Berlin: Großdemonstration "Global South Resists"

Author: axun
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-03-03T14-12-53-00-00
Tags: Palästina, Demonstration, Berlin, Großdemonstration, unterdrückte Völker, Freiheit für Palästina
Images: 000000.png 000001.png 000002.png 000003.png 000004.png

We publish a report on the large demonstration "Global South Resists", which took place on 02.03.2024 in Berlin, which was given to us:

On Saturday, March 2nd, 2024, the Pro Palestinian Demonstration took place in Berlin under the title "Global South Resists", on which, according to the police, Over 7500 people involved.

The demonstration started with a rally at 2:00 p.m. at the Neptune fountain, passed the outstanding office and ended at Potsdamer Platz. In the speeches, the genocide on the Volke of Palestine, was condemned by the Zionist butcher Israel. The role of Yankee imperialism and German imperialism were also presented in the speeches, and by the demonstration participants in slogans like "Germany, why not a word? denounced. In addition, the situation, for example in Congo, Sudan, Afghanistan and Armenia, was made aware of the situation in different speeches, and called for the oppressed peoples of the world to join together and rebel against the rulers.

Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 2.cleaned Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 3.cleaned

Mobilized nationwide for the demonstration. Groups from Hamburg, Leipzig and NRW were included. A contingent of the Red Bund also took part in the protest. On the demonstration, leaflets with the call Distributed for this year's International Women's Campaign day and sold the revolutionary workers' newspaper "Rede Post". The demonstration participants accepted them with great interest, and there were some conversations in which they were spoken to especially about the need.

In the reporting of the Bürgelichen Presse, there is no language that demonstrators and organizers continue to be criminalized. When the demonstration reached the location of the end rally, two folders were arrested by the police for no apparent reason and their personal details were found. The demonstrators protested Lautstrak, on the other hand, the demonstration was not ended until both folders were released.

Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 4.cleaned Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 5.cleaned
Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 6.cleaned Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 7.cleaned
