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Ny samling av uttalanden från IKF på Kommunisten!

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Nu finns det en ny flik på Kommunisten för uttalanden från det Internationella Kommunistiska Förbundet. Fliken går att finna i menyn under uttalanden och där kan du finna en samling av uttalanden från IKF översatta  till svenska. Klicka här för att öppna fliken.

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Election Boycott Circular by Communist Party of India (Maoist) - diffused by ICSPWI

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Israel massakrerer folk som venter på nødhjælp i Gaza

Vi deler en uofficiel oversættelse af The Red Heralds artikel.

Udvalgt billede: Israelske og yankee-flag brænder foran det amerikanske konsulat i Pernambuco. Kilde: A Nova Democracia.

Mens staten Israel fortsætter med at udvikle sit folkemord mod det palæstinensiske folk, har det officielle dødstal for palæstinensere dræbt af Israel i Gaza oversteget 30.000 mennesker , og tusindvis af andre er ikke gjort rede for. Selv yankee-imperialismens forsvarsminister har indrømmet , at mere end 25.000 kvinder og børn er blevet dræbt i Gaza af Israel siden den 7. oktober.

Torsdag den 29. februar begik staten Israel en særlig kynisk handling. Mindst 112 palæstinensere, der ventede på hjælp, blev massakreret af IDF. Mere end 750 mennesker blev såret. Tusindvis af mennesker, der havde desperat brug for mad, vand og medicin, samledes tidligt om morgenen og ventede på Harun al-Rashid Gaden i det nordlige Gaza, hvor man troede, at lastbiler med mel var på vej. Da lastbilerne ankom, begyndte IDF at skyde på de forsamlede civile med alle former for militært udstyr. Da folk vendte tilbage til lastbilerne, efter at den første skudrunde var slut, åbnede israelerne ild igen. En journalist på stedet rapporterede, at »efter at have åbnet ild, rykkede israelske tanks frem og kørte over mange af de døde og sårede kroppe«.

Et vidne beskriver, hvad der skete: »Vi var kommet her for at få fat i noget hjælp. Jeg har ventet siden middagstid i går. Omkring kl. 4.30 tidligt om morgenen begyndte lastbilerne at sive ind. Israelerne åbnede bare tilfældig ild mod os, som om det var en fælde. Da vi nærmede os nødhjælpslastbilerne, begyndte de israelske tanks og krigsfly at skyde på os.« En anden person på stedet sagde: »Vi skulle bringe mel … så skød israelske snigskytter på os«.

IDF forsøgte først at skyde skylden på ofrene ved at sige, at de fleste dødsfald skyldtes, at panikslagne mennesker trampede på hinanden, da lastbilerne ankom. Vidner beskriver, at det først skete, efter at de israelske soldater åbnede ild. IDF ændrede senere deres historie og hævdede, at de åbnede ild, fordi de forsamlede mennesker var en trussel mod dem.

Flere solidaritetsaktioner er blevet gennemført, siden vi sidst rapporterede om dette.

I Pernambuco , Brasilien, deltog hundredvis af mennesker i en demonstration i solidaritet med den Heltemodige Palæstinensiske Modstand den 26. februar. Demonstrationen marcherede i en time, før den nåede frem til det amerikanske konsulat. Under demonstrationen blev konsulatet ramt af røde farvebomber. Yankee- og zionistflag blev også brændt af deltagerne, mens de råbte »Død! Død! Til imperialismen« og »Yankees! Go home!«.

I København, Danmarks hovedstad, er der blevet udført graffiti-aktioner i solidaritet med det palæstinensiske folks Heltemodige Nationale Modstand i proletariske kvarterer.

Graffiti med parolen »Leve det palæstinsiske folks Heltemodige Modstand!«, København, Danmark. Kilde: Socialistisk Revolution
Graffiti med parolerne »Leve Palæstina!« og »Ned med zionismen og imperialismen!«, København, Danmark. Kilde: Socialistisk Revolution

I Helsinki , Finlands hovedstad, samledes hundredvis af mennesker for at demonstrere mod bombningen af Rafah den 24. februar. Der blev råbt slagord, som blandt andet krævede en øjeblikkelig våbenhvile og at knuse imperialismen og zionismen.

Demonstration imod bombningen af Rafah, I Helsinki, Finland, 24. Februar. Kilde: Palestiina.fi

I Trondheim , Norge, var der den 24. februar en demonstration, der fordømte det igangværende folkedrab i Gaza. Det blev understreget at dødstallene har oversteget 30.000.

I Frankrig har Unity Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah opfordret til en international aktionsmåned for Georges Abdallahs løsladelse fra den 6. marts til den 6. april.

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Police Constable Killed In Gun Battle With CPI (Maoist) Squadron In Kanker District - Redspark

Kanker District, March 3, 2024: A police constable was killed killed in a skirmish with a squad of armed cadres of the CPI (Maoist) in Chhattisgarh’s Kanker district on Sunday, a senior police official announced to the press today.

The firefight took place in a forest near Hidur village under Chhotebethiya police station when a joint team of security personnel was out on an anti-Maoist operation, the official declared.

The operation was launched based on a specific intelligence input about the presence of Maoists in the Hidur forest, the official remarked.

Constable Ramesh Kurethi, belonging to Bastar Fighters, (a unit of the state police), was killed in the gun battle, the official commented.

The body of a Maoist and an AK-47 rifle were also recovered from the site of the encounter, the official said, adding that a search operation was underway in the area.

Source : https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2024/Mar/03/cop-naxalite-killed-in-encounter-in-chhattsigarhs-kanker

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Filippinene: Folkehæren forbereder seg på nye kamper

Av en kommentator for Tjen Folket Media.

Våre kamerater i den Filippinske avisa Ang Bayan, tilknyttet Filippinenes kommunistiske parti, melder om at Folkehæren (New People’s Army, NPA) i sentrale Negros, har gjennomført et politisk-militært opplæringskurs. Formålet med kurset er å bevæpne de som kjemper med grunnleggende politisk militære prinsipper, for å mer effektivt å motstå Marcos regimets kontrarevolusjonære represjonskampanje. Øvelsen inngår også som en del av geriljaens kamp for å overvinne ideologisk, politiske og organisatoriske svakheter som hindrer folkekrigens fremgang, spesielt i den væpna kampen, ifølge NPA i Sentrale Negros. “Øvelsen ble vellykket gjennomført på grunn av det revolusjonære samarbeidet mellom stridene og befal, og den urokkelige støtten fra massene for enhetens økonomiske, finansielle og sikkerhetsmessige behov.” sier enheten. Den ukelange treningen styrket deltagernes besluttsomhet og mot. “Det er mye bedre når du øver, fordi du ikke frykter å møte fienden, spesielt med tanke på at dette er en av kjerneoppgavene våre som hær» Sier Ka Monique, en rød stridende som deltok på øvelsen. Politisk-militære øvelser som dette hjelper “til å unngå det reint militære standpunktet eller å være militaristisk.. For å være god militært er å være god på politikk.” avsluttet Ka Turko, troppsleder og ansvarlig for øvelsen.

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Ντροπή για την ασέβεια στο έθιμο ολοκλήρωσης του συμβιβασμού χωρίς … τσίπουρο

«Από μπρος (συγκρουσιακή στάση) δεν χωρούσε, από πίσω (υποταγή στο σύστημα) κολυμπούσε». Παράφραση ενός εκχυδαϊσμένου παλιού λογοπαίγνιου, που καυτηριάζει άδικα πτυχές ενός αξιοσημείωτου αγροτικού ξεσηκωμού ενάντια στη στρατηγική στόχευση του καπιταλιστικού επιτελείου για ξεκλήρισμα; Ή στηλίτευση μιας χυδαίας μεθοδολογίας δυνάμεων υπονομευτικών απέναντι στις υπολογίσιμες, πολυήμερες κινητοποιήσεις του φτωχομεσαίου αγροτόκοσμου;

Στη μια πλευρά του μισοξεραμένου κάμπου ένεκα ακρίβειας αγροεφοδίων και καυσίμων, εξευτελιστικών τιμών στα προϊόντα, γεωργοκτόνου ΚΑΠ, τσεκουρώματος επιδοτήσεων, φοροληστείας, κακοκαιριών πλανιέται αγριεμένα η αγανάκτηση των ροζιασμένων χεριών. Απέναντι της τάσσονται οι πάνοπλοι σαν αστακοί τιμονιέρηδες της χώρας ακολουθώντας μια συμπεριφορά απόλυτα ακριβοδίκαιη. Δεν προβαίνουν στην παραμικρότερη διάκριση. Της αμείλικτης δηλαδή επίθεσης ενάντια σε όλα τα στρώματα όσων μοχθούν για την εξασφάλιση ενός καχεκτικού επιούσιου με τίμιο τρόπο, καταπόνηση, άγχη, φόβο για σωματική αρτιμέλεια ή χαμού της ίδιας της ζωής (εργατικές δολοφονίες, εγκλήματα σε Τέμπη, νεροποντές ή πυρκαγιές) .

Όμως σε κάποια απόσταση μερικών ετών φωτός παραπέρα, εκεί ακριβώς στο ολιγάριθμο σμήνος του γαλαζοαίματου κηφηναριού, το τοπίο αλλάζει εκτυφλωτικά. Τότε, ο πάτος του βαρελιού της ανέχειας που βασανίζει την κοινωνική πλειοψηφία, ξύνεται μανιωδώς και η όποια συγκομιδή οδεύει στο ξεχείλισμα των χρυσογέμιστων σεντουκιών της νόμιμη μαφίας των αριστοκρατών. Ως δια μαγείας πλέον ο δημοσιονομικός χώρος (άθλια διατύπωση της λεηλασίας του λαού) διαστέλλεται σπάταλα προς χάριν της κυρίαρχης παρασιτικής τάξης.

Απέραντη στοργή για το κεφάλαιο και καμία συμπόνια για τους πληβείους. Ο μεροκαματιάρης ας λιμοκτονεί και το παιδί του ας αδυνατεί να πληρώσει το κόστος των σπουδών στα δημόσια (και υπό κατάργηση του δωρεάν) πανεπιστήμια. Κάθε άρρωστος οφείλει να απαντήσει στο βασανιστικό δίλλημα, αν πληρώνοντας τα απογευματινά χειρουργεία και όντας γιατρεμένος θα πεθάνει στη συνέχεια από πείνα ή το αντίθετο. Εφόσον δεν υφίσταται η πολυτέλεια και για τα δυο μαζί. Απόμαχε της δουλειάς και γονατισμένε από τη μαυραγορίτικη ακρίβεια συνέχισε, ίσαμε αναπνέεις, να στενάζεις στην αρένα της εκμετάλλευσης συμπληρώνοντας τα κέρματα της σύνταξης.

Τουναντίον όλες οι προηγούμενες θυσίες των από κάτω και για το καλό της «ανάπτυξης του τόπου» επιβάλλεται να μετατρέπονται σε κερδοφορία, μυθική χλιδή και επενδυτικά προνόμια των αστών. Επίσης - ειδικά στην εποχή μας- σε ιλιγγιώδεις δαπάνες προμήθειας σύνεργων καταστροφής (εδώ αντί για βαρέλια, συναντούμε λίμνες κονδυλίων γεμάτες ιδρώτα εργατολαϊκό) και συμμετοχής σε πολεμικές περιπέτειες των αρχισατανάδων του πλανήτη. Μάλλον τα συμφέροντα του βιοπαλαιστή είναι τόσο μακρινά και πελώρια, ώστε όχι μονάχα αγγίζουν τις ΑΟΖ, αλλά «συμπλέοντας» με εκείνα τους εφοπλιστάδων, βιομήχανων και τραπεζιτών (αυτούς με τις εξώσεις νοικοκυριών) ταξιδεύουν μέχρι την Ερυθρά θάλασσα ή την Ουκρανία. Υπηρετώντας έτσι τους νεοναζί σιωνιστές και τους αμερικάνους ιμπεριαλιστές και συμβάλλοντας στο αιματοκύλισμα της παλαιστινιακής αντίστασης κατά των σφετεριστών της πατρώας γης!!

Οπότε σε αυτό τον κανόνα της εξαθλίωσης των μαζών (και ευμάρειας των αφεντικών) δεν νοείται καμιά εξαίρεση. Ούτε για εκείνους που σιτίζουν τον πληθυσμό παράγοντας κοπιαστικά στάρι , οπωροκηπευτικά και λάδι. Ο αγρότης στο όνομα της συγκεντροποίησης (νεοτσιφλικάδες), τροφοδότησης του αγροτοβιομηχανικού τομέα με φτηνή πρώτη ύλη και εναρμόνισης με τις ευρωπαϊκές προσταγές πρέπει απλά να σβήσει. Με διάτρητες πάντα δικαιολογίες και πράσινες ασυναρτησίες.

Αναδείχτηκε λοιπόν ξανά ο μονόδρομος του αγώνα των αγροτών όχι πια κυνηγώντας την ευμάρεια τους, μα επιδιώκοντας αγκομαχητά τη βιώσιμη παραμονή στα χωράφια. Παρόλο ετούτο η αυλαία της φετινής σημαντικής αντιπαράθεσης της σύγχρονης κολιγιάς με την κυβέρνηση έπεσε για πολλοστή, συναπτή φορά άδοξα. Τα επινίκια από τη μεριά του πρωθυπουργού σιωπηρά μεν για να μην προκαλεί (καμία ουσιαστική υποχώρηση του), θριαμβευτικά δε. Από τη μεριά πάλι των αγροτοπατεράδων ακούστηκαν οι κλασσικές, βλακώδεις ιαχές περί μιας επιτυχίας σχετιζόμενης με την πηχυαία ανάδειξη του προβλήματος (μήπως το αγνοούσαμε;), επίτευξη της κοινωνικής αποδοχής- συμπάθειας, σύμπραξη με τους υπόλοιπους ευρωπαίους συνάδελφους και υιοθέτησης νέων μορφών πάλης.

Ποιες άραγε ήταν αυτές και πόσο ριζοσπαστικές ή απειλητικές υπήρξαν για την υλοποίηση των αντιαγροτικών σχεδιασμών; Καλύτερα ας σχολιάσουν αποκαλυπτικά οι επίσημοι και μη απεσταλμένοι των εχθρών του λαού.

Ο ιεροκήρυκας του συμμορίας της εκμετάλλευσης- κατάπνιξης- ραγιαδισμού Πρεντεντέρης από τον τηλεοπτικό άμβωνα στέλνει τα συχαρίκια στους διοργανωτές της (και) μηχανοκίνητης «μεγάλης Πορείας» από τις εσχατιές της χώρας προς την καρδιά της, το Σύνταγμα, για τον άψογο προγραμματισμό της. Κάτι βρώμικο μάλλον μυρίζει από τη μεριά της καθοδήγησης, όταν ένας ορκισμένος πολέμιος των δικαιωμάτων της κοινωνικής πλειοψηφίας εγκωμιάζει. Κυρίως όταν τη σκυτάλη των επαινέσουν παραλαμβάνει ο Μητσοτάκης επιδοκιμάζοντας (αντί να λοιδορεί) τους «συνετούς» χειρισμούς σε όλα τα στάδια των για εβδομάδες κινητοποιήσεων.

Και πώς να μην επιβραβεύσει τη στάση των μπροστάρηδων, όταν οι αποκλεισμοί των εθνικών δρόμων - παρά την παράταξη εκατοντάδων τρακτέρ στις άκρες τους και τη φουντωμένη δυσαρέσκεια της βάσης- ήταν ελάχιστες και χρονικής έκτασης από δεκάλεπτα μέχρι το πολύ δίωρα (συνήθως μόνο για τα φορτηγά). Τέτοιες παρωδιακές μορφές δράσης ακόμη και αιώνες να διαρκούσαν, δεν θα ασκούσαν ίχνος πίεσης στους ιθύνοντες. Συμβολικοί θεατρινισμοί απέναντι σε μια ολομέτωπη, σαρωτική επέλαση.

Άλλο τόσο ο πρόεδρος της Ένωσης Αστυνομικών Υπαλλήλων Αττικής δε φείδεται κολακειών προς τους επικεφαλής της όλης διαμαρτυρίας για την άριστη συνεργασία με τις αρχές (και επονομαζόμενες από την εκλογική αριστερά της συνθηκολόγησης «παιδιά του λαού», που όλως «τυχαίως και λεπτομερειακά» κρατούν ρόπαλα και δακρυγόνα) με σκοπό τον περιορισμό της αναστάτωσης των κατοίκων της Αθήνας και βραχυκύκλωσης της ομαλής λειτουργίας της τερατούπολης.

Μάλιστα «έγκριτος» αγροτοπατέρας απογειώνει το κλίμα αμοιβαίας αβρότητας, ζητώντας την αστυνομική προστασία του συλλαλητηρίου από ενδεχόμενες συκοφαντικές εισπηδήσεις ταραχοποιών κύκλων μέσα στο ειρηνικό σώμα των διαδηλωτών!! Η αλήστου μνήμης εικόνες όπου οι ΜΑΤτζήδες τρυπούσαν λάστιχα των τρακτέρ ή υποδέχονταν στο Πειραϊκό λιμάνι τους «επιδρομείς» γεωργούς με ξυλοδαρμούς και χημικά, όπως και διάφορα άλλα παρεμφερή εμφυλιοπολεμικά, ανήκουν πλέον στο απευκταίο παρελθόν. Ενδεχομένως η αδιάλειπτη συνοδεία των τρακτέρ με περιπολικά σε όλη τη διαδρομή των εθνικών δρόμων και στη μία λωρίδα τους «βέβαια» (ώστε να μη ταλαιπωρείται ο κατά τ` άλλα ανέμελος, χαρισάμενος λαός) να είχε τον χαρακτήρα μιας ταξικής αλληλεγγύης.

Ακούστηκε επίσης στα δελτία παραπληροφόρησης και αποχαύνωσης η ανήκουστη είδηση (και το πιθανότερο θα ισχύει) πως ζητήθηκε (και δόθηκε άραγε;) ονομαστικός κατάλογος των συμμετεχόντων με τρακτέρ για λόγους πειθαρχίας!! Κρίμα. Αυτή η «αντεργατική» αντίληψη οδηγεί τους υπαλλήλους των χαφιέδικων μηχανισμών στην ανεργία.

Συνάμα κυκλοφόρησε η φήμη ότι ο πρωθυπουργός μέχρι τη τελευταία στιγμή ταλαντεύονταν από το δίλλημα να συμπαρασταθεί αυτοπροσώπως στη συγκέντρωση εκδηλώνοντας την αμέριστη κατανόηση για τις σοβαρές δυσκολίες των απασχολούμενων στον πρωτογενή τομέα. Τελικά όμως περιορίστηκε βουρκωμένος στη μακρόθεν έκφραση συμπάθειας για τις δικαιολογημένες αντιδράσεις των, αλλά και την ξεκάθαρη απροθυμία ικανοποίησης ψήγματος από τα αιτήματα, πέραν των αρχικών ψίχουλων. «Ευτυχώς» το κενό υπεραναπληρώθηκε με την παρουσία άλλων πολιτικάντηδων και δοκιμασμένων, φλογερών θεραπαινίδων (όπως του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ) της αγροτοφάγας ΕΕ.

Παλιότερα οργίαζε το κρατικό μένος και η κατασταλτική λύσσα, εισαγγελικές παρεμβάσεις και απειλές, συλλήψεις και αγροτοδικεία, οργιώδη λασπολογία των αργυρώνητων δημοσιογράφων, κατηγορίες για πολιτικές υποκινήσεις, ενεργοποίηση κοινωνικού αυτοματισμού. Στις μέρες μας και στην αρχική φάση μεσολάβησαν οπωσδήποτε τέτοιες πρακτικές, αλλά σε ηπιότερο βαθμό. Άσχετα με τους γνωστούς σαχλούς βρυχηθμούς των εκπρόσωπων της αγροτιάς, περιέρρεε η αύρα μιας μη ιδιαίτερα ηλεκτρισμένης ατμόσφαιρας ανάμεσα στα δυο στρατόπεδα (κυβέρνησης- αγροτιάς), εφόσον το καρότο είχε τη τιμητική του. Εγείροντας την εύλογη απορία για την μυστηριώδη και κάπου στο υπερπέραν προέλευση των αιτιών της κακοδαιμονίας (ανέχεια και εξώθηση σε εγκατάλειψη της συγκεκριμένης βιοποριστικής δραστηριότητας) για τη μάζα των αγροτών. Ή έστω επικεντρώνοντας την κυρίως στην κακιά ΚΑΠ και προς θεού ουχί στον πάλαι ποτέ επάρατο πυρήνα ύπαρξης της μη ένοχης (μάλλον;) πλέον ΕΕ.

Έτσι αισίως καταλήξαμε στη διήμερη δήθεν κορωνίδα και ουσιαστικά τερματισμό των αγωνιστικών ενεργειών. Τέτοιας κορύφωσης, όσης όμοιας αποφασιστικότητας τις διάκρινε στο προηγούμενο διάστημα. Με μαζικότητα αναντίστοιχη (παρά τη διάχυτη οργή των αγροτών) των κρίσιμων προβλημάτων των παραγωγών και της καθολικής συνειδητοποίησης ότι διακύβευμα δεν αποτελεί πια η βελτίωση του πενιχρότατου εισοδήματος, αλλά η ίδια η αδυναμία παρουσίας στον χώρο των καλλιεργειών.

Με μορφές πάλης σχεδόν βελούδινες (το νεωτεριστικό που εισήγαγε η «πρωτοπορία»), ανιαρά αντλημένες και επαναλαμβανόμενες από το ένοχο παρελθόν της συνδιαλλαγής. Άρα παντελώς ανίσχυρες στον εκβιασμό ενός ανένδοτου, στυγερού αντίπαλου. Όπως δηλαδή ήταν τα ολιγόλεπτα μπλόκα. Που αντί να κόβεται η Ελλάδα στη μέση, κατακερματίζονταν και εκφυλίζονταν μονάχα ο αγώνας. Ο σημειωτέον αμφίπλευρα και εσκεμμένα ασυντόνιστος με άλλα ξεχυμένα με επιμονή στη μάχη διεκδίκησης του δίκιου τους κομμάτια του λαού (φοιτητές). Μία αντιπαράθεση διόλου πλαισιωμένη υποστηρικτικά και έγκαιρα από απεργιακές πρωτοβουλίες των υποτίθεται σύμμαχων εργατοϋπαλληλικών ηγεσιών. Ακόμη και η μη διασύνδεση των αγροτικών προβλημάτων με τα αντιπολεμικά επίδικα (κάθε φτερό των F35 και η αποστολή των φρεγατών τι ποσά αποσπούν από τον ΕΛΓΑ;) αποτέλεσε αρνητικό δεδομένο.

