An international month of actions for the release of Georges Abdallah from March 6 to April 6, 2024

Author: maoistroad
Description: Good evening comrade, the unitary campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah is launching a new international month of ...
Published Time: 2024-03-03T09-11-00-08-00
Images: 000000.jpg

Good evening comrade,

there Unitary campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah is launching a new international month of actions to demand the release of our comrade from March 6 to April 6, 2024 - Date of a new demonstration at Lannemezan in front of the prison center where Georges is detained Abdallah for over 39 years.

SO that his 10th request for parole is being examined, We must continue to maintain the pressure and always accentuate the more the balance of power in favor of his release.

This will go through the coordinated actions that we will lead to the Regional, national and international throughout this month. This passes also by making visible the extent of the support of organizations and personalities engaged in this fight.

HAS this title, we send you the call text to this month to find out if your organization is signatory to this new text - as it has Always the previous times - before publication on the network.

Thank you for your reply !
Internationalist and solidarity red greetings
Georges Abdallah is not only a resistant; It is itself a symbol of the resistance and it is
well for what the French state continues to keep it in prison despite the two decisions of
justice authorizing his release. The cause of our comrade is intrinsically linked to our support for
Palestine. That no action, initiative, gathering, demonstration happens without being chanted, displayed,
written our requirement and in particular through this watchword which should never be truncated from its two
Components: “Palestine will live! Palestine will win ! Release Georges Abdallah! " - Because one was completely
Given to his cause and the other cannot leave this torch of his resistance to the hands of the enemy. All those, in
France and elsewhere, in solidarity with Palestine, must demand at every moment and wherever we are the
Liberation of this fighter from the Palestinian Liberation Movement. And what better support can we
Bring to the Palestinian resistance except by putting pressure on our own imperialism to tear off
To this enemy one of his historic fighters!
Since June 8, a new phase has opened up in this long battle that its support leads
For his release: while mobilization, in the field, in the diversity of his expressions, continues to
Amplifying, Georges Abdallah agreed to launch a new legal offensive by depositing a tenth
Request for liberation-expulsion to its country Lebanon. Let us support by our actions the Georges approach
Abdallah by making her resonate everywhere throughout the time of examining her new request and accentuons
Always the pressure on the French state by our ever more increased mobilization and at all times!
It is in this sense and taking into account this new phase that we call once again to a month
International actions for the release of Georges Abdallah from March 6 to April 6, 2024, - Date of the 14th
demonstration in front of the Lannemezan penitentiary center. That during this time coordinated a thousand initiatives
flourish everywhere in France and internationally for its release and there even for its solidarity fight
With historical Palestine!
Georges Abdallah is in prison for the political fight that has been his, for his positions and his ideals that he
did not stop proclaiming and never denying. It is for his emancipation ideas that Georges Abdallah
engaged in the struggle. It is for his ideas and resistance that he is still detained today. It's for his
Ideas and its revolutionary fight that we support it and that we demand its release! For victory
Or victory!
Palestine live, live and defeat! Release Georges Abdallah!
Let's continue the fight! Let's free Georges Abdallah!
May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish for his release!
Honor to all those who fight for his release!
It is together and only together, comrades, that we will defeat!
Paris, February 27, 2024
Unit campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah
Facebook: for the release of Georges Abdallah
Instagram : cuplgia – Tweeter : CUpLGIA
