A gathering and a course of solidarity in the struggle of the Palestinian people took place in Heraklion on Saturday in the Lions. The "Open Solidarity Assembly for the Palestinians" was the initiative for the call. A key feature is the lack of mass, which certainly does not meet the needs of the period, however, has been marched in the city center despite the rain.
At a time when the Israeli Army assigns hundreds of civilians and children on a daily basis, where the Palestinian struggle shows the way to the peoples, the highlight of our solidarity, the complaint of the genocide and the role of the imperialists today is one of its main duties. .
In the rally-the course, the open assembly, anarchist block, ELME Heraklion, the ML-KKE and the KKE (M-L) participated with banners.
The organization of the KKE (M -L) of Heraklion with its own bloc, banners, notice and slogans attempted to highlight the need for the constitution of anti -imperialist movement, solidarity with the Palestinian people for liberty, the demand for non -involvement , the perseverance of the bases and NATO.