Η περιλάλητη λοιπόν κλιμάκωση (αποκρυπτογραφώντας το λεξιλόγιο του ρεφορμισμού συνιστά άλλοθι- τέχνασμα της δίχως επιτυχία οριστικής παραίτησης) επιτέλεσε τον προορισμό της σαν το φύλο συκής του τελειωτικού ξεπουλήματος. Καταχωρήθηκε στην πλούσια ιστορία εκτόνωσης του θυμού και της αγωνιστικής ορμής. Ωθεί στο στίβο των αγώνων η ανάγκη για μη εξαθλίωση και επιβίωση και οι καπεταναίοι αν τιμούν τον ρόλο τους με συνέπεια τους δικαιώνουν. Διαφορετικά αν είναι επιλήψιμοι, τους οδηγούν στα βράχια της ηττοπάθειας και μετέπειτα αδρανοποίησης.

Στα μπλόκα αντικατοπτρίστηκαν οι δυσμενείς για τον λαό συσχετισμοί και κονταροχτυπήθηκε η δυναμική των αγροτών για ανατροπή των σε βάρους τους επιλογών με την από τα μέσα προσπάθεια των πυροσβεστών του κινήματος για άνευ όρων υποταγή. Οπωσδήποτε η εκρηκτικότητα των προβλημάτων, η συνειδητοποίηση του που οδηγούν μοιραία οι εξελίξεις σε συνδυασμό με την παρότρυνση - ενθάρρυνση από το εντυπωσιακό ρεύμα αναβρασμού των συναδέλφων τους στις διάφορες ευρωπαϊκές πρωτευουσες, επηρέασε στη διαμόρφωση ενός –σχετικά- σωστού, μεστού καταλόγου διεκδικήσεων. Από την άλλη βάρυνε η χρόνια αποσυγκρότηση και υστέρηση ευρύτερα των αντιστάσεων του λαού, η μερική ανεμπιστοσύνη στη δύναμη της γροθιάς, η αυτονόητη καχυποψία απέναντι στους συνδικαλιστές.

Προφανώς η δυσάρεστη κατάληξη του αγώνα δεν ήταν προεξοφλημένη. Άχαρα, βρώμικα και συνάμα τραχιά τα καθήκοντα θαψίματος από τους λοχαγούς μιας αντιπαράταξης σε συνθήκες άγριας επίθεσης στο εισόδημα και του διάφανου κινδύνου αφανισμού. Στην οποιαδήποτε αναμέτρηση, ακόμη και η αναδίπλωση, αποκομίζει το κέρδος της εμπειρίας –παρακαταθήκης και της ανασύνταξης – επιστροφής στις επάλξεις κάτω από ευνοϊκότερες προϋποθέσεις. Επιπρόσθετα το κόστος μιας ήττας γίνεται οδυνηρότερο, εάν αφήνει την επίγευση ενός άτρωτου αντίμαχου και μιας απογοητευτικής –παραλυτικής ανημποριάς να αντιμετωπιστεί εκ νέου με ανώτερη οργάνωση.

Αλλά το πέπλο μέχρι και της πιο ατελέσφορης συντριβής έχει σχισμές θετικές. Πολύ περισσότερο στην περίπτωση όπου τα αίτια της εστιάζονται όχι στην ανεπαρκή συμμετοχή και στο μη σθεναρό φρόνημα, μα στην καταλυτική (και διαλυτική) παρέμβαση μέσα στις γραμμές των αγωνιζομένων δυνάμεων προσκείμενων (και προσκυνημένων) στο σύστημα. Επομένως το ξεμπρόστιασμα τους διευκολύνει μελλοντικά τη μείωση της επιρροής τέτοιων βλαπτικών παραγόντων. Βέβαια το κενό (το οποίο δεν αναπληρώνεται αυτόματα και εν μέσω απραξίας) της πλοήγησης των επόμενων αγωνιστικών ξεσπασμάτων πρέπει υποχρεωτικά να καλυφθεί από ατόφια κομουνιστικά στοιχεία, προσηλωμένα στον στόχο της αφύπνισης, στράτευσης και εξάντλησης (κάτι που δεν συνέβη τώρα) κάθε ικμάδας πάλης κυλώντας σε μια τροχιά επίμονη και αδιάλλακτη. Τότε, ακόμη και μια ενδεχόμενη αποτυχία θα είναι γόνιμη, αφού θα κυοφορεί τη διάδοχη νικηφόρα έφοδο μακριά από τον αέναο κύκλο των υπονομευμένων, αναποτελεσματικών αποπειρών.

Μονάχα η επίλυση των προβλημάτων της αγροτιάς θα φέρει τον κατευνασμό της. Με εγγυητές το κράτος, τους εκάστοτε διαχειριστές του και την ΕΕ σίγουρα αυτά θα επιδεινώνονται σε ανυπόφορο βαθμό. Παράλληλα και ακούσια εγγυούνται τοιουτοτρόπως (και δυστυχώς για αυτούς) την υποδαύλιση των κατοπινών ξεσηκωμών. Ανασυσταίνοντας τα πρώτα ζωτικά κύτταρα της οργάνωσης των νυν απονεκρωμένων αγροτικών συλλόγων, αναστηλώνοντας το αγροτικό κίνημα σε στέρεα, αδιαπραγμάτευτα θεμέλια και περιφρονώντας τις ρεφορμιστικές σειρήνες της συνδιαλλαγής μετά τον τελειωμό των αγώνων οι αγρότες δεν θα επιστρέφουν ατιμωμένοι σκύβοντας το κεφάλι.

Για προσοδοφόρα σοδειά στο χωράφι, πρέπει να κατοχυρώσουν ικανοποιητική σοδιά στα μετερίζια των διεκδικήσεων. Για αξιόλογη σοδιά στους αγώνες, οφείλουν τα βήματα τους να αποφεύγουν τις ολέθριες παγίδες των Εφιαλτών, που τους κηδεμονεύουν. Για να θυμώνουν και εξεγείρονται, δεν χρειάζεται να κάνουν τίποτα. Φροντίζουν για αυτό με άφταστη σπουδή οι αντίπαλοι.


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Το "παιδί" μίλησε. Και τί είπε;

Μπορεί να άργησε κάτι μήνες, αλλά, στην πρώτη δημόσια τοποθέτησή του - στο συμπόσιο της Καθημερινής, παρακαλώ - έβαλε τα πράγματα στη "θέση τους". "Απολογήθηκε" για τις υποθέσεις των ραδιοτηλεοπτικών αδειών και της Novartis, λέγοντας ότι "δεν έγιναν σωστοί χειρισμοί"! Και αυτό στοίχισε εκλογικά στον ίδιο και στο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. Ο υπαινιγμός ήταν σαφέστατος: δεν έπρεπε να "τα είχε βάλει" με τους ολιγαρχες των media και του φαρμάκου. Όπερ μεθερμηνευόμενον σημαίνει ότι από τότε όφειλε να είχε κάνει ακόμη πιο δεξιά στροφή!

Ο ίδιος ΟΥΔΕΠΟΤΕ έθεσε θέμα εξόδου της χώρας από την ευρωζώνη, πράγμα το οποίο είχε ξεκαθαρίσει κατ' επανάληψη στον τότε Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας. Βαρουφάκης και Σια μάλλον δρούσαν ... αυτόνομα και ερήμην του Πρωθυπουργού! Ίσως και της άρχουσας τάξης που δεν "διαπραγματευόταν" (τρόπος του λέγειν) το πόσο θα την υποβαθμίσουν οι ιμπεριαλιστές προστάτες της. 'Η μήπως όχι;

Αν δεν είχαν γίνει αυτά τα "λάθη" και το σύστημα εξουσίας εντός κι εκτός της χώρας θα έμενε "καθαρό" και ο δικομματισμός θα μακροημέρευε ως σήμερα. Πιθανώς και το κόμμα του.

Το "κεφάλαιο" Τσίπρας (έτσι μας λέγανε γι' αυτόν απαξάπαντα τα στελέχη του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ως το πρόσφατο συνέδριο-παρωδία), θέτει νέες υποθήκες. Δηλώνει παρών στη δεξιότερη μετατόπιση του ήδη δεξιού πολιτικού σκηνικού. Το ζήτημα, όμως, είναι ότι ήδη τον έχει προλάβει ο Κασσελάκης!


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Por que Lula ainda mantém relações com Israel? - A Nova Democracia

A guerra de agressão sionista contra o povo palestino já vitimou mais de 30 mil palestinos e deixou mais de 70 mil feridos desde o dia 7 de outubro de 2023, dentre eles uma quantidade imensa de mulheres e crianças. No Brasil, agentes e apoiadores assíduos do sionismo agem livremente há décadas, e desde o ano passado elevaram suas ações de propaganda do regime de Israel e de ataque a personalidades que se levantam em defesa do povo palestino e sua autêntica Resistência Nacional. Apesar disso, e a despeito dos tremores diplomáticos das últimas semanas, o governo e o Estado brasileiros seguem a manter relações profundas com o regime israelense. Para muitos brasileiros, a resposta para essa pergunta segue pendente: por que Lula, apesar de reconhecer o regime de apartheid de Israel, o genocídio do povo palestino e até mesmo que a agressão sionista é comparável com o Holocausto, insite na manutenção das relações econômicas, militares e políticas com o Estado de Israel?

A resposta honesta para essa questão está justamente na identificação dessas relações, e sobretudo de quais setores do País se beneficiam delas.

Armas e tanques contra o povo brasileiro…

A começar pelas Forças Armadas reacionárias. O Brasil é um dos principais compradores de tecnologia e treinamento militar israelense. Alguns casos revelam a magnitude dos contratos: em 2016, a Marinha gastou R$ 75 milhões na compra de equipamentos de comunicação, carros de combate e ações para desenvolvimento e renovação de sistemas operativos. No ano seguinte, o Exército reacionário gastou R$ 6,3 bilhões em blindados importados de Israel. A Aeronáutica não foge à regra: a força já realizou pelo menos 65 pagamentos para a IAI, empresa estatal israelense.

A lista poderia continuar por um longo tempo:

Em outubro de 2023, a Câmara dos Deputados aprovou um acordo de cooperação em segurança entre Brasil e Israel, com previsão de colaboração em investigação e inteligência policial, segurança no uso da tecnologia da informação e comunicações, práticas de governança em situações de crise e emergência, indústria, tecnologias e serviços aplicados à segurança pública, análises criminais e forenses, entre outras.

No período das jornadas de protestos de 2013-2014, um contrato de R$ 102,6 milhões foi selado para a compra de drones.

No mesmo período, 1,13% do PIB foi destinado à modernização das Forças Armadas com equipamentos israelenses.

A empresa israelense International Security, Defence Systems (ISDS) já realizou um treinamento do Batalhão de Operações Especiais (Bope) da PM do RJ, “tropa de elite” responsável pelas principais chacinas nas favelas cariocas.

No século passado, o Estado brasileiro já comprava itens da AEL Sistemas Ltda., uma subsidiária brasileira da Elbit fundada no Brasil em 1982, durante o regime militar. Além da AEL, a Elbit também é dona das empresas militares “brasileiras” Ares Aeroespacial e Defesa SA.

Não à toa, os militares reacionários brasileiros logo se pronunciaram, mesmo que às escondidas, quando as relações diplomáticas entre Brasil e Israel foram estremecidas. No dia 19 de fevereiro, a CNN anunciou que o “Exército vê com preocupação desgaste entre Brasil e Israel”. De acordo com o monopólio de comunicação, integrantes da força militar foram consultados para a reportagem, talvez usada como meio de aviso da caserna ao governo.

… soja e boi para Israel

Fora a caserna, o setor que mais se beneficia das relações com o sionismo é o latifúndio brasileiro. Das exportações do Brasil a Israel, os três principais grupos foram: “óleos brutos de petróleo ou de minerais betuminosos cru” (21%), “carne bovina fresca” (19%) e “soja” (18%). Ou seja, 37% (soja e carne bovina) foram diretamente ao benefício do latifúndio. Os outros favoreceram as grandes mineradoras e os magnatas que enriquecem da venda do petróleo brasileiro ao exterior. O Brasil também exporta café e suco de laranja para Israel.

Na mesma linha, dentre os produtos mais importados pelo Brasil de Israel estão os insumos da indústria química. Em 2023, 45% das importações do Estado sionista foram adubos e fertilizantes químicos, no valor de 608 milhões de dólares (R$ 3 trilhões). Outros 11% foram inseticidas (144 milhões de dólares, ou R$ 713,4 milhões).

Sem impacto na economia

Caso o Brasil rompesse as relações com Israel, o impacto econômico para o povo seria pequeno. As vendas dos produtos brasileiros para Tel Aviv não beneficiam o conjunto da Nação, uma vez que os lucros são açambarcados pelos latifundiários e o Estado não se beneficia nem mesmo das cobranças do imposto, dadas as isenções fiscais milionárias ao setor.

Mesmo consideradas as vendas que beneficiam tão somente o agronegócio, Israel ainda foi o 54° maior destino de produtos brasileiros em 2023. A renda das negociações foi de somente 0,19% de tudo o que foi exportado pelo Brasil.

Tudo se resume ao comprometimento

As relações não são rompidas, portanto, por uma questão de compromisso. Por receios das consequências de atritos com a caserna depois da quase ruptura institucional de 2022, Lula está atualmente mais comprometido com os militares (ou melhor, submisso) do que em qualquer outro governo seu.

O ano de 2023 foi marcado, além dos diversos acenos políticos à Cúpula militar, pelos incentivos exorbitantes do governo à área da “Defesa”. Somente o Projeto de Aceleração de Crescimento (PAC), uma das vitrines do governo, destinará R$ 12,4 bilhões ao Exército .

A relação de compromisso também se estende ao latifúndio. No ano passado, o mandatário brasileiro destinou R$ 332 bilhões ao agronegócio por meio do “Plano Safra” , além de créditos por meio de outros programas como o BNDES Rural . Também para não criar atritos, a reforma agrária ficou paralisada, e nenhum palmo de terra foi comprado pelo governo.

E como Lula sabe que o rompimento total com Israel (isto é, das relações diplomáticas, militares e econômicas) seria motivo de desagrado severo a esses setores, o tema também é evitado.

Extrema-direita aproveita

Nesse cenário, os agentes do sionismo aproveitam para agir livremente em terras brasileiras. Sem um enfrentamento sério por parte do governo ao sionismo e à extrema-direita (com quem o governo prefere manter uma política de composição, e não de enfrentamento), agências como a Confederação Israelita do Brasil (Conib), ascendente no Brasil desde os anos do governo Bolsonaro, perseguem sem restrições personalidades como o jornalista progressista Breno Altman. Altman foi perseguido depois de publicar tweets em apoio ao povo palestino e sua Resistência. De origem judaica, foi acusado pela Conib de antissemitismo.

Na esfera política oficial, a prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro adotou os termos de “antisemitismo” propostos por organizações sionistas como a Aliança Internacional de Memória do Holocausto (IHRA), a ong StandWithUs Brasil, a Federação Israelita do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e a própria Conib. Segundo a IHRA, seria antissemita dizer que “a existência do Estado de Israel é um empreendimento racista”. A gestão municipal de São Paulo também passou, desde novembro do ano passado, a adotar a definição da IHRA.

Além disso, governadores como o goiano Ronaldo Caiado, notório latifundista-sionista, aproveitam da manutenção das relações de propaganda para selar novos acordos com Israel e agitar a bandeira do sionismo. Na última semana, Caiado fechou dois novos acordos com Israel, um de combate ao “antissemitismo” e outro de estímulo ao “agronegócio”. O governador também inaugurou o parque “Am Israel Chai”, onde serão plantadas 1,2 mil unidades da tradicional árvore palestina, a oliveira, em homenagem às pessoas mortas em Israel no 7 de outubro. O monumento do parque não menciona o povo palestino e aponta o Hamas como “grupo terrorista” responsável por todas as mortes daquele dia, ignorando os israelenses mortos pelo Exército de seu próprio Estado.

Por parte do povo brasileiro, seguem as exigências de rompimento das relações totais com Israel. Manifestações pró-Palestina ocorrem com frequência para condenar os propagandeadores e financiadores do sionismo, como registrado nos recentes protestos em frente à sede da Rede Globo de televisão, em Belo Horizonte (MG), e na embaixada norte-americana em Recife (PE).

Mas, dentre as amplas massas populares e as classes dominantes atadas a Israel, o governo já escolheu com quem prefere manter o compromisso e a política de boa vizinhança.

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85 años de la muerte de N. Krupskaya:

Luchadora incansable por una educación pública y de calidad para el pueblo

Segunda parte

Tras la toma del cielo por asalto, Krupskaya realizó una gran labor organizadora, política y pedagógica; fue nombrada Adjunta al Comisario del Pueblo (Ministra) de Instrucción Pública; estuvo a cargo del Departamento de Educación para Adultos. Durante muchos años preparó los aspectos pedagógicos del nuevo sistema educativo, pues la tarea era, como ella misma lo señaló: «Destruir la antigua escuela clasista que comportaba escandalosas injusticias, y crear una escuela que respondiese a las necesidades (…) del reciente régimen socialista», de allí que la organización de la educación se convirtiera en una tarea de todo el pueblo: en todas partes se crearon Consejos de Educación Popular y en las escuelas se organizaron Comités de Padres de alumnos. Y a los maestros la camarada Krupskaya les decía: «El maestro popular está más cerca del entorno popular y, en muchos casos, está unido a ese medio por miles de lazos; la línea divisoria entre la profesión docente y el pueblo se había trazado artificialmente con un objetivo determinado. Las nuevas condiciones están suprimiendo esta división y hay que crear modalidades de colaboración entre los maestros y la población, que pongan fin a esta división antinatural (…). En este acercamiento está la garantía de la prosperidad de la escuela, que aumente el nivel cultural del país gracias al trabajo intenso de todos, y de un futuro mejor; la promesa del renacimiento del magisterio cuya función puede ahora ser honrosa y respetada».

Además de todo ello, Krupskaya fue redactora de la revista Hacia una vida nueva ; y por esos años fue elegida delegada a todos los congresos del partido, miembro de sus órganos rectores y diputada en los principales órganos del poder.

La camarada Krupskaya también fue una gran promotora de las bibliotecas, en 1918, gracias a su iniciativa se creó el primer seminario de la Biblioteca Soviética en Moscú, se abrieron más de 20 departamentos de bibliotecas en los Institutos Rusos de Educación Política, Institutos de Pedagogía y en las Academias de Educación Comunista. Krupskaya consideraba la alfabetización y el acceso a los libros como instrumentos en la lucha socialista, por ello peleó porque se aumentarán los presupuestos para la ampliación de las bibliotecas públicas, sin embargo, debido a la falta de presupuesto, la única solución fue que las colecciones privadas de más de 500 ejemplares fueran confiscadas, nacionalizadas y guardadas en las nuevas bibliotecas, la propiedad individual de los libros pasó a ser colectiva.

Krupskaya también estaba convencida de que: «No podemos seguir desarrollándonos económica y culturalmente sin terminar con las tinieblas del analfabetismo», por ello coordinó el departamento de alfabetización de la población desde el cual se tomaron diversas medidas: en 1919 se dictó un decreto ley sobre la erradicación del analfabetismo de la población de 8 a 50 años, en 1920 se creó la Comisión Nacional Extraordinaria para la Erradicación del Analfabetismo, en 1923 se creó la sociedad voluntaria Abajo el Analfabetismo, con la consigna «¡Alfabetos, instruid a los analfabetos!», en 1925 se comenzó a aplicar la educación primaria general, gratuita y obligatoria; en 1928 se editaron libros en 70 idiomas de los pueblos de la URSS, y en 1934 en 104 idiomas. Así, aunque al comenzar el siglo XX, casi el 80 % de la población rusa (entre 8 y 50 años) era analfabeta y el 60 % de la población no había cursado la educación básica, para 1930 ese porcentaje había disminuido al 33 %, la Revolución creó centros de educación para todos los niveles y —entre 1920 y 1940— logró alfabetizar 60 millones de adultos.

En 1918 publicó el artículo Sobre la cuestión de la escuela socialista , en el que señaló el sentido de la educación socialista: «Formar personas desarrolladas multilateralmente, con predisposiciones sociales conscientes y organizadas, que tengan una visión del mundo reflexiva, integral y que claramente entiendan todo lo que está aconteciendo a su alrededor en la naturaleza y en la vida social; personas preparadas en la teoría y en la práctica para todos los tipos de trabajo, tanto físico como mental; personas capaces de construir una vida social racional, llena de contenido, bonita y alegre. Esas personas son necesarias para la sociedad socialista, sin ellas el socialismo no se puede realizar plenamente».

Krupskaya escribió más de 3000 publicaciones entre los libros, revistas, artículos y panfletos, sobre todo acerca de la formación de la juventud y la educación comunista que debía ser laica, universal, gratuita y obligatoria para todos, incluir a ambos sexos, con una organización democrática donde existiera una amplia participación de la población en la elección de los comités escolares, con plena libertad de opinión y con el derecho a recibir educación en su lengua nativa.

En 1919, Krupskaya, junto a otras camaradas, creó la Jenotdel , un departamento que trabajaba para mejorar las condiciones de vida de las mujeres en el ámbito educativo, en sus derechos en el matrimonio y en el trabajo. Desde esta organización se promovió la publicación del periódico feminista Kommunistka , donde se escribía sobre la situación de las mujeres y sus derechos.

La Jenotdel y su prensa permitió que los primeros años después de la Revolución rusa, fueran testigo de los grandes logros en cuestiones como la diversidad sexual y los derechos de las mujeres. Antes de la Revolución, según palabras de Krupskaya: «La vida familiar se basaba en la esclavitud: los hijos eran propiedad de los padres, y la mujer, del marido», pero esa situación se superó con las leyes que instauró la legislación soviética: se eliminó el castigo a la homosexualidad, las mujeres tuvieron derecho al voto y a ser candidatas, el derecho al divorcio se facilitó y se concedía automáticamente, hubo acceso a la educación universal y gratuita, salario igual entre hombres y mujeres, ayudas para aliviar las cargas familiares y derecho al aborto libre y gratuito, se estableció que los hijos e hijas dentro o fuera del matrimonio tuvieran los mismos derechos, se garantizó el permiso de maternidad, se concedieron más derechos a las mujeres en el trabajo y se estableció la igualdad de los cónyuges en relación con los hijos e hijas. Logros sorprendentes para la época y que constituyeron un gran avance en la lucha del movimiento femenino.

Para Krupskaya, las largas horas de trabajo de las mujeres en la fábrica tenían como principal consecuencia que muchos niños y niñas creciesen en las calles, y en algunos casos, las madres, sin capacidad ni tiempo para educarlos, decidían internar a sus hijos en orfanatos. Era preciso acabar con la explotación de las mujeres trabajadoras y que la sociedad garantizase la educación y alimentación de la infancia. Por ello se crearon jardines de infancia que permitirían a las mujeres ir a trabajar con la certeza de que sus hijos estarían bien cuidados y alimentados. Además, la educación que los niños y niñas recibirían en la escuela pública tomaría como base la importancia del trabajo productivo, creativo y multilateral.

