A campaign has been launched international action from 6
March to 6 April for liberation of the political prisoner
Revolutionary Georges Abdallah locked up in prisons
of French imperialism, a campaign that we relaunch in our
There Struggle for his liberation is the same struggle for liberation
from the Zionism and imperialism of the Palestinian people
excerpts of the appeal for a month of international action for the liberation of Georges Abdallah!
Below is his declaration

.... from 8 June a new phase has opened in the long battle conducted by its supporters for its liberation: while the mobilization on the field, in the diversity of its expressions, continues to grow, Georges Abdallah has agreed to launch a new one Legal offensive through presenting a tenth request for liberation-expulsion towards its country, Lebanon. We support with ours
Action Georges Abdallah's approach, making it resound anywhere during the examination of your new request and we increasingly increase the pressure on the French state through our increasing and constant mobilization!
It is in this sense and taking into account this new phase that we once again ask for an international month of action for the release of Georges Abdallah from 6 March to 6 April 2024, the date of the 14th event in front of the Lannemezan penitentiary center. They can coordinate in this time to bloom throughout France and internationally a thousand initiatives for its liberation and therefore for its struggle in solidarity with the historic Palestine!

Declaration of Georges Abdallah, political prisoner in France, read in Marseille on February 25, 2024.
Dear friends, dear companions,
For over four and a half months, the Palestinian people, through all its social and political components, have been facing a massive genocidal aggression to Gaza and military operations no less deadly in the West Bank, where supremacy colonists and soldiers of the employment army abandon themselves daily to the worst excesses, with the aim of intensifying colonization and making life conditions unbearable for the majority of popular masses.
Arbitrary arrests, killings of activists, destruction of houses and other abuses are becoming increasingly the daily fate of all the Palestinians in the West Bank.
Of course, the imperialist states of the West lift, in one way or another, with the Zionist entity, orchestrale a propaganda campaign, justifying and supporting this criminal Zionist war, denigrating the main forces that oppose it all day And, above all, criminalizing here any initiative to support the struggle of the Palestinian popular masses and their fighters' avant -garde.
The imperialist bourgeoisie of this country, just as he celebrates the entry to the Panthéon of a heroic figure of the anti -fascist resistance (Missak Manuchian, Ndt), invokes, with all the shame, the "right of self -defense" of the occupant Zionist in the face of the Resistance of the Palestinian national movement.
Few voices in social -democratic intelligence remind the system guard dogs that the colonialist occupant has no legitimacy. The occupation and the army of employment, with everything that brings with it, are completely illegitimate. On the other hand, the occupant resistance in all its forms is the most legitimate and noble expression of the "right of peoples to self -determination".
Of course, it is very difficult to conceive this legitimacy when a special place has been preserved in your head for Marshal Pétain or for another no less execrable Marshal Bugeaud ...
Having said that, dear friends and companions, perhaps it would be useful to remember that active international solidarity is an indispensable weapon in the fight against the colonization of Palestine and the genocidal war that is intimately linked to it. It is on the basis of this active solidarity that we can participate in the change of strength relationships here, in the belly of the imperialist beast, and elsewhere, in the process of building the "historical social block", a global and potential subject of the national liberation movement.
Of course, not ignored that it was thanks to your active and solidarity mobilization that the "power agents" of capital have been forced to sell and revoke the ban on manifesting in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
In other words, despite the entire process of fascisting in progress in this country, the simple fact of mobilizing in solidarity on the international scene contributes, in a sense, to the strengthening of the "convergence of struggles" and to the structuring of the "historical social blockade "In view of taking his role as an active political subject.
If the imperialist bourgeoisie celebrates in these days the Pantheonization of Manouchian immediately after approving the "immigration law", it is because it mainly tries to erase and bury the values embodied by the struggle and martyrdom of all resistance fighters as a hand.
Dear friends, dear companions, from the beginning of the twentieth century to today, the Palestinian people have never stopped fighting the Zionist in settlement project. Several decades of struggle, sacrifice and suffering have shaped the Palestinian identity up to the marrow. The thousands of martyrs and prisoners and the hundreds of refugees in the fields, in Palestine and in the neighboring countries, have contributed to considerably complicating the existential conditions of the Palestinian people and consequently the objective conditions of its resistance.
In fact, it is only in the general framework of this "historical resistance" that the construction of the anti -medical political subject flourish and bloom, and it is precisely in this context that we can better grasp the dynamic articulation of its components and the various factors that structure the "will collective "to promote the anti -colonial, anti -medical and anti -imperialist action.
It is only in light of all this that today we can understand why "Palestine can only win", despite what at first glance appears as a huge imbalance in strength relationships: on the one hand there is the Zionist entity, organic extension of Western imperialism, and on the other the Palestinian popular masses who, for more than a century, have been people and continue to do so today, in the dynamics of a struggle whose place in play goes far beyond the boundaries of historical Palestine.
These people, who had to take the tasks historically due to all the Arab masses, in particular to those of the Arabic mashrek, found himself for more than a century in the grip of a particular type of colonial settlement, which prevented him from being socially being structured, Like any other population of the region, through the dialectic of the class struggle in a traditional way of colonial production.
These people defeated the entire colonial settlement policy implemented for over a century by the Zionist expression of the imperialist West. The ethnic cleaning of the land of Palestine and its indomitable inhabitants is more than a failure. More than half of the Palestinian people live today in historical Palestine.
The Zionist movement has never succeeded and will never be able to break the unshakable will of Palestinian women and men, young and old, to conduct the struggle on all fronts to free Palestine, all of Palestine. It is this historical resistance, deeply rooted in the collective memory, which constantly revives the Palestinian identity.
Dear friends, dear companions, despite the genocidal aggression on a massive scale against Gaza of these days, in which the tens and tens of thousands of martyrs and injuries have been added to the terrible widespread destruction of the entire living space of Gaza, the resistance remains Unexable, protected and embraced by popular masses.
Gaza will never bring the white flag of the surrender ... neither the Zionists nor any criminal force will ever be able to break the will of the resistance to Gaza.
We must never forget that it is from the bowels of these refugee camps in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan and Lebanon that the historic Palestinian fighter force has emerged: the Fedayyìn. Today more than ever, this resistance to the genocidal aggression is alive and brings the promise of the Fedayyin.
That a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish in support of Palestine and its promising resistance!
Solidarity, all solidarity, with resistants in Zionist prisons and in isolation in Morocco, Turkey, Greece, Philippines and elsewhere in the world!
Solidarity, all solidarity, to young proletarians in popular neighborhoods!
Capitalism is nothing but barbarism, honor to all those who oppose there in the diversity of their expressions!
Together friends and companions, only together we will win!
Palestine will live and Palestine will surely win!
To all of you, companions and friends, my warmest revolutionary greeting.