On 21 February there was an electronic assembly promoted by Nudm which saw the large participation of companions, women, young people who work in the social sector, social cooperatives in different areas, school, health, RSA, psychiatric, etc. This electronic meeting emerged from the work table of the Nudm Bologna National Assembly. We also participated from Palermo bringing the complaint and the experience of struggling of the precarious of social coops.
It was an interesting and lively assembly because he saw a succession of interventions that actually told the work experiences of workers especially precariously of this sector, of many cities from North to South, through which a significant and also strong denunciation emerged of the aspects of exploitation, of precarious and unstable working conditions, of collective employment contracts, signed by the confederals, increasingly downward - see the hypothesis of the last contract reported in various interventions - of even denied basic rights, of discrimination also specifically towards women's workers, of forms of repression at work, if you fight to obtain improvements in the working condition, by the masters and mastery of the social cooperatives, large or small, and of the contracting institutions at different levels towards and against a Work sector made up of thousands of workers, who are the majority of it.
In the second part of the meeting, it was discussed on how to concretely bring all this complaint and struggle where it is already done, in a visible and active way in the March 8 strike. Certainly important is the need that emerged in general to start building a connection/network among the workers/workers in the sector to start breaking the jagging or isolation at work which also emerged from some interventions, the different realities of this sector, to strengthen The knowledge of realities, supporting itself ... the strike of 8 March is an important stage in this sense.
Among the final proposals:
An appeal for the strike from social and essential work
that is a common frame to the many struggles and claims that we will bring to the strike of 8 March.
A text also addressed
to people who access services,
To explain why that day they will not find us on the workplace and invitorl3 to join this struggle
A form for the collection of testimonies as an investigation
Heads or shares within the processions in front of public places and contracting institutions of services
Responsible cuts responsible for resources, jobs etc.
We report under some excerpts of workers and to follow the appeal for the strike of 8 March
Precarious of Bologna
We work in the SAI projects (integration reception system), the loans are blocked, they should be three -year and more stable, if there is no increase in funding, there will inevitably cut off the workers/workers ... we work with users in order to lead them to Living socially independently, but in these precarious working conditions we sometimes get to share with users the same difficulties to be autonomously economically, paying a rent, dealing with monthly expenses, etc., in Bologna we have serious difficulties to find a house for example ...
For the precarious workers of Palermo
The precarious social coop workers of Palermo personal hygienic assistants, deal with disabled students and students of high schools, are qualified OSS and OSA, is a sector by majority women, the working condition has worsened year by year, increasingly precarious, Years ago the contracts were biennial, now we are also at the extension of months, a condition of work instability and life, you cannot make projects, you cannot make decisions because you never know if the extension will be made ... the precarious workers have been organized for years Union with the Slai Cobas for SC and have first struggled in recent years against the cuts of jobs and resources by the region/metropolitan city increasingly falcidiate by trampling every law in force in this country for which these services are instead defined mandatory and Essential, and today with the Meloni government that cut millions of euros for the disabled fund, the situation has worsened ... Then there are almost paradoxical aspects that affect these precarious workers, for example the so -called "genre" question, a assignment of users To the operators imposed by the metropolitan city contracting to the coops since last year on the basis of the "genre" and in front of an audience of disabled students under male majority in this city, the precarious ones remain out of work because the coops are obliged to hire men, aside The factual institutions is also an ideological fury against women that we are denouncing ... we have been struggling for years starting with wages not paid by the Coop chairs for the fact that being women and being maintained by husbands, companions the women could wait for men compared to men who had to have precedence, but on this with the fight for months, also occupying the offices of the Coop, today it is paid as it is right that it is like male colleagues but it remains that wages are low, they are made 24 hours a week but not The days in which pupils are absent are counted, when there are the suspensions of the lessons, etc. and in any case the mains always try by trying to deny basic rights such as parental leave or holidays for example ... we have always actively participated in the strike of the March 8 trying to connect with the other workers on strike, first of all bringing the whole denunciation of the condition of exploitation and oppression that we live in the workplace but also the problems we live as women, we are women with children to whom all the work is downloaded of care, separated, single, we do not arrive at the end of the month, we also do double, triple jobs even in black to raise a salary if you can say decent, some precarious have also undergone violent family situations of husbands who have also tried to prevent them from going down Fighting but we did unity on this by actively supporting them for example in the difficult path of separating and on this having a job is important ... In the 8 -Martosis strike it will bring all the anger and fight against the owners, the government, today it is necessary to fight Against the Meloni government which is ideologically and politically against women and who is giving more and more free hand to the masters see the liberalization of contracts ... The precarious workers of Palermo are also undergoing a criminal trial for the struggles made to defend the work and against the cuts , denounced by the metropolitan city during an action of fighting the palace today are facing this process with courage because this process is also intended as a struggle ... this too will bring to the strike ... we will be on strike again on this March 8 and it is important to connect with all the other realities.
Precarious of pisa
The companions of Palermo with this intervention killed us! Brave to face everything they have told ... social services are the first to be cut, even if they approve the loans as the factual resources will not increase there will be cuts ... how to raise the bar of the conflict against those who demand us high Professionalism but with increasingly cut and negligible budget?
We must create a national network of this sector ...
Social work is increasingly mistreated, there are also concrete difficulties in involving colleagues in the fight ... As operators in schools we are not paid when children are firmly, a vademecum would also be necessary to explain the problems of the CCNL as a self -defense manual ... this March 8 must be of anger with all the others, we are angry, tired, we work all day, we do not have free time (we work at school, day centers, psychiatric sphere) sometimes even more than 12 hours, often we are alone, with Small numbers in the strikes and this disintegration causes. We would like to strike from everything, against wages from hunger, against the bank of hours, we do not want to take home the job, not to the changes of program without warning, to picking up the holes ... strike because if you assert your rights then you are nervous, exhausted , outside of what "Mamma Coop" says ... in recent years we have made several battles, even small at national level, but we still cannot mobilize more united ...
