On one side of the half -plain plain because of accuracy of agrarian and fuel, degrading prices on the products, farming CAP, a tskromomas, tax, bad weather, the indignation of the pinking hands is wildly sailed. Opposite to her, the armors are shaken as lobster steering wheel in the country, following a completely fair behavior. Do not make the slightest distinction. That is to say, the relentless attack on all the strata of those who are struggling to secure a honest manner in a honest manner, stress, anxiety, fear of physical army or loser of life itself (labor murders, crimes in temporis, waterfalls).
But at some distance a few years of light beyond, right there in the small flock of blue -blooded giggling, the landscape is shifting. At that time, the bottom of the barrel of poverty that torments the social majority is frantically scratched and any harvesting is heading for the overflowing of the golden scum of the legal mafia of the aristocrats. By magic, the budgetary space (miserable wording of the people's looting) is expanding wasteful for the sake of the dominant parasitic order.
Infinite affection for capital and no compassion for the plagues. Let his child be starving and let his child be unable to pay the cost of studies in public (and under the abolition of free) universities. Every patient has to respond to the excruciating dilemma, if paying afternoon surgeries and being heal will then die of hunger or vice versa. Unless luxury exists for both. It was out of work and kneeling from the black -haired accuracy, continued, we were breathing, to sigh in the arena of exploitation by completing the coins of the pension.
On the contrary, all the previous sacrifices of the below and for the good of the "development of the place" must be transformed into profitability, mythical vigor and investment privileges of the bourgeoisie. Also - especially in our time - in dizzying costs of supplying torsion disaster (here instead of barrels, we find lakes full of sweaty workers) and participation in war adventures of the planet's chiefs. Probably the interests of the biomass are so distant and huge that they not only touch the EEZs, but by "engaging" with those shipowners, industrialists and bankers (those with household evictions) travel to the Red Sea or Ukraine. Thus serving the neo -Nazis Zionists and American imperialists and contributing to the bloodshed of the Palestinian resistance against the usurpers of the land !!
So in this rule of the misery of the masses (and the prosperity of the bosses) there is no exception. Not even for those who feed the population producing tedious wheat, fruit and vegetables and oil. The farmer in the name of concentration (neo -pilgrims), supplying the agro -industrial sector with cheap raw material and harmonization with European orders must simply be erased. Always perforated excuses and green unkinds.
So the one -way street of the farmers' struggle was again hunting for their prosperity, but seeking anxiously the viable stay in the fields. Despite this, the curtain of this year's significant controversy of modern collapse with the government has fallen for many, in a row. The prime minister's epitheliums are silently in order not to cause (no substantial retreat), triumphantly. On the part of the farmers again, the classic, stupid juniors of a success-related success of the problem (did we ignore it?), Achievement of social acceptance-sympathy, partnership with other European colleagues.
What were these and how radical or threatening were there for the implementation of anti -grocery plans? Better let the official and non -enthusiasts of the enemies of the people comment.
The preacher of the gang of the exploitation-exhaustion-ragation of Proderdis from the television pulpit sends the Sycharics to its organizers (and) a motorized "long course" from the country's dying to its heart, the Constitution. Something dirty probably smells of guidance, when a sworn warrior of social majority rights praises. Mostly when Mitsotakis receives the baton of the begging, applauding (instead of being) the "prudent" manipulations at all stages for weeks of mobilization.
And how not to reward the attitude of the fronts, when the exclusions of national roads - despite the line -up of hundreds of tractors at their edges and the tired of base dissatisfaction - were minimal and time from ten minutes to the very two -hour (usually for trucks) . Such parody forms of action, even centuries, would not have a trace of pressure on the makers. Symbolic theatricals against a scent, sweeping outing.
In the other, the president of the Attica Police Officers' Association is not flattering to the heads of all protests for excellent cooperation with the authorities (and so -called electoral left of the capitulation of the "Children of the People", who "randomly and detailed" tears) with the aim of limiting the upheaval of the residents of Athens and a short -circuit of the smooth functioning of the Teratoupolis.
Indeed, the "prestigious" farm is taking off the climate of mutual abundance, calling for police protection of the rally from possible slander of turbulent circles within the peaceful body of the protesters !! The real -minded images where the Mattzis were piercing tractors or welcomed the "invaders" farmers with beatings and chemicals in the Piraeus port, as well as various other similar civil war, now belong to the immediate past. Perhaps the uninterrupted accompaniment of tractors with patrols all the way to the national roads and in their one lane "of course" (so as not to suffer the otherwise carefree, charged people) to have the character of a class solidarity.
Also heard in the misinformation and disintegration newsletters (and most likely would apply) that it was requested (and was it given?) Named list of tractors for disciplines !! Pity. This "anti -labor" perception leads the employees of the unemployment mechanisms.
