The Filo China Socialimperialist/ Vietnam capitalist line of some 'communist' groups ends up supporting imperialism and its war preparations
New developments in the cooperation between ASEAN and the European Union
important events that took place in Brussels at the beginning of the month
of February stressed the importance of cooperation between
ASEAN and the European Union, with Vietnam who played one again
turn a leading role.
- Of Giulio Chinappi
- 02/03/2024
- Foreign

At the beginning of February, Brussels hosted two important events aimed at strengthening cooperation between the European Union and the Region of Asia-Pacific , in particular with the member countries of the ASEAN , l’ Association of Nations of Southeast Asia : This is the third ministerial union ministerial forum - Indo-Pacific (IPMF-3) and the 24th Ministerial Meeting ASEAN-EU (AEMM).
Born as an initiative of UE dal 2022 , l' IPMF represents a meeting that is held annually to bring together the ministers of the foreign countries of the EU countries and the adoption to share prospects of cooperation between the two regions. The areas of cooperation priority so far have concentrated on inclusive prosperity e sustainable, on the transformation verde , on the governance of the oceans, on partnership relations and governance digital , on the connectivity , on the safety national and security Human .
Il ASEAN-EU ministerial meeting Instead, it is a two -year event that brings together the representatives of the governments of the member countries of two of the main regional blocks of the world.
As usual, the Vietnam He played a leading role in both events. Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son he played the role of main speaker at the round table on the topic "Green transition: collaboration for a sustainable future", As part of the IPMF-3. The diplomat expressed the availability of Vietnam to collaborate strictly with the EU in the construction of a Exemplary model of cooperation for green transformation, with the aim of supporting the development nations, including the Vietnam, in filling the gaps on finance, technology and training of human resources.
SơN also reiterated Vietnam's commitment in the mitigation of climate changes and in the green transformation , who saw the country face an important path in this sense Starting from the 26th conference of the parties of the Framework Convention of the United Nations on climate change (COP26) of 2021 , up to its recent recognition as one of the first three countries ad Establish a partnership for a right energy transition (Jetp), together with Indonesia and al South Africa .
Addressing attention to the new EU regulations on the transformation green, in particular the mechanism of adaptation of the emissions of carbon At borders (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, Cbam), established From the EU Regulation 2023/956 of 10 May 2023, SơN stressed that The policies and regulations of developed countries should create growth opportunities, instead of erecting new trade barriers, going in this way to limit a fundamental aspect for the growth of many developing countries.
From consequence, the Vietnamese representative urged the EU countries to assist Vietnam and other development nations in the green transition, sharing experiences and best practices e coordinating the construction of policies and mechanisms on trade e on the determination of the carbon price.
THE Ministers participating in the IPMF-3 have explored exhaustively solutions to integrate economic recovery and response to climate change in green transformation, guarantee safety energy and the social equity and strengthen the role of the partnership between the region of the Indo-Pacific and the European Union in these areas. They also have underlined that with the EU experience in the transformation towards green economic models, together with its financial resources, the cooperation in the green transformation will become a corner stone of the EU partnership with the countries of the Region.
Bùi Thanks Sơn also took part in the EMM, on the occasion of which he has advanced a series of recommendations on measures to intensify the cooperation between the two regional organizations of Asean e of European Union. Recognizing the positive progress in the partnership strategic between the two regional groupings, the Foreign Minister underlined the need for resolute and effective implementation of the decisions taken by the leaders at the Asean-EU commemorative summit in 2022 , in particular with regard to economic, commercial, investment, of the Sustainable Development and maritime cooperation. Also underlined the importance of promote new growth engines such as digital transformation, the energy transition, the green economy and the circular economy .
SơN also urged EU countries that have not yet done so rapidly ratify the EU-Vietnam investment protection agreement (Evipa) and further increase the effectiveness of existing cooperation paintings, including the EU-Vietnam free trade agreement (EVFTA). He then proposed that the EU supports Vietnam in the implementation of its resources mobilization plan for the Partnership for a right energy transition (Jetp).
"AND Asean and the EU must coordinate the efforts to guarantee peace, safety and stability in the ado-patient region, to strengthen multilateralism and promote dialogue and cooperation, thus strengthening an open, transparent, inclusive regional structure based on international law with Asean in the center, "said the Vietnamese diplomat.
In the complex, the two blocks underlined the importance of theirs strategic partnership established during the presidency of the ASEAN from part of Vietnam in 2020 , also recognizing the positive progress in the relationship. Currently, The EU is the third major partner of the Asean in terms of exchanges e foreign direct investments, while the latter is the largest third Commercial partner of the EU outside Europe. The ministers of the Asean considered the EU one of the main strategic partners of the block with positive contributions to the construction process of the ASEAN community. In the meantime, their EU colleagues have confirmed their support for the Centrality of Asean and have expressed the desire to enhance their cooperation and dialogue and the regular consultation, as well as to continue negotiating agreements of free trade with the other ASEAN countries after those stipulated with Vietnam e Singapore .
In the end, ASEAN and EU have agreed to implement effectively joint declaration of the commemorative summit of 2022 and the plan action for the period 2023-2027 . Their priority areas include economic-commercial cooperation, connectivity and autonomy of supply chains , the response to climate change, safety feeding and energy, the digital economy, innovation, the green economy and the green services, with the aim of establishing a free agreement Asean-EU exchange in the future.