Turkey: Three arrested after house raids – The Red Herald

Author: A.R.
Categories: Europe, Featured
Description: Yeni Demokrasi reports today that three of the 15 people who were detained in the house raids in Izmir and Istanbul on the 27th of February have been arrested.
Modified Time: 2024-03-02T20:57:20+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-02T21-51-00-00-00
Sections: Europe, Featured, Repression, Turkey, English, pll_65e392b3001d2
Tags: Repression, Turkey
Type: article
Images: 000000.webp 000001.webp 000002.webp 000003.webp

Featured image: Sıtkı Güngör, Arzu Aksakal, Metin Keleş were arrested after the house raids in Izmir and Istanbul on the 27th of February. Source: Yeni Demokrasi

Yeni Demokrasi reports today that three of the 15 people who were detained in the house raids in Izmir and Istanbul on the 27 th of February have been arrested. Among the arrested is Partizan reader Arzu Aksakal. One of the detained was released under house arrest, while the rest were released.

The revolutionary democrats are accused of “membership of a terrorist organization” as well as “financing a terror organization”, based on the accused having transferred money to people, such as their family members, which the old State claim are terrorists.

There have been protests against the detentions in Switzerland and England.

On the 29 th of February a protest was held in London to demand the release of those who were detained under torture when their homes were raided. Many people attended the demonstration which was organized by several Turkish and Kurdish organizations. Slogans such as Stop Fascist Attacks in Turkey”, “Down with Fascism” and “Freedom for Political Prisoners” were frequently chanted throughout the protest.

Protests in London, England, against the house raids and detentions in Izmir and Istanbul. Source: AGEB

Also on the 29 th of February a protest was held in Zurich , Switzerland against the detentions. The protesters had banners with the slogans “Repressions, Detentions and Arrests Cannot Intimidate Us”, “Shoulder to Shoulder against Fascism”, “Release the Detainees” and “Fascism’s Detention Attacks Cannot Obstruct Our Struggle”.

Protests in Zurich, Switzerland, against the house raids and detentions in Izmir and Istanbul. Source: AGEB

On the 1 st of March a solidarity action was held in Basel , Switzerland, under the banner “Do you know that the Turkish State kills political prisoners?”. Slogans such as “Revolutionary Prisoners are Our Honor” and “Freedom for Political Prisoners” were shouted in German and Turkish.

Solidarity action with with revolutionary Prisoners in Basel, Switzerland, 1 st of March. Source: AGEB

Source: https://redherald.org/2024/03/02/turkey-three-arrested-after-house-raids/