Tras la muerte de Lenin, ocurrida en 1924, Krupskaya dedicó gran parte de su tiempo a editar la obra de su difunto esposo. Por la importancia que la camarada tuvo en la preparación y ejecución de la Revolución Proletaria, por su trabajo a favor del socialismo, le fueron otorgadas varias distinciones: en 1929, la Bandera Roja del Trabajo; en 1931, se la nombró miembro honorario de la Academia de Ciencias de la URSS y, en 1933, se le concedió la Orden de Lenin. En 1933 publicó su libro de memorias Mi vida con Lenin Y desde 1937, Krupskaya fue miembro del Presídium del Soviet Supremo de la URSS.

El 27 de febrero de 1939, falleció en Moscú, al día siguiente de haber cumplido los 70 años. Sus cenizas fueron depositadas junto a Lenin en su mausoleo y el camarada Stalin presidió su entierro. Los logros sobresalientes en el ámbito de la alfabetización llevaron a que, en 1970, la imperialista Unesco nombrara Nadezhda Krupskaya a su premio anual al mérito en la lucha contra el analfabetismo.

El pensamiento y las acciones de las mujeres comunistas de la talla de Nadezhda Constantínovna Krupskaya marcaron verdaderos hitos en la lucha histórica del movimiento obrero femenino. El mejor homenaje que le podemos rendir a la camarada es la aplicación de sus ideas, su lucha en torno al movimiento femenino y por una educación pública y de calidad para el pueblo. En su homenaje hoy las mujeres continuamos marchando por la organización del Partido Revolucionario en todos los países y por la construcción del Internacional Comunista, que dirija al proletariado mundial a la toma del cielo por asalto.

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UN MOIS INTERNATIONAL D'ACTIONS pour la libération de Georges Abdallah du 6 mars au 6 avril 2024

Bonsoir camarade,

la Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah lance un nouveau mois international d'actions pour exiger la libération de notre camarade du 6 mars au 6 avril 2024 - date d'une nouvelle manifestation à Lannemezan devant le centre pénitentiaire où est détenu Georges Abdallah depuis plus de 39 ans.

Alors que sa 10e demande de libération conditionnelle est en cours d'examen, il nous faut continuer à maintenir la pression et à accentuer toujours plus le rapport de force en faveur de sa libération.

Ceci passera par les actions coordonnées que nous mènerons sur le plan régional, national et international durant tout ce mois. Ceci passe aussi en rendant visible l'ampleur du soutien des organisations et des personnalités engagés dans ce combat.

A ce titre, nous vous renvoyons le texte d'appel à ce mois pour savoir si votre organisation est signataire de ce nouveau texte - comme elle l'a toujours été les fois précédentes - avant publication sur le réseau.

Merci pour votre réponse !
Salutations rouges internationalistes et solidaires Georges Abdallah n’est pas seulement un résistant ; il est lui-même un symbole même de la résistance et c’est
bien pour ce qu’il représente que l’État français continue à le maintenir en prison malgré les deux décisions de
justice autorisant sa libération. La cause de notre camarade est intrinsèquement liée à notre soutien à la
Palestine. Qu’aucune action, initiative, rassemblement, manifestation ne se passe sans que soit scandée, affichée,
écrite notre exigence et notamment à travers ce mot d’ordre qui ne devrait jamais être tronqué de ses deux
composantes : « Palestine vivra ! Palestine vaincra ! Libérez Georges Abdallah ! » - car l’un s’est entièrement
donné à sa cause et l’autre ne peut laisser ce flambeau de sa résistance aux mains de l’ennemi. Tous ceux, en
France et ailleurs, solidaires de la Palestine, doivent exiger à chaque instant et partout où nous sommes la
libération de ce combattant du mouvement de libération palestinien. Et quel meilleur soutien pouvons-nous
apporter à la résistance palestinienne si ce n’est en faisant pression sur notre propre impérialisme pour arracher
à cet ennemi l’un de ses combattants historiques !
Depuis le 8 juin dernier, une nouvelle phase s'est ouverte dans cette longue bataille que mènent ses soutiens
pour sa libération : alors que la mobilisation, sur le terrain, dans la diversité de ses expressions, ne cesse de
s’amplifier, Georges Abdallah a accepté de lancer une nouvelle offensive juridique en déposant une dixième
demande de libération-expulsion vers son pays le Liban. Appuyons par nos actions la démarche de Georges
Abdallah en la faisant résonner partout durant tout le temps de l’examen de sa nouvelle demande et accentuons
toujours plus la pression sur l’État français par notre mobilisation toujours plus accrue et de tous les instants !
C’est en ce sens et en tenant compte de cette nouvelle phase que nous appelons encore une fois à UN MOIS
INTERNATIONAL D'ACTIONS pour la libération de Georges Abdallah du 6 mars au 6 avril 2024, - date de la 14e
manifestation devant le centre pénitentiaire de Lannemezan. Que durant ce temps coordonné mille initiatives
fleurissent partout en France et à l’international pour sa libération et par-là même pour son combat en solidarité
avec la Palestine historique !
Georges Abdallah est en prison pour le combat politique qui a été le sien, pour ses positions et ses idéaux qu’il
n’a eu de cesse de proclamer et de ne jamais renier. C’est pour ses idées d’émancipation que Georges Abdallah
s’est engagé dans la lutte. C’est pour ses idées et sa résistance qu’il est encore détenu aujourd’hui. C’est pour ses
idées et son combat révolutionnaire que nous le soutenons et que nous exigeons sa libération ! Pour la victoire
ou la victoire !
La Palestine vit, vivra et vaincra ! Libérez Georges Abdallah !
Continuons le combat ! Libérons Georges Abdallah !
Que mille initiatives solidaires fleurissent pour sa libération !
Honneur à tous ceux et à toutes celles qui luttent pour sa libération !
C’est ensemble et seulement ensemble, camarades, que nous vaincrons !
Paris, 27 février 2024
Campagne Unitaire pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah
Facebook : pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
Instagram : cuplgia – Tweeter : CUpLGIA

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pc 3 marzo - Gaza. Parlano i sopravvissuti al “massacro della farina”

di Abdallah Aljamal *

Il Palestine Chronicle ha parlato con tre sopravvissuti a quello che è stato definito il “massacro della farina”, che ha portato all’uccisione e al ferimento di quasi 1.000 palestinesi in attesa di aiuti umanitari.
“Siamo stati sorpresi dagli spari delle forze di occupazione e dall’uccisione di decine di persone mentre aspettavamo gli aiuti alimentari”. È quanto ha dichiarato Jihad Rajab, un sopravvissuto al “massacro della farina”, a The Palestine Chronicle .

Almeno 112 palestinesi sono stati uccisi e più di 750 feriti giovedì 29 febbraio, dopo che le truppe israeliane hanno aperto il fuoco contro centinaia di palestinesi in attesa di aiuti alimentari alla rotonda

di Nabulsi, nel quartiere di Sheikh Ajleen, a sud-ovest di Gaza City, mentre aspettavamo i camion.
Rajab, insieme a suo cugino, si è recato alla rotonda per aspettare i camion umanitari, con la speranza di poter finalmente ottenere un po’ di farina.
“Per oltre due mesi la mia famiglia non ha assaggiato il pane”, ci ha detto Rajab, “per questo abbiamo deciso di andare”.
“I camion sarebbero dovuti arrivare mercoledì. Tuttavia, abbiamo aspettato per tutto il giorno e non è arrivato nulla. Abbiamo deciso di dormire lì e aspettare i camion”, ha continuato.

“Eravamo seduti sulla spiaggia e faceva molto freddo. Ma la fame era più forte di qualsiasi altra cosa e migliaia di persone si sono riunite lì per procurarsi del cibo. A Gaza City non c’è niente da mangiare e viviamo in condizioni difficili”,
“Non appena i camion sono entrati nell’area, le forze israeliane hanno iniziato a sparare pesantemente, causando l’uccisione e il ferimento di decine di persone”, ha detto Rajab.
“L’occupazione non ci ha risparmiato e ha sparato deliberatamente contro di noi mentre aspettavamo il convoglio di aiuti”, ha aggiunto.
“Nonostante la mia età avanzata, ero in fila dopo una notte molto fredda, come tutti i residenti di Gaza City”, ha dichiarato Hajj Mahmoud Daghmash a The Palestine Chronicle.
“Stavamo aspettando da ore quando finalmente abbiamo avvistato i camion. In quel momento, l’occupazione israeliana ha aperto il fuoco contro di noi con spari e bombardamenti di artiglieria”, ha continuato Daghmash.
“La paura ha riempito tutti i nostri cuori e la gente ha iniziato a correre ovunque. Non sapevamo dove nasconderci. Le urla dei feriti, delle donne e dei bambini si sentivano ovunque”.
L’occupazione ci ha ucciso due volte”, ha spiegato Daghmas: “Una volta quando ha bombardato le nostre case, e poi di nuovo facendoci morire di fame”.
Io posso sopportare la fame, ma i miei figli e la mia famiglia no, ed è estremamente doloroso non poter provvedere ai miei figli e alla mia famiglia”. Tutte le persone in fila speravano solo di tornare dalle loro famiglie con un sacco di farina. Invece, oltre 100 persone sono tornate come martiri e più di 800 sono tornate come feriti”.
Daghmas ha spiegato che dopo oltre un mese l’occupazione ha permesso ai camion di entrare e ha classificato l’area di Sheikh Ajleen come unico corridoio per gli aiuti.
“Questo è un nuovo crimine di guerra commesso dall’occupazione contro civili innocenti nella Striscia di Gaza”, ha concluso.
Anche Yahya Salamia era tra i palestinesi in attesa dei camion umanitari a Gaza City. È rimasto particolarmente indignato quando si è reso conto di come Israele abbia cercato di distorcere i fatti e di sostenere che i palestinesi rappresentavano una minaccia per i veicoli militari.
“Eravamo tutti civili, disarmati. Volevamo solo tornare dalle nostre famiglie con un sacco di farina e un po’ di cibo”, ci ha detto.
“Ben Gvir si è vantato del massacro e ha ringraziato i soldati. Questa è la prova più grande che l’occupazione continua a commettere un genocidio contro la popolazione di Gaza”, ha continuato Salamia.
“L’occupazione cerca di negare l’accusa di genocidio alla Corte Internazionale di Giustizia, ma ogni giorno commette decine di crimini e lavora con tutte le sue forze per sterminare la popolazione di Gaza e sfollarla dalle sue terre”.

Salamia ha anche detto che le telecamere hanno documentato parte del massacro e che i filmati hanno confermato che Israele ha deliberatamente ucciso i civili mentre cercavano di ottenere farina dai camion.
“Sì, sono tornato dalla mia famiglia sano e salvo e sono scampato alla morte, ma non sono riuscito a fornire loro del cibo”, ha detto.
“Il mio cuore soffre per tutti coloro che sono stati martirizzati e feriti nel massacro, e sono profondamente rattristato perché non sono riuscito a fornire cibo alla mia famiglia”.
Salamia ha chiesto al mondo di intervenire per fermare i crimini israeliani e portare cibo alla popolazione di Gaza, soprattutto nel nord.
“Stiamo morendo di fame ogni momento, e la morte per fame è più dolorosa della morte per bombardamento. Il pianto dei bambini per la fame non si ferma, e non abbiamo nulla per sfamarli. Salvate i nostri bambini e fermate i crimini dell’occupazione contro di noi”.

*Palestine Chronicle

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Danmark: Våpenindustrien profitterer på folkemordet mot Palestinerne

Av en kommentator for Tjen Folket Media.

Våre kamerater i Socialistisk Revolution melder at dansk krigsindustri har solgt materiell til den Israelske hæren som aktivt brukes i deres folkemorderiske kampanje mot Palestinerne i Gaza.

De skriver at krigsfabrikanten «MyDefence» i november og desember i fjord solgte antidroneutstyr verdt titalls millioner danske kroner til Israel. Utstyret det er snakk om er laget for å gi enkeltsoldater forvarsel om innkommende droner og mulighet til å «jamme» dem. Det har bilt stor etterspørsel etter slik teknologi siden den Palestinske motstandsbevegelsen har begynt å benytte seg av hobbydroner til å angripe IDF-mål.

Dette kommer på toppen av den allerede eksisterende våpenhandelen som dansk imperialisme gjør med Israel, deriblant deler til F-35 kampfly som brukes i den nådeløse bombingen av Gaza. Dette er et klart brudd på forpliktelser gjort gjennom FNs våpenhandelstraktater Slik vi har hørt fra norske krigsfabrikanter, som Nammo, prøver også danske selskaper å fraskrive seg ansvaret ved å hevde at traktatene ikke gjelder for salg til tredjepartnasjoner som USA, vel vitende om at disse våpnene og delene vil bli videresolgt til Israel.

Du kan lese mer om den danske imperialismes krigsprofitering og deres elles betingelsesløse støtte til Israel i artikkelen til Socialistisk Revolution. Se referanser for lenke.

Les også:


Den danske imperialisme tjener styrtende på folkemordet mod det palæstinensiske folk – Socialistisk Revolution
USA’s regering afviser Løkkes forklaring i sag om danske våbenleverancer til Israels kampfly – Danwatch

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90 Jahre Februarkämpfe: Diskussionsveranstaltung in Linz

Anlässlich des 90. Jahres der Februarkämpfe 1934 veranstaltete Die Rote Fahne eine Diskussionsveranstaltung in Linz. Unter dem Titel „Nicht nur Tote haben wir begraben, sondern auch Illusionen und Irrtümer“ wurden die Kämpfe im Februar 1934 dargelegt und über die Lehren, die heute daraus gezogen werden können, diskutiert.

Vor 90 Jahren wütete der Austrofaschismus in Österreich. Demokratische und soziale Rechte wurden zerschlagen, es herrschte massiver Lohnraub und ein stetiges Ansteigen der Arbeitslosigkeit – über eine halbe Million war arbeitslos. Es herrschte Zensur, die Meinungsfreiheit wurde abgeschaltet, die Pressefreiheit aufgehoben, die Heimwehr vollzog die neuen „Gesetze“, das Standrecht wurde eingeführt. Die Arbeiterschaft wurde aber jahrelang von der sozialdemokratischen Führung vom Kampf zurückgehalten. Dennoch organisierte sich ein heldenhafter Widerstand gegen den Faschismus. Der Kampf der Arbeiter, der Schutzbündler und der Kommunisten wurde zwar blutig niedergeschlagen, bildete jedoch die Grundlage für den weiteren Aufbau des Widerstands gegen den Austrofaschismus sowie für den Widerstand gegen die Okkupation durch die Nationalsozialisten. In dieser Hinsicht war der Februar 1934 ein wichtiger und großer Sieg im Kampf gegen den Faschismus. Der bewaffnete Kampf war kein „Fehler“, so wie oft versucht wird zu behaupten, sondern hätte noch viel weiter gehen können, wenn er auf revolutionäre Weise geführt worden wäre. So die wesentlichsten Inhalte der Referentin.

Zudem wurde dem Publikum eine Bilderschau von den wesentlichen Schauplätzen der Kämpfe in Linz und Steyr vorgestellt, die nicht nur die Kämpfe zeigte, sondern auch das Ausmaß der Zerstörungswut der Austrofaschisten.

Die Teilnehmer der Diskussionsveranstaltung betonten, dass es auch heute Ähnlichkeiten gibt. Rückblickend auf die Coronamaßnahmen-Kritikerbewegung, blickend auf die breite Palästinasolidaritätsbewegung stehen wir auch heute der Situation von Zensur, Einschränkungen von Demonstrationsrecht sowie Verboten von Versammlungen gegenüber. Der Kampf der Arbeiterklasse wird auch heute durch die Gewerkschaftsführung versucht zurückzuhalten und hauptsächlich auf die Lohnfrage reduziert. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde von den Teilnehmern festgehalten, dass es auch die Monpolmedien sind, die als Instrument zur Spaltung und Hetze in der Bevölkerung eingesetzt werden.

Es war ein gelungener Abend ganz im Zeichen „die Irrtümer und Illusionen zu begraben“!

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pc 3 marzo - Mar Rosso Primo attacco degli Houthi all'Italia - massimo appoggio a ogni attacco alle truppe e navi imperialiste aggressive, filo Israeliane, guerrafondaie

Le azioni dello Yemen contro le navi imperialiste commerciali e militari sono nel quadro della solidarietà del popolo yemenita al popolo palestinese contro l'azione genocida dello stato sionista di Israele sostenuta da tutte le potenze imperialiste USA/GB in testa a cui si aggiunge l'infame missione Aspides europea

Gli Houthi avevano detto che, assumendo il comando di Aspides, "l'Italia mette a repentaglio la sicurezza delle sue navi militari e commerciali".

Sono le truppe imperialiste che sono estranee al Mar rosso e sono esse che sostenendo Israele la causa delle tensioni dell'area;

sono loro che intendono la libertà di navigazione come considerazione del Mar rosso come loro proprietà al servizio dei profitti imperialisti e del controllo geostrategico delle vie di comunicazione nell'area

proletari comunisti/PCm Italia


Un drone lanciato dallo Yemen e diretto verso nave Carlo Duilio, il cacciatorpediniere della Marina Militare che sarà la base della nascente operazione europea Aspides sotto la guida del contrammiraglio Stefano Costantino.

Gli Houthi lanciano il loro primo attacco diretto all'Italia che, fino ad oggi, avevano effettuato raid solo

verso imbarcazioni statunitensi e britanniche.Per la prima volta dall'inasprirsi della situazione in Medio Oriente, dunque, l'esercito yemenita prendono di mira un'imbarcazione militare italiana che, già da febbraio, staziona nell'area per garantire la sicurezza della navigazione alle navi mercantili dirette verso Suez.

Il ministro della Difesa, Guido Crosetto, parla di "grave violazione del diritto internazionale" e di "attentato alla sicurezza dei traffici marittimi".

Il ministro degli Esteri, Antonio Tajani, evidenzia il ruolo della Marina Militare che - scrive - "difende il diritto alla libera navigazione nel Mar Rosso dagli attacchi degli Houthi".

Un drone, lanciato dallo Yemen, è volato in direzione del Duilio facendo scattare immediatamente l'allerta a bordo e attivando i sistemi di autodifesa. Il velivolo è stato abbattuto a 6 chilometri di distanza dall'imbarcazione, grazie ad un equipaggiamento che può contare su tre cannoni, due mitragliere, un sistema missilistico antiaereo, due lanciarazzi, due lanciasiluri antisommergibile e un elicottero. La nave militare, presente nell'area da inizio febbraio, ha preso il posto della fregata Martinengo che tre settimane fa ha ricevuto il comando dell'operazione europea Atalanta.L'attacco di oggi appare essere l'ennesimo guanto di sfida lanciato dagli Houthi non solo all'Italia, ma all'Europa intera.Il Duilio, infatti, sarà l'ammiraglia che comanderà la flotta dell'altra missione europea, la Aspides, lanciata da Bruxelles il 19 febbraio scorso e in attesa del passaggio parlamentare che darà ufficialmente il comando all'ammiraglio Costantino. La prima discussione in Senato è stata calendarizzata per il prossimo 5 marzo.Proprio ieri la stessa premier Giorgia Meloni, durante l'incontro con il presidente statunitense Joe Biden alla Casa Bianca, aveva definito "inaccettabili" gli attacchi degli Houthi definendo la missione Aspides un'"importante risposta" europea contro gli Houthi. Tre giorni fa, invece, era toccato alla fregata tedesca "Hessen", anche lei parte della flotta di Aspides, far fronte ad un attacco degli Houthi. Per la prima volta, anche in questo caso, l'imbarcazione aveva respinto due droni "in rapida successione" diretti proprio verso la fregata.
"Questi attacchi - chiosa Crosetto - sono parte di una guerra ibrida, che usa ogni possibilità, non solo militare, per danneggiare alcuni Paesi e agevolarne altri".

Il ministro della Difesa, Guido Crosetto, parla di "grave violazione del diritto internazionale" e di "attentato alla sicurezza dei traffici marittimi".

Il ministro degli Esteri, Antonio Tajani, evidenzia il ruolo della Marina Militare che - scrive - "difende il diritto alla libera navigazione nel Mar Rosso dagli attacchi degli Houthi".

Per la prima volta dall'inasprirsi della situazione in Medio Oriente, dunque, i terroristi yemeniti prendono di mira un'imbarcazione militare italiana che, già da febbraio, staziona nell'area per garantire la sicurezza della navigazione alle navi mercantili dirette verso Suez. Un drone, lanciato dallo Yemen, è volato in direzione del Duilio facendo scattare immediatamente l'allerta a bordo e attivando i sistemi di autodifesa. Il velivolo è stato abbattuto a 6 chilometri di distanza dall'imbarcazione, grazie ad un equipaggiamento che può contare su tre cannoni, due mitragliere, un sistema missilistico antiaereo, due lanciarazzi, due lanciasiluri antisommergibile e un elicottero. La nave militare, presente nell'area da inizio febbraio, ha preso il posto della fregata Martinengo che tre settimane fa ha ricevuto il comando dell'operazione europea Atalanta.L'attacco di oggi appare essere l'ennesimo guanto di sfida lanciato dagli Houthi non solo all'Italia, ma all'Europa intera.

Il Duilio, infatti, sarà l'ammiraglia che comanderà la flotta dell'altra missione europea, la Aspides, lanciata da Bruxelles il 19 febbraio scorso e in attesa del passaggio parlamentare che darà ufficialmente il comando all'ammiraglio Costantino. La prima discussione in Senato è stata calendarizzata per il prossimo 5 marzo.

Proprio ieri la stessa premier Giorgia Meloni, durante l'incontro con il presidente statunitense Joe Biden alla Casa Bianca, aveva definito "inaccettabili" gli attacchi degli Houthi definendo la missione Aspides un'"importante risposta" europea contro gli Houthi. Tre giorni fa, invece, era toccato alla fregata tedesca "Hessen", anche lei parte della flotta di Aspides, far fronte ad un attacco degli Houthi. Per la prima volta, anche in questo caso, l'imbarcazione aveva respinto due droni "in rapida successione" diretti proprio verso la fregata.
"Questi attacchi - chiosa Crosetto - sono parte di una guerra ibrida, che usa ogni possibilità, non solo militare, per danneggiare alcuni Paesi e agevolarne altri".'avvertimento degli Houthi all'Italia era arrivato già nelle passate settimane quando i vertici del gruppo terroristico avevano detto che, assumendo il comando di Aspides, "l'Italia mette a repentaglio la sicurezza delle sue navi militari e commerciali".
"Colpiremo le navi che aggrediscono il nostro Paese o che ostacolano la decisione di impedire alle navi israeliane di attraversare il Mar Rosso", la minaccia dei ribelli che dall'inizio della guerra a Gaza si muovono - a loro dire - in sostegno al popolo palestinese. "Le minacce nei nostri confronti - ribadì allora il ministro Crosetto - sono parte della loro guerra ibrida. Attaccare navi commerciali di nazioni estranee a ciò che accade a Gaza, disseminare false informazioni, lasciar passare liberamente nel Mar Rosso le navi russe e cinesi ma non le altre, minacciare l'Italia per l'assunzione del comando tattico dell'operazione Aspides sono tentativi di minare la coesione nostra e dell'Unione Europea".

