We publish an unofficial translation of a statement by Current of the People Red Sun (Current of the Red Sun People) .
Our Day of Struggle is a response to the lack of a solution to the demands for justice and repression!
Next Monday begins our Day of Struggle in Defense of the Rights of the People , which will take place in a context of increased repression and criminalization against the popular movement in Oaxaca.
The chronology of aggressions against the people so far this year is as follows:
16th of January.
70 proletarian families from the neighborhood Revolución in the Port of Salina Cruz were assaulted by municipal police and the Navy while resisting the demolition of their homes initiated by the company in charge of the construction of the Inter-Oceanic Train.
27th of January. In the midst of a joint operation, elements of the State Investigation Agency, State Police and National Guard raided the homes of 9 activists of the Civil Resistance-Mixtequilla, who were detained and transferred to the Tanivet prison; the following day the community was besieged by the National Guard and the Navy to prevent protests. Finally, on February 2, a control judge imposed the precautionary measure of justified pre-trial detention on the detainees.
7th of February. A district judge in Salina Cruz sentenced David Hernández Salazar, Community Agent of Puente Madera and member of the APIIDTT organization, to 46 years and 6 months in prison for opposing the dispossession of communal lands.
13 th of February. Elements of municipal and state police with high-powered weapons and without riot gear evicted our artisan and merchant comrades from the Gurrión walkway, next to the Temple of Santo Domingo, violating their right to work and the agreements signed with the municipal and state governments.
18th of February. Elements of the Navy violently evict and detain retired railroad workers who were demonstrating on the railroad tracks in Matías Romero.
29 th of February. State police install metal fences in the street of the city’s main square, in anticipation of new demonstrations. It should be noted that our Day of Struggle begins on March 4 and will enter the main square.

Day of Struggle in Defense of the Rights of the People
is a response to the lack of a solution to our demands for justice and also to the repression that seems to want to consolidate in the state under the discourse of the “Oaxacan spring”. It is evident that the big bourgeoisie, through the governments of the self-proclaimed 4T, wants to impose its vision of “peace” by co-opting, demobilizing and repressing the popular movement.
The Solojistas are made of a special dough, as comrade Stalin teaches us. We will not give up. Our revolutionary order continues: Flood the streets and squares with red flags!
Stop the war against the people!
Don’t vote, organize and fight!
Whoever governs, the rights of the people are defended!
Current of the People Red Sun
1 st of March 2024