZ could enter the rooms, unless WUK first allowed individual women accompanied by security into the rooms by appointment, which were then immediately locked again. In the end, the WUK management even demanded a police escort for such steps, which were necessary for the FZ!!! Our things are still on Stiege 6.

Not only the FZ classifies the WUK as a compliant administrator of neoliberal reconstruction in the interests of the City of Vienna. Some people have already figured out what’s going on. Those who don’t parry and submit to the imposed conditions, who don’t sign and pay: CAN GO OR JUST GET OUT! So this is what the much vaunted “protection of the WUK through a rental agreement” now looks like in practice.


THE FZ filed an action for disturbance of possession against the CITY OF VIENNA AS PROPERTY OWNER and against the WUK against this lockout in due time, but after 3 hearings and a duration of !!!! 10 months!!! did not get the rooms back for the time being. Of course, after many months without rooms for the necessary work – the renovation of Stiege 6 has been running since July 4, 2022! – high costs not only for the legal representation – and our urgent request is therefore:


Donation target = € 16.000,– Euro for the proceedings and further (repair) work that we have to do in our center: Fine plastering, painting (930m² rooms), laying fireproof floor etc.

Should the legal fees be waived because we win the appeal, we would use your donations for the renovation and operation, including advertising. Items stolen from the rooms must also be repurchased, etc.


Please support our ongoing petition and receive more detailed information by e-mail after signing. FZ BLEIBT! https://mein.aufstehn.at/petitions/fz-bleibt – so that the responsible city councillor and the mayor know that we are not alone! You will receive news about news, actions, solidarity, events, etc. from us! Until we are back in our rooms!


WE ARE CLEARLY FILING AN APPEAL against this miserable FINAL DECISION of the JOSEFSTADT COURT at the regional court!

WE ARE ON THE BARRICADE FOR OUR CENTER – 43 YEARS OF FZ IN WÄHRINGER STRASSE 59 ON STIEGE 6 – once again summarizing the reasons for the escalation:

The FZ moved into the rooms of Stiege 6 in 1981 with the express intention and concept of establishing a feminist center exclusively for women and lesbians, which succeeded with a lot of effort and patience and many, many feminists. This was also clear to the WUK and the federal government. (The federal government handed over the property to the City of Vienna, which also knew about the FZ, by means of an exchange agreement in 1988). The FZ was never part of the WUK association, never a member of the WUK, as many people mistakenly think! “Not in the WUK and yet in the house” – that’s what the WUK itself calls us in its newspaper and on its website.

Today, the FZ is one of the last large women’s centers in the whole of Europe, autonomous and feminist and still self-managed! The work at the FZ is done on a voluntary basis and without subsidies, there is no commercialization of the rooms and no pressure to consume in our communication space. We offer women, lesbians, girls and migrants spaces for large and small projects at affordable cost contributions… During all the time of the construction site and the lockdown and without rooms of the FZ, our work was continued: by the artists in external rooms, international feminist structures were maintained, feminist self-defense was continued, feminist commemoration and artistic, musical activities as well as demo preparations in addition to all the strenuous work on the process for disturbance of property were carried out during this time and will continue to be done… The rooms are ours and we will have them back!

In contrast, the WUK after the signing of the lease: However, in 2020, during the Corona period, the WUK association with its 180 (!) employees signed a “lease” with the city (MA 34, on behalf of the then city councellor Michael Ludwig), which was negotiated in strict secrecy over the FZ and Stiege 6 association, although such a procedure is legally wrong and completely impossible. And has always been publicly rejected by the FZ! The WUK has never owned the entire building and nobody can simply sign a rental agreement for the neighbor’s home and then present a “loan agreement” with horrendously estimated costs (for the FZ) for signature! The WUK is highly subsidized and also receives subsidies from the City of Vienna for the operating costs of the entire building.

However, the WUK board went through with this loan agreement for the FZ with the approval of the assembled members of the WUK, contrary to all previous assurances that “everything will remain as it is” for the FZ, in the knowledge that the FZ has no funding. With the intention of negative consequences for the FZ, this is clear to see! And the City of Vienna is determined to subordinate the FZ to the WUK by means of this rental agreement. The city’s interest is to commercialize the building and control the groups in it. That’s why some groups and people have already left the WUK… The WUK – as it is also called by people in the WUK itself – is the administration for the neoliberal restructuring of the conditions for the users of this public building. Gentrification is everything at the moment.

