The Strike Guarantee Commission limits the Women's Strike of 8 March

Author: fannyhill
Description: It is actually a commission guarantor of the institutions, parties, bourgeois politicians, the CGS sent the Lim a few days after March 8 ...
Published Time: 2024-03-03T12-33-00-01-00
It is actually a commission guarantor of the institutions, parties, bourgeois politicians
The CGS sent the limitation of participation in the strike of the women of the workers and workers throughout the Region of Abruzzo and in all sectors a few days after 8 March. Why? Because the elections to be held in the Abruzzo region must not be disturbed by the workers' strikes, but everyone must be at the service of the bourgeois elections.
In at the same time we know from the newspapers that the CGS said the strike in the transport can be done, for the proclamation of the Slai Cobas for the class union.
From Repubblica
March 8 strikes, the guarantor reduces them for irregularities
In the Transport sector only the agitation of the Slai union is allowed Cobas for the class union and not from the other acronyms
(flying over beautifully on the fact that it is the same strike as 8 March And, therefore, there is no "concentration of general strikes", different - editor's note)
In particular, on the woman's day the participating workers will stop to the Slai-Cobas union acronyms, ADL-Cobas, USB and OSP Faisa-Cisal that have proclaimed a general stop of the public, private sectors and cooperatives.
The irregularities reported by the Commission concern in particular the passenger transport sector (plane, railway, maritime and local public) which prohibits concentration in general strikes. TO following these reports, "the aforementioned sectors will be interested exclusively by the strike proclaimed by the Slai Cobas union for the Class union and not from the other union acronyms ".
Furthermore, The Commission invited the unions proclaiming to exclude, limited to the Abruzzo Region, affected by the consultations electoral of 10 March 2024, the sectors: local autonomy regions, Local public transport, environmental hygiene, telecommunications, Electricity, energy and oil, gas-water, funerary, ministries, Maritime transport, firefighters, helicopters and fuels.
Let's report these prohibitions! But the right way is to go down massively on strike on March 8!