L'avvertimento degli Houthi all'Italia era arrivato già nelle passate settimane quando i vertici del gruppo terroristico avevano detto che, assumendo il comando di Aspides, "l'Italia mette a repentaglio la sicurezza delle sue navi militari e commerciali".
"Colpiremo le navi che aggrediscono il nostro Paese o che ostacolano la decisione di impedire alle navi israeliane di attraversare il Mar Rosso", la minaccia dei ribelli che dall'inizio della guerra a Gaza si muovono - a loro dire - in sostegno al popolo palestinese. "Le minacce nei nostri confronti - ribadì allora il ministro Crosetto - sono parte della loro guerra ibrida. Attaccare navi commerciali di nazioni estranee a ciò che accade a Gaza, disseminare false informazioni, lasciar passare liberamente nel Mar Rosso le navi russe e cinesi ma non le altre, minacciare l'Italia per l'assunzione del comando tattico dell'operazione Aspides sono tentativi di minare la coesione nostra e dell'Unione Europea".

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pc 3 marzo - Sciopero unitario a Mirafiori in aprile - Ci saremo e staremo a vedere - info

Stellantis, Mirafiori e la crisi dell’auto a Torino: sindacati uniti in piazza ad aprile. «Non accadeva da 15 anni»

Fiom, Fim, Uilm, Fismic, Ugl, Aqfc, in protesta contro la crisi dell’auto a Torino. La decisione della manifestazione unitaria all’assemblea dei delegati Stellantis

Sciopero a Mirafiori. È la risposta unitaria, fatto che si non si vedeva da almeno 15 anni, di cinque sigle sindacali, Fiom, Fim, Uilm, Fismic, Ugl, Aqfc, in protesta contro la crisi dell’auto a Torino. L'assemblea dei delegati Stellantis che si è riunita oggi al teatro Q77 di Torino ha deciso di proclamare ad aprile uno sciopero provinciale di 8 ore con manifestazione dei lavoratori del settore automotive (Stellantis e indotto), per chiedere la salvaguardia e il rilancio del comparto. L’impianto ex Fiat è in cassa integrazione fino al 30 marzo.

Mobilitazione unitaria

La mobilitazione sarà organizzata con l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare le istituzioni locali, il governo e il

sistema industriale automotive sulla profonda crisi che sta attraversando il settore auto a Torino . «Il tavolo automotive e quelli di crisi al Mimit non hanno ancora dato risposte adeguate», dicono i sindacati.

Le organizzazioni  chiedono un impegno concreto affinché vengano portate nuove produzioni a Torino e affinché l’intero comparto sia sostenuto ad affrontare i contraccolpi occupazionali del processo di transizione.

Nel corso delle prossime settimane, previste assemblee dei lavoratori in tutte le aziende del comparto automotive. Alla manifestazione provinciale di aprile è prevista la presenza dei segretari nazionali.

Automotive e indotto

«Torino sta attraversando un momento difficile. L’automotive con l'indotto è nel mezzo di una crisi senza precedenti - spiega Luigi Paone, segretario generale UILM di Torino -. In questa fase storica, i sindacati metalmeccanici hanno scelto di fare un percorso unitario per un obiettivo comune: rilanciare l'automotive italiano nel territorio in cui questo è nato. Per tali ragioni, a 15 anni dall'ultima iniziativa unitaria, le lavoratrici e i lavoratori metalmeccanici si sono riuniti e hanno deciso di scioperare e manifestare, per portare nuovi modelli a Mirafiori e rilanciare l'indotto».

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pc 3 marzo - Intervento alla grande manifestazione per la Palestina del 24 marzo a Milano che contiene l'essenziale delle nostre proposte e l'agire in queste settimane

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La Commissione garanzia sciopero limita lo sciopero delle donne dell'8 marzo

E' in realtà una Commissione garante delle Istituzioni, partiti, politici borghesi
La CGS ha inviato a pochissimi giorni dall'8 marzo la limitazione dalla partecipazione allo sciopero delle donne delle lavoratrici e lavoratori in tutta la Regione dell'Abruzzo e in tutti i settori. Perchè? Perchè le elezioni che si terranno nella Regione Abruzzo non devono essere disturbate dagli scioperi delle lavoratrici, ma tutti devono essere al servizio delle elezioni borghesi.
Nello stesso tempo sappiamo dai giornali che la CGS ha detto che lo sciopero nei trasporti si può fare, per la proclamazione dello Slai cobas per il sindacato di classe.
Da Repubblica
Scioperi 8 marzo, il Garante li riduce per irregolarità
Nel settore del trasporto è ammessa l’agitazione solo del sindacato Slai Cobas per il Sindacato di Classe e non dalle altre sigle
(sorvolando bellamente sul fatto che si tratta dello stesso sciopero dell'8 marzo e, quindi, non c'è "concentrazione di scioperi generali", diversi - ndr)
In particolare, nel Giorno della Donna si fermeranno i lavoratori aderenti alle sigle sindacali Slai-Cobas, Adl-Cobas, Usb e Osp Faisa-Cisal che hanno proclamato uno stop generale dei settori pubblici, privati e cooperativi.
Le irregolarità segnalate dalla Commissione riguardano in particolare il settore del trasporto passeggeri (aereo, ferroviario, marittimo e pubblico locale) che vieta la concentrazione negli scioperi generali. A seguito di tali segnalazioni, "i suddetti settori saranno interessati esclusivamente dallo sciopero proclamato dal sindacato Slai Cobas per il Sindacato di Classe e non dalle altre sigle sindacali".
Inoltre, la Commissione ha invitato i sindacati proclamanti ad escludere, limitatamente alla Regione Abruzzo, interessata dalle consultazioni elettorali del 10 marzo 2024, i settori: Regioni Autonomie Locali, Trasporto Pubblico locale, Igiene Ambientale, Telecomunicazioni, Elettricità, Energia e Petrolio, Gas-Acqua, Funerario, Ministeri, Trasporto Marittimo, Vigili del fuoco, Elicotteri e Carburanti.
Denunciamo questi divieti! ma la maniera giusta è scendere massicciamente in sciopero l'8 marzo!

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Ηράκλειο | Ανταπόκριση από την συγκέντρωση και πορεία αλληλεγγύης στον αγώνα του παλαιστινιακού

Συγκέντρωση και πορεία αλληλεγγύης στον αγώνα του παλαιστινιακού λαού πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Ηράκλειο το Σάββατο στα λιοντάρια. Την πρωτοβουλία για το κάλεσμα είχε η "ανοιχτή συνέλευση αλληλεγγύης στους Παλαιστίνιους ". Βασικό χαρακτηριστικό, η έλλειψη μαζικότητας, που σίγουρα δεν ανταποκρίνεται στις ανάγκες της περιόδου, ωστόσο πραγματοποιήθηκε πορεία στο κέντρο της πόλης παρά την βροχή.

Σε μια περίοδο που ο Ισραηλινός στρατός δολοφονεί εκατοντάδες αμάχους και παιδιά σε καθημερινή βάση, που ο αγώνας των Παλαιστινίων δείχνει τον δρόμο στους λαούς, η ανάδειξη της αλληλεγγύη μας, η καταγγελία της γενοκτονίας και του ρόλου των ιμπεριαλιστών, είναι από τα βασικά καθήκοντα του σήμερα.

Στην συγκέντρωση - πορεία, συμμετείχαν με πανό, η ανοιχτή συνέλευση, αναρχικό μπλοκ, η ΕΛΜΕ Ηρακλείου, το ΜΛ-ΚΚΕ και το ΚΚΕ (μ-λ).

Η οργάνωση του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) Ηρακλείου με δικό της μπλοκ, πανό, προκήρυξη και συνθήματα προσπάθησε να αναδείξει την ανάγκη συγκρότησης αντιπολεμικού - αντιιμπεριαλιστικού κινήματος, της αλληλεγγύης στον παλαιστινιακό λαό για λευτεριά, την απαίτηση για μη εμπλοκή - συμμετοχή στο μακέλεμα των Παλαιστινίων, το διώξιμο των βάσεων και του ΝΑΤΟ.

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8 marzo - Al centro operaie, lavoratrici in lotta e donne palestinesi

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pc 3 marzo - 8 MARZO - al centro operaie, lavoratrici in lotta e donne palestinesi

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Dall'assemblea telematica delle lavoratrici e precarie del settore sociale/Coop sociali... verso lo sciopero dell'8 marzo

Il 21 febbraio scorso vi è stata un’ assemblea telematica promossa da Nudm che ha visto la partecipazione numerosa di compagne, donne, giovani che lavorano nel settore del sociale, delle Cooperative Sociali in diversi ambiti, scuola, sanità, rsa, psichiatrico, ecc. Questa riunione telematica è emersa dal tavolo lavoro dell’Assemblea nazionale di Bologna di Nudm. Vi abbiamo partecipato anche da Palermo portando la denuncia e l’esperienza di lotta delle precarie delle Coop Sociali.
E’ stata un’assemblea interessante e vivace perché ha visto un susseguirsi di interventi che hanno raccontato di fatto le esperienze lavorative di lavoratrici soprattutto precarie di questo settore, di tante città dal nord al sud, attraverso cui è emersa una significativa e anche forte denuncia degli aspetti di sfruttamento, di condizioni lavorative precarie e instabili, di contratti di lavoro collettivi, firmati dai confederali, sempre più al ribasso - vedi l’ipotesi dell’ultimo contratto denunciata in diversi interventi - di diritti anche basilari negati, di discriminazioni anche specificatamente verso le lavoratrici donne, di forme di repressione sul lavoro, se si lotta per ottenere dei miglioramenti della condizione lavorativa, da parte dei padroni e padroncini delle Cooperative sociali, grandi o piccole che siano, e delle Istituzioni appaltanti a diversi livelli verso e contro un settore lavorativo formato da migliaia di lavoratrici, che ne sono la maggioranza.

Nella seconda parte della riunione si è discusso su come portare concretamente tutta questa denuncia e lotta laddove già si fa, in modo visibile e attivo nello sciopero delle’8 marzo. Certamente importante la necessità che è emersa in generale di iniziare a costruire un collegamento/rete tra le lavoratrici/lavoratori del settore per iniziare a rompere il frastagliamento o isolamento sul lavoro che è emerso anche da alcuni interventi, delle diverse realtà di questo settore, rafforzare la conoscenza delle realtà, sostenersi… Lo sciopero dell’8 marzo è una tappa importante in tal senso.

Tra le proposte finali:
un appello per lo sciopero dal lavoro sociale ed essenziale che faccia da cornice comune alle tante lotte e rivendicazioni che porteremo nello sciopero dell'8 marzo.
Un testo rivolto anche alle persone che accedono ai servizi, per spiegare come mai quel giorno non ci troveranno sui luoghi di lavoro e invitarl3 a unirsi a questa lotta .
Un form per la raccolta di testimonianze come inchiesta
Organizzare presidi o azioni all'interno dei cortei davanti a luoghi pubblici ed istituzioni appaltanti dei servizi , responsabili delle politiche dei tagli alle risorse, ai posti di lavoro ecc

Riportiamo sotto alcuni stralci di interventi di lavoratrici e a seguire l’appello per lo sciopero dell’8 marzo

Precarie di Bologna
Lavoriamo nell’ambito dei progetti SAI (Sistema Accoglienza Integrazione), i finanziamenti sono bloccati, dovrebbero essere triennali e più stabili, se non ci sarà un aumento dei finanziamenti ci saranno inevitabilmente tagli alle lavoratrici/lavoratori… lavoriamo con utenti al fine di condurli a vivere socialmente in autonomia, ma in queste condizioni di lavoro precarie a volte arriviamo a condividere con gli utenti le stesse difficoltà per essere noi autonome economicamente, pagare un affitto, affrontare le spese mensili, ecc, a Bologna abbiamo difficoltà serie a trovare casa per esempio…

Per le Precarie di Palermo
Le lavoratrici precarie Coop Sociali di Palermo Assistenti igienico personale, si occupano di studenti e studentesse disabili delle scuole superiori, sono qualificate OSS e OSA, è un settore a maggioranza donne, la condizione di lavoro è peggiorata di anno in anno, sempre più precaria, anni fa gli appalti erano biennali, ora siamo anche a proroghe di mesi, una condizione di instabilità lavorativa e di vita, non puoi fare progetti, non puoi prendere decisioni perché non sai mai se la proroga verrà fatta… Le precarie si sono organizzate da anni sindacalmente con lo Slai Cobas per sc e hanno lottatp innanzitutto in questi anni contro i tagli dei posti di lavoro e alle risorse da parte della Regione/Città Metropolitana sempre più falcidiate calpestando ogni legge vigente in questo paese per cui questi servizi sono invece definiti obbligatori ed essenziali, e oggi con il governo Meloni che ha tagliato milioni di euro per il fondo disabili, la situazione è peggiorata… Poi ci sono aspetti quasi paradossali che colpiscono queste precarie, per esempio la cosiddetta questione del “genere”, un’assegnazione degli utenti alle operatrici imposta dalla Città Metropolitana appaltante alle Coop dall’anno scorso sulla base del “genere” e dinnanzi ad una platea di studenti disabili a maggioranza maschi in questa città le precarie restano fuori dal lavoro perché le Coop sono obbligate ad assumere uomini, da parte delle Istituzioni di fatto è anche un accanimento ideologico contro le donne che stiamo denunciando… Si lotta da anni a cominciare dai salari non pagati dai padroncini delle Coop per il fatto che essendo donne ed essendo mantenute dai mariti, compagni le donne potevano aspettare rispetto agli uomini che dovevano avere la precedenza, ma su questo con la lotta per mesi , occupando anche le sedi delle Coop, oggi si viene pagate come è giusto che sia come i colleghi maschi ma resta che i salari sono bassi, si fanno 24 ore settimanali ma non sono conteggiate le giornate in cui gli alunni sono assenti, quando ci sono le sospensioni delle lezioni ecc e comunque i padroncini ci provano sempre anche provando a negare diritti basilari come i congedi parentali o le ferie ad esempio… Abbiamo sempre partecipato attivamente allo sciopero dell’8 marzo cercando di collegarci anche con le altre lavoratrici in sciopero, portando innanzitutto tutta la denuncia della condizione di sfruttamento e oppressione che viviamo sul posto di lavoro ma anche le problematiche che viviamo come donne, siamo donne con figli a cui viene scaricato tutto il lavoro di cura, separate, single, non arriviamo a fine mese, facciamo anche doppi, tripli lavori anche in nero per racimolare un salario se si può dire decente, alcune precarie hanno anche subito situazioni familiari violente di mariti che hanno pure cercato di impedirle di scendere in lotta ma abbiamo fatto unità su questo sostenendole attivamente per esempio nel difficile percorso di separarsi e su questo avere comunque un lavoro è importante… nello sciopero dell’8 marzosi portarà tutta la rabbia e lotta contro i padroni, il governo, oggi è necessario lottare contro il governo Meloni che è ideologicamente e politicamente contro le donne e che sta dando sempre più mano libera ai padroni vedi la liberalizzazione degli appalti… le precarie di Palermo stanno anche subendo un processo penale per le lotte fatte per difendere il lavoro e contro i tagli, denunciate dalla Città Metropolitane durante un’azione di lotta al palazzo oggi stanno affrontando questo processo con coraggio perché anche questo processo è inteso come una lotta… anche questo si porterà nello sciopero…Saremo di nuovo in sciopero in questo 8 marzo ed è importante collegarci con tutte le altre realtà.

Precarie di Pisa
Le compagne di Palermo con questo intervento ci hanno ucciso! Brave ad affrontare tutto quello che hanno raccontato... i servizi sociali sono i primi ad essere tagliati, anche se approvano i finanziamenti siccome non aumentano le risorse di fatto ci saranno tagli… Come alzare l’asticella del conflitto contro chi pretende da noi alta professionalità ma con budget sempre più tagliati e irrisori?
Dobbiamo creare una rete nazionale di questo settore…

Lavoratrice Roma/Clap
Il lavoro sociale è sempre più bistrattato, ci sono anche difficoltà concrete di coinvolgere le colleghe nella lotta… come operatrici nelle scuole non siamo pagate quando i bambini si assentano, occorrerebbe un vademecum anche per spiegare le problematiche del CCNL come un manuale di autodifesa… questo 8 marzo deve essere di rabbia con tutte le altre, siamo arrabbiate, stanche, lavoriamo tutto il giorno, non abbiamo tempo libero (lavoriamo a scuola, centri diurni, ambito psichiatrico) a volte anche più di 12 ore, spesso siamo da sole, con piccoli numeri negli scioperi e questo causa disgregazione. Ci piacerebbe scioperare da tutto, contro salari da fame, contro la banca ore, non vogliamo portare a casa il lavoro, no ai cambi di programma senza preavviso, al tappare i buchi… scioperare perché se fai valere i tuoi diritti allora sei nervosa, esaurita, al di fuori di quello che “mamma Coop” dice… In questi anni abbiamo fatto diverse battaglie, piccole anche a livello nazionale, ma non riusciamo ancora a mobilitarci più unite…

Per assemblea donne/coordinamento migranti
Siamo messe male sul posto di lavoro, quando si lavora per tanti anni in Italia noi migranti firmiamo un nuovo contratto con un’altra Cooperativa e ci azzerano tutta l’anzianità di servizio maturata precedentemente e dobbiamo ripartire da zero, ma lavoriamo in questo paese come gli italiani e paghiamo le tasse come tutti, noi vogliamo essere riconosciute sul lavoro, l’anno scorso ogni 3 mesi cambiavamo Cooperativa, avevamo diritto alla casa ecc ma la busta paga ricomincia sempre da zero, perdi ferie, anzianità, tutto e poi ci sono tutti i problemi legati al permesso di soggiorno, metà della nostra vita è consumata qua, ma noi lavoriamo per i padroni qui e abbiamo diritti come tutti… abbiamo sbagliato paese? Ci vuole forse versare il nostro sangue per avere i diritti? Non abbiamo diritto forse ad avere la cittadinanza, i nostri figli nati qui, anche a scuola le maestre non denunciano i problemi dei nostri figli che spesso sono considerati diversi… Occorre fare le lotte su questi punti, così il carovita, con gli stipendi molto bassi non si arriva neanche a metà mese…

Rete lavoro sociale Torino (Educatrici, Educatori, studenti universitari)
Il rinnovo del CCNL? Solo contentini (la maternità al 100%) ma per il resto solo fumo negli occhi, passato in sordina, e se ti opponi a questa ipotesi di contratto per i sindacati firmatari sei come la lavoratrice/lavoratore che fai azioni antisindacali… si fatica a fare unità attorno a questa questione ma è necessario coordinarci… l’8 marzo lavoreremo per uno spezzone sociale visibile nel corteo

Lavoratrice Ausiliaria Pisa
Lavoro nei servizi educativi degli asili nido, con gli appalti stanno prendendo le misure del CCNL, il contratto è di 12 ore ma si lavora molto di più, gli aumenti del CCNL sono invisibili per i contratti part time nello specifico, la precarietà resta tutta, microcontratti orari, non vi è aumento dell’organico, il tema della cura usato contro di noi anche per ricattarci e aumentare il carico di lavoro, usare gli utenti da parte delle Coop anche per farci sentire in colpa, quanto sei servizievole? e metterci le une contro le altre…
Ci sono lavoratrici che vengono da divorzi, che hanno figli, che hanno subito anche violenza, ci sono quelle che danno fastidio… ti spezzano il turno così stai fuori tutto il giorno anche se fai solo 6 ore oppure devi fare i turni di chiusura, le Istituzioni appaltanti dei servizi non si fanno assolutamente carico di questi problemi e del comportamento delle Coop...

Da Rimini/Nudm
8 marzo spezzone con denuncia della precarietà/sfruttamento del lavoro sociale, di un settore altamente femminilizzato, abbiamo sviluppato delle battaglie con Adl Cobas, ocorre dare corpo ad una conflittualità coordinandosi, dare supporto alle reti dei sindacati di base anche oltre l’8 marzo, vedi la questione CCNL , necessaria anche una inchiesta nel settore per capire quali battaglie servono ora…

Compagna disabile
Ho una patologia genetica e sono stata seguita per anni da Assistenti di base delle Coop Sociali (ma che sono state cambiate in modo veramente assurdo)… penso che la frustrazione del lavoro precario ricada anche sull’utenza, le Assistenti non sono schiave e migliorare la condizione delle lavoratrici di questo settore inevitabilmente ha effetti qualitativi sull’assistenza degli utenti...