I N F O R M A T I O N S on the situation of the FZ:

The FZ website contains more details about the course of this whole neoliberal attack on the Women’s Center after so many years www.frauenlesbenzentrum-wien.at

And our BANKING LINK for your solidarity DONATIONS for the lawyer and legal costs is:

Bank Austria/Unicredit Group, account no. AT31 12000 006 97297307

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FZWien/ or https://www.facebook.com/fzbleibt/

Contact: fzbleibt@riseup.net (due to the lockdown we also have no telephone) ongoing information also on https://www.facebook.com/fzbleibt/ or https://www.facebook.com/FZWien/

With feminist, militant greetings and trusting in the solidarity of all of you!

The WomenLesbianMigrants from the FZ Plenum

Vienna, February 2024

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"Tren Maya"/Mexico: A deadly mega project in the service of the imperialists

The so-called "Maya train" (Spanish: Tren Maya) is celebrated as a prestige project by the ruling Mexico. However, behind this beautifully sounding name is a fatal mega project by the imperialists, a million grave at the expense of the population and the environment. There is therefore a lot of resistance on the part of the people, especially of the indigenous people, who rightly reject and combat and combat mega projects such as the "Tren Maya" as an attack on their livelihood and their democratic rights.

High -speed train for tourists - the population defends themselves!

At 160 km/h, the planned high -speed train on a rail route of 1,500 km is to thunder through the Yucatán peninsula in southern Mexico. The construction costs already exceed 2.5 times the original costs (from $ 7.4 billion to just under 20 billion), which are to be squeezed from the pockets of the population by means of tax - to increase the profits of foreign corporations. The train is not even intended for the transportation of the population, but in order to further boost the tourism that is already completely overdue in this region. And all at the expense of the historical area of the Maya, the workers and farmers in the region and last but not least a unique ecosystem that is essential for Mexico.

A strong protest movement has developed against this mega project. Native and poor farmers, through whose areas the tracks are to be built, organize street blocks. The residents of various villages defend themselves against land exposure and the destruction of the environment. Whole areas are developed for the mega project, underground groundwater cisterns are filled up, which the water sources of the villages could be forced or even dried up. Eleven kilometers of the "Maya train" are laid by the jungle, at the same time in this section one of the world's most complex and sensitive cave systems is located. Knowing that this project is completely whipped against the interests of the population, the prevailing Mexico has already prepared for hard resistance and the management of the entire project has given the military. Repression and murders are a common means of intimidating and containing the protest movement.

"Industrialization" Mexico or bureaucratic capitalism?

What is referred to by the Mexican President Andréz Manuel López Obrador as part of an even greater project of "industrialization of southern Mexico" is nothing more than another sale of the country to the imperialist monopolis, especially at the "Maya train", especially to the French train company ALSROM . It means the opposite of real industrialization or an economic upswing, but an even greater subordination and exploitation of the soil and the population through foreign capital. The prevailing Mexicos take on the role as a henchman compared to the interests of foreign monopolies. The revolutionary newspaper "Mural" from Mexico sums up this relationship well: “This example helps us to understand the phenomenon of bureaucratic capitalism in the oppressed countries (…) science, technology, the means of production, production itself, imports and capital are owned by imperialism and its private profit, while exports and commercialization The task will be Mexico, with a mega project that will expand the "Maya train" and the Interocean corridor with a train system everywhere. "

The "Maya train" is associated with another government's anti-popular project-the so-called Interocean Corridor. This corridor must be referred to as a "giga project", because it is de facto of 12 mega projects that are supposed to connect the Atlantic and the Pacific through a freight train route. In summary, these projects threaten the entire south of Mexico and are based on the economic interests of the imperialist monopolies. This is already moving through the country's huge blood.

Despite hard repression, the population is not intimidated and courageously fights on their livelihood against these attacks. Numerous international solidarity activities also strengthen this struggle and show the connection of the oppressed in the fight against imperialism. That's why we want the slogan here too "Against the imperialist mega projects of looting and death, fends off and fights!" spread.

