Palestinian panel was held in Hannover

Author: muhabirmehmet
Categories: Avrupa, Haberler, Manset
Description: Hannover | 04.03.2024 | Starting by Atif Hannover at 13.00 at 13.00, researcher/writer/politics ...
Link-Section: haberler
Published Time: 2024-03-04T99-99-98
Type: article
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Hannover | 04.03.2024 | A panel called Ati Palestinian Reality in the Middle East ”presentation, which started by Atif Hannover at 3 March at 13.00 and made a presentation of Süleyman Gürcan, the Chairman of the Researcher/Author/Political Scientist and Atiif Co -Chairman. In his speech, Volkan Yaraşır described the historical aspect of the Palestinian and Zionist Israeli state and also emphasized the intervention of the imperialist states and the resistance of the peoples of the region. Emphasizing that salvation is a socialist wave, Yaraşır talked about the relationship between German imperialism with Israel in his speech. The panel continued in the form of questions/answers after the presentations ended at about 16:00
