CE: Activists roam Ceará capital with pro -Palestinian leafleting - the new democracy

Author: Comitê de Apoio – Fortaleza (CE)
Categories: Plantão Palestina
Description: On March 2, the Ceará Front of Support for Palestinian Resistance held an important agitation with microphone, flags and leaflets to demonstrate international solidarity with the Palestinian people.
Link-Section: category/plantao-palestina/
Modified Time: 2024-03-04T16:44:56-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-04T16-44-44-03-00
Sections: Plantão Palestina
Tags: palestina
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-04T16:44:56-03:00
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On the morning of March 2, the Ceará Front of Support for Palestinian Resistance promoted an important agitation “in memory of the more than 112 murdered in the Flour Massacre, by the end of Zionism and the Assassin State of Israel and in defense of the Palestinian people and of the Palestinian National Resistance ”with microphone, Palestinian flags and pamphleting.

In addition to the hundreds of distributed pamphlets, part of the masses spontaneously demonstrated support for agitation, with sayings such as “Live Free Palestine!”. He captured special attention to the denunciation of the coverage of communication monopolies, which, like the great minions of imperialism, approached the flour massacre as a "confusion."

Agitation led pro-palestine solidarity to the streets of Recife. Photo: Database and

A Palestinian man who went through agitation gave his active support to protesters. In a private conversation, he revealed that his sister still lives in the West Bank and is under constant threat of the hordes of Zionist settlers.

In the speech, the Ceará Front of Support for Palestinian Resistance stated that it is the duty of all Brazilian democrats and internationalists to defend the Palestinian people and their national resistance. They also stated that pro-Palestinian mobilization should be intensified in the country, with agitation, leafleting, public debates and demonstrations.

Source: https://anovademocracia.com.br/ce-ativistas-agitam-capital-cearense-com-panfletagem-pro-palestina/