Blitz to the subway against violence, blocked and identified by the police in Rome 50 girls and young women - full solidarity

Description: Full solidarity! The detective repression of this state will not stop the necessary struggle against violence against women and the whole c ...
Published Time: 2024-03-04T19-31-00-01-00
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Full solidarity! The detective repression of this state will not stop the necessary struggle against violence against women and the whole condition of exploitation and double oppression ... around 8 March!
Feminist blitz in the metro of Rome, pink writings on walls and vagons: "Sister you are not alone". It would be at least 50 girls and young women who, at one week after March 8, broke into the metro of Rome. "Sister you are not alone", reads the wall after their passage. But also "less police, more transfeminism", "the witches are back". The blitz comes exactly one week from the date of March 8, the International Women's Day. The signature, as stated under some of the writings on the Metro walls, is of the Aracne assembly, a Roman student transfeminist assembly.

The group was then stopped by the agents, who intervened with an armored head

Alcune scritte nella stazione Marconi

Tgr Lazio
Metro B imbrattata con scritte femministe, 50 attiviste identificate dalla polizia
Tgr Lazio
