We get the next complaint of a company's base worker Recoverar S.A.S. We thank the partner to consider the voice of the exploited and oppressed, because it is. We take the opportunity to invite other workers to send their complaints against all outrage from the exploiters. We have common enemies and we must fight against them, organized and guided by proletarian ideology.
At the main plant of Recover S.A.S in Itagüí, a company that is dedicated to recycling, workers are facing workplace harassment by supervisors, through the complaint and union representation, and thanks to this, they have avoided that the work recharge increases and the work rhythm.
In meat food, workers are also doing the same, as they protect themselves from labor abuse of production because they are an obstacle to the employer who seeks to overexploot the workers.

The workers are acting well when denouncing and defending themselves; However, they must also form activist committees that allow them It seeks to generate fear and intimidation.
It is also important to link their struggle with others that are pounding their class brothers in other sectors of production or society against salaried slavery.
Therefore, some activists are promoting a national popular assembly to collect the most felt claims of workers and it is convenient to participate.