Per le educatrici Roma
Abbiamo fatto sciopero la settimana scorsa, tagli sul servizio, a Roma siamo anche delegate USB e Cub, la lotta per la internalizzazione del servizio è essenziale, lo sciopero è uno degli strumenti fondamentali che abbiamo, è un diritto costituzionale, a Roma abbiamo lavorato e in un certo senso abbiamo fatto fuori i confederali, bisogna alzare il conflitto e non solo nel settore delle Coop Sociali, i confederali sono sempre più organici ai padroni … il CCNL Coop sarà votato ai primi di marzo faremo delle azioni di protesta, non si può accettare in silenzio va a continuare ad arricchire le Coop… continuiamo a lottare e l’8 marzo ci saremo…


Come lavoratrici, lavoratorə e lavoratori del sociale e dei servizi essenziali, donne, persone LGBTQ+, persone migranti, persone con disabilità, persone che accedono ai servizi l’8 marzo scioperiamo!
Scioperiamo contro le istituzioni, gli enti committenti, le grandi fondazioni che sono responsabili dello sfruttamento, della precarietà, della carenza dei servizi, e promuovono l’aziendalizzazione del settore sociale. I tagli al welfare, le esternalizzazioni, il sistema degli appalti e i fondi dipendenti dai progetti creano condizioni di lavoro instabili e misere e mettono a rischio sia i posti di lavoro sia l’erogazione dei servizi.
Scioperiamo contro il lavoro povero, i salari bassissimi, il mancato riconoscimento del lavoro sociale e di cura, il lavoro “volontario” che in realtà è ipersfruttato, contro il fatto che la nostra professionalità sia considerata un’inclinazione naturale delle donne.
Scioperiamo contro i tagli ai servizi che fanno sì che il lavoro di cura sia scaricato sulle famiglie, e, quindi, nella maggior parte dei casi sulle donne, che si ritrovano con un carico enorme di lavoro non riconosciuto e non pagato.
Scioperiamo contro i tagli al welfare, che trasformano le lavoratrici di questo settore in lavoratrici povere e negano la possibilità di accesso ai servizi. Le lavoratrici essenziali e le persone che accedono ai servizi vivono sempre più spesso simili condizioni di marginalità, come l’impossibilità di accedere alla casa. Rivendichiamo un welfare universale, laico e anti-abilista, capace di rispondere agli specifici bisogni delle persone.
Scioperiamo contro la precarietà del lavoro sociale ed essenziale. Anche con un contratto a tempo indeterminato, quando si dipende da appalti e bandi, non si ha mai garanzia di reddito, luoghi, orari di lavoro.
Scioperiamo contro orari e ritmi di lavoro sfiancanti. Lavoriamo troppo, in luoghi diversi, con orari spezzati, la mancanza di personale scarica il peso dei tagli al welfare su chi lavora, causando malattie, stress lavoro-correlato, frustrazione e burnout.
Scioperiamo contro tutte le forme attuali di smantellamento dei diritti di chi lavora, come il rinnovo del CCNL delle cooperative sociali, che mantengono le notti passive, le banche ore e che prevedono miseri aumenti salariali che non recuperano neanche l’inflazione, per un ambito che riguarda almeno 900’000 lavoratrici e lavoratorə, in ampia maggioranza donne. Scioperiamo perchè in questi processi non vengono prese seriamente le voci e le esigenze di chi lavora e non a tutti i sindacati viene garantito di partecipare ai tavoli di negoziazione.
Scioperiamo contro luoghi di lavoro sempre più repressivi e controllanti. Le cooperative sono sempre più grandi e hanno dinamiche da grandi aziende, c’è sempre più controllo, più verticismo, mobbing. Scioperiamo contro la repressione e l’emarginazione per chi sciopera o protesta.
Scioperiamo contro il ricatto del permesso di soggiorno, che ci costringe ad accettare condizioni di lavoro pessime e salari miseri, insufficienti per fare fronte all’inflazione, mentre limita il nostro accesso ai servizi di base.
Scioperiamo anche per chi non può scioperare perché è precettatə per garantire servizi essenziali, perché vive un ricatto troppo forte, perché ha un contratto che non prevede il diritto di sciopero.
Scioperiamo per salari più alti, per la riduzione dell’orario di lavoro, per un rifinanziamento strutturale del welfare, per servizi pubblici accessibili a tutt3 che non dipendano da bandi, appalti e progetti a scadenza.
Se le nostre vite e il nostro lavoro non valgono, noi scioperiamo!
8 marzo Sciopero contro la violenza patriarcale!

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Το φιλανδικό μοντέλο (όχι στην… εκπαίδευση)

Διαβάζουμε από aftodioikisi.gr

“Το μοντέλο της Φινλανδίας αναφορικά με τη στρατιωτική θητεία και στο στράτευμα προσανατολίζεται να υιοθετήσει το υπουργείο Εθνικής Άμυνας της Ελλάδας. Υπενθυμίζεται πως ο υπουργός Εθνικής Άμυνας Νίκος Δένδιας μετέβη πρόσφατα στη Φινλανδία προκειμένου να ενημερωθεί από τον Φιλανδό ομόλογό του για το πώς λειτουργεί ο στρατός της χώρας.

Ειδικότερα, ο Νίκος Δένδιας παρακολούθησε εκπαίδευση εφέδρων σε στρατιωτική μονάδα της Φινλανδίας, στο πλαίσιο της επίσκεψής του στη σκανδιναβική χώρα.

Η Φινλανδία διαθέτει τον μισό πληθυσμό από την Ελλάδα, όμως έχει ισχυρή πολιτοφυλακή η οποία εκπαιδεύεται κάθε χρόνο στη χρήση όπλων και τη λειτουργία μικρών κλιμακίων, όπως αναφέρθηκε σε δημοσίευμα της Απογευματινής. Ο στρατός της αποτελείται από ένα σκελετό επαγγελματιών στρατιωτών που πλαισιώνεται από κάθε διαθέσιμο έφεδρο πολίτη. Μάλιστα, μετά τη ρωσική επίθεση στην Ουκρανία αποφάσισε να ενισχύσει την εκπαίδευση όλων των πολιτών, τόσο ανδρών όσο και γυναικών, ανοίγοντας περισσότερα από 300 νέα σκοπευτήρια για την ενίσχυση της άμυνας, όπως αναφέρεται στο ίδιο δημοσίευμα.

Ο κ. Δένδιας δήλωσε εντυπωσιασμένος από το γεγονός ότι “σε πολύ σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα, νέοι άνθρωποι μετατρέπονται σε στρατιώτες, οι οποίοι μπορούν να πολεμήσουν και να υπερασπίσουν τον εαυτό τους”, όπως επίσης και από το γεγονός ότι “γίνεται μεγάλη, εκτεταμένη χρήση πυρομαχικών και υπάρχει εκτεταμένο διάστημα εκπαίδευσης στα δάση και σε συνθήκες πραγματικής μάχης.

Στρατιωτικοποίηση όλης της κοινωνίας με εκτεταμένο διάστημα συνεχούς επανεκπαίδευσης, στράτευση γυναικών κλπ. Να το νέο μοντέλο που ενθουσίασε τον Υπουργό Άμυνας που σε πρόσφατη παρέλαση χαιρέτισε το άγημα με τον τρόπο των Αμερικάνων (βάζοντας το δεξί χέρι στην καρδιά).

Δεν κρατιέται ο άνθρωπος…

Κάποτε στην εκπαίδευση μας είχαν πάρει τα μυαλά με το «φιλανδικό μοντέλο» στην εκπαίδευση.

Τώρα επικαλούνται το ίδιο μοντέλο αυτή τη φορά για την… στρατιωτική θητεία.

Υπόψη ότι η Φιλανδική κυβέρνηση έχει αποφασίσει την ένταξη στο στρατιωτικό σκέλος του ΝΑΤΟ και βρίσκεται στην πρώτη γραμμή στρατιωτικής αντιπαράθεσης με την Ρωσία «σπάζοντας» πολιτική ουδετερότητας χρόνων.

Όχι μόνον η νεολαία (κυρίως αυτή βέβαια ) όλος ο πληθυσμός κρέας για την πολεμική μηχανή του ιμπεριαλισμού!


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Global South Resists! Demonstration in Berlin

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Berlin: Großdemonstration "Global South Resists"

Wir veröffentlichen einen Bericht, über die Großdemonstration "Global South Resists", welche am 02.03.2024 in Berlin stattgefunden hat, welcher uns zugeschicht wurde:

Am Samstag, den 02. März 2024, fand in Berlin die Pro-Palästinensiche Demonstration unter dem Titel "Global South Resists" statt, an welcher sich, laut Polizei, über 7500 Menschen beteiligten.

Die Demonstration startete mit einer Kundgebung um 14:00 Uhr am Neptunbrunnen, zog unteranderem am Auswertigen Amt vorbei und endete am Potsdamer Platz. In den Reden wurde der Genozid am Volke Palästinas, durch den zionistischen Schlächter Israel verurteilt. Auch die Rolle des Yankee-Imperialismus und des deutschen Imperialismus wurden in den Reden dargelegt, und von den Demonstrationsteilnehmern in Parolen wie "Deutschland, warum kein Wort? Völkermord ist Völkermord!" denunziert. Zudem wurde in unterschiedlichen Redebeiträgen auf die Situation, beispielsweise in Kongo, Sudan, Afghanistan und Armenien, aufmerksam gemacht, und dazu aufgerufen, dass sich die unterdrückten Völker der Welt zusammenschließen und gegen die Herrschenden rebellieren.

Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 2.cleaned Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 3.cleaned

Für die Demonstration wurde bundesweit mobilisiert. Es fanden sich Gruppen unteranderem aus Hamburg, Leipzig und NRW ein. Auch ein Kontingent des Roten Bund nahm am Protest teil. Auf der Demonstration wurden Flugblätter mit dem Aufruf zum diesjährigen internationalen Frauenkampftag verteilt und die revolutionäre Arbeiterzeitung "Rote Post" verkauft. Die Demonstrationsteilnehmer nahmen diese mit großem Interesse auf, und es entstanden einige Gespräche, in denen besonders über die Notwenigkeit sich zu organisieren gesprochen wurde.

In der Berichterstattung der bürgelichen Presse kommt nicht zur Sprache, dass Demonstranten und Organisatoren weiterhin kriminalisiert werden. Als die Demonstration den Ort der Endkundgebung erreichte, wurden zwei Ordner ohne ersichtlichen Grund von der Polizei festgenommen und deren Personalien festgestellt. Die Demonstranten protestierten lautstrak dagegen, die Demonstration wurde nicht beendet, bis beide Ordner freigelassen wurden.

Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 4.cleaned Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 5.cleaned
Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 6.cleaned Berlin Großdemonstration Palästina 03.März2024 7.cleaned

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ΚΑΛΛΙΘΕΑ | Μαζική διαδήλωση ενάντια στους πλειστηριασμούς στους δρόμους της Καλλιθέας!

Με καλή μαζικότητα και παλμό πραγματοποιήθηκε το Σάββατο 2 Μαρτίου πορεία υπεράσπισης της λαϊκής κατοικίας, και καταγγελίας της πολιτικής των εξώσεων και των πλειστηριασμών, στη γειτονία της Καλλιθέας, όπου και στεγάζονται τα κεντρικά γραφεία της "doValue".  H κινητοποίηση ξεκίνησε με συγκέντρωση και μικροφωνική στο σταθμό ΗΣΑΠ, και συνέχισε με πορεία σε κεντρικά σημεία της γειτονιάς, ως και τα γραφεία της εταιρείας.

Συνεχής και προκλητική υπήρξε η παρουσία των δυνάμεων καταστολής στη γειτονιά κατά τη διάρκεια της, η οποία μπορεί να ερμηνευθεί μόνο ως ένα ακόμη δείγμα των προθέσεων του συστήματος να καταστείλει οποιαδήποτε προσπάθεια αντίστασης και διεκδίκησης.

Στην κινητοποίηση καλούσαν πρωτοβουλίες ενάντια στους πλειστηριασμούς, σχήματα γειτονιάς και οργανώσεις/συλλογικότητες. Οι Δρόμοι Αντίστασης, παρεμβαίνοντας με διακριτό πανό, ανακοίνωση και συνθήματα, τονίσαν την αναγκαιότητα σύνδεσης της πάλης ενάντια στις εξώσεις με την πάλη για την υπεράσπιση της λαϊκής κατοικίας πριν αυτή "περάσει" στα χέρια των διαφόρων τραπεζών/funds/servicers, αλλά και την αναγκαιότητα σύνδεσης της πάλης για την υπεράσπιση της λαϊκής κατοικίας με την πάλη για ΥΓΕΙΑ - ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ - ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΚΑ και ΣΥΝΔΙΚΑΛΙΣΤΙΚΑ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΑ. Θετική ήταν η αναπόκριση του κόσμου της Καλλιθέας όπου όχι μόνο έπαιρνε τις προκυρίξεις των Δρόμων Αντίστασης αλλά έδινε και συγχαρητήρια!

Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε την ανακοίνωση των Δρόμων Αντίστασης εδώ .

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Θεσσαλονίκη | Προβολή του ντοκιμαντέρ της Abby Martin, “Gaza Fights for Freedom”

Οργανώσεις και συλλογικότητες της Θεσσαλονίκης, με τη συμμετοχή μελών της Παλαιστινιακής Κοινότητας, διοργανώνουμε προβολή του ντοκιμαντέρ της Abby Martin, "Gaza Fights for Freedom" (2019).

Καλούμε τους Θεσσαλονικείς να παρακολουθήσουν σε πρώτη ελληνική μετάφραση ένα συγκλονιστικό ντοκιμαντέρ που αναδεικνύει τον δίκαιο αγώνα του ηρωικού λαού της Παλαιστίνης για λεύτερη και ανεξάρτητη πατρίδα. Αγωνιζόμαστε για να πάψει η σφαγή των Παλαιστινίων στη μαρτυρική Γάζα, για να πάψει κάθε εμπλοκή της Ελλάδας στα φονικά σχέδια των Ισραήλ-ΗΠΑ/ΝΑΤΟ.

Σας περιμένουμε το Σάββατο 9 Μάρτη, στις 19:30 το βράδυ, στο Εργατικό Κέντρο Θεσσαλονίκης να παρακολουθήσουμε μαζί το συγκλονιστικό αυτό ντοκιμαντέρ.

Εθελοντική ενίσχυση 3€ κατά την είσοδο.

Για το ντοκιμαντέρ (περίληψη από το peoplesforum.org):

Αυτή η πρώτη μεγάλου μήκους ταινία της δημοσιογράφου Abby Martin ξεκίνησε ενώ έκανε ρεπορτάζ στην Παλαιστίνη, όπου η ισραηλινή κυβέρνηση της απαγόρευσε την είσοδο στη Γάζα με την κατηγορία ότι ήταν "προπαγανδίστρια". Έτσι, η Abby συνδέθηκε με μια ομάδα δημοσιογράφων στη Γάζα για την παραγωγή της ταινίας μέσω των αποκλεισμένων συνόρων. Πρόκειται για ένα ντοκιμαντέρ σχετικά με τις ιστορικές διαδηλώσεις της Μεγάλης Πορείας της Επιστροφής, οι οποίες πραγματοποιούνταν κάθε εβδομάδα από τον Μάρτιο του 2018 έως τον Δεκέμβριο του 2019, αλλά καλύπτει πολύ περισσότερα. Αφηγείται την ιστορία της Γάζας στο παρελθόν και το παρόν, προβάλλοντας σπάνιο αρχειακό υλικό που εξηγεί την ιστορία που δεν αναγνωρίστηκε ποτέ από τα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης. Ακούτε από τα θύματα της συνεχιζόμενης σφαγής, συμπεριλαμβανομένων δημοσιογράφων, ιατρών και της οικογένειας του διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένου παραϊατρικού Razan al-Najjar. Στον πυρήνα του, το "Gaza Fights For Freedom" είναι ένα εμπεριστατωμένο κατηγορητήριο του ισραηλινού στρατού για εγκλήματα πολέμου με αποκλειστικά ντοκουμέντα και μια εκπληκτική κινηματογραφική απεικόνιση της ηρωικής αντίστασης των Παλαιστινίων.

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pc 3 marzo - Salvini/Piantedosi a Genova il 4 marzo - Nuovo Questore di Genova: "Per lunedì dialoghiamo con i manifestanti" -... davvero? staremo a vedere!

Nuovo Questore di Genova: "Per lunedì dialoghiamo con i manifestanti"

GENOVA - "Ci muoveremo come sempre con massimo equilibrio e professionalità puntando ad una comunicazione il più stretta possibile con i promotori della manifestazione perché laddove c'è comunicazione si riesce ad individuare il perimetro della manifestazione, la cornice di sicurezza che doverosamente dovremo garantire e, soprattutto, garantire l'obiettivo comune che è dare spazio alla visibilità e all'oggetto della protesta, in modo tale che si possa scendere in piazza tutti in sicurezza, esprimere il contenuto, farlo percepire e non inquinarlo con condotte scomposte che possono metterlo in difficoltà". Lo ha detto il nuovo Questore di Genova, Silvia Burdese , spiegando come sarà affrontato l'ordine pubblico il 4 marzo quando a Genova, in occasione della presenza del vice premier Matteo Salvini e del Ministro dell'interno Matteo Piantedosi, è prevista una manifestazione organizzata da "Osa" e "Fuori Rotta" a Ponte dei Mille.

"Confido che il dialogo che è già stato avviato con i promotori - ha spiegato - prosegua nelle prossime ore e venga mantenuto nel corso della manifestazione, in modo tale che ci sia un livello di collaborazione che possa garantire a tutti il rispetto delle regole".

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Jena: Preissteigerung im ÖPNV

Ab August sollen die Kosten für ein Einzelfahrticket in Jena um rund 10 Prozent steigen. Das entschied am vergangenen Mittwoch der Jenaer Stadtrat. Bügermeister Christian Gerlitz (SPD) versuchte diese Entscheidung damit kleinzureden, dass die Preiserhöhung 49 Euro-Ticket-Nutzer nicht betreffe.

Jena Symbolbild ÖPNV.cleaned

Quelle: https://www.thueringen24.de/jena/article300298041/jena-preise-bus-bahn-preissteigerung-preiserhoehung-facebook-news-euro-m.html

In der Nacht zum vergangenen Donnerstag stimmte der Jenaer Stadtrat einer Tariferhöhung des Verkehrsverbundes Mittelthüringen (VMT) zu. Damit soll sich der Ticketpreis im Jenaer Nahverkehr um 9,97 Prozent erhöhen. Eine Einzelfahrkarte kostet dann 2,70 Euro, anstatt der bisherigen 2,50 Euro. Damit kostet eine Hin- und Rückfahrt 5,40 Euro. Auch Kinderkarten werden um 10 Cent teurer und kosten dann 1,80 Euro. Erst letztes Jahr im April fand eine Erhöhung der Fahrpreise um 7,78 Prozent statt. Auch die Abo-Angebote verteuern sich um etwa 10 Prozent.

Das 49 Euro-Ticket sei von der Erhöhung nicht betroffen, ebenso seien Jenabonus-Berechtigte (gibt Personen mit wenig Einkommen die Möglichkeit einmal im Monat eine bestimmte Anzahl ermäßigter Fahrkarten zu erwerben, Monatskarte zu 55,10 Euro) und Kinder und Jugendliche, die das 34 Euroticket haben, nicht betroffen von den Erhöhungen. Laut Bürgermeister Christian Gerlitz (SPD) haben bereits 18.500 der etwa 20.000 Stammkunden im Jenaer Nahverkehr das 49 Euro-Ticket, womit durch seine Rechnung nur 1.500 ÖPNV-Nutzer direkt von der Erhöhung betroffen seien.

Mal davon abgesehen, dass die Laufzeit für das Deutschlandticket bis jetzt nur bis Mai 2025 ausgelegt ist und die Zukunft des 49 Euro-Tickets noch ungewiss ist, und auch bis dahin Preissteigerungen nicht auszuschließen sind, ist Gerlitzes Aussage nur ein billiger Versuch die Preissteigerung für die Tickets zu verharmlosen.

Als weiteren „guten Grund“ führt der Bürgermeister auf, dass die Tariferhöhungen „positive Auswirkungen“ auf die Erstattungsansprüche aus dem Deutschlandticket habe. Die Beträge, die aus dem 49 Euro-Ticket an den Nahverkehr durch Bund und Länder erstattet werden, würden um diese Erhöhung steigen. Die Kosten werden erneut auf die Schultern der Arbeiterklasse geladen.

Als kleines Trostpflaster soll eine schon lange beschlossene Netzverbesserung umgesetzt werden: Die Maßnahmen aus dem Nahverkehrsplan 2022+, die einen Abendverkehr auf der Buslinie 15 vorsieht, und damit einen Zubringer für die Ortslagen Drackendorf, Ziegenhain, Lichtenhain, im Zwei-Stunden-Takt. Der Startschuss fällt wahrscheinlich nahe den Kommunalwahlen. Jedoch gibt es im Beschluss die Einschränkung, dass Fahrgäste genau gezählt werden und bei fehlendem Interesse die Wahlkampfgeschenke wieder zurückgenommen werden.

Ein Großteil des öffentlichen Lebens in Jena spielt sich im Stadtzentrum ab. Menschen die am Rand des weit ausgedehnten Stadtgebiets leben, und kein Auto zur Verfügung haben, müssen auf den Öffentlichen Nahverkehr zurückgreifen. Die hohen Gebühren für den Nahverkehr stellen eine Hürde für die Menschen dar, nicht nur um zur Arbeit oder zur Schule oder Uni zu kommen, sondern auch teil zu haben am sozialen Leben der Stadt. So gibt es in Jena beispielsweise auch keinen kostenlosen Nahverkehr für Schüler und Auszubildende.

Die Finanzierung des ÖPNV ist im allgemeinen eine politische Entscheidung, die nicht einfach mit „Es ist zu wenig Geld da“ abgewunken werden kann, da sie durch öffentliche Gelder finanziert wird. Es eine politische Entscheidung der Herrschenden in diesem Land, ob Gelder für den Ausbau und die Finanzierung von ÖPNV oder für EU-Militäreinsätze und die Rettung von „systemrelevanten Banken“ eingesetzt werden.

Jena: Preissteigerung im ÖPNV

Ab August sollen die Kosten für ein Einzelfahrticket in Jena um rund 10 Prozent steigen. Das entschied am vergangenen Mittwoch der Jenaer Stadtrat. Bügermeister Christian Gerlitz (SPD) versuchte diese Entscheidung damit kleinzureden, dass die Preiserhöhung 49 Euro-Ticket-Nutzer nicht betreffe.

In der Nacht zum vergangenen Donnerstag stimmte der Jenaer Stadtrat einer Tariferhöhung des Verkehrsverbundes Mittelthüringen (VMT) zu. Damit soll sich der Ticketpreis im Jenaer Nahverkehr um 9,97 Prozent erhöhen. Eine Einzelfahrkarte kostet dann 2,70 Euro, anstatt der bisherigen 2,50 Euro. Damit kostet eine Hin- und Rückfahrt 5,40 Euro. Auch Kinderkarten werden um 10 Cent teurer und kosten dann 1,80 Euro. Erst letztes Jahr im April fand eine Erhöhung der Fahrpreise um 7,78 Prozent statt. Auch die Abo-Angebote verteuern sich um etwa 10 Prozent.

Das 49 Euro-Ticket sei von der Erhöhung nicht betroffen, ebenso seien Jenabonus-Berechtigte (gibt Personen mit wenig Einkommen die Möglichkeit einmal im Monat eine bestimmte Anzahl ermäßigter Fahrkarten zu erwerben, Monatskarte zu 55,10 Euro) und Kinder und Jugendliche, die das 34 Euroticket haben, nicht betroffen von den Erhöhungen.


Laut Bürgermeister Christian Gerlitz (SPD) haben bereits 18.500 der etwa 20.000 Stammkunden im Jenaer Nahverkehr das 49 Euro-Ticket, womit durch seine Rechnung nur 1.500 ÖPNV-Nutzer direkt von der Erhöhung betroffen seien.

Mal davon abgesehen, dass die Laufzeit für das Deutschlandticket bis jetzt nur bis Mai 2025 ausgelegt ist und die Zukunft des 49 Euro-Tickets noch ungewiss ist, und auch bis dahin Preissteigerungen nicht auszuschließen sind, ist Gerlitzes Aussage nur ein billiger Versuch die Preissteigerung für die Tickets zu verharmlosen.