Further information on the topic:

Red sun

Zeitung "Mural"

Image source : Mexico railway line - Israel Gutierrez - Unsplash (symbol image)

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Some actions for the 8th of March in the Nordic Countries – The Red Herald

We are heading for 8 th of March, International Working Women’s Day, and around the globe the forces of the class and the peoples are mobilizing, as in the Nordic Countries.

In Copenhagen, Denmark , on several walls in proletarian neighborhoods, slogans such as

“To the streets on 8 th of March!” and “Against imperialism and patriarchy!” were painted.

Posters for 8 th of March have been put up in the center of Kristiansand , Norway. On it you can read the slogans: Down with the imperialist war and the increased prices! For a class-line in the women’s movement! Support the Palestinian resistance! Free Palestine! Down with Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine! Fight violence against women!

The Finish website Flag (Red Flag) has published a poster for traditional International Working Women’s Day march in the center of Tampere, on which you can receive information via the demonstrations Facebook-site.

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Turkey: Three arrested after house raids – The Red Herald

Featured Image: Sıtkı Güngör, Arzu Aksakal, Metin Keleş Were Arrested After the House Raids in Izmir and Istanbul on the 27th of February. Source: New Democracy

New democracy reports today that three of the 15 people who were detained in the house raids in Izmir and Istanbul on the 27 th of February have been arrested. Among the arrested is Partizan reader Arzu Aksakal. One of the detained was released under house arrest, while the rest were released.

The revolutionary democrats are accused of “membership of a terrorist organization” as well as “financing a terror organization”, based on the accused having transferred money to people, such as their family members, which the old State claim are terrorists.

There have been protests against the detentions in Switzerland and England.

On the 29 th of February a protest was held in London to demand the release of those who were detained under torture when their homes were raided. Many people attended the demonstration which was organized by several Turkish and Kurdish organizations. Slogans such as Stop Fascist Attacks in Turkey”, “Down with Fascism” and “Freedom for Political Prisoners” were frequently chanted throughout the protest.

Protests in London, England, against the house raids and detentions in Izmir and Istanbul. Source: AGEB

Also on the 29 th of February a protest was held in Zurich , Switzerland against the detentions. The protesters had banners with the slogans “Repressions, Detentions and Arrests Cannot Intimidate Us”, “Shoulder to Shoulder against Fascism”, “Release the Detainees” and “Fascism’s Detention Attacks Cannot Obstruct Our Struggle”.

Protests in Zurich, Switzerland, against the house raids and detentions in Izmir and Istanbul. Source: AGEB

On the 1 st of March a solidarity action was held in Basel , Switzerland, under the banner “Do you know that the Turkish State kills political prisoners?”. Slogans such as “Revolutionary Prisoners are Our Honor” and “Freedom for Political Prisoners” were shouted in German and Turkish.

Solidarity action with with revolutionary Prisoners in Basel, Switzerland, 1 st of March. Source: AGEB

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Greeting of the KKE (M-L) at the NAP 5th Congress for Communist Liberation-KKE (M-L)

<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>

On March 1, 2024, the 5th Congress of NAP started in Athens.

On this day they were invited to watch the opening of other extra-parliamentary organizations, including the KKE (M-L).

Here are the KKE (M-L) greeting at the conference.

Comrades and comrades,

We live in a time of indescribable barbarism for the working class, peoples and youth all over the globe. The capitalist-imperialist system takes on the historical rematch and with its fierce attack it crushes the rights and conquests of centuries, at the same time as it is broken by unparalleled impasses and contradictions. The general character of his crisis consists of engaging in the economic crisis with the competition of the imperialist forces for the world's reunion and this is what is expressed on the multiple warm fronts of confrontation around the world, with a leading field of unjust war on Ukraine. This conflict, between the US and the West regime and Russian imperialism, is clear that it has put global developments in a war orbit, with the basic imperialist forces on the planet having entered a "preparedness" phase and preparation for "preparedness" a generalized massacre.

