RS: Residents of São Sebastião do Caí protest against tolls - the new democracy

Author: Comitê de Apoio – Porto Alegre (RS)
Categories: Nacional
Description: On March 2, more than 100 residents of São Sebastião de Caí protested against the installation of a toll on RS-122. The mobilization occurred after two other protests with the same requirement.
Link-Section: nacional
Modified Time: 2024-03-04T17:11:07-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-04T17-06-23-03-00
Sections: Nacional
Tags: Luta Classista
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-04T17:11:07-03:00
Images: 000000.jpeg

On March 2, more than 100 residents of São Sebastião de Caí, Metropolitan Zone of Porto Alegre, blocked the KM 4 of the RS-122 highway against the installation of a toll that charges abusive prices for the residents of the city. This is the third protest in the region against the installation of the roads on the roads, which have the bidding of the company Caminhos da Serra Gaucha (CSG).

The concentration of protesters began in the morning at 9am. A huge police apparatus was mobilized to try to intimidate protesters. In contrast, drivers who were going through the journey honored frequently in support of the mobilization.

The toll, which will start operating this month, has the value of R $ 12.30 in both directions, and without exemption to the majority of the city's population, except for residents of only 3 neighborhoods of the municipality closer to the toll. For the Valley of Happiness region, where most people have to move to work to large cities such as Montenegro and Novo Hamburgo, the climate is of indignation and deep distrust in the municipalities and state government.

In February, the population of Capela de Santana, a neighboring city, blocked the highway In repudiation of the installation of other tolls of the same company in the region, citing abusive prices that many residents simply cannot afford. In September last year, Another protest occurred in gate .
