The Finnish model (not in… education)

Labels: Δημήτρης Μάνος, στρατιωτικη θητεια
Published Time: 2024-03-03T14-00-00-02-00
Images: 000000.jpg

We read from

“Finland's model with regard to military service and army is oriented to adopt the Ministry of National Defense of Greece. It is recalled that National Defense Minister Nikos Dendias recently went to Finland to be informed by his Finnish counterpart of how the country's army works.

In particular, Nikos Dendias attended the training of reserves in a Military Unit in Finland as part of his visit to the Scandinavian country.

Finland has half the population from Greece, but it has a strong militia that is trained every year in the use of weapons and the operation of small scales, as reported in a report in the afternoon. Its army consists of a skeleton of professional soldiers surrounded by any available citizen. Indeed, after the Russian attack on Ukraine, he decided to enhance the education of all citizens, both men and women, opening more than 300 new shootings to boost defense, according to the same report.

Mr Dendias said he was impressed by the fact that "in a very short time, young people are turning into soldiers who can fight and defend themselves", as well as by the fact that "there is a great, extensive use of ammunition. And there is an extensive training interval in the forests and in real battle.

The militarization of all society with an extensive period of continuous re -education, women's recruitment, etc. The new model that excited the Minister of Defense who welcomed the Appeal in the manner of the Americans (putting his right hand in the heart).

The man is not held ...

Once upon a time in our education, the minds were taken with the "Finnish model" in education.

They are now referring to the same model this time for ... military service.

Given that the Finnish government has decided to join the NATO military part and is at the forefront of a military confrontation with Russia by "breaking" a policy of neutrality.

Not only the youth (mainly this, of course) all the meat population for the war machine of imperialism!