Als weiteren „guten Grund“ führt der Bürgermeister auf, dass die Tariferhöhungen „positive Auswirkungen“ auf die Erstattungsansprüche aus dem Deutschlandticket habe. Die Beträge, die aus dem 49 Euro-Ticket an den Nahverkehr durch Bund und Länder erstattet werden, würden um diese Erhöhung steigen. Die Kosten werden erneut auf die Schultern der Arbeiterklasse geladen.

Als kleines Trostpflaster soll eine schon lange beschlossene Netzverbesserung umgesetzt werden: Die Maßnahmen aus dem Nahverkehrsplan 2022+, die einen Abendverkehr auf der Buslinie 15 vorsieht, und damit einen Zubringer für die Ortslagen Drackendorf, Ziegenhain, Lichtenhain, im Zwei-Stunden-Takt. Der Startschuss fällt wahrscheinlich nahe den Kommunalwahlen. Jedoch gibt es im Beschluss die Einschränkung, dass Fahrgäste genau gezählt werden und bei fehlendem Interesse die Wahlkampfgeschenke wieder zurückgenommen werden.

Ein Großteil des öffentlichen Lebens in Jena spielt sich im Stadtzentrum ab. Menschen die am Rand des weit ausgedehnten Stadtgebiets leben, und kein Auto zur Verfügung haben, müssen auf den Öffentlichen Nahverkehr zurückgreifen. Die hohen Gebühren für den Nahverkehr stellen eine Hürde für die Menschen dar, nicht nur um zur Arbeit oder zur Schule oder Uni zu kommen, sondern auch teil zu haben am sozialen Leben der Stadt. So gibt es in Jena beispielsweise auch keinen kostenlosen Nahverkehr für Schüler und Auszubildende.

Die Finanzierung des ÖPNV ist im allgemeinen eine politische Entscheidung, die nicht einfach mit „Es ist zu wenig Geld da“ abgewunken werden kann, da sie durch öffentliche Gelder finanziert wird. Es eine politische Entscheidung der Herrschenden in diesem Land, ob Gelder für den Ausbau und die Finanzierung von ÖPNV oder für EU-Militäreinsätze und die Rettung von „systemrelevanten Banken“ eingesetzt werden.

· allgemein ist ÖPNV eine politische Enschteidung, statt rettung Banken oder Finanzierung Bundesweheinsätze, auch 49€ Ticket mit eingeschlossen,

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Αντίσταση στα βόρεια | Η πρώτη ανοιχτή εκδήλωση - συζήτηση του σχήματός πραγματοποιήθηκε με επιτυχία, μαζικότητα και ζωντάνια!

Την εκδήλωση πλαισίωσαν τόσο συναγωνιστές και φίλοι του σχήματος, όσο και ένας κόσμος που ανταποκρίθηκε στα καλέσματα του σχήματος μέσα από τις παρεμβάσεις του, σημείο που δείχνει την ανάγκη και αναζήτηση του κόσμου για απαντήσεις και αγώνες!

Η συζήτηση άνοιξε από πλευράς του σχήματος με δύο εισηγήσεις τόσο παρουσίασής του, των βασικών θέσεων και κατευθύνσεων του, όσο και ανάδειξης των βασικών ζητημάτων της περιόδου σε τοπικό και γενικό επίπεδο. Η συζήτηση που ανοίχτηκε με τοποθετήσεις από πολλούς συναγωνιστές και φίλους, έθεσε στο τραπέζι το σύνολο των λαϊκών προβλημάτων. Από την ακρίβεια και τους πλειστηριασμούς, το χτύπημα στην υγεία και την παιδεία, το φασισμό, τους ελεύθερους χώρους, μέχρι τον πόλεμο και την αλληλεγγύη στην Παλαιστίνη.

Εμφανής, απ' όλες τις τοποθετήσεις, ήταν η ανάγκη - αγωνία του "τι κάνουμε, πώς παλεύουμε". Σε αυτό το ερώτημα προσπαθεί να απαντήσει το σχήμα μας και θα δώσει όλες του τις δυνάμεις το αμέσως επόμενο διάστημα για να ανοιχτούν αυτά στις γειτονιές μας με καλύτερους όρους. Για να δημιουργηθούν εστίες αντίστασης σε κάθε γειτονιά, για να πάρει την κατάσταση στα χέρια του ο λαός.

Ειδική αναφορά αξίζει να γίνει για το χαιρετισμό εκ μέρους σχημάτων γειτονιάς με αντίστοιχο αγωνιστικό προσανατολισμό σε άλλες περιοχές τις Αθήνας, όπως οι Δρόμοι Αντίστασης Αγίων Αναργύρων - Καματερού και η Λαϊκή Αντίσταση Πειραιά, καθώς και άλλων αγωνιστών από τις υπόλοιπες γειτονιές της Βόρειας Αθήνας.

Η εκδήλωση έκλεισε με τη λογική από πλευράς μας για ανάληψη πρωτοβουλίας για απεύθυνση και σε άλλα σχήματα γειτονιάς, τοπικούς φορείς, σωματεία εργαζομένων, εκπαιδευτικών, συλλόγους γονέων, ώστε να ανοιχτεί το ζήτημα της επίθεσης στην εκπαίδευση με όσο το δυνατόν μαζικότερα χαρακτηριστικά στη γειτονιά μας. Για διοργάνωση διαδήλωσης και άλλων δράσεων που θα αναδείξει στη γειτονιά αυτό το ζήτημα, για να το πάρει πάνω του ο ίδιος ο λαός. Όπως επίσης και για το ζήτημα της ακρίβειας και των πλειστηριασμών. Για να δοθεί η δυνατότητα στο λαϊκό κόσμο της γειτονιάς να εκφράσει την οργή του και να πάρει την κατάσταση στα χέρια του κόντρα στη συνδιαλλαγή, την ανάθεση και τη μοιρολατρία. Τέλος, ότι δε μας πείθουν οι δηλώσεις Δημοτικών Αρχών - Άδωνι Γεωργιάδη για την "υπόσχεση" παραμονής του Κέντρου Υγείας της Νέας Ιωνίας και επιστροφής του φαρμακείου και ότι οφείλουμε να οργανώσουμε νέες κινητοποιήσεις για το ζήτημα μέχρι να κατακτήσουμε το δικαίωμα στη ίση, πλήρη, δωρεάν περίθαλψη για όλους.

Ευχαριστούμε όλους και όλες που με την παρουσία τους στήριξαν την προσπάθεια που κάνουμε αυτό το διάστημα στις γειτονιές μας. Ανανεώνουμε το ραντεβού μας στους δρόμους!

Αναδημοσιεύση από Αντίσταση στα Βόρεια

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Hamburg: Veranstaltung zu 8. März

Wir wurden informiert, dass das Rote Frauenkomitee Hamburg im Vorlauf des 8. März folgende Veranstaltung durchführen wird:

Donnerstag, 07. März

18:30 Uhr

Internationales Zentrum B5

Brigittenstr. 5 (St. Pauli)

(die Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen des Tayad-Café, zusammen mit anderen Gruppen statt)

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Turkey: Call for the 8th of March – The Red Herald

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of a call of the Purple-Red Collective for the 8th of March 2024, published on Avrupa Haber.


On March 8 this year, we women will have to listen again to the claims of the imperialist system and the reactionary male-dominated culture that great progress has been made in “women’s rights”. On the occasion of March 8, it will once again be expressed on television, in parliaments, in squares, on stands and on international platforms that women’s freedoms from working life to social life and fundamental rights have expanded and must expand. On March 8 they will celebrate “International Women’s Day” with greater “enthusiasm” than we do, and they will give speeches about women’s rights.

On the one hand, they will tell us the lie about how much progress they have made on women’s rights, and on the other hand, they will obscure the historical significance, content and essence of March 8. They will obscure the class structure of women’s struggle for rights and freedom and pretend that they were the ones who gave women their rights.

However, we know what the truth is. March 8, 1857, is the bloody story of a strike organized by 40,000 working women in New York to demand “the shortening of the 16-hour workday to 10 hours and equal pay for equal work.” During the strike, thousands of workers were locked up in the factory by police with the support of bosses, and 129 striking workers died in the ensuing flames. At the International Socialist Women’s Conference in 1910, at the suggestion of Clara Zetkin, March 8, International Working Women’s Day, was dedicated to the memory of the murdered strikers.

The reality of the imperialist bourgeoisie and all reactionary forces that talk about women’s rights by obscuring the class character of March 8, which is ours, is completely different. In dozens of semi-feudal, semi-colonial countries like Turkey, even our most basic rights are like an oasis in the desert. The exercise of many fundamental rights such as the right to life, inviolability, freedom and security, freedom of establishment and travel, freedom of thought and expression, economic freedom, the right to work and divorce and the right to engage in politics are rights that are both difficult and that when we see them, we women are murdered, exposed to violence, isolated and exposed to social pressure. In Turkey alone, 52 women were murdered for various reasons in January 2024. In countries such as India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the countries of the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Turkey, brutal violence and murder of women are on the agenda.

In countries like Europe, the “center of civilization,” we women seem to have easier access to basic rights, but social conditions and relationships here are also dominated by male dominance. This is reflected in physical violence, emotional and psychological pressure and economic disadvantage. When the imperialists sound the drums of war, increasing armament and chauvinism, we will be confronted with their demonstration of violence, which includes all of this. In this show of power, the first and greatest victimization comes back to us as language, attitude and oppression in the form of male domination. The answer to this is more violence, more exclusion and incarceration, more femicide. The murder of 7 women within 24 hours on February 27th is just one result of this escalation. However, in Europe, which is portrayed as the center of freedom, there are complex problems. We are the main employment group in flexible and precarious working relationships. We are “condemned” to work for less pay. We are still the ones most responsible for the care work. All the consequences of impoverishment, such as stress, tension and suffering, are primarily to the detriment of women. We toiling and working women, whose access to basic rights is made more difficult, are also subjected to harsher working conditions, bullying and cheap labor. This economic crisis is becoming increasingly clear as warmongering and chauvinism escalate.

The imperialists, who are the enemies of the peoples and working women, can never hide their true face in the wars they wage or provoke. In Palestine, the war machine of Zionist Israel is carrying out a massacre that makes no distinction between children, women and the elderly. Women are the weak link in this cruelty. On the one hand they are being massacred with a ruthless blockade, on the other hand they are being treated as “oppressed” objects in attempts at a ceasefire. To denigrate the Palestinian resistance, the imperialists are once again developing psychological warfare over women’s bodies. In the figure of the “barbaric Palestinians” the women’s problem is hypocritically used as a lever.

The rotten imperialist system, with the wars and its semi-colonial policies that it causes and provokes, creates economic destruction, which leads to a major emigration problem. The migration routes are in the network of a brutal smuggling system. On these routes we women are exposed to harassment, rape and all kinds of violence. The ordeal of women settling in other countries as migrants never ends. They are forced to become cheap workers. In addition, they are squeezed between the culture of the society from which they come and the culture of the society in which they live and are condemned to endure all kinds of difficulties. Here, too, female migrant workers are most affected by sexual violence and harassment. When it comes to exercising their basic rights, they face all the difficulties related to consciousness, equipment and inadequacies as well as female identity. All hindering, oppressive and restrictive aspects of the state system, family and social life are part of the life of migrant workers.

The imperialist system, with its decaying capital, its degenerate culture, its hypocritical democracy, its structure whose other feature is war, is the production center of all kinds of reaction that usurp women’s rights and freedom and drag us into the vortex of male-dominated violence. Their alliances with the feudal forces in their semi-colonies are misogynistic. The chauvinism, rearmament and war politics that they foment in their own countries are also culturally based on male supremacy and fuel misogyny. The honey that they smear around our mouths means that we are content with what is available and accept our fate. Which in turn would mean that we accept their exploitative, bloodsucking, misogynistic system, including male supremacy.

We won’t accept it. We won’t submit. We will not shy away from our struggle . We will not settle for limited, symbolic rights. There will be no liberation of working women as long as the source of exploitation, violence, poverty, aggression and unjust wars does not dry up. We will fight our battle with the consciousness of complete liberation, not less. We will conduct our struggle not with a liberal spirit, but with a revolutionary spirit.

For this reason, 8 th of March is neither a mere “Women’s Day” nor an instrument of capitalist consumer culture.

March 8th;

– … is a call to struggle against unjust imperialist wars.

– … is a call for rebellion against the multiple exploitation and oppression of female workers.

– … is a call to expand women’s revolutionary organization and struggle in this process in which exploitation increases and “slave” laws are introduced.

– … is a call to struggle against all impositions of patriarchal culture, religious reaction and all forms of discrimination.

– … is a call to organize against State violence against communist, revolutionary and progressive women in dungeons, in prison and on the streets.

As Purple-Red collectives, we will face March 8th, International Working Women’s Day, in the streets and squares with all our enthusiasm, challenging “frustration and despair ,” smashing misogyny, opposing imperialist plunder and exploitation, and never let ourselves be chained by fascism and feudalism.





MARCH 2024

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Pretenden desahuciar dos centros sociales de Madrid (La Ferroviaria y La Bankarrota)

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«Τα βρίσκουν δεν τα βρίσκουν,

στο κτήριο της Βουλής,

η μόνη ‘αντιπολίτευση’


Η διαβούλευσή-απάτη έληξε. Την Παρασκευή 8 Μάρτη, η Κυβέρνηση με τις οδηγίες των ΗΠΑ και της ΕΕ φέρνει με τη βία το νομοσχέδιο Πιερρακάκη προς ψήφιση στη Βουλή. Τρέμουν τη φωνή των δεκάδων χιλιάδων φοιτητών που βρίσκονται στους δρόμους και σύσσωμου του εκπαιδευτικού κόσμου που απαιτεί την απόσυρσή του νομοσχεδίου. Ολόκληρο το σύστημα της σαπίλας και της διαφθοράς, της βαρβαρότητας και της εξάρτησης, οι κυβερνητικοί εκπρόσωποι και τα παπαγαλάκια των ΜΜΕ έχουν πέσει με λύσσα πάνω στους φοιτητές. Με ΜΑΤ και εισαγγελείς, με τηλε-εξετάσεις και μαύρη προπαγάνδα θέλουν να επιβάλλουν έ να μαύρο νομοσχέδιο που ανοίγει διάπλατα το δρόμο –μέσω της ίδρυσης ιδιωτικών πανεπιστημίων και της παράκαμψης του Άρθρου 16– για την διάλυση της δημόσιας δωρεάν παιδείας και των δημοκρατικών ελευθεριών. Που εισάγει με το άρθρο 58 για πρώτη φορά ΔΙΔΑΚΤΡΑ στα δημόσια πανεπιστήμια με το πρόσχημα ότι θα αφορούν σε πρώτη φάση τους αλλοδαπούς φοιτητές. Που δημιουργεί υποψηφίους δύο ταχυτήτων στις πανελλαδικές εξετάσεις ανάλογα με το ύψος του πορτοφολιού τους, που θα διαγωνίζονται για τις ιδιωτικές σχολές με τα μισά μόρια. Ένα νομοσχέδιο που απογειώνει τις ταξικές διακρίσεις στην εκπαίδευση πετώντας έξω από τις σχολές τα παιδιά του εργαζόμενου λαού. ΘΑ ΜΑΣ ΒΡΟΥΝ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ ΤΟΥΣ!

8 ΜΑΡΤΗ 2007 – 8 ΜΑΡΤΗ 2024…

…μας πέταξαν το γάντι! ΘΑ ΤΟ ΞΑΝΑΣΗΚΩΣΟΥΜΕ!

Η 8η Μάρτη ως μέρα ψηφοφορίας στη Βουλή, όχι μόνο δεν επιλέχθηκε τυχαία από την Κυβέρνηση, αλλά δείχνει το βαθύ μίσος ενός συστήματος που θέλει να πάρει τη ρεβάνς από τη νεολαία. Το 2007, η μεγαλειώδης πορεία στις 8 του Μάρτη, με δεκάδες χιλιάδες φοιτητές στους δρόμους την ημέρα ψήφιση του τότε νόμου Γιαννάκου, αποτέλεσε κορυφαία στιγμή της πάλης του κινήματος του 2006-2007 που τους πόνεσε βαθιά. Ενός κινήματος που μπλόκαρε την αναθεώρηση του άρθρου 16 και κατάφερε να εμποδίσει τους ταξικούς φραγμούς που σχεδίαζαν να βάλουν τόσες και τόσες κυβερνήσεις. Ενός κινήματος που κέρδισε πίστωση χρόνου στο δικαίωμα στις δωρεάν σπουδές για πολλές ακόμη γενιές εισακτέων μέχρι σήμερα.

Τώρα, 17 χρόνια μετά, η κυβέρνηση με μία κίνηση ισχυρού συμβολισμού πετάει ξανά το γάντι στους φοιτητές. Εμείς το ξανασηκώνουμε και απαντάμε στους δρόμους: «ΠΑΡΩΝ»!


Συνεχίζουμε δυναμικά, κλιμακώνουμε τον αγώνα μας με νέους γύρους γενικών συνελεύσεων, καταλήψεων και διαδηλώσεων κατά τόπους την Πέμπτη 7 Μάρτη και με πανελλαδικό συλλαλητήριο στην Αθήνα την Παρασκευή 8 Μάρτη. Δεν σταματάμε ακόμη κι αν η κυβέρνηση περάσει το νομοσχέδιο στη Βουλή. Το φοιτητικό κίνημα ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ακόμη και ψηφισμένους νόμους να ανατρέψει. Το απέδειξε το 1979 ενάντια στο νόμο 815. Κόντρα σε εχθρούς και ψεύτικους φίλους που αποδέχονται την τηλε-καταστολή και βλέπουν την 8η Μάρτη ως το «τέλος», εμείς βλέπουμε με αγωνιστική αισιοδοξία την «αρχή» που έκανε εδώ και δύο μήνες το μεγάλο μας κίνημα. Αγωνιζόμαστε μέχρι τη νίκη!




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Spanish State – Servir al Pueblo: The State and imperialism sustain patriarchal violence – The Red Herald

We publish an unofficial translation of the Editorial of issue 10 of the Spanish State’s newspaper Servir al Pueblo.

The proletarian woman carries the weight of double oppression on her shoulders: capitalist and patriarchal. On the one hand she is a worker, suffering the capitalist exploitation of wage labor. Additionally she is a woman under the class society where patriarchy develops, suffering the reactionary force of custom and tradition, which maintains the yoke of domestic work once her workday is over.

And this not being enough, the capitalist and patriarchal exploitation suffered by the proletarian woman are intertwined, making her living conditions even worse. The proletarian woman is concentrated, in the labor market, in those sectors with worse working conditions and suffers belittlement, humiliation and sexual harassment. Meanwhile, in the domestic sphere, she suffers the consequences of these poor working conditions: she cannot reconcile family life and is forced to work split shifts and/or part-time. From the relationship between capitalist and patriarchal oppression, in the era of imperialism in its greatest phase of decomposition, it develops the cruelest forms of discrimination, vexation and humiliation. Even sexual slavery, such as prostitution.

Given this general situation, the picture does not improve in the Spanish context. The wage gap -the structural difference between what a man and a woman earn in the same jobs- remains. Although the government, the State institutions and the trade union leaders -who follow bourgeois feminism- affirm that the wage gap has decreased, they base themselves solely and exclusively on data from the increase in the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI), leaving out millions of women who work off the books. The right to abortion is continually attacked by reactionary and ultra-Catholic groups -financed directly or indirectly by the institutions, parties of the bourgeoisie and by the Catholic Church-, which carry out campaigns of harassment and attack against abortion clinics, blackmailing women who wish to have an abortion in every possible way. The low number of public day-care centers that exist -and not in all cities- make life difficult for mothers, especially single mothers.

We cannot lose sight of the youth, whose culture and way of thinking is harshly hit by the ideological offensive of imperialism, developing cruel forms of patriarchal oppression of girls and adolescents. There have been several cases of gang rape by minors under 16 years of age. As if the harassment and hypersexualization of girls and adolescents in schools and institutes were not enough, new technological tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) are used as tools of blackmail and extortion. Thus, the case of how a group of students distributed fake photography created by AI showing their classmates naked was notorious. During class society, imperialism and patriarchal violence, those advances that should be good for humanity, such as AI, are used for imperialist war, sexual harassment and other patriarchal violence.

It is visible how the hypersexualization caused by patriarchal canons or standards of beauty affects the youth, but not only them. The proletarian woman, of all ages, is strongly subjected to this social pressure. It is notorious how the number of aesthetic operations has increased by 215% from 2014 to 2021, where it is women who undergo these operations (85% of operations are intended for women). The most common operations are breast implants, rhinoplasty, liposuction and modifications to the face in general. The great increase of aesthetic operations is due to a reduction in the price of surgery and the popularization of installment payments, added to a strong patriarchal pressure. That is how cruel patriarchal violence is.

All these cases are practical examples of how in the epoch of imperialism, in the phase of its greatest decomposition, the cultural expression of patriarchal violence becomes even more atrocious and humiliating for proletarian women.

Patriarchal violence, in all its forms, plagues women in all areas of their lives. In the past year 2023, 101 male chauvinist murders were officially recorded. So far in 2024 there are at least 10. There is no defense for women who are raped or assaulted. The “most progressive government in history” claims to be feminist, but does not defend proletarian women against abuse at work, does not break the yoke that binds them to the home, nor does it protect them from those who beat or rape them.

To be considered a “victim of gender violence” by the bourgeois justice system is a labyrinth in which many women do not succeed. Either because they do not have the economic resources -we already know that the free justice provided by the State is something that does not work in real life-, or because the institutions do not guarantee the right to denounce -how can a woman denounce if the police laugh at her or do not believe her? There are not few cases of rapes in police stations, prisons or Internment Centers for Foreigners (CIE). Is an assaulted woman going to trust the aggressors?- or for any other reason.

Even relying on bourgeois justice, to be considered a “victim of gender violence” and end up condemning the male chauvinist aggressor, guarantees absolutely nothing. There are not few news where in 2023 we could see how a person convicted of gender violence murders his ex-partner for revenge. Those convicted lead a normal life beyond the punishment -mild and punctual- that at the time is imposed on them. There are even autonomous and national deputies who were convicted in a final sentence, ran for election and were elected!

The conclusion is that the proletarian woman who rebels and wants to cut ties with the aggressor with whom she lives, cannot. If she reports, she is not assured of victory. If she achieves legal victory, she is not assured the protection of a timely revenge. If she has children, she is not assured of keeping them and the aggressor may have full or shared custody of them.