It was also rumored that the prime minister was swinging by the dilemma to the concentration by the last minute, expressing a full understanding of the serious difficulties of the primary sector. Eventually, however, it was limited to the long -term expression of sympathy for their justified reactions, but also to the clear reluctance of baking from demands, beyond the original crumbs. Fortunately, the gap was overwhelmed by the presence of other politicians and tested, fiery therapists (such as SYRIZA) of the EU Agrotheraki.
In the past, the state -owned rage, prosecutors and threats, arrests and agricultural courts, orgy muddle of silver journalists, accusations of political motivation, activation of social automation. Nowadays and in the initial phase, such practices have definitely mediated, but to a milder degree. Regardless of the well-known rails of the representatives of the peasantry, the aura of a non-electrified atmosphere between the two camps (government-peasants) were passed by, since the carrot was honored. Raising the reasonable question about the mysterious and somewhere in the superb origin of the causes of malice (poverty and extrusion in abandonment of this particular livelihood) for the mass of farmers. Or at least focusing it on the evil Cup and to God on the old never -ending core of the non -guilty (probably?) EU.
So we came to the time of the so -called crown and essentially ending racing actions. Such a climax, as much as similar determination, distinguished them in the past. Massively inconsistent (despite the widespread rage of farmers) of critical problems of producers and universal awareness that is no longer the improvement of the very meager income, but the inability of crops itself.
In forms of fighting almost velvet (the modernist introduced by the "pioneer"), bullshit and repeated from the guilty past of the conciliation. So completely powerless in blackmailing an unfaithful, cruel opponent. That is, they were the short blocks. Instead of cutting Greece in the middle, only the race was fragmented and degenerated. The note of the two -sided and deliberately uncoordinated with others with perseverance in the battle of the bishopric of the people of the people (students). A confrontation with supportive supportive and timely strike initiatives of the supposedly allies. Even the non -interconnection of agricultural problems with the anti -war (each feather of the F35 and the shipment of frigates what amounts to ELGA?) Was negative.
So the escalation (deciphering the vocabulary of reformism constitutes an alibi-trick of the definitive resignation) has performed its destination as the figure of the figure of the finishing sale. He was registered in the rich story of the relief of anger and racing momentum. The need for non -poverty and survival pushes in the arena of the struggles, and the captains, if they honor their role, consistently justify them. Otherwise if they are epileptic, they lead them to the rocks of defeat and subsequent inactivation.
The blocks were reflected the adverse associations for the people, and the dynamics of the farmers to overthrow their choices by the means of the firefighters' efforts of the movement for unconditional submission. Certainly the explosiveness of the problems, its awareness of developments in combination with the encouragement - encouragement from the impressive stream of the upheaval of their colleagues in the various European primates, influenced the formation of a - relatively - right -wing. On the other hand, the chronic deconstruction and lag behind the resistance of the people, the partial unmistakation of the power of the punch, the self -evident suspicion towards trade unions.
Obviously the unpleasant ending of the race was not discounted. Unexpected, dirty and at the same time rough the duties of dying by the captains of a confrontation in conditions of savage attack on income and the transparent risk of extinction. In any confrontation, even folding, reaps the gain of experience - the restaurant and the reconstitution - return to the ramparts under more favorable conditions. In addition, the cost of a defeat becomes more painful if it leaves the aftertaste of an immune antiseptic and a frustrating - paralyzing impatience to be treated again with a higher organization.
But the veil up to the most ineffective crash has positive slits. Much more in the case where its causes are focused not on inadequate participation and non -vigorous minds, but on catalytic (and solvent) intervention within the lines of struggling forces adjacent (and worshiped) in the system. Therefore, their unblocking facilitates the reduction of the influence of such harmful factors in the future. Of course the gap (which is not automatically replaced and in the midst of inaction) of the navigation of the next racing outbursts must necessarily be covered by uncommon communist elements, focused on the goal of awakening, recruiting and exhaustion (something that did not happen now) a persistent and uninterrupted orbit. Then, even a possible failure will be fertile, as it will pregnancy the successive victorious raid away from the perpetual cycle of undermined, ineffective attempts.
Only the resolution of the problems of the peasantry will bring about its appeasement. With guarantors of the state, its respective managers and the EU, they will certainly worsen unbearable. At the same time, they are unintentionally guaranteed (and unfortunately for them) the submarine of the later uprising. Reconstruction of the first vital cells of the organization of the current declined agricultural associations, restoring the agricultural movement in solid, non -negotiable foundations and despising the reformist sirens of the conciliation after the end of the struggles, the farmers will not return.
For lucrative crops in the field, they must register with satisfactory crop in the mesters of claims. For remarkable crops in the races, they have to avoid the devastating traps of the nightmares that guard them. To get angry and revolted, they don't have to do anything. The opponents take care of this with unmistakable study.