The dangerous developments in our region, focusing on the Zionist genocide that is taking place at the expense of the Palestinian people, confirm this. More so, when the local dependent ruling class involves the country and the people in every way in the fire of war, expecting favor and exchanges from its imperialist bosses in its reactionary competition with the Turkish bourgeoisie.

At the same time, across the globe, the working-class moods for struggle and resistance are rushing and questioning the apparent omnipotence of the rulers. From the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people, the bursts of rage of the oppressed in imperialist metropolises, to the great and great in many respects of farmers and youth mobilizations in our country lately and the mass strike of 28/2, it turns out to be in a cycle of struggles, outbursts and uprisings. The top task of any revolutionary power is the contribution to turn this cycle into a new cycle of reconstruction of the revolutionary communist movement.

A prerequisite for this, however, is the overcoming of the perceptions of the defeat, the perceptions on the basis of which the leftist revolutionary forces are pushed into the tail of reformism and ultimately to the alignment behind the policies and forces of the system:

The bourgeois theorem of globalization, with its various variations in the theories of "capitalist integration". A view that continues to dominate the Left, at the same time that the reality of the exacerbation of contradictions and imperialist competitions.

In relation to the previous one, the notion that capitalism continues to play a historically progressive role, with the consequence of the unconditional and boundaries of the supposed modern potential that generates the capitalist-imperialist system. Let us be taught by the opponent's comrades, but it does not do us good at all when we proclaim his narratives to a guide to the new communist reconstruction!

The theory of productive forces and the "scientific revolution", which replaces the pioneering role of class struggle in historical-social evolution by the view that communism will emerge as a ... overrun fruit from the achievements of science and technology.

The logic of searching for "ecstasies" on the central political scene, parliamentary cretinism, the infinite electoral plans that operate at the expense of the real movement, electoral welds against the real coordination of forces, the rule of transitional programs.

Comrades and comrades,

For the KKE (M-L) it is clear that the reconstitution of the labor-revolutionary-communist movement will not emerge with old materials, even if they are baptized "new" and "innovative"!

We believe that with our joint action and coordination we can contribute to strengthen the direction of the resistance and claim, which will win, shake urban sovereignty, open ways for more overall reversals. On this basis, and as you know, we have submitted a proposal of frontal coordination and joint action against the basic fronts facing the working people and the youth in the autumn of 2022. On this basis we seek consistently joint action initiatives in terms of open and democratic political understanding within the movement and between the forces referring to it, far from hegemonic and micro -political perceptions and against the elements of degeneration that unfortunately appear more and more often.

With these thoughts we welcome your 5th Congress and wish his work to contribute and promote the working class case

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Israel massacres people waiting for relief in Gaza

We share an unofficial translation of The Red Heralds article.

Selected Image: Israeli and Yankee flags burn in front of the US Consulate in Pernambuco. Source: A Nova Democracia.

While the state of Israel continues to develop its genocide against the Palestinian people, the official death toll for Palestinians has killed by Israel in Gaza exceeded 30,000 people , and thousands of others are not explained. Even Yankee-Imperialism Defense Minister has Granted that more than 25,000 women and children have been killed in Gaza by Israel since October 7.

On Thursday, February 29, the state of Israel committed a special cynical act. At least 112 Palestinians waiting for help were massacred by IDF. More than 750 people were injured. Thousands of people who desperately needed food, water and medicine gathered early in the morning, waiting for Harun Al-Rashid street in northern Gaza, where it was thought trucks with flour were on the way. When the trucks arrived, IDF began shooting at the assembled civilians with all kinds of military equipment. When people returned to the trucks after the first round of shooting was over, the Israelis opened fire again. A journalist on the spot reported that "after opening fire, Israeli tanks advanced and drove over many of the dead and wounded bodies."

A witness describes what happened: “We had come here to get some help. I've been waiting since noon yesterday. Around. 4.30 Early in the morning, the trucks began to seep in. The Israelis just opened random fire to us, as if it were a trap. As we approached the relief trucks, the Israeli tanks and warplanes began shooting at us. "Another person on the spot said," We should bring flour ... Then Israeli snipers shot at us. "

IDF first tried to blame the victims by saying that most deaths were due to panicked people trampling at each other when the trucks arrived. Witnesses describe that it only happened after the Israeli soldiers opened fire. IDF later changed their story and claimed they opened fire because the assembled people were a threat to them.