We cannot forget how imperialism, Spanish imperialism in this case, preys on women in semi-dependent and semi-feudal countries dominated by imperialism. The most common profile of a prostitute in Spain is that of a Colombian woman between 23 and 28 years old. More than 90% of the prostituted women are foreigners, mainly from these oppressed countries (Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa). In Huelva, strawberry temporary workers in the countryside – who are mainly Moroccan – suffer miserable working hours and wages, along with numerous cases of rape and sexual abuse which they have denounced. Latin American women, throughout the country, are the most employed and sought after profile for cleaning and domestic care work, often being interned in the residence where they live and in conditions of semi-slavery.

The “most progressive government in history”, the government that says it is feminist, does not protect the proletarian woman. An it never will, this or any other government, because due to the very essence of a government of this nature (which manages the interests of the imperialist bourgeois state), it can not end the nature of the problem of patriarchy (originating in class society and developing in the epoch of monopoly capitalism, i.e., imperialism). The government can only mitigate the problem, and not even effectively!

Facing bourgeois feminism in all its variants, there was no purely proletarian feminism that imposed the class position of the proletariat, which is nothing else than the organization, mobilization and politization of the proletarian woman to destroy imperialism and class society to thus destroy the patriarchy. The proletarian woman can only liberate herself by liberating herself as a class, since the problems she suffers from come directly from class society.

Facing bourgeois feminism, we must defend, raise and apply proletarian feminism. The proletarian woman can not be a slave for much longer. The centuries of oppression, humiliation, violence and exploitation in all its forms must be sent to the place it should never leave: the trash heap of history.

Proletarian feminism for Communism!

Develop the fury of the proletarian woman as a powerful force for the revolution!

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Germany: Call for 8th of March – The Red Herald

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the call of the Red Women’s Committees for the 8th of March, published on demvolkedienen.org.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

8th of March 2024

Women, combat and resist!

The class struggle is raging all over the world. Wherever we look, we see the wars, the genocide, the bloodbaths and massacres that imperialism is unleashing in a desperate attempt to escape its impending doom. Imperialism, which brings wealth and prosperity to the exploiters and poverty and misery to the exploited, is in a deep crisis, fueled by the ongoing struggle of the peoples of the world who are courageously and stubbornly fighting against the yoke of their oppression. The grimace of this dying beast is particularly ugly at present in Palestine, where Yankee imperialism with its Israeli butchers – also supported by German imperialism! – is driving forward the heinous genocide of the Palestinian people, who are holding up the flag of resistance and defending it with their blood. Even though the enemy is armed to the teeth and equipped with the latest technology, the people of Palestine are fighting fearlessly with all the means at their disposal, proving day after day that victory is theirs. The role played by the women of the people – also within the National Resistance Front of the People of Palestine – is by no means passive or limited to mere “support work”, on the contrary, the women of our class and people are fighting at the front line! The participation of women in the decades-long heroic struggle of the people of Palestine has existed as long as this struggle itself and the rest of the world is no different; the best examples of this are the people’s wars in Peru, India, Turkey and the Philippines. Wherever there is struggle, women are also standing up and showing that half the sky is theirs and they will conquer it!

In this country, too, the women of our class are doubly oppressed – by imperialism and patriarchy – and therefore have twice the reason to struggle. Each of us can feel this every day. We are forced to allow ourselves to be exploited at work, often under miserable conditions, and at the same time we are expected to look after the children and the household without pay, not to mention relatives in need of care. Our bosses are lining their pockets, and if we and our class brothers no longer bring them profit, they let us fall into unemployment or short-time work overnight, robbing us of our last wages.

The bourgeois state does everything it can to maintain this state of affairs; after all, its own existence depends on it. It is therefore not surprising that we are the first to be affected by austerity measures, while the big money is invested in arms deliveries and armaments so that the German State can secure its imperialist interests in the world, be it in Ukraine or in the so-called “Middle East”. After the government headed by Olaf Scholz recently shifted money around unconstitutionally in the interests of the bourgeoisie in the usual gangster manner, the billions that are now missing are to be made up by cutting social spending, among other things. As always, the burden is being placed on the shoulders of the working class. The planned cuts, e.g. in citizens’ benefits, will hit us women particularly hard, as we in Germany still earn almost 20% less than men, while we are almost ten times more likely to be single parents and therefore more often dependent on financial support. We have also been waiting for over a year for the promised “basic-security for children” spending, but more than one of five children in Germany still lives in poverty and there is no prospect of improvement anywhere at sight. The situation is no better when it comes to childcare: Although every child from the age of one is entitled by law to a place in a daycare center, there is a shortage of almost 400,000 places throughout Germany, especially in working-class neighborhoods. The few daycare centers that do exist, as well as schools, after-school care centers and other childcare facilities, are systematically understaffed, cut to the bone and allowed to fall into disrepair: Another factor forcing us into unemployment! The rulers are also only too happy to save on our health: on top of the already miserable health care for the entire working class, we women are faced with the immense reduction in delivery rooms and maternity wards, a huge shortage of gynecologists and clinics that perform abortions. And when we feel the effects of patriarchy, for example through domestic violence, in most cases the perpetrator is not prosecuted, but the woman is simply sent to a women’s shelter. And even that’s only if you’re lucky, because women’s shelters are also in short supply, contrary to bourgeois law.

All the State gives us are empty promises. Any apparent improvement is nothing but breadcrumbs thrown to us from time to time to keep our mouths shut. Because there can be no improvement for us within this rotten society. As long as imperialism exists, our exploitation and oppression by the patriarchy will also exist. The one cannot be smashed without the other, because the basis of both is the same: private property. Only the united struggle with our class brothers for a classless society can create the basis for our emancipation. To serve this goal, we need a class-conscious women’s movement that struggles for the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Germany and our actual emancipation!

Red Women’s Committees FRG

(Part of the Red League)

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Maoism: our rallying cry for proletarian power VI – The Red Herald

We publish an unofficial translation of the final part of an article series published on Yeni Demokrasi. We have previously published part I , part II , part III , part IV and part V .

One of Mao’s contributions to dialectical materialist philosophy was his reference to the existence of “many contradictions in the process of development of a complex thing”. The term “one of his contributions” should be emphasised here. For when it is expressed in this way, the relationship of each contribution to the other contributions seems to be hidden. However, these contributions are intertwined; one brings forth or explains the other. When Mao says that there are “many contradictions in the process of development of a complex thing”, he redefines the contradiction, which he understands “as the essence of dialectics”, in reality and on a higher level, thus deepening philosophy. We see in almost all scientific analyses of society that there are many contradictions in the development process of every great thing. Of course, not only in analyses of society, but also in analyses of all complex processes, the existence of many contradictions is mentioned. This is one of the fundamental characteristics of scientific analysis. As we have already emphasised, the theory of philosophy was not completed either by Marx and Engels or by Lenin and Stalin. The chapter “On the Question of Dialectics” in Lenin’s “Philosophical Notebooks” from 1915 and Stalin’s “Dialectical Materialism” are worth mentioning in this context. Lenin’s chapter “On the Question of Dialectics” is the draft of a work. Here Lenin presents the most concise and fundamental aspects of materialist dialectics in a depth and richness that had never been achieved before. It can be said that Stalin’s work is an attempt to complete this work. But even this attempt is incomplete as far as the completion of the theory is concerned. Mao’s contribution lies at the level of completing this theory. By stating that “there are many contradictions in the process of development of a complex thing”, Mao explains a fundamental feature of the philosophy on which Marxism is based. He makes this clear by explaining the categories of “universality of contradiction”, “specificity of contradiction”, “main contradiction and main aspect of contradiction”, “identity and struggle of contradictory aspects”.

This thesis is implicit in all scientific analyses. In analysing capitalist society, we see that Marx, having begun by examining the “commodity”, the most general, omnipresent and ubiquitous element of this society, as a contradiction, arrives step by step at “many contradictions” and examines each one in relation to the others. Engels carries out a similar analysis in the “Dialectic of Nature”. In “On The Origin of Species”, Darwin also carries out such an analysis. We know that Lenin analyses “many contradictions” together and in relation to each other in many of his works such as “Imperialism”, “Socialism and War”, “The Right of Peoples to Self-Determination”, and that Stalin deals with “many contradictions” in almost all his works, especially in “Problems of Leninism”. What Mao is actually doing here is expanding the theoretical vocabulary of dialectical materialist philosophy to include this characteristic of “every complex thing”.

Mao begins the construction of the theory by stating that the concept of contradiction is the sole essence of philosophy, its fundamental law, its fundamental element that precedes all other categories. This conception is mainly held by Lenin, and Lenin emphasises that it must be developed further. Lenin says: “The splitting of a single whole and the cognition of its contradictory parts (…) is the essence (one of the “essentials,” one of the principal, if not the principal, charactetistics or features) of dialectics…. The correctness of this aspect of the content of dialectics must be tested by the history of science” (Philosophical Notebooks, p. 357).

When Lenin states that this topic is treated in various fields as a “collection of examples” but not as epistemology, he indicates that the topic should be treated from this point of view. It is clear from these statements that the chapter was written for this purpose. Mao’s treatment of the topic as “epistemology” and “law of cognition” is particularly significant in this respect.

One could say: “Even without this, we know that the dialectic is used to analyse both reality and knowledge. What then is the meaning of ‘special meaning’?


From the very beginning, the field of philosophy was a mystery to the masses. Although idealism dealt exclusively with the realm of knowledge, dialectics in the realm of concepts was not the main subject of materialism since it was formulated by Heraclitus, a naturalist, on the basis of “becoming”, “flow” and thus movement. Hegel held the view that the “universal spirit” was the only thing that had truth value, and even went so far as to say that it was “an inner being implanted in us by nature”. This is why Lenin adds the following to the statement “Intelligent idealism is closer to intelligent materialism than stupid materialism.”: “Dialectical idealism instead of intelligent; metaphysical, undeveloped, dead, crude, rigid instead of stupid.” Let us use the terms as Lenin suggests: “Dialectical idealism is closer to dialectical materialism than to metaphysical, undeveloped, dead, crude, inert materialism.” It was only in Hegel’s philosophy that the dialectical method deepened as a law of cognition. However, this was an entirely mystical use. Lenin states that Hegel’s philosophy is useless in this form. We know that Marx turned away from him, first approached Feurbach and in a short time also rejected him by writing the “Theses on Feurbach”.

The meeting of dialectics with materialism took place with the great step taken by Marx and Engels. From then on, materialism reached the stage of “intelligent materialism”, i.e. “dialectical materialism”. With this step, philosophy takes on a scientific character. The scientific method of investigation, the scientific method of thought, the scientific theory of knowledge became the means of human thought. This is also the inevitable consequence of the natural sciences, which had already reached a certain level by this time, were still developing and would develop even faster. It is also a product of the dynamics of the development of the new society, the capitalist society.

When Mao says: “The class struggle comes first”, he is not only referring to the philosophy of Marxism, but also to the role of the class struggle and the natural sciences in the development of philosophy as a whole.

“For a long period in history … [metaphysics], which is part and parcel of the idealist world outlook, occupied a dominant position in human thought. In Europe, the materialism of the bourgeoisie in its early days was also metaphysical. As the social economy of many European countries advanced to the stage of highly developed capitalism, as the forces of production, the class struggle and the sciences developed to a level unprecedented in history, and as the industrial proletariat became the greatest motive force in historical development, there arose the Marxist world outlook of materialist dialectics. Then, in addition to open and barefaced reactionary idealism, vulgar evolutionism emerged among the bourgeoisie to oppose materialist dialectics.” Ultimately, existence determines thought: the development of the productive forces, the class struggle and the sciences has brought philosophy from the “world of secrets” to the level of materialist dialectics, which is the way, the method, to arrive at knowledge of history, indeed of everything. At this point, we should refer to Mao’s statement that “he industrial proletariat became the greatest motive force in historical development”, which is certainly no coincidence. The fact that the industrial proletariat is propertyless and incapable of creating a new class society is the basis for its compatibility with the scientific structure of dialectical materialism. The relation of dialectical materialism to the industrial proletariat is important for the end of the period of class struggles in history. This relationship must be particularly emphasised; it must be studied, understood and explained… It should be noted that Mao’s “transformation of philosophy into a weapon of the masses”, which we have often referred to in discussing his contributions to philosophy, is related to this.

Mao says: “This dialectical world outlook teaches us primarily how to observe and analyse the movement of opposites in different things and, on the basis of such analysis, to indicate the methods for resolving contradictions. It is therefore most important for us to understand the law of contradiction in things in a concrete way.” Finally, by “us” Mao means the communists, the leaders of the historical road on which the industrial proletariat marches, the proletarian vanguard that feeds on it, that relies on its movement… After explaining that dialectics teaches us to analyse the movement of contradictions and, on the basis of this analysis, to find methods to resolve the contradictions, Mao says that the most important thing is to understand the law of contradiction concretely. This is the basis of Mao’s contributions. Mao first made this clear in the essays “On Practice” and then in “On Contradiction”, thus completing the theory of the dialectical world view.

He explains the understanding of the law of contradiction in a concrete way through the abstract-concrete/general-specific/universal-typical relationship, which he establishes under the headings “universality of contradiction” and “specificity of contradiction”. This section of the essay “On Contradiction” contains the basic understanding of the “concrete understanding of contradiction”. We have already mentioned this several times and point out once again that all revolutions in history are to be understood as the result of concrete analyses of the respective social structures and that proletarian revolutions can only be realised through specific, country-specific strategies based on the “analysis of concrete conditions”. Concretely, no revolution is the same as another revolution, even if they are qualitatively the same. The universal reality of proletarian revolutions in no way negates the fact that these revolutions must be based on concrete analyses. The specificity in universality and the universality in specificity is the indispensable understanding of the dialectical worldview. Without this understanding, no reality can be understood. It can only be half understood, which is one of the forms of non-understanding.


From this chapter onwards, Mao speaks of a “new” stage which the concrete analysis encounters and which he formulates for the first time. This “novelty” is the thesis of the existence of “many contradictions in the process of development of a complex thing”. Indeed, there are many contradictions in all processes, unless one is dealing with a simple, isolated process. Scientists also have to deal with many contradictions when they analyse an event, a material process or a formation. By analysing each of these contradictions as far as possible, they try to understand or be able to understand the event, the material process or the formation. This inevitably applies to all analyses of social struggle.

We can say that this is finally Mao’s trademark in the field of philosophy. Having grasped the law of contradiction as the “essential essence” of dialectics, he turns to explaining the concrete role that contradiction plays in these processes, and at this point he turns away from the concept of “one contradiction” and focuses on the concept of “many contradictions”. From then on, he is concerned with understanding the role of the “many contradictions” in the process in question. Terms such as “basic contradiction”, “main contradiction”, “main contradictions”, “the predominant direction in the contradiction” are descriptions of these roles. The question of the “diversity of contradictions in the development process of a great cause” is one of the crucial questions in determining the programmes, principles and the path that the revolutions should take. Without this kind of analysis, it is impossible to understand and analyse revolutionary processes. This is because revolutions involve the resolution of many contradictions. Many contradictions in a social structure are either resolved or dissolved by revolutions. This phenomenon is the basis of Mao’s relationship to revolutions. His analysis of society involves identifying and analysing contradictions. He discusses class relations on the basis of contradictions and evaluates the relationship of each class to the revolution on the basis of social contradictions. This is the well-known class analysis. However, analysing class through philosophy, or perhaps better said, through epistemology, is a special form of Mao’s contribution to philosophy. This is clearly shown in the philosophical essay “On Contradiction”. After noting that of the many contradictions in a process, one contradiction determines or influences the others, Mao illustrates this relationship of contradictions by analysing the whole world as follows: “in capitalist society the two forces in contradiction, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, form the principal contradiction. The other contradictions, such as those between the remnant feudal class and the bourgeoisie, between the peasant petty bourgeoisie ant the bourgeoisie, between the proletariat and the peasant petty bourgeoisie, between the non-monopoly capitalists and the monopoly capitalists, between bourgeois democracy and bourgeois fascism, among the capitalist countries and between imperialism and the colonies, are all determined or influenced by this principal contradiction.” In capitalist society, that is, in the world society of our epoch, all other contradictions are determined or influenced by the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. This does not mean that everything or every contradiction results or exists from this contradiction. Of course, there are many contradictions that are the product and result of this contradiction. The contradictions between the proletariat and the petty bourgeoisie, between the bourgeoisie and bourgeois fascism, between monopoly capitalists and non-monopoly capitalists, between imperialism and the colonies are of this kind. However, the contradictions between the feudal remnants and the bourgeoisie or between the feudal remnants and the proletariat are contradictions from the continuation of the period before capitalist society. Nevertheless, the solution or resolution of any contradiction depends on the resolution of the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. For this reason, Mao also emphasises the revolutionary role of the proletariat under the conditions of the existence of feudal remnants. He considers the elimination of the feudal remnants impossible without advancing on the path of the proletarian solution. This role of the principal contradiction in resolving the many contradictions in a social process is the fundamental role that dialectical materialists adopt as a principle in defining and analysing a process. For the World Proletarian Revolution, for example, the passage from Mao quoted above is fundamental. Mao’s devotion to the cause of the proletariat and his passion for the victory of socialism can be seen in this passage alone. Anyone who does not realise that the elimination of the feudal remnants requires the leadership of the proletariat, who in any way attributes this elimination to the bourgeoisie, is not a Maoist and does not understand the “role of the principal contradiction among many contradictions” of dialectical materialism.

When we claim this, we are often told: “You are not analysing concrete conditions, you are dogmatic”. Apart from citing concrete arguments, we must remind them that dialectical materialism is the scientific way and method of analysing reality. “The presence and role of the principal contradiction among many contradictions” is not an exceptional case but, on the contrary, a law that always applies and can be relied upon with complete confidence in any scientific analysis: “there is no doubt at all that at every stage in the development of a process, there is only one principal contradiction which plays the leading role. Hence, if in any process there are a number of contradictions, one of them must be the principal contradiction playing the leading and decisive role, while the rest occupy a secondary and subordinate position. Therefore, in studying any complex process in which there are two or more contradictions, we must devote every effort to finding its principal contradiction. Once this principal contradiction is grasped, all problems can be readily solved. This is the method Marx taught us in his study of capitalist society. ” (Mao Zedong, On Contradiction).

Mao’s thesis “There are many contradictions in the process of development of a complex thing, and at every stage in the development of a process there is a principal contradiction” is one of his fundamental contributions to philosophy. But that is not all. Another of Mao’s decisive contributions is his concept of “instability, inequality”. This was undoubtedly formulated before Marx, but ultimately it has been a principle of dialectical materialism ever since. Mao, however, raised this issue to the highest level. Not only does he argue that equilibrium does not exist, that it is temporary and relative, but he also distances himself from the search for equilibrium. He is fully aware that a Marxist can never strive for equilibrium. He understands the universality of contradiction as an infinite process and defines the finitude of each contradiction in its particularity. That is why he says that there can be no equilibrium in socialism and even more so in communism. In this respect, he appears as a revolutionary who constantly speaks of chaos, gives in to chaos and defends chaos. The essence, however, is the chaos in the processes themselves. Mao does not speak of the creation of chaos, but of the inevitability and continuity of chaos. The concept of “creation” is also at odds with materialism from the outset. The concepts of the materialist define reality.

Mao speaks of the instability of the two contradictory aspects of a contradiction as follows: “… in any given contradiction, whether principal or secondary, should the two contradictory aspects be treated as equal? Again, no. In any contradiction the development of the contradictory aspects is uneven. Sometimes they seem to be in equilibrium, which is however only temporary and relative, while unevenness is basic.”

Mao explains this instability and inequality through the “fierce” struggle between the two aspects of the contradiction. The determination and maintenance of the contradiction is the task of one of the two aspects, while the other aspect has the task of ensuring the end of the contradiction, its transition to a new stage. This is the case with all contradictions. Therefore, everything is destined for instability, for rupture. Mao showed this by explaining the characteristics of contradictory directions: “Of the two contradictory aspects, one must be principal and the other secondary. The principal aspect is the one playing the leading role in the contradiction. The nature of a thing is determined mainly by the principal aspect of a contradiction, the aspect which has gained the dominant position.”

“But this situation is not static; the principal and the non-principal aspects of a contradiction transform themselves into each other and the nature of the thing changes accordingly. In a given process or at a given stage in the development of a contradiction, A is the principal aspect and B is the non-principal aspect; at another stage or in another process the roles are reversed–a change determined by the extent of the increase or decrease in the force of each aspect in its struggle against the other in the course of the development of a thing. “

In view of all this, Mao said: “We often speak of ‘the new superseding the old’. The supersession of the old by the new is a general, eternal and inviolable law of the universe.”


The general, eternal and non-negligible law of the universe also explains Mao’s relationship to complexity.

In his introduction to the collection of Mao’s “On Contradiction” and a series of other philosophical essays, Zizek describes Mao as a “Marxist Lord of Misrule”: “This is why, while setting in motion and secretly pulling the strings of the self-destructive carnival, Mao nonetheless remained exempted from its shifts: at no moment was there ever a serious threat that Stalin (or Mao) himself should be ritualistically deposed, treated as ‘yesterday a king, today a beggar’ – he was not the traditional Master, but the ‘Lord of Misrule’”.

It is partly true that Mao did not essentially receive the treatment that Stalin received from the Soviet leadership after him. We say “partly” because it must be remembered that Stalin was not suddenly treated like a “beggar of a king”. It is well known that the attack on Stalin began timidly, tentatively and secretly. The ominous resolution of the 20th Party Congress about him, about his time, was not made public for a long time. Despite the open hostility at the congress, both Khrushchev and Brezhnev continued to defend Stalin. It should also be remembered that Mao was essentially rejected by the leadership immediately after him, his Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was completely negated, and his moves towards socialism were condemned as sectarianism. “Yesterday’s king, today’s beggar” is not directly the case, but it is to some extent the case in the governments of the countries concerned. However, this is not our subject. Our subject is the true meaning of the term “Lord of Misrule”…

For many of us, this term is associated with first-hand contempt. The reign of chaos is a status based in the carnival on the idea that “it was customary for great households to choose a ‘Lord of Misrule.’ The person chosen was expected to preside over the revels that briefly reversed or parodied the conventional social and economic hierarchies. /…/When the brief reign of misrule was over, the customary order of things would be restored: the Lords of Misrule would go back to their menial occupations”. A status explained by Mao’s “inexhaustible evilness”… To call Mao the “Lord of Misrule” is indeed appropriate in an inverted reading. He is indeed a Marxist who masters chaos, who explains chaos, as all Marxists do…. As we have tried to explain above, Mao is someone who argues that instability and inequality are essential, that reality contains many contradictions, and that contradictions can never remain in equilibrium, even when they appear to be in equilibrium. This is not a situation that he “wants”, but reality itself. Mao is a materialist. His essay “On Practice” is a declaration of this identity. Reality is, to use the terms above, “the process of development of a complex thing”. “There are many contradictions in the process of development of a complex thing”. The instability and disparity of contradictions explains that every great process is “chaos”. Mao sees reality as chaos. But this chaos can be recognised, analysed and mastered by the consciousness thus created. “Overcoming” can never take the form of stabilising and ending chaos. That contradicts the nature of things. This would be a subjectivist definition resulting from a lack of understanding or a sectarian interpretation of reality. Mao is in favour of the truth, and that is the source of the “Lord of Misrule”. As Comrade Demirdag said: “Facts are revolutionary”. Mao Zedong’s philosophical theory of understanding reality and transforming it in a revolutionary direction offers enormous opportunities for people, especially the proletariat today.