For women's assembly/migrant coordination
We are badly put in the workplace, when we work for many years in Italy we migrants sign a new contract with another cooperative and they spot all the seniority of service previously accrued and we must start from scratch, but we work in this country as The Italians and pay taxes like all, we want to be recognized at work, last year every 3 months we changed cooperative, we were entitled to the house etc. but the paycheck always starts again from scratch, you lose holidays, seniority, everything and then there are All the problems related to the residence permit, half of our life is consumed here, but we work for the masters here and we have rights like everyone ... have we wrong country? Do you want to pour our blood to get the rights? We have no right to have citizenship, our children born here, even at school the teachers do not denounce the problems of our children who are often considered different ... we need to struggle on these points, so the caravan, with very low salaries You don't even get in the middle of the month ...
Turin Social Labor Network (educators, educators, university students)
The renewal of the CCNL? Only content (maternity at 100%) but for the rest only smoke in the eyes, torn to quietly, and if you oppose this hypothesis of the contract for the signatory unions, you are like the worker/worker you make anti -union shares ... it is difficult to do to do Unit around this question but it is necessary to coordinate ... On March 8 we will work for a social breakdown visible in the procession
Pisa auxiliary worker
I work in the educational services of nursery schools, with the contracts are taking the measures of the CCNL, the contract is 12 hours but you work much more, the increases in the CCNL are invisible for part time contracts specifically, precariousness remains entirely, Hoad microcontraons, there is no increase in the staff, the theme of the care used against us also to blackmail us and increase the workload, use users by Coop also to make us feel guilty, how much are you helpful? and put on each other ...
There are workers who come from divorces, who have children, who have also suffered violence, there are those who bother ... they break the turn so you are out all day even if you do only 6 hours or you have to take the closing shifts, the Contracting institutions of services are absolutely not charged with these problems and the behavior of the Coop ...
From Rimini/Nudm
March 8th Spezzone with denunciation of the precariousness/exploitation of social work, of a highly feminized sector, we have developed battles with ADL Cobas, Ocorre give body to a conflict by coordinating, give support to the networks of the basic unions even beyond March 8, See the CCNL issue, an investigation in the sector is also necessary to understand which battles are now for ...
Disabled partner
I have a genetic pathology and I have been followed for years by basic assistants of social coops (but which have been changed in a truly absurd way) ... I think that the frustration of precarious work also falls on users, the assistants are not slaves and improve the condition of the workers of this sector inevitably has qualitative effects on users' assistance ...
For the Educators Rome
We made strike last week, cuts on the service, in Rome we are also delegated USB and CUB, the struggle for the internalization of the service is essential, the strike is one of the fundamental tools we have, it is a constitutional right, in Rome we have worked and In a sense, we made the confederals out, we must raise the conflict and not only in the social coop sector, the confederals are increasingly organic to the masters ... The CCNL Coop will be devoted to early March we will do some protest actions, you cannot Accepting in silence goes to continue enriching the coops ... we continue to fight and on March 8 we will be ...

Appeal for the transfeminist strike in social and essential work

As workers, workers and social workers and essential services, women, LGBTQ+people, migrant people, people with disabilities, people who access services on March 8 we strike!
We strike against the institutions, the clients, the great foundations that are responsible for the exploitation, the precariousness, the lack of services, and promote the corporateness of the
social sector. The cuts to welfare, outsourcing, the contract system and funds dependent on projects create unstable and miserable working conditions and put both jobs and the provision of services at risk.
We strike against poor work, very low wages, the lack of recognition of social work and care, the "voluntary" work that is actually hypersfrutted, against the fact that our professionalism is considered a natural inclination of women.
We strike against the cuts to the services that make the care work be downloaded on families, and, therefore, in most cases on women, who find themselves with a huge load of unrecognized and unpaid work.
We strike against the cuts to welfare, which transform the workers of this sector into poor workers and deny the possibility of access to services. Essential workers and people who access services experience similar conditions of marginality more and more often, such as the impossibility of accessing the house. We claim a universal, secular and anti-living welfare welfare, capable of responding to the specific needs of people.
We strike the precariousness of social and essential work. Even with a permanent contract, when depending on contracts and calls, there is never a guarantee of income, places, working hours.
We strike against splendating times and rhythms. We work too much, in different places, with broken times, the lack of staff downloads the weight of the cuts to welfare on those who work, causing diseases, work-related stress, frustration and burnout.
We strike against all the current forms of dismantling of the rights of those who work, such as the renewal of the CCNL of social cooperatives, which maintain passive nights, the banks hours and which provide for miserable wage increases that do not even recover inflation, for an area that It concerns at least 900,000 workers and workers, in a large majority of women. We strike because in these processes the voices and needs of those who work are not seriously taken and not all the unions are guaranteed to participate in the negotiation tables.
We strike against more and more repressive and controlling places of work. Cooperatives are increasingly large and have dynamics from large companies, there is more and more control, more verticism, mobbing. We strike against repression and marginalization for those who strike or protest.
We strike against the blackmail of the residence permit, which forces us to accept bad working conditions and miserable wages, insufficient to face inflation, while limiting our access to basic services.
We also strike for those who cannot strike because it is preceptatÉ™ to guarantee essential services, because they live too strong a blackmail, because it has a contract that does not provide for the right of strike.
We strike for higher wages, for the reduction of working hours, for a structural refinancing of welfare, for public services accessible to Tutt3 who do not depend on calls, contracts and projects at expiry.
If our lives and our work do not apply, we strike!
March 8 Strike against patriarchal violence!