More solidarity sanctions have been completed since we last reported on this.

I Pernambuco , Brazil, hundreds of people participated in a demonstration in solidarity with the heroic Palestinian resistance on February 26. The demonstration marched for one hour before reaching the US consulate. During the demonstration, the consulate was hit by red color bombs. Yankee and Zionist flags were also burned by the participants while shouting "dead! Death! To imperialism "and" yankees! Go Home! '.

In Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, has been carried out Graffiti auctions In solidarity with the heroic national resistance of the Palestinian people in proletarian neighborhoods.

Graffiti with the slogan "live the heroic resistance of the Palestine people!", Copenhagen, Denmark. Source: Socialist Revolution
Graffiti with the slogans "Live Palestine!" And "Down with Zionism and Imperialism!", Copenhagen, Denmark. Source: Socialist Revolution

I Helsinki , Finland's capital, hundreds of people gathered to demonstrate against the bombing of Rafah on February 24. Slogine was shouted, which, among other things, required an immediate ceasefire and to crush imperialism and Zionism.

Demonstration against the bombing of Rafah, in Helsinki, Finland, February 24. Source: Palestiina.fi

I Trondheim , Norway, was a demonstration on February 24 that condemned the ongoing genocide in Gaza. It was emphasized that the death tolls have exceeded 30,000.

In France, Unity Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah encouraged to an international action month for Georges Abdallah's release from March 6 to April 6.

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Shame on disrespect in the custom of completing compromise without… tsipouro

"From front (conflicting attitude) did not fit, from behind (submission to the system) swimming." A paraphrase of an exhausted old punch, which burns unjustly aspects of a remarkable rural uprising against the strategic targeting of the capitalist staff for the outbreak? Or to be a vulgar methodology of subversive forces against the calculative, multi -day mobilizations of the poor farm?

On one side of the half -plain plain because of accuracy of agrarian and fuel, degrading prices on the products, farming CAP, a tskromomas, tax, bad weather, the indignation of the pinking hands is wildly sailed. Opposite to her, the armors are shaken as lobster steering wheel in the country, following a completely fair behavior. Do not make the slightest distinction. That is to say, the relentless attack on all the strata of those who are struggling to secure a honest manner in a honest manner, stress, anxiety, fear of physical army or loser of life itself (labor murders, crimes in temporis, waterfalls).

But at some distance a few years of light beyond, right there in the small flock of blue -blooded giggling, the landscape is shifting. At that time, the bottom of the barrel of poverty that torments the social majority is frantically scratched and any harvesting is heading for the overflowing of the golden scum of the legal mafia of the aristocrats. By magic, the budgetary space (miserable wording of the people's looting) is expanding wasteful for the sake of the dominant parasitic order.

Infinite affection for capital and no compassion for the plagues. Let his child be starving and let his child be unable to pay the cost of studies in public (and under the abolition of free) universities. Every patient has to respond to the excruciating dilemma, if paying afternoon surgeries and being heal will then die of hunger or vice versa. Unless luxury exists for both. It was out of work and kneeling from the black -haired accuracy, continued, we were breathing, to sigh in the arena of exploitation by completing the coins of the pension.

On the contrary, all the previous sacrifices of the following and for the good of the "development of the place" must be transformed into profitability, mythical vigor and bourgeois investment privileges. Also - especially in our time - in dizzying costs of supplying torsion disaster (here instead of barrels, we find lakes full of sweaty workers) and participation in war adventures of the planet's chiefs. Probably the interests of the biomass are so distant and huge that they not only touch the EEZs, but by "engaging" with those shipowners, industrialists and bankers (those with household evictions) travel to the Red Sea or Ukraine. Thus serving the neo -Nazis Zionists and American imperialists and contributing to the bloodshed of the Palestinian resistance against the usurpers of the land !!

So in this rule of the misery of the masses (and the prosperity of the bosses) there is no exception. Not even for those who feed the population producing tedious wheat, fruit and vegetables and oil. The farmer in the name of concentration (neo -pilgrims), supplying the agro -industrial sector with cheap raw material and harmonization with European orders must simply be erased. Always perforated excuses and green unkinds.