In summary, Mao Zedong’s contribution to philosophy is the completion and theorisation of Marxist philosophy. This theory must be transferred to the consciousness of the masses. The ability to control chaos must be transferred to the masses. “When it awakens under the influence of the vanguard of the active historical army, consisting of the “best people,” who have learned the lessons of modern science, then the “ordinary people” will understand that their task consists in the radical reconstruction of society (NB)”. (Philosophical Notebooks, by Plekhanov on Chernyshevsky, p. 543)

It is an indisputable fact that Mao Zedong, as the last of the “best people who have learned the lessons of modern science”, was a unique revolutionary theorist who declared that the period of proletarian revolutions was the period of “turmoil”, that he was the greatest revolutionary, that of course in a communist society the revolutions would continue in completely different forms…


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Mexico: Statement on the Day of Struggle – The Red Herald

We publish an unofficial translation of a statement by Current of the People Red Sun (Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo) .

Our Day of Struggle is a response to the lack of a solution to the demands for justice and repression!

Next Monday begins our Day of Struggle in Defense of the Rights of the People , which will take place in a context of increased repression and criminalization against the popular movement in Oaxaca.

The chronology of aggressions against the people so far this year is as follows:

16th of January.
70 proletarian families from the neighborhood Revolución in the Port of Salina Cruz were assaulted by municipal police and the Navy while resisting the demolition of their homes initiated by the company in charge of the construction of the Inter-Oceanic Train.

27th of January. In the midst of a joint operation, elements of the State Investigation Agency, State Police and National Guard raided the homes of 9 activists of the Civil Resistance-Mixtequilla, who were detained and transferred to the Tanivet prison; the following day the community was besieged by the National Guard and the Navy to prevent protests. Finally, on February 2, a control judge imposed the precautionary measure of justified pre-trial detention on the detainees.

7th of February. A district judge in Salina Cruz sentenced David Hernández Salazar, Community Agent of Puente Madera and member of the APIIDTT organization, to 46 years and 6 months in prison for opposing the dispossession of communal lands.

13 th of February. Elements of municipal and state police with high-powered weapons and without riot gear evicted our artisan and merchant comrades from the Gurrión walkway, next to the Temple of Santo Domingo, violating their right to work and the agreements signed with the municipal and state governments.

18th of February. Elements of the Navy violently evict and detain retired railroad workers who were demonstrating on the railroad tracks in Matías Romero.

29 th of February. State police install metal fences in the street of the city’s main square, in anticipation of new demonstrations. It should be noted that our Day of Struggle begins on March 4 and will enter the main square.

This Day of Struggle in Defense of the Rights of the People is a response to the lack of a solution to our demands for justice and also to the repression that seems to want to consolidate in the state under the discourse of the “Oaxacan spring”. It is evident that the big bourgeoisie, through the governments of the self-proclaimed 4T, wants to impose its vision of “peace” by co-opting, demobilizing and repressing the popular movement.

The SolRojistas are made of a special dough, as comrade Stalin teaches us. We will not give up. Our revolutionary order continues: Flood the streets and squares with red flags!

Stop the war against the people!

Don’t vote, organize and fight!

Whoever governs, the rights of the people are defended!

Current of the People Red Sun

1 st of March 2024

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ΘΕΣΑΛΛΟΝΙΚΗ | Ανταπόκριση από την προβολή του “Μέρες Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας”

Πετυχημένη η προβολή και η ανοιχτή συζήτηση που διοργάνωσαν οι Αγωνιστικές κινήσεις το Σάββατο 2/3 στη κατειλημμένη Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών του ΑΠΘ.

Το ντοκυμαντέρ για την πανελλαδική πορεία στις 8/3 του 2007, μέρα ψήφισης του νόμου-πλαισίου Γιαννάκου, έδωσε το έναυσμα για συζήτηση για τις ομοιότητες του τότε κινήματος με το τώρα, καθώς την ερχόμενη Παρασκευή 8/3, ακριβώς 17 χρόνια μετά, είναι προγραμματισμένη η ψήφιση του ν/σ για τα ιδιωτικά πανεπιστήμια. Ο Κ. Καμαρέτσος, αγωνιστής του κινήματος του '06-'07, έδωσε εικόνες και δεδομένα του τότε, και ιδιαίτερα από την ιστορική πορεία του 2007, ενώ έγιναν ερωτήσεις και παρεμβάσεις από νέους και παλιούς αγωνιστές. Τονίστηκε η ανάγκη συνέχισης του αγώνα έως την ανατροπή του νόμου και  η συζήτηση έκλεισε με κάλεσμα συμμετοχής στην πανελλαδική διαδήλωση της Αθήνας την Παρασκευή.

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Nepal: Semi-Feudal or Capitalist? - for debate

Nepal: Semi-Feudal or Capitalist?

Kisan Maharjan

The Question – and this a most pertinent question – on the minds of the Revolutionary Communists of Nepal is that of the conditions of Nepal: whether Nepal remains a semi-feudal society, with semi-feudal relations of production, or whether Nepal has been transformed into a capitalist society. Whether the bourgeois-democratic revolution has been completed or not. Whether the superstructure of society too has been transformed or whether the consciousness of the masses remains feudal or whether this has been sublated by a neoliberal consciousness that is found amongst the masses of the imperialist countries. The latter being just as essential in the analysis, since we understand consciousness to be a reflection of material reality, thus, a capitalist mindset would be indicative of a capitalist nature in society. This is the question that faces the revolutionaries of Nepal; it is necessary to have a correct stance on this issue .

It is necessary, first, to make clear what is meant exactly by the terms ‘capitalism’ and ‘semi-feudalism’. After all, no such evaluation about the relations of production or the nature of society generally, can be conducted, without making clear what is meant by these terms. Firstly, it must be understood what is meant by capitalism, though a detailed analysis of the precise mechanisms of capitalism would take a dissertation of over a thousand pages (such a thing already exists, Capital); what capitalism is can be understood with a degree of exactitude without requiring such a dissertation. Capitalism is a mode of production and appropriation with the following characteristics:

  1. Private ownership over the means of production by the bourgeoisie
  2. Generalized commodity production
  3. Wage labor as the primary labor process of society

Next, it is important to explain what semi-feudalism is, and how it differs from feudalism. To do this, it is necessary, first, to define feudalism. Feudalism is a mode of production and appropriation, just like capitalism, with the following characteristics:

  1. Land ownership and thereby wealth in concentrated in the hands of a landlord class
  2. Means of Production are owned by a landless peasant class who work and live on the land, but do not own it
  3. The surplus produced by the peasants are paid to the landlord as rents

Within a feudal society, the primary antagonism is that between the landlord class and peasant class, however, this is not the only antagonism. There also exist antagonisms between the landlord and nascent the bourgeoisie. The existence of this nascent bourgeoisie and a corresponding nascent class of wage laborers shows us how there exists the embryo of capitalist society within feudal society. Through successive processes of primitive accumulation and finally the hammer blow against feudalism – the bourgeois-democratic revolution – can this germ of capitalist society blossom and develop into mature capitalism. Semi-feudalism, thus, can be said to be the condition where the germ of capitalist society has undergone some development within feudal society; yet feudal conditions have not totally been swept away by the bourgeois-democratic revolution; where the landlord class still clings on to a great deal of power.

General Development Out of Feudalism in Nepal:

In Nepal, until the 50s of the previous century, the laboring masses of peasants were crushed under the heel of the Rana Autocracy. This form however did not suit feudalism, and there existed a contradiction between the various feudal lords, particularly between the House of Shah and the House of Rana. The Ranas, to strengthen their position, made various agreements with the British Imperialists allowing for the flow of British finance capital to Nepal, this led to the birth of semi-colonial conditions in Nepal; where, Nepal maintained nominal independence but was effectively a colony of the British Imperialists. One instance of this is Clause 6 of the Nepal-Britain Treaty of 1923, which stated “ No Customs duty shall be levied at British Indian ports on goods imported on behalf of the Nepal Government for immediate transport to that country(…) ”; this clause effectively allowed Britain to export British commodities and British finance capital to Nepal freely, and is one instance of the unequal treaties made by the feudal state. This is an early expression of the continued suppression of the Nepali National Bourgeoisie, as this treaty effectively allowed the British to outcompete Nepali enterprise and strengthen British monopoly finance capital.

Yet in the end, the British imperialists abandoned the Ranas and the contradictions between the landlords swiftly bubbled to the surface. These then finally erupted into a qualitative development in 1950. Where, one segment of the landlord class, represented by the House of Shah allied with the petite-bourgeoisie and haute bourgeoisie, represented by the Nepali Congress, along with the proletariat and peasants represented by the Nepali Communist Party; led a struggle against the more reactionary segment of the landlords led by the House of Rana. After the victory of this struggle, the landlord class had to make various concessions to the bourgeoisie, this led to a definite transformation of the conditions of Nepal from feudal to semi-feudal.

Some of these concessions, particularly political concessions made to the bourgeoisie, however, were chipped away by the landlord class. At this time, the landlords were the masters of this society, thus, Nepal was principally semi-feudal. The contradictions between the various aspects of society, but principally, the contradiction between the landlords and bourgeoisie, continued to deepen and intensify at this time. Many developments occurred during the subsequent decades. The condition of the Nepali Communist Movement became fractured and split. The two principal lines, the two banners carried by sections of the communist movement became: The banner of electoralism, parliamentarism and royalism upheld by those revisionists that would constitute the CPN (UML); the banner of revolution and smashing of the dictatorship of the compradors and landlords was upheld by those Marxists that would constitute the CPN (Maoist). The Revisionist Social Fascists then degenerated into the most stalwart defenders of the feudal system and the monarchy, the nucleus of this system.

In this period, the rising bourgeoisie, which could not unleash its productive potential under the dictatorship of the landlords, began to prepare by developing its strength and biding its time. In this time, the bourgeoisie were making preparations for their struggle with the feudal lords, they continued operating within the constricting semi-feudal relations imposed Panchayat system, which was the effective domination of the landlord classes, and their primacy. Nepal, at this time too, was both semi-feudal and semi-colonial, but the semi-feudal aspect was the principal oppression. However, the comprador/bureaucrat bourgeoisie did not find this condition acceptable, and this led to a deepening of the contradictions between the two ruling classes.

This contradiction erupted into the “People’s Movement” of 1990, which was a struggle of the compradors against the landlords. The compradors temporarily allied themselves with the petite bourgeoisie, peasants, and proletariat against the landlords; the landlord class gave further concessions to the comprador bourgeoisie, leading to a more egalitarian division of power amongst the pre-existing class dictatorship. At this time, the landlords were still the principal aspect of the class dictatorship of the landlord and comprador/bureaucrat classes. The antagonism between the proletariat, peasants, petite bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie on the one hand and the landlord, comprador/bureaucrat bourgeoisie on the other throughout this period sharply intensified. This intensification continued as the masses of people who trusted the comprador bourgeoisie to lead genuine change during the “People’s Movement” were promptly betrayed; as the ruling classes consolidated their own position and continued the wholesale exploitation of the oppressed classes. These developments and others led to a qualitative leap, a transformation made possible by the masses as the motive force of history, with their revolutionary wrath, being honed and strengthened by the revolutionary vanguard party. The revolution had begun.

The various successes and progressive developments made during the revolutionary period are far outside the scope of this piece. The main point, however, is that the New Democratic Revolution – the bourgeois-democratic and anti-imperialist revolution – was betrayed by the revisionists and renegades within the party. The New Democratic revolution was left incomplete, and the renegades fused the degenerated party with the comprador/bureaucrat bourgeois establishment. In this situation, can it be said that semi-feudalism was swept away? Can it be proclaimed, as some would wish to proclaim, that “The Revolution has eradicated semi-feudalism and established a democratic republic!” (the concept of “the democratic republic” being yet another revisionist daydream)? Absolutely not! The revolution was betrayed, stabbed in the back and the dreams of emancipation by the oppressed masses murdered by the revisionists and renegades, by those who have now developed Nepali Social Fascism to a new higher level (Prachanda Path). And without the revolution negating semi-feudalism, are we to believe that semi-feudalism eroded and died on its own? How can such a thing be when we understand struggle to be the basic motive force of history, without a violent eradication of semi-feudalism, without the bourgeois-democratic revolution, how can semi-feudalism simply vanish?! The reality is that semi-feudalism has not vanished, but rather its manifestation has simply transformed!

The fusion of the renegades with the comprador/bureaucrat bourgeoisie strengthened their position and caused a qualitative transformation in the nature of the Nepali State, previously, semi-feudalism had been the principal aspect, now, semi-colonialism became the principal aspect. With this weakening – though not eradication – of semi-feudalism, the landlord class took on a submissive role to the comprador/bureaucrat bourgeoisie. The hitherto open exploitation by the landlord class took on a covert character, and the comprador/bureaucrat bourgeoisie took over the primary reins of the state. This however does not mean that the contradiction between the comprador/bureaucrat bourgeoisie and the landlords has ended – far from it – the continual unity and struggle of these classes are what shapes Nepali society and the Nepali state. However, these classes are united in their exploitation of the oppressed classes, which is why it is necessary to smash their class dictatorship and establish a revolutionary state following the new democratic revolution.

Analysis of Present Conditions:

With that established, however, it is nevertheless necessary to see how the objective conditions of Nepal to this day remain semi-feudal and how this may not always remain the case. The first development that is gradually eroding the semi-feudal conditions of Nepal is continued primitive accumulation. This process of primitive accumulation, what Marx compared to “original sin” is the first process which leads to the birth of mature capitalism from its embryonic state in the womb of feudalism. This embryonic capitalism in the womb of feudalism, has in the dependent nations been assimilated with imperialist monopoly finance capital, which in truth hinders the development of a national capitalism. The germ of mature national capitalism which has assimilated with imperialist monopoly finance capital has, through the process of primitive accumulation, synthesized itself into a higher stage of development; yet it is still in its embryonic stage within the soil of feudalism yet to germinate. However, to some extent, this process of germination has already commenced.

For instance, during the process of primitive accumulation, it is known that due to the enclosure of land the hitherto landless yet not wholly desolate peasant class forcefully evicted from the lands where they had resided; is violently transformed into the industrial proletariat to meet the needs of the bourgeoisie. This mass proletarianization not merely meets the needs of the developing bourgeoisie of the urban centers, but also exceeds these demands, thus creating a reserve army of the proletariat. We are seeing precisely this process carry out in Nepal. Those that had hitherto lived as landless peasants or owners of small plots of land are being violently, due to various circumstances, forced out of their villages in droves. This process of proletarianization is proven by the mass urbanization experienced in Nepal, as people are being forced to migrate to cities in droves in search of jobs. Thus is created a new proletariat to meet the needs of this amalgam of monopoly finance capital and the germ of national capital. The peasants of Nepal are being transformed into an army of wage slaves to meet the needs of the comprador/bureaucrat bourgeoisie.

In spite of this, semi-feudal relations of production– between the peasants and landlords– remain prevalent. To this day, one and a half million households, are landless forced to live on the lands of landlords and work that land and pay rents to the landed aristocracy. To this day, the system of feudal oppression continues, though due to processes such as primitive accumulation, this feudal oppression is being sublated by a new, capitalist exploitation. This feudal oppression still continues, and millions continue to suffer under this system. The promise to redistribute land to the peasants have not been met by any of the so-called “Socialists” in power, for in truth their vacant words mean nothing. They, in the final analysis, represent the landlord class, and thus would not enact any policy or uphold any line that causes grievance to their landlord masters.

Thus, there is still a large class of peasants, and a class of landlords that oppresses these peasants. Hence, the primary antagonism of feudal society, the antagonism between the peasants and the landlord class, still exists and is still strong. This shows that the semi-feudal mode of production and appropriation still exists and still holds primacy in Nepali society.

Another important point of analysis is an analysis of the political and ideological superstructure. As materialists, we know that in the final analysis, the base shapes the superstructure; meaning that the structural and cultural hegemony of the ruling class would be reflected onto the superstructure on a micro and macro level. The individual is interpellated into a subject for and by ideology, to act as a reproducer of said ideology and participate in this ideology. It is through a sharp analysis of ideology, of the pure ideology that comprises the “common sense” looked on by society, that we can begin a dissection of the nature of the superstructure.

To begin, it is necessary to look at the basic Ideological State Apparatuses which comprise the non-repressive aspect of the superstructure, namely: the family, education, and the media. The family, has, in recent decades, been transformed from an institution where relations in the family built on love, affection, and mutual compassion have been replaced by money-relations. Through this process – which is really a reflection of the aforementioned primitive accumulation and the rising primacy of monopoly finance capital reflected onto the sphere of culture and ideology (the superstructure) – it can be seen that the growth of capitalism is slowly leading to the decay of semi-feudal familial relations. An analysis of education must be divided into two questions, ‘who is doing the educating?’ and ‘what is being educated?’. The answer to the first question is the haute bourgeoisie: schools, colleges, and universities have become the domain of the haute bourgeois class; they have transformed education into a business-model operated by certain syndicates. This educational syndicate is precisely the natural result of market meddling in education. The answer to the second question is that ideology is being taught through education, ideology which conditions people not to question the status quo to blindly accept dictates from above; primarily, this is capitalist ideology. Lastly, the media is owned by the haute bourgeoisie and funded through advertisement by them. The media uses “credible” and “respected” bourgeois sources to shape the Overton window, such that radical ideas are wholly discredited and ruling class stances are brought to the fore.

This may lead one to conclude that the superstructure is an apparatus through which the haute bourgeoisie exercise their hegemony and reproduce the ideology that justifies their hegemony, in turn reproducing capitalist relations of production. But this would be a hasty conclusion to draw! First, this bourgeois hegemony does not necessarily dispel the notion of Nepal being semi-feudal, since, this could be — and likely is — the result of the growing primacy of imperialist monopoly finance capital; this, by virtue of its nature has greater sway over the superstructure and is thus has a superior ability to reproduce itself. The imperialists and compradors have a greater ability to exert their hegemony through the superstructure by virtue of the resources they have at their disposal vis-à-vis the landlord class. So, this merely strengthens the assertion that Nepal is semi-colonial and does not dispel the assertion that it is semi-feudal! It is also undeniably true that internationally, due to their position as the primary superpower, the Yankee imperialists have been able to export their monopoly finance capital; this also invariably results in the export of Yankee idealist-liberal ideology and culture. This too is simply being manifested in Nepal.

Next, we understand the state to be the highest manifestation of the superstructure, and the state is the military-bureaucratic apparatus by which the ruling class enforces its class dictatorship. It is clear that this apparatus is still strongly in the pockets of the landlord class. In the military, many top generals and leader have served for the openly semi-feudal state led by the Shah Autocracy, and they continue to lead the military apparatus. Also, in the bureaucracy, many bureaucrats ranging from municipal secretaries to the top parties in parliament have a history of being in cahoots with the feudal autocracy. The parties, like the Nepali Congress and NCP (UML) have in the past acted as a shield deflecting the masses’ ire away from their oppression under the autocracy, and now they continue to do so covertly.

Lastly, in spite of the structural hegemony of the capitalists, the ideology, and consciousness of the people is still shaped by semi-feudalism. The demands for a return to monarchy, and a return to a more reactionary state of affairs, makes explicit the real semi-feudal conditions of society. After all, consciousness is shaped by material conditions, and semi-feudal consciousness suggests semi-feudal conditions.


In the final analysis, it is clear to see that Nepal is semi-feudal, semi-colonial in nature; semi-colonialism being the principal aspect. The seeming capitalist manifestations in Nepal are caused by the flow of monopoly finance capital to Nepal, and its assimilation with embryonic national capital; imperialist monopoly capital, like a leech, drains the vitality of the embryonic national capital of Nepal, hindering the development of a national capitalism. Imperialist monopoly finance capital is also in-bed with the national oppressors, mainly the landlord class. The seeming growth of capitalism in Nepal is an aberration from the laws of sociohistorical development; this is because the seeming growth of capitalism is actually the growth of a foreign born tumor: monopoly finance capital. Nepal remains largely semi-feudal, however, due to processes set in motion by this imperialist monopoly capital, the semi-feudal order is every day nearing its demise.

This intensifying contradiction between national capitalism on the one hand; and, semi-feudalism and semi-colonialism on the other; shall, through successive developments, lead to the inevitable qualitative leap forward of New Democratic Revolution. Feudalism feels threatened, which is why it retreats into greater reaction and chauvinism, as highlighted by the rise of Durga Prasai. Feudalism’s natural retreat into reaction shows how quantitative developments toward its abolition are being made in ever greater strides. Revolution is inevitable.

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pc 4 marzo - India - le elezioni nel paese ora il più popoloso del mondo e il boicottaggio del Partito Comunista dell'india (Maoista) alla guida della guerra di popolo di lunga durata

in via di traduzione e pubblicazione diffusione nel mondo e in Italia a cura del Comitato Internazionale di sostegno della guerra popolare in India (ICSPWI) info csgpindia@gmail.com

Election Boycott Circular by Communist Party of India (Maoist) - diffused by ICSPWI

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Aalborg: kraftfuld demonstration for Palæstina

Lørdag den 2. marts afholdte Palæstina Nordjylland en kraftfuld demonstration til støtte for det palæstineniske folk. Demonstrationen var blot en af mange demonstrationer over hele landet under hovedtitlen »Hele Danmark på gaden for Palæstina«. Demonstrationen startede foran stationsbygningen og fortsatte ned til Toldbods Plads, under demonstrationen blev der hele tiden råbt kraftfulde slagord til støtte for Palæstina.

Da demonstrationen var kommet frem til Toldbods Plads afholdtes der taler af bl.a. Palæstina Nordjylland, der fordømte de arabiske landsudsælgende bureaukratiske lakajregeringer, som ikke blot passivt har stået hen, men aktivt har støttet Israels folkedrab i Gaza.

Et meget rørende og følelsesladet digt blev også læst højt under demonstrationen.

Antiimperialistisk Kollektiv holdte også en tale, der fordømte Israels folkedrab i Gaza, og udtrykte sin fulde og ubetingede støtte det palæstinensiske folk, som med våben i hænderne kæmper for befrielse. Talen fordømte også yankeernes og den danske imperialismes angreb mod yemen.

»Leve den Heltemodige Palæstinensiske Modstand!«, »Det er rigtigt at gøre oprør!«

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