Not anyone manages to successfully direct the masses to the point of the revolution, not anyone manages to stand out as a leader of the party during the recomposition of a country after a civil war, not anyone manages to lead a process of agricultural, technological and scientific industrialization and modernization in a country with more than 150 million inhabitants , not anyone effectively command the army that defeated fascism, not anyone manages to direct a project that made a semi -feudal country a world power in 30 years Not anyone has managed to constitute one of the most important and prominent leaders of the world working class throughout its history and be a reference even more than 70 years after their death; But Stalin achieved all this for the proletariat and much more.
He is probably the communist leader whom the world bourgeoisie has spent on defamations and dissemination of widely known historical lies, even today, 71 years after his death; But that has not been an obstacle to studying its invaluable contributions to communist ideology as well as the progress of Eastern Europe International proletariat is missing.
Since its debate between anarchists and communists, its correct interpretation of the national issue from the point of view of Marxism, through the collection and claim of Lenin's ideas for the progress of the revolution, reaching the valuable Internationalist characterization of the Socialist Revolution and the valuable explanation and theoretical dissemination of Dialectical materialism and historical materialism ; as well as the very important influence on the life and work of Mao Tse-Tung and the Asian communists, key to the development of the ideology of the proletariat: the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism . Its ideological and practical legacy is impressive, worthy of admiration and above all of a rigorous study that allows us, with the same scientific method of materialism, Extract and update all their contributions that are still served to the workers' struggle .
Stalin at the time was the enemy most feared by the international bourgeoisie, imperialist powers of the West and the fascist axis , because they knew that a man like Stalin meant an imminent danger to his domain of exploitation and misery; And even today, seeing that the workers, especially the youngest, continue to value and claim the figure so satanized and dirty of Stalin, are filled with despair to see that our class and their youth do not continue to swallow their misinformative garbage; And it is our duty as a struggle workers to claim the figure of Stalin and everything that meant for the cause of the world's oppressed, cause for which we are still raising today The Red Flag that the Red Army of workers and peasants led by Stalin raised in the center of Berlin defeating fascism .
As all men also wrong and made mistakes, but their contributions and legacy weigh much more and constitute a powerful tool for the fight we continue to fight, with Stalin as a reference, despite the bourgeois alienation, because as he himself said: «On my grave they will throw mountains of garbage; The wind of history will erase them inexorably » .