So the one -way street of the farmers' struggle was again hunting for their prosperity, but seeking anxiously the viable stay in the fields. Despite this, the curtain of this year's significant controversy of modern collapse with the government has fallen for many, in a row. The prime minister's epitheliums are silently in order not to cause (no substantial retreat), triumphantly. On the part of the farmers again, the classic, stupid juniors of a success-related success of the problem (did we ignore it?), Achievement of social acceptance-sympathy, partnership with other European colleagues.

What were these and how radical or threatening were there for the implementation of anti -grocery plans? Better let the official and non -enthusiasts of the enemies of the people comment.

The preacher of the gang of the exploitation-exhaustion-ragation of Proderdis from the television pulpit sends the Sycharics to its organizers (and) a motorized "long course" from the country's dying to its heart, the Constitution. Something dirty probably smells of guidance, when a sworn warrior of social majority rights praises. Mostly when Mitsotakis receives the baton of the begging, applauding (instead of being) the "prudent" manipulations at all stages for weeks of mobilization.

And how not to reward the attitude of the fronts, when the exclusions of national roads - despite the line -up of hundreds of tractors at their edges and the tired of base dissatisfaction - were minimal and time from ten minutes to the very two -hour (usually for trucks) . Such parody forms of action, even centuries, would not have a trace of pressure on the makers. Symbolic theatricals against a scent, sweeping outing.

In the other, the president of the Attica Police Officers' Association is not flattering to the heads of all protests for excellent cooperation with the authorities (and so -called electoral left of the capitulation of the "Children of the People", who "randomly and detailed" tears) with the aim of limiting the upheaval of the residents of Athens and a short -circuit of the smooth functioning of the Teratoupolis.

Indeed, the "prestigious" farm is taking off the climate of mutual abundance, calling for police protection of the rally from possible slander of turbulent circles within the peaceful body of the protesters !! The real -minded images where the Mattzis were piercing tractors or welcomed the "invaders" farmers with beatings and chemicals in the Piraeus port, as well as various other similar civil war, now belong to the immediate past. Perhaps the uninterrupted accompaniment of tractors with patrols all the way to the national roads and in their one lane "of course" (so as not to suffer the otherwise carefree, charged people) to have the character of a class solidarity.

Also heard in the misinformation and disintegration newsletters (and most likely would apply) that it was requested (and was it given?) Named list of tractors for disciplines !! Pity. This "anti -labor" perception leads the employees of the unemployment mechanisms.

It was also rumored that the prime minister was swinging by the dilemma to the concentration by the last minute, expressing a full understanding of the serious difficulties of the primary sector. Eventually, however, it was limited to the long -term expression of sympathy for their justified reactions, but also to the clear reluctance of baking from demands, beyond the original crumbs. Fortunately, the gap was overwhelmed by the presence of other politicians and tested, fiery therapists (such as SYRIZA) of the EU Agrotheraki.

In the past, the state -owned rage, prosecutors and threats, arrests and agricultural courts, orgy muddle of silver journalists, accusations of political motivation, activation of social automation. Nowadays and in the initial phase, such practices have definitely mediated, but to a milder degree. Regardless of the well-known rails of the representatives of the peasantry, the aura of a non-electrified atmosphere between the two camps (government-peasants) were passed by, since the carrot was honored. Raising the reasonable question about the mysterious and somewhere in the superb origin of the causes of malice (poverty and extrusion in abandonment of this particular livelihood) for the mass of farmers. Or at least focusing it on the evil Cup and to God in the old never -ending core of the non -guilty (probably?) EU.

So we came to the time of the so -called crown and essentially ending racing actions. Such a climax, as much as similar determination, distinguished them in the past. Massively inconsistent (despite the widespread rage of farmers) of critical problems of producers and universal awareness that is no longer the improvement of the very meager income, but the inability of crops itself.

In forms of fighting almost velvet (the modernist introduced by the "pioneer"), bullshit and repeated from the guilty past of the conciliation. So completely powerless in blackmailing an unfaithful, cruel opponent. That is, they were the short blocks. Instead of cutting Greece in the middle, only the race was fragmented and degenerated. The note of the two -sided and deliberately uncoordinated with others with perseverance in the battle of the bishopric of the people of the people (students). A confrontation with supportive supportive and timely strike initiatives of the supposedly allies. Even the non -interconnection of agricultural problems with the anti -war (each feather of the F35 and the shipment of frigates what amounts to ELGA?) Was negative.

So the escalation (deciphering the vocabulary of reformism constitutes an alibi-trick of the definitive resignation) has performed its destination as the figure of the figure of the finishing sale. He was registered in the rich story of the relief of anger and racing momentum. The need for non -poverty and survival pushes in the arena of the struggles, and the captains, if they honor their role, consistently justify them. Otherwise if they are epileptic, they lead them to the rocks of defeat and subsequent inactivation.

The blocks were reflected the adverse associations for the people, and the dynamics of the farmers to overthrow their choices by the means of the firefighters' efforts of the movement for unconditional submission. Certainly the explosiveness of the problems, its awareness of developments in combination with the encouragement - encouragement from the impressive stream of the upheaval of their colleagues in the various European primates, influenced the formation of a - relatively - right -wing. On the other hand, the chronic deconstruction and lag behind the resistance of the people, the partial unmistakation of the power of the punch, the self -evident suspicion towards trade unions.

Obviously the unpleasant ending of the race was not discounted. Unexpected, dirty and at the same time rough the duties of dying by the captains of a confrontation in conditions of savage attack on income and the transparent risk of extinction. In any confrontation, even folding, reaps the gain of experience - the restaurant and the reconstitution - return to the ramparts under more favorable conditions. In addition, the cost of a defeat becomes more painful if it leaves the aftertaste of an immune antiseptic and a frustrating - paralyzing impatience to be treated again with a higher organization.

But the veil up to the most ineffective crash has positive slits. Much more in the case where its causes are focused not on inadequate participation and non -vigorous minds, but on catalytic (and solvent) intervention within the lines of struggling forces adjacent (and worshiped) in the system. Therefore, their unblocking facilitates the reduction of the influence of such harmful factors in the future. Of course the gap (which is not automatically replaced and in the midst of inaction) of the navigation of the next racing outbursts must necessarily be covered by uncommon communist elements, focused on the goal of awakening, recruiting and exhaustion (something that did not happen now) a persistent and uninterrupted orbit. Then, even a possible failure will be fertile, as it will pregnancy the successive victorious raid away from the perpetual cycle of undermined, ineffective attempts.

Only the resolution of the problems of the peasantry will bring about its appeasement. With guarantors of the state, its respective managers and the EU, they will certainly worsen unbearable. At the same time, they are unintentionally guaranteed (and unfortunately for them) the submarine of the later uprising. Reconstruction of the first vital cells of the organization of the current declined agricultural associations, restoring the agricultural movement in solid, non -negotiable foundations and despising the reformist sirens of the conciliation after the end of the struggles, the farmers will not return.

For lucrative crops in the field, they must register with satisfactory crop in the mesters of claims. For remarkable crops in the races, they have to avoid the devastating traps of the nightmares that guard them. To get angry and revolted, they don't have to do anything. The opponents take care of this with unmistakable study.


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The "child" spoke. And what did he say;

It may be late for months, but, in his first public position - at the Kathimerini Symposium, please - put things in their "position". He "apologized" for the cases of broadcasting licenses and Novartis, saying that "there were no proper handling"! And that cost the election to SYRIZA. The hint was clear: he should not have "put it" with the media of the media and the drug. Opera -rewarding means that he had to have made even a right turn since then!

He never raised the issue of exit the country from the eurozone, which had repeatedly clarified the President of the Republic. Varoufakis and SIA were probably acting ... Autonomous and deserted by the Prime Minister! Perhaps the ruling class that did not "negotiate" (the way it is said) how much its imperialist patrons would degrade it. 'Or maybe not;

If these "mistakes" had not been made and the system of power inside and outside the country would remain "clean" and the bipartisanship would be long before today. Probably his party.

Tsipras "Capital" (so we were told about SYRIZA executives as the recent parody conference), sets new mortgages. It is present in the right shift of the already right political scene. The point, however, is that Kasselakis has already